Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 852: Talking from the experience of the old breeder

Lion prides have their own hierarchy.

A typical lion group generally consists of 1 to 6 adult male lions, 3 to 12 adult female lions, and several young lions.

Most lion prides range in size from around 15 lions, although large prides of up to 30 lions are also common, and small prides of several lions are not uncommon, depending on the habitat and the availability of prey.

There is even an alliance of six male lions such as the Bad Boys Alliance.

The free combination situation is even worse than that of wolves.

It is precisely because of the high gregariousness of lions that lions are not so hostile to familiar faces that they often come into contact with.

If they are fed frequently, after a long time, they will also regard humans as part of the lion group. As long as they don't deliberately provoke them and challenge the leader of the lion group, even if it is a fight, it will be fine.

In contrast, cheetahs also have a special social structure.

[Wait, do cheetahs live in groups? How come I never heard of it? 】

[When I was a child, I watched the animal world, and it didn’t count if I brought a little cheetah, it felt like I lived alone]

[Cheetahs actually live in groups, which shocked my mother for a whole year]

Hearing Bi Fang talk about the gregariousness of cheetahs, many viewers were puzzled.

In everyone's impression, wolves and lions live in packs, but when did cheetahs live in packs?

The only memory is that the cheetah and its prey are running wildly on the prairie. Never seen a pack of wolves encircle them?

"Yes, but unlike the wolves and lions you see, cheetahs are relatively loosely social."

Bi Fang once again affirmed his statement.

"Among cheetahs, females typically live solitary lives with no-territorial behavior, but males vary widely in social and territorial behavior."

"They will form a permanent team of 2-4, and most of the cheetah hunting team members are brothers, but if it is profitable, there will be members who are not related by blood in the team, accepting strange cheetahs to join, especially in self-defense time, and work together to expel other predators."

"Not only that, even if unfamiliar cheetahs meet with cheetahs, they will look at each other, and only when they don't understand each other will they fight."

[What are you looking at? 】

[What are you looking at? 】

【Good guy, does this really exist? 】

"And cheetahs have very few records of killing their own kind, basically no cheetahs will kill their own kind, which is very rare among big cats."

Compared with the lions, which kill the cubs left by other males at every turn, the cheetah's move is simply an angel.

They will not kill each other simply to defend their territory or protect food, and even courtship does not rely on violent fighting to compete for mating rights.

[It's so warm and oily, I cried to death]

【When will the cheetah be free】

[In the next life, remember to reincarnate in the house of a person wearing a white catty, not only can you raise a cheetah, but you can also raise a lion and tiger (dog head)]

"In the final analysis, it is because cheetahs have high hunting efficiency, but their strength is not too strong. They know that injuries will greatly reduce the hunting success rate."

"About cheetahs, there has always been a saying in the market that 'three huntings do not necessarily lead to death'. I don't know if you have heard of it."

【what does it mean? 】

【Have not heard. 】

[The version I've heard seems to be five times? 】

[Damn, is this what I understand literally? 】

"That's right, literally. It means that if a cheetah fails to catch its prey three times, its life is over."

Hearing this, many audience members were in an uproar.

Why fail three times and die?

"Although this statement is absolute, the reality is not much better, because while the speed gives the cheetah an absolute advantage, it also creates a huge safety hazard."

"Cheetahs can sprint at a speed of 112km/h, but most of the time, the speed they use when hunting is usually around 64km/h. Even so, cheetahs cannot run for a long time."

"Although they are fast, they have extremely poor endurance. Exercising will accumulate a lot of heat in their bodies. Once they cannot be discharged in time, their lives will be in danger. Therefore, cheetahs often stop to rest after a while of chasing."

"In some documentaries, we can often see hyenas robbing cheetahs of their hard-earned prey, and cheetahs show no sign of resistance. The reason behind this is that cheetahs want to rest."

"After a cheetah finishes hunting, even if it catches the prey, it will not eat immediately, but chooses to rest for a while. This is because the cheetah at that time is too tired to eat."

"The hyenas in the same habitat will often take this opportunity to **** the cheetah's prey, and the cheetah can only stare blankly, watching the prey being snatched away."

[Damn it, why is the second African brother everywhere]

【Obviously so strong, but in the end he likes to rob others, not martial arts! 】

[This is natural, brother, whoever talks about martial arts with you, the one who survives is the boss. 】

"So scholars who study cheetahs have found that if a cheetah fails to hunt for three consecutive times, it may no longer have the strength to complete the next hunt, and its life becomes precarious."

The energy that the body can store is limited, and most of it is in fat, but the speed requirements of the cheetah make it unable to rely on fat to store a large amount of energy.

Three hunts is the maximum number of times a cheetah can completely deplete its energy. If it cannot be supplemented by food after three runs, then death is what awaits it in the end.

"The cheetah's hunting success rate is 58%. In theory, it only needs to hunt twice to be successful once."

"But the reality is very skinny. The cheetah has to face the pressure of other competitors. The lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, brown hyenas, etc. on the grassland are all staring at it, and the probability of being robbed is 10%."

"The survival of cheetahs is completely in the cracks, so cooperative hunting is the wise move for cheetahs."

In the African savannah, if you want to earn a place, you must be strong enough, or work together. During the long life, cheetahs have gradually developed the habit of cooperative hunting.

When they go out to look for prey, if several cheetahs meet, they will form an alliance for a short time and cooperate in hunting. After the prey has been captured and eaten, they will quickly separate and live alone, and they will cooperate together next time.

This situation is called "ephemeral clustering".

Cooperative hunting is undoubtedly a wise move. It not only saves energy to catch the prey, but also prevents the prey from being snatched by other competitors to a certain extent.

Therefore, it is easy to understand that cheetahs do not attack people. They do not attack people because of their habits. They are afraid of fighting and do not like to "make trouble". When socializing with cheetahs, they often leave a friendly and harmless impression.

At the same time, they have the two advantages of cat subfamily and sociality, making them the most well-deserved "feline animals."

Worldwide, no cheetahs have actively attacked humans.

In many documentaries in Africa, you can see pictures of cheetahs living peacefully with people, and even some cheetahs will take the initiative to run into sightseeing cars to have close contact with tourists.

While speaking, Bi Fang stood up, came to the center of the cage and sat down.

Now the distance between the two sides is no longer the longest diagonal line, but directly folds the distance in half.

This move immediately made Harley a little uneasy, and he stood up again after lying down after eating, and kept circling against the iron net.

"Cheetahs are very timid, and they will be scared away by the slightest movement."

"Because it doesn't have the size and weight advantages of predators like lions and tigers. Cheetahs sacrifice a lot of abilities that cats should have for extreme speed."

"Most cheetahs are straightforward and honest, so they are often bullied by other predators. Coupled with the low survival rate of cubs, the number of cheetahs cannot be expanded. Coupled with serious poaching, the number of cheetahs has directly increased. Sudden decline, difficult to recover."

"You know, at the beginning of the 20th century, there were still about 100,000 cheetahs in Africa; in 1975, zoologists found that the number of cheetahs was only about 14,000; It has dropped by half compared to more than 40 years ago."

"There are only about 7,000 cheetahs left in the wild."

"On the black market, the price of cheetah cubs is very expensive. One cub costs more than 30,000 U.S. dollars. Just imagine, when you see a young, defenseless cub playing in the grass on the grassland, what would you put on it?" ever?"

[To be honest, if you do something, there will be 200,000, it's not necessarily true (cover your face)]

[I feel that those local tyrants in the Middle East raise a lot of them. 】

"Because cheetahs are relatives, humans have a very long history of domesticating cheetahs. In 3000 BC, the Sumerians had already started domesticating cheetahs."

"In ancient Egypt, the cheetah was a symbol of royal power and dignity. People domesticated the cheetah and kept it close to the pharaoh, which symbolized the protection of the throne."

"The ancient Egyptians also believed that cheetahs could 'reincarnate' the dead pharaohs."

"It can be said that people who were able to own cheetahs in history were either rich or noble. This may be one of the reasons why cheetahs are sought after by some rich people today - to show their identity and status."

[In other words, if we want to protect an endangered animal, can we let go of the restrictions on their captivity and make them pets of the public, so as to save them from the danger of extinction? 】

Bi Fang shook his head.

"This is what I said at the beginning. The reason why the cheetah is not suitable for staying in the zoo is not because it is the king of speed and likes to gallop on the grassland. In fact, it is the nature of almost all animals to open their mouths and arms when they eat."

"The root cause is that cheetahs are extremely difficult to reproduce in captivity."

"According to ancient records, Emperor Akbar of India's Mughal dynasty raised about 9,000 cheetahs during his 40-year reign, but only one litter of cheetah cubs was born."

The probability of reproduction is one in a few thousand. It is conceivable that it is almost impossible to breed cheetahs in captivity.

"This is because cheetahs, like desert cats, fishing cats, and snow leopards, have poor adaptability to the environment, and they are easily affected by environmental changes and do not reproduce."

"Even today with more advanced technology and more advanced breeding techniques, people cannot make cheetahs reproduce stably under artificial conditions."

"So in zoos all over the world, lions and tigers are easy to see, but cheetahs are very rare. There are only about 10 zoos in China that have cheetahs, and there is almost no news about the birth of cheetah cubs in zoos. .”

"That's why Harley had to learn to hunt so he could return to the wild."

"Actually, the reason why humans cannot domesticate cheetahs is not because of its bad personality, but because it cannot reproduce. If this problem can be solved, cheetahs can definitely become a more successful domesticated animal than cats, second only to dogs. Alas, what a pity. "

Bi Fang thought of this and sighed.

Harley on the side walked around Bi Fang for a long time, seeing that Bi Fang was just sitting, and finally felt a little bored, and lay down again.

Seeing this, Bi Fang smiled.

It only took less than a day and a half, and he successfully narrowed the safe distance between the two parties to less than ten meters. This is definitely news worth celebrating.

Bi Fang is sure to get the big cat within three days.

Next, Bi Fang greeted a drone and walked away.

"Come on, the live broadcast will not be suspended in the middle of today. I will take you to meet a staff member who has worked here for more than 20 years and ask him to tell you about the attitude of lions, tigers, cheetahs, and leopards towards their owners. Let’s see if it’s the cheetah’s closest relative.”

[Good guy, true knowledge comes from practice! 】

[Awesome, Fang Shen can also combine theory with practice. 】

"His name is Zakshiz Barry. He used to work at the zoo. He almost took care of all the animals in the conservation center. I also met him by wandering here these two days."

Then, under the sight of the audience, Bi Fang found a staff member who was feeding the lions.

The staff member looked quite old, and half of his beard was white. Seeing Bi Fang's arrival, he threw the piece of meat in his hand over the iron net and greeted him warmly.

The lion in the iron net took the piece of meat and began to bite directly on the spot.

Bi Fang looked at it twice, and directly explained why he came.

"Oh, so that's the case." Barry lifted his peaked cap and laughed, "Then you have found the right person for this question. I have raised tigers, lions, bears, leopards, birds of prey, and dogs. Especially during the period of working in the zoo, not only Africa, but animals from all over the world can come into contact with them, and there are quite a few of them.”

"So where do we start?"

"Let's talk about the tiger first."

"Well, if tigers are raised from a young age, the average ferocity of humans is higher than that of lions, because they are solitary animals and generally do not have close relatives."

"However, if you raise them from a young age, you can raise them well, but no one in our zoo raises them like that. They are all a group of children who are waiting to be fed, and they don't have time to watch the little ones every day."

"There are only a few individuals that are well-behaved, and that is also a minority. Most of them don't like to talk to people. You can't be sure when it will suddenly come to you. A three-month-old tiger can already cause serious harm to people. "

"If a 4-month-old tiger cub eats meat, you just need to stretch out your hand to grab the meat, and 80% of the tigers will bite you."

"Of course, there are also a few individual tigers who are more gentle. I used to raise a tiger named Qiqi, who was very gentle. When she put her hand into her mouth when eating, she would not bite, and would just walk away silently. I touched it. The soles of her feet, at most she would hit me with her tail a few times or turn around to scare me."

"Generally speaking, I have raised more than 10 tigers in total. Among the more than 10 tigers, I have confirmed that only 6 will not attack me."

"What about the lion?"

"Lions are safer to people than tigers to a certain extent. They are social animals and you can become one of them."

"However, ligers and tigers are cats after all. The intelligence of cats is far inferior to that of canines and bears. You can't guarantee that they will go crazy one day and give you a sudden blow."

"But generally speaking, lions are safer than tigers, especially female lions, who can be touched. There are a few male lions with very violent tempers, more ferocious and violent than tigers, and some have good relationships with people, and even come to rub their heads on their own initiative. You then fell to the ground and let you touch him."

"Some of the lions I raise can be touched with confidence and boldness. I usually don't tease the male lions, because they have a bad temper."

"In the eyes of a lion, the owner who raised it from childhood may be a standing lion."

Hearing this, the audience couldn't help laughing.

"What about the leopard?"


Barry seemed to recall a bad memory, and then shook his head again and again, making the audience curious.

"It is almost impossible for a leopard to be a family member. This kind of animal has an extremely unstable personality. Even if it is raised from a young age, it is extremely dangerous."

"They are more dangerous than ligers, that is, they are smaller in size and less deterrent than ligers. If leopards had the size of ligers, it would be terrible."

"They are extremely violent and neurotic, and they are very hostile to people."

"You can search India. There are often leopards sneaking into villages to attack livestock and humans. This thing behaves very perversely. The few leopards I have raised for more than a year did not let me get too close. Very It is easy to attack people, if you make a movement that threatens the leopard, it will immediately explode."

"At first I thought it was something I did wrong, so I specifically consulted a few breeders. They told me that leopards have such a personality and are very unstable."

"It may be the nervousness caused by being bullied by ligers, tigers and hyenas all the year round. No one looks like a good person."

"In the eyes of leopards, there are no friends, only enemies and food."

"Tigers and lions are raised. I can kiss them on the cheek. Leopards are absolutely impossible. Anyway, I won't kiss them on the cheek."

"Even if it is raised from childhood to adulthood, it is basically useless unless tooth extraction and sterilization may be better. Don't even think about raising it normally."

[Good guy, is the leopard so cruel? 】

[Nervous, this description makes me a little scared]

[No wonder I haven't seen a local tyrant raising a leopard in the Middle East, I'm also afraid of feelings, hahaha]

"What about the bear?"

"Well." Barry pondered for a moment, "As far as bears are concerned, they are very intelligent."

"The black bears and brown bears I raise can turn on the faucet to drink water by themselves, and they can also drag the trough to the feeding place. I can feed a few smarter bears with my hands while eating, and they know not to bite their hands."

"In short, it's not a question of whether to kiss relatives or not, but that they have very high intelligence and can accurately distinguish between breeders and other personnel."

"However, one thing is that bears basically have no vision. They are blind, but their senses of smell and hearing are very strong, especially their sense of smell. They can smell if they are their breeders."

"And please be careful, don't reach into the cage to feed the bears in the zoo. No, it should be said that all animals are not allowed."

"Many silly bears can't tell if it's your hand or the food, maybe Gaba Gaba gnawed your hand."

"If we talk about raising them from a young age, bears are definitely better than tigers, because bears have higher intelligence. Personally, I feel that it is similar to raising a lioness from a young age."

"But bears are particularly irritable and aggressive during their rut."

"Generally speaking, if bears are raised from an early age, they can theoretically be raised to be more obedient. After all, the bear family is closely related to the canine family."

"If you have to say which one is docile, I personally feel that brown bears are slightly stronger than black bears, only a little bit."

"Besides, bears are extremely intelligent and often steal food from people. Therefore, bears are a very threatening creature. Don't touch them just because they are chubby."

"What about the last cheetah?"

Bi Fang finally asked about the cheetah, which was also the ultimate goal of this topic.

"Ha, cheetah, compared to the one above, it's completely an elf."

Barry laughed.

"I feel that they are similar to cats and have ambitions, but not much. If they are comparable, they are not as good as dogs. They are probably similar to tamed wolves."

"The wolf is a very sensitive and delicate animal. One of the wolves I raised before had a big fat man who was rejected by the wolves and became depressed and his tail became bald."

"I played with it every day to get better, and finally reshuffled the cards and mixed the pack of wolves together."

"If a wolf is raised from a young age, its intimacy is similar to that of a dog, but its obedience is far lower than that of a dog. After all, dogs have been domesticated, but wolves have not been If you don't raise them from a young age, wolves are very afraid of people. Aggressive ones will get better after a long time, so I think cheetahs and wolves are similar."

"In the eyes of wolves, the person who raised it is a real old wolf standing upright, and the two are clams on the same rope."

"In general, wolves and cheetahs are the safest and most friendly among these beasts, but that doesn't mean there is no danger. Some golden retrievers can bite people and cause serious injuries, let alone wolves?"

"Everyone, don't think that wild animals are safe. I can tell you clearly that it doesn't take 10 seconds for a tiger or lion to kill a person."

"Bears kill slower, and even eat a little bit of living people."

"These ferocious beasts are inherently dangerous. Don't be fooled by their cute appearance. Well, that's about all I know. It would be difficult for me to distinguish them from the structure of the animals. I just Have some experience."

After Barry finished speaking, he pushed the trolley full of pieces of meat and left here.

He has to go on to the next location to feed.

【Just have some experience】

【This experience is too rich】

[Too awesome, the protection center is full of hidden bosses]

[You have to be Fang Shen, you really know everything, you are only twenty-six, this uncle is over fifty, right?]

[Indeed, I can still watch live broadcasts for at least twenty years (laughs)]

On the morning of the third day, after the second feeding, Bi Fang finally felt that he should be able to have some physical contact with Harley.

(end of this chapter)

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