Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 773: dead sea

Live Adventure in the Wilderness Chapter 773: Sea of ​​Dead Silence

On the platform connecting the Viking and the aircraft carrier, Bi Fang took a bowl of seawater from the wooden bowl he had just drank, and then tore off a leaf from the palm leaf that wrapped the shark patties.

Wait a while, when the ripples in the bowl are smaller.

Bi Fang took off a small piece of paper clip and rubbed it vigorously on the hair, after a while, put it on the palm leaf, and gently sent it into the bowl.

A few seconds later, everyone could clearly see that the blades in the water turned!

After swaying from side to side for a while, it finally stopped in a certain direction.

Oh, cowhide, this is the compass, right?]

Rub the scalp to magnetize it, then put it in water, it will point to the earth’s magnetic field]

Bullfrog, it sounds simple, but it’s not easy when you think about it]

The whole process is not complicated, and the audience can understand it at a glance.

"Yes, this principle is similar to that of a compass. As for which side is facing south and which is facing north, it is easy to know by looking at the sun."

"It's just that although this trick is simple and a fool's operation, it has relatively large limitations. First of all, it must be as stable as possible, and the wind should not be too strong, so it is rarely used at sea, and more often in dense forests. , find a puddle, or anything else, it doesn’t have to be thin wire, long ones, iron will do.”

third day.

There were no birds in the sky, Bi Fang put away his fishing rod, and there was nothing on it.

"It seems that we have completely entered the circulation range, and our progress is still very fast."

The straight-line distance is about 2,800 kilometers, and Bi Fang expects to arrive within 20 days, which is equivalent to running 140 kilometers a day. Taking into account the wind direction and error, it may reach the level of 16 or even 180.

At first glance, it seems that seven or eight kilometers per hour is enough, but sleep time and various accidents are included in it.

The task is still relatively arduous.

fifth day.

Bi Fang was bored and hid under the canvas. He was exposed to the sun for several days, which made his skin a little red and even flakes. Now he tries to wear the canvas as much as possible every day.

Due to the time for preparation in advance, materials and even garbage on Easter Island can be used, which reduces the difficulty of the entire task by more than one level.

Bi Fang even began to think that the system might be wrong, and the current situation is completely unworthy of being t4!

Since food and water resources are basically sufficient, there is no basic motivation.

But Dugu really felt it.

Even if he lived in the North Pole for a hundred days, Bi Fang couldn't feel it as deeply as he does now.

Dead silence.

There was a dead silence.

There is no life at all.

There are no fish in the ocean, not a single bird in the sky, and there are only endless oceans around.

Fortunately, there are audiences who can accompany him to relieve boredom.

sixth day.

Bi Fang unfurled the triangular sail and advanced for several hours, stopped to rest at noon, and took a look at the number of viewers in the live broadcast room.

It dropped another notch, only about three million.

If other anchors knew what Bi Fang was thinking at this time, they would definitely want to beat him to death.

Chatting one after another, Bi Fang felt that this could no longer be the case. He stood up from the boat and lifted the canvas, which immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

What's up, what's wrong? 】

What could be the matter, I can see it, the birds around here don’t shit, nothing will happen at all]

Indeed, I feel that this live broadcast is so boring, there is no adventure]

It is already very happy to see Fangshen, watching him pull the rope and control the sail, hehehe]

What slut]

"I'm going to go to the sea to have a look and see if there is really no life near Point Nemo."

Bi Fang found a length of hemp rope and tied it around his waist.

Hearing this, the slightly silent live broadcast room finally came alive.

Sit in the front row]

Are you finally moving? 】

By the way, why is the weather here so quiet, not even a storm]

"I dived once on Easter Island. At that time, everyone should be very impressed with the water quality there." Bi Fang tied the rope, came to the edge of the boat, and took a look. The visibility was still high.

Indeed, I have never seen such clean sea water]

The sea water here is muddy and ugly. I always thought that blue sea water didn’t exist at all]

The pollution is too serious]

"That's not true." Bi Fang, who saw the barrage, denied this statement, "Many civil sciences like to attribute all environmental problems to pollution. The main cause of this problem is actually not pollution, but complex hydrological factors. combined effect."

"I won't explain in detail how, the most important thing now is to go into the water and have a look."

"Since the birth of the primitive ocean, the desolate and dead earth has been unique, especially since primitive life appeared in the sea, the earth has become a bright pearl in the universe."

"It is no exaggeration to say that there is no life without water. It's just that some places are special. Although they can't be called dead, the biological richness is pitifully low compared to other places on the earth."

"Because of the circulation and the absence of islands in the South Pacific, there is almost no organic flow into and it is completely silent."

"I don't know if anyone still remembers the Sargasso Sea I mentioned before. The situation there is similar, but the area is much smaller than the South Pacific Ocean."

Remember, that time in the Atlantic]

The Sargasso Sea seems to be in the Atlantic Ocean]

"The so-called transparency of seawater refers to using a white disc with a diameter of 30 centimeters to sink vertically into the water in a place where the sun cannot directly shine, until it reaches an invisible depth."

"The Sargasso Sea near the Bermuda Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean is recognized as the clearest sea in the world. Its transparency reaches 66.5 meters, and in some sea areas, the transparency reaches 72 meters. Whenever it is sunny, put the photographic film at a distance of more than 1,000 meters. The film is still photosensitive in the depths of the ocean. This is unmatched by all other sea areas.”

"Although the South Pacific is not to such an extent, the transparency is at least 50 meters above, so the feeling it brings is completely different."

After finishing speaking, Bi Fang took a breath and jumped into the sea.

The drone overlooked from a high altitude, and a white wave splashed beside the Viking.

The perspective of the live broadcast room is automatically switched from the first perspective.

When the silver bubbles on the screen dissipated, a transparent and indescribable ocean world appeared in front of everyone.

Today is still a sunny day, and the transparent texture is brought to the extreme. Everyone's first impression is beauty.

But after waiting for a while, everyone felt an indescribable weirdness.


It was so quiet.

During the live broadcast, Bi Fang’s voice was used as an adjustment, but after going deep into the ocean, after entering the first-person perspective, the feeling of being alone and dead was maximized.

Everyone's back seemed to have climbed a cold poisonous snake.

When Bi Fang looked down, the sense of endless abyss caused the poisonous snake to explode its scales.

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