The silent woods were mingled with monotonous chopping sounds, occasionally mixed with dog barks. Bi Fang, who took off his coat, smashed the stone hammer down, and the wooden wedge under the stone hammer was further embedded in the tree, and it was hot and dry.

The rustling snow fell on his shoulders, and it quickly melted into water stains under the warm body temperature, but Bi Fang could not feel the cold at all. of severe cold.

After dozens of beatings, the fourth wedge was inserted into the tree, and the tree was almost completely broken, but it still did not bring the tree down, it was just a little bit closer.

The rough big hand tightly held the polished and smooth wooden hammer handle, and the strong forearm muscles were tightly bound, contracted and relaxed, and under the support of strong bones, the strength gradually progressed.

The stone hammer was lifted to the highest point, and finally, driven by the muscles of the forearm, it drew a semi-circle and hit it precisely on the wooden wedge.


The crack penetrated the bark and made a crisp sound. The bark that lacked moisture in the extremely cold region was dry and crisp, like a piece of fried crispy pig skin.

After a sway, the completely broken huge pine slowly fell to one side, and the last remaining snow on the branches slanted down.

Like falling on cotton ground, a large amount of snow was flying, and the choking smoke and dust were everywhere, but it was not uncomfortable because it was all snowflakes.

After a while, Bi Fang walked out of the woods carrying the log and threw it on the snow, his cheeks flushed slightly, whether it was because of the cold or too much physical exertion.

Bi Fang did not choose the construction site of the wooden house beside the river, but chose a relatively open area about 30 meters away from the river bend.

The snow on the ground was cleaned up early, revealing the gray-white soil. The trees that Bi Fang had cut down were piled up on the soil. There was a two-meter deep pit next to it. Bi Fang and Sansha dug together. from.

The deep pit has no special function and meaning, but Bi Fang had a whim after digging out the peat soil, and wanted to see if there was anything under the valley. The result surprised him, and it was.

It’s just that compared to the digging when the blizzard broke out, the peat soil here was buried very deep. It was more than one meter dug, and it was only found after nearly two meters. Compared with normal peat soil, it was already a relatively deep level. .

Very good, you don't have to worry about fuel in the future.

Bi Fang put down the logs from his shoulders and patted the sawdust on his hands. For him, these peat soils were inexhaustible.

Large and small logs have been cut off with redundant branches and neatly stacked together, but this is just the beginning, and further trimming, cutting, and digging out the corresponding tenon-and-mortise structure are required.

There is no exclusive tool, although it is not impossible to complete it with only a dagger, it will undoubtedly be more troublesome, and it is a long and complicated process, and even the audience is a little tired.

"Because the wood doesn't have slots, a frame needs to be built to hold the wood up."

Bi Fang selected suitable wood to bury in the soil and compacted it.

"First, collect 14 strong wooden poles between two and three meters. Bury three wooden poles in each of the four corners, which will take a total of 12 logs."

"Bury the wooden poles twenty to thirty centimeters underground, compact the surrounding soil, and fix the wooden poles. Insert two more wooden poles more than half a meter to the left of the right front corner. This area will become the doorway. Note that all support poles are fixed so that they can support the horizontal wooden poles to form the shelter wall.”

Bi Fang was very serious, driving the sharpened wood at the bottom into the ground, and finally shaking it, it was very firm.

Again, it is an extremely exhausting process.

[Woodworking Fangshen is online]

【Learn another craft】

[Can you really learn, I feel you are lying to me]

【I was discovered by you (dog head)】

From felling to clearing the ground to driving in all the stakes, the day went by.

"I'm so tired, I'm here today, I'm going to rest."

Tired Bi Fang closed the live broadcast.


Today the sun didn't show even a corner, and at noon Bi Fang looked at the distant skyline.

Yesterday, I was still wandering between showing a corner and just having light, but today it really is just light.

With a sigh, Bi Fang pushed the stake that he had fixed. It was very firm. After he ran for three meters, he didn't even move when he hit it.

"Once all the support poles are installed, the wood can be stacked horizontally between them. The wood is reinforced with a 'mortar' made of just the right amount of grass and silt to seal up the gaps."

Although Bi Fang cut down not many trees, each tree can be formed into several sections, which is enough for use.

"To make a grass mud mortar, you mix together equal parts silt and a fibrous material such as hay, straw or ferns. When dry, the mixture works like superglue."

Bi Fang dug a small hole in the snow on the side, and poured river water, silt from the river, some ferns and torn bark into it.

"The back wall of the wooden house should be higher than 1.5 meters, and the front wall should be higher than 2 meters. The drop is large enough to avoid being crushed by snow and eventually collapse."

Bi Fang placed a piece of wood across the front wall and the doorway, supporting it with the side walls.

Finally, he smeared a large amount of prepared mortar on the inside and outside of the wall. Under the cold wind, the mortar quickly solidified and turned into a dull gray-white.

Bi Fang placed the wood side by side on top of the bunker, at right angles to the doorway, until it was completely closed.

All gaps were then closed with earth mortar and covered with clipped leaves from sod and logs.

"If you're going to have a fire in a log cabin, make sure the vents are big enough to open and close, and you can make the door from any suitable material, or you can choose to build a wooden door from existing materials."

"But most of the time it's needed because the bunker you're building will be your home, so it's important to have a fire area."

"With fire, there is light for heating, cooking and entertainment. But if used incorrectly, it can cause a fire, and people can even die."

"Before igniting the bunker, make sure the vents are functional and smoke exhausted to prevent suffocation and carbon monoxide poisoning."

“Good fire pits are usually located between the door and the center of the shelter. This location does not interfere with the use of the back of the shelter. For best results, dig a circular fire pit less than half a meter in diameter and a little deeper, preferably More than two meters, then lay stones on the bottom and sides."

When Bi Fang built the wooden house, a hole flowed out on the outer wall, and the rock mixed with the mortar made a protruding outlet, which was to build a fire pit at this time.

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