Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 656: The first artifact of the whole server

The seventh day of survival in the North Pole.

When Bi Fang pushed aside the snow and walked out of the dark cave, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The blizzard that has been raging for nearly four days is finally over. Looking ahead, the whole world is once again covered with snow.

The rocks that were originally exposed, symbolizing the arrival of the tundra, also disappeared completely, as if returning to the ice sheet again.

This blizzard is not unusual, more like a signal before the arrival of eternal night.

Bi Fang took a breath and looked at the sun hanging diagonally on the horizon. In any low latitude area, the sun height at this time could even be called dusk, but in Greenland, it was already high noon.

"In all my adventures, I've never been so weak."

Walking onto the land, Bi Fang, who was breathing heavily, was slightly panting now. In a slightly excited mood, the oxygen supply was somewhat insufficient. Fortunately, Bi Fang adjusted in just a few breaths.

Oxygen uptake has always been Bi Fang's strength.

For seven days, I only ate some lichen and moss. In addition to the feeling of satiety, the energy obtained was pitiful, and more of it was actually trace elements, but these things were not the most important thing for survival.

Bi Fang needs fat, with a huge amount of fat, and every bite can bring enough calories.

Fish, fox, reindeer, mouse, anything.

But at this time it is difficult to find mammals, people are afraid of cold, and animals are also afraid.

"In order to adapt to the environment, animals have thick fur and a layer of fat a few centimeters thick, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of cold. On the contrary, once they sense the change of the weather, these polar animals know better than humans how to preserve their own fat. , so after a blizzard, you can hardly see the prey."

"On the one hand, the blizzard wiped out everything, all traces disappeared, and the difficulty of finding prey was doubled. On the other hand, these smart aborigines ran away early, and it took three days for them to run out of the blizzard. ."

"Fairy Wood"

"If you want to find prey to replenish energy, marine fish is the easiest and most likely prey to catch, and it is also our first choice."

After a few simple analyses, Bi Fang decided what to do, and it was the only option with a higher probability of success.

Changes in polar climates often cause large prey such as reindeer, seals and whales to migrate elsewhere or periodically abandon their original habitat, and prey populations fluctuate wildly.

This is an objective fact.

This fact directly determined the fate of the Native Americans who lived by hunting.

Although the Inuit have survived for eight centuries since their arrival in Greenland, they can still be affected if their prey populations change.

Archaeologists have found that many Inuit igloos were frozen to death, like time capsules, and the bodies of the family were frozen inside, as lifelike as ice withered.

Most of them failed to survive the test of a certain cold winter, starved to death in an igloo, and finally became living ice withers.

It may not be accurate, because no one can tell whether they starved to death first, froze to death first, or both.

Even in the Danish colonial period, the Inuit, who were often alone, staggered to the Danish settlements, saying that all the people of the tribe had starved to death, and he was the only one left.

Bi Fang's tone was no longer strong than the previous days, but it was still clear. Suddenly, everyone seemed to see the snowstorm last night again.

In the wind and snow, an indistinct figure went from Mohu to clear. The person who came, spoke unskilled Danish, and asked the Danes who came here to ask for some bread that was frozen like a stone, or something else. what to eat.

When it comes to relatives being frozen into ice, the man's face does not have any fluctuations, because he is used to such situations.

Under this blizzard, the man has seen no less than three igloos that were also completely sealed, deeply buried in the ice and snow. There was no smoke coming out of the houses, only the cold air emitting.

The man didn't have it, and didn't want to open it. He knew what it was like inside, maybe one, or many, but there would always be no living people.

For nearly a thousand years, there have always been people who died like this.


No, any extreme emotions require a lot of energy, and men don't have that much energy to generate these emotions.

Crying burns about 1.3 calories per minute, and ten minutes burns 13 calories.

Laughing can also burn calories, 10-15 minutes can burn up to 40 calories, and laughing 365 days a year is enough to lose 4 pounds.

Superfluous emotions are expensive in the face of survival.

Human survival is not an easy task. It takes a lot of work to obtain the material for food, clothing, housing, and transportation. When survival is not satisfied, emotions are superfluous. Therefore, beasts never have extremely abundant emotions like humans. Survival is very difficult, how can I have the energy to cry and laugh?

In the cruel polar world, there is no difference between humans and animals.

Such a picture appeared in the audience's mind invariably, and all shivered, it was terrible.

[Wow, I passed hope once again, Lao Fang]

[Death is like the wind, always with me]

[I feel that Boss Fang has lost a lot of weight (dog head)]

[squeezed dry by the North Pole]

【So where are you going to find fish? 】

"Continue to go inside." Bi Fang dug out the cave he had dug hard, and the entire roof collapsed suddenly, erasing the traces of Bi Fang's stay.

"Continue to go inside, the living environment will be much better, and it is possible to find a river, where the ice surface will not be too thick, it is possible to cut open, and river fish are much easier to catch than sea fish."

Putting the backpack on, Bi Fang continued to trek.

As the world's largest island, Greenland's total area has reached an astonishing 2.1756 million square kilometers, nearly one-third of Australia's, approaching a continent.

Even the International UNESCO stipulates that all land areas larger than Greenland are collectively referred to as continents. It is with this academic standard that the earth is divided into six continents.

So it is not surprising that there are many rivers on the island.

And even on the ice sheet, there will be many weak spots. In summer, it will even melt into a river on the ice sheet. In those weak spots, they can be dug up for fishing, but it is very dangerous.

"The thickness of the ice surface frozen by natural rivers is impossible to be consistent, especially in recent years, the greenhouse effect has intensified, and many ice surfaces have become extremely thin. The load-bearing capacity of this ice surface cannot be observed with the naked eye. When you go out and try to see if the ice is solid, you're actually joking with your life."

“The Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else on Earth, and some predict that by 2050, the annual average temperature in the Arctic will increase by 4°C, and the sea ice will be completely lost in the middle of the summer. So it is not completely here. It's safe, and the chances of falling into a glacier and surviving are much smaller than in normal rivers."

"In 2016, a man in Anshan was skating on the Wanshui River under the Shuguang Bridge when the ice broke and fell into the river. He unfortunately died. Some people threw branches into the water. Because the man was physically weak and the river was too cold, He drowned before he could reach the branches."

[It's starting, it's starting, Fang Shen's "Foreshadowing"]

[Ah this, Anshan, it's right here with us, I seem to have some impressions]

【Fell into the glacier, you will freeze to death without drowning】

"Unlike normal rivers, once you fall into the glacier, under the action of extreme cold, the blood vessels in the whole body will suddenly contract, and you will feel an electric shock, which usually disappears within three minutes."

"Then the body will have a trunk reflex stimulated by the cold water, causing you to constantly hyperventilate, resulting in a rapid increase in heart rate and a brief shock."

"So you have to control your breathing rate and avoid gasping. Then you have to deal with hypothermia, because the body loses heat 32 times faster in cold water than in air."

"In fact, this is also the most dangerous place. You may lose consciousness due to hypothermia without waiting for the shock to disappear."

Bi Fang adjusted his physical strength with his breathing, while searching around.

The blizzard that had been falling for four days in a row was so heavy that there was hardly anything to collect on the ground.

All the bushes collected before have been burned as fuel, so Bi Fang now has no material to make snowshoes. Walking into the snow is quite exhausting, and every foot is like pulling a plug.

Shaking his head, Bi Fang continued to chat with the audience.

"In the first moment of falling into the water, you need to remove as much weight as possible, but don't take off your clothes immediately, because the air in the clothes can support you to float and temporarily keep warm."

? ? ?

This sentence suddenly overturned the audience's common sense, don't take off your clothes after falling into the water?

[Fang Shen, did you say something wrong? 】

【How do you feel that it is different from what I have learned.......】

【Don't take off your clothes? After the clothes are soaked in water, it will increase, and it is colder and unable to swim at all! Mistaken son! If you don't even have some common sense, don't come out and broadcast live, okay? 】

Most of the audience felt puzzled, and even a very small number of new audiences might be Heizi, and even more so that Bi Fang was misleading his children.

Bi Fang shrugged, but he didn't care about those who sprayed. He had thousands of fans, even one in a thousand black fans, more than 100,000 fans, more fans than the average anchor. This kind of barrage basically every time I can see it every time, I really care that I can't exhaust myself.

"Falling into the water and undressing, this is a mistake of thinking inertia, and it is not based on the actual situation."

"First of all, there are clothes of sufficient thickness on the body in winter. Clothes with fine fabrics such as nylon, cotton, shirts, jackets, etc. can be waterproof and play a role in isolating the body. The down jacket contains a lot of air so that the person who falls into the water will not sink temporarily, and the body will not sink. You won't immediately feel the cold from the icy cold water."

"On the contrary, some wool fabrics are easy to absorb water, and they will indeed become heavier and heavier, and they should be taken off, but... do you have time to take them off? Do you still have the strength to swim after taking them off? And wool products are basically Underwear, right? In winter, I think everyone has at least three pieces of clothing, can they take off within one minute?"

A series of three questions stopped the audience.

Yes, it will get heavier and heavier, but do you have to take off the weight?

This is ice water, and their physical strength is rapidly declining. Most people are in a state of fear at the moment. They have to calm down and take off their jackets one by one. Are you sure that you are not reincarnated in advance?

On the contrary, the heavy objects on the body, such as backpacks, are easy to take off, and they must be thrown away.

In fact, with the quality of modern clothes, a large winter coat, even if it falls into the water completely, it is difficult to fill it with water at once, at least in minutes, and it can even act as a life jacket.

"Even after the clothes are filled with water, we don't need to take them off. It can block the circulation of water. Have you ever played with water? Reaching out into the ice water, is it colder when you don't move, or colder when you move?"

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows this. Obviously, it's colder to move.

After the body temperature increases the water temperature, once it swims, a water cycle will be formed, and the cold water that has not been raised will wrap the body again, but wearing clothes will isolate such a water cycle to a certain extent.

Furthermore, even if it increases the weight, it does not feel obvious in the water. Only at the moment of landing, will it be so heavy that it cannot move. It is supported by buoyancy in the water, and it is not so heavy that it is difficult to support the bottom.

So no matter from which angle you look at it, it's all right. UU reading

The water friends suddenly realized.

[Grandma's, so what I always thought was wrong! ? 】

[Learned, learned, another survival trick. 】

【Fang God is awesome!

[I have reason to suspect that the next part is the practical part]

"Without practical exercises, I would freeze to death."

Bi Fang sneezed again. If he was in the state he had just arrived, it would be fine to go into the water by himself. Now that he has a cold and is weak, there is a real possibility of an accident, so it is better to be careful.

While Bi Fang was explaining the key points of survival in the Arctic to the audience, he finally found the materials he could use after walking all the way.

"Hey, look what I found."

Bi Fang pulled his feet out of the thick layer of snow, turned around, and walked towards a black spot on the ground.

There was snow everywhere, and a black spot suddenly appeared. There must be something different.

When Bi Fang came to the black spot, he took a look at the snow.


A long branch!


The audience took a deep breath. The global greenhouse effect suddenly intensified the points. The melting speed of the glaciers in the Arctic accelerated, and they fell into the ice from a high altitude, causing waves to startle cruise ships passing by.

Unexpectedly, the water friends can see long-lost old friends in the desolate Arctic!

Bi Fang was slapped by Xuehua Lake, wiped it clean, and pulled out the whole branch.

A rather thick branch with many forks on it is a good material for sticks!

[Obtaining an artifact, the chance of survival this time increases by 100%, the chance of obtaining food is increased by 100%, and the chance of finding a river is increased by 100%! 】

【Finding the stick is victory! 】

[Full server announcement: Congratulations to player Bi Fang for obtaining the only designated artifact on this server, a dry branch. 】

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