Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 639: Arrive in Greenland

In order to save space, the stairs on the ship are generally very steep, and the floor height of the room is only two meters, and pipeline cables and insulating materials must be laid on the top.

After setting up the bed table and chairs, the room is basically full.

Bi Fang passed through the chair and the wooden table, and sat beside the bed. The whole bed was a standard single bed, and it was narrower.

It's not unreasonable for the bed to be small. When sailing at sea, the bed should be narrow enough to just jam your body.

Experienced crew members will stuff pillows and blankets at the head of the bed early, so that in the event of a storm, they can hold the edge of the bed with both hands and push their feet against the wall at the end of the bed, so that they will not be thrown to the ground.

Outside the room, the corridor on the ship barely meets the minimum standard stipulated by international conventions - 0.7 meters.

The two met across the hallway, one of them had to lean sideways against the wall before the other could pass.

As for entertainment, there are few public places other than restaurants.

It's strange that as a cruise ship, the fare will be so cheap.

Bi Fang sighed in his heart, and this is the only condition for a fishing boat to be a cruise ship.

If it was before, then the crew would have to stay in such an environment for a full two or three years of sailing, and it would be much easier to become a cruise ship, and the income would be relatively stable.

Most people imagine life at sea as a long vacation: eating raw fish, blowing the sea breeze, sunbathing, like in Hawaii every day.

The first few are indeed the case, and it is also the biggest selling point of this "cruise ship". As a fishing boat change, the cruise ship retains some fishing functions.

In the Arctic Ocean, there is almost no industrial pollution here. You can catch seafood and eat the best sashimi without any seasoning, which is soft and sweet.

Not long after boarding the boat, Bi Fang ushered in an unprecedented bumper harvest—120 catties of fish.

He has never eaten such delicious Arctic shrimp sashimi, which melts in the mouth and tastes sweet and glutinous.

But once you've got three meals a day like this, it's going to last for years...

Thinking about it this way, the captain who decided to refit at the beginning was indeed quite courageous. When he became a cruise ship, he could only enjoy the beauty.

Bi Fang took out the backpack, took out the two certificates from the innermost mezzanine, and looked over and over.

He took out two certificates.

One is a hunting share ration for polar bears and one is a hunting permit for seals.

This was given to him by the researchers at the Yellow River Station.

Bi Fang recalled that the night before, the front desk of the hotel suddenly called him and said that someone was looking for him. At that time, Bi Fang was still curious about who would come to such a remote city to find him.

It turned out that it was a compatriot from the Yellow River Station.

The purpose of coming to him is to send the two license certificates in front of him.

From a literal point of view, it is very simple, Bi Fang can hunt polar bears and seals, and it is a regular and legal way.

Greenland is also one of the bases of polar bears, and Bi Fang is very likely to encounter them. This is a very curious animal, especially in the autumn, when it tries to accumulate fat.

Once a conflict breaks out, no one can predict what the outcome will be.

As for seals, the same is true. A seal may save a life at a critical moment. Whether it is its warm fur or the fat-filled seal meat, the heat and help provided are extremely huge.

Don't underestimate the determination of mankind to protect the North and South Poles. Its determination is so firm and even shocking.

There is such a regulation in the Antarctic Treaty.

"If you didn't get a 'permit to kill a seal' before you went to Antarctica, can you kill a seal to feed your hunger if you die and starve to death?"

The answer - to everyone's surprise: "You can't kill seals to feed your hunger."


Yes, anyone would find it incredible.

The regulations are already detailed to such an extent, do you still think that the determination of human beings to protect the Antarctic ecology is a child's play?

If the content feels empty as if it were unfamiliar advice from a distant planet, then maybe it's because your world hasn't opened up to the ends of the earth.

Of course, that is the Antarctic Treaty, and Bi Fang is going to the North Pole now. Even if the Arctic Treaty is already being formulated, at least there is currently no such strict regulation, but ordinary people are prohibited from hunting.

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Except for Canadian children, only the research centers and the local indigenous Inuit can get the killing license.

Killing polar bears and seals is the means of survival for the Inuit people, and it is a link in the natural and normal food chain. Just like polar bears killing seals, it is only natural and no one will stop them, and even so, the annual share is fixed. of.

No matter how the polar bear dies, the quota will be consumed.

This time, it was the Yellow River Station, and the quota of one polar bear and three seals was given to Bi Fang, which was a helping hand.

All in all, a big help.

Bi Fang solemnly put the two certificates into the mezzanine of the backpack. This is a great favor. Although he may not use it, he remembers it in his heart.

Sure enough, you still have to rely on your own people when you go out.

For the next few days, Bi Fang stayed on the boat, UU reading getting closer and closer to Greenland.

After the tourists on the boat passed the initial freshness, they regarded Bi Fang's daily live broadcast for several hours as a regular program activity.

At the end of each day, they will appear on the deck together to listen to Bi Fang's explanation of human history and anecdotes of the Arctic explorers of the past dynasties.

Everyone was like back to their boyhood class, only this one was more interesting and more beautiful.

During the days on the boat, Bi Fang's most profound influence was probably going to the toilet.

Walking into the bathroom, the boat swayed, and squatting was unsteady.

In the end, Bi Fang concluded that it is necessary to choose a calm day when going to the toilet, otherwise constipation is very likely.

After passing through the Fram Strait, the effect of the warm current in the North Atlantic has been minimal, and the temperature is dropping almost every day, not because of the proximity of winter, but just a change in geographical location.

From about zero degrees on Svalbard to minus twenty degrees in the strait, it is now as low as minus thirty degrees.

Bi Fang has no doubt that the temperature after landing on the island will drop below 35 degrees, and by the end of the Eternal Night, there may be ultra-low temperatures below 60 degrees.

After several days of sailing, this morning, the captain sent a sailor to knock on Bi Fang's door to inform him.

The northernmost tip of Greenland has arrived.

Bi Fang stood up and looked out of the dark porthole.

Although it was only the morning of normal time, the sky was still dark, and there was a deep water-green ribbon in the sky, slowly fluttering like a dream bubble.

is the aurora.

Today is a good day when the aurora comes, and it will be two hours before dawn, but at this time, the silent iceberg in the dark night has ushered in the first natural light, and the whole sky is reflected in an indissoluble green.

"Looks like a good day to land on the island."

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