Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 636: midnight visitor

Under the starry sky, the snow field is not dark.

Snowflakes are crystalline structures, and the snow on the ground is like a mirror that reflects the surrounding light

Under the starlight, every uplifted snow-capped mountain glowed with dim light. Occasionally, a huge figure could be found running on it. It was a polar bear that came out to feed at night.

From October to fall, polar bears need a lot of foraging to survive the winter, when they are most active.

The flickering green light of the Doomsday Seed Vault in the dark night,

The engine made a low roar, the heat generated by the combustion of the fuel quickly diffused into the entire off-road body, the prisms on the exhaust pipe slowly melted, and clear water droplets fell and froze again on the ground.

It seemed that he heard the roar of the car, and the polar bear, who was running on the snow field, suddenly stopped, turned around and approached Bi Fang.

Seeing this, Bi Fang subconsciously reached out and touched the hunting knife on the side of his thigh.

The bears had killed too many, and when they saw them approaching, they subconsciously wanted to draw their swords.

"NONONO!" Barrett explained quickly.

"Don't be nervous, it's a normal reaction."

Bi Fang was taken aback: "A normal reaction?"

Which is normal.

Bi Fang saw with his own eyes that the polar bear went from jogging to galloping, with flying hair on his body, which was obviously an expression of extreme excitement.

Is this normal?

So far, the beast that Bi Fang has dealt with the most is the bear. Although polar bears have never faced each other, as a unified subfamily, there is not much difference between the two, especially brown bears and polar bears. For 600,000 years, there has been no reproductive isolation.

They all have abnormally developed acromion, which is a structural feature formed by the attachment of shoulder muscles. The developed shoulder muscles drive the front paws to swing with great force.

The claws of polar bears are more than 5 centimeters, which are shorter than brown bears and slightly longer than black bears, but they are better than sharp.

The claws of brown bears and black bears are very blunt, but the claws of polar bears are extremely sharp, which is an adaptive evolution for walking in ice and snow.

Strong and powerful, coupled with the sharp effect, polar bears can easily tear apart armor plates with a thickness of more than 5mm, which means that the two people in the off-road vehicle at this moment are not safe, and can even be said to be very dangerous !

Bi Fang could see that Barrett himself was very often, and the little finger holding the steering wheel trembled slightly.

But since Barrett said so, Bi Fang did not take any further action.

Compared with his own traveler, Barrett should be more familiar with the aborigines here.

Barrett took a few deep breaths, lowered the seat, climbed into the back of the car, pressed the switch on his shoulder, pulled the back of the seat, and pulled out a rather large object wrapped in butter paper.

Barrett slowly opened the greased paper.

A strong oily smell wafted out.

This is......

The butter paper was wrapped so tightly that Bi Fang didn't smell any strange smell after getting in the car.

Barrett cut it open with a knife, and everyone saw clearly that it was actually meat!

It's pork belly.

Bi Fang judged the type of meat based on the smell.

There is still a lot in this bag, at least the amount of several pigs. All of them have selected the thickest pork belly. Usually they are leftovers that no one eats. At first glance, there is not even red lean meat, but all fat. Oil.

Although there are few people to eat, there is nothing better for polar bears than full of fat, only fat can let them spend the entire polar night comfortably.

Carrying the heavy bag of butter, Barrett quickly opened the door, raised his legs, and lifted the fat from the seat, then picked up the yellow paper, quickly closed the door, returned to the original position, and quickly left with a kick of the accelerator.

The whole process was very quick and it looked like it had been done more than once.

"Huh, I'm very nervous every time I do this kind of thing. This is the fourth time, but my palms are still sweating." Barrett let out a long sigh, as if he had accomplished some arduous task.

Well, feeding polar bears in the wild is indeed a daunting task.

After all, no one can guarantee whether the polar bear finally eats a sheep or not.

"Every time we come over, we feed the polar bears some food, so that we can be at peace." Driving the car, Barrett explained.

Both grace and grace, holding a rifle in hand is grace, and feeding regularly is grace.

As the glaciers melt, fewer polar bears can catch seals, and a considerable number of polar bears cannot survive every year.

According to ecological data calculations, perhaps by 2100, polar bears will become extinct.

"We don't overfeed, usually once in a while, to make sure they don't attack us with excessive starvation."

The law that has always existed in nature is the survival of the fittest. Most polar bears can still catch enough food to survive their difficult times.

Only a small number of frail polar bears will have difficulty surviving due to environmental changes. If humans keep feeding them food, they will lose their predatory nature.

Therefore, Barrett and others have maintained a relatively fragile balance with polar bears.

Overall, the ride was an eye-opener for viewers.

There is a magical sense of seeing future technology in the real world, and it is also the first time I realize that human beings really have practical plans for the future.

Many people couldn't help thinking of what Bi Fang said a long time ago. UU reading www.

Life history, a story of mass elimination, followed by breed differentiation of the few survivors.

The earth has witnessed 5 mass extinction events, and in each mass extinction event, 70%-85% of species will go extinct. In the Permian, more than 95% of animals left the field and never came back.

For nearly 3.5 billion years, mankind has survived successfully again and again.

Hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years later, will you swim in the sea of ​​stars or become part of a fossil?

All the way back to the city, Bi Fang said goodbye to Barrett, closed the live broadcast, and walked slowly on the streets of the city alone.

"Ultimate Chaos"

quite deserted...

After all, it is a place where there are more polar bears than people.

There are no hawkers and no stalls, only orange street lights, and street lights that pass by occasionally.

The background color is black, with a white polar bear painted on it, and the outer outline of the red warning sign also informs passers-by about possible dangers outside.

The vast majority of polar bear attacks on humans occur at night.

In fact, it is only six o'clock in the afternoon, and in any low-latitude city, it is still only dusk, but here, the night is as deep as midnight.

Back at the hotel, Bi Fang had nothing to do. He was about to take out his mobile phone and play a few games before going to bed. Suddenly, the phone rang next to him, and the front desk of the hotel notified him that someone was looking for him downstairs.

someone looking for me?

Bi Fang was stunned. Although he had many friends, he had not yet reached the most remote city in the world, right?

With curiosity, Bi Fang came downstairs, but what he saw was a strange man he didn't know at all.

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