Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 619: The poisoning of the deputy ocean minister

The audience laughed at Bi Fang, and he was very reluctant to participate in the live broadcast with strangers. Leonardo was fine that time, and the gap between the two sides was not big. Bi Fang was also a movie fan. The common topic Weiss is completely different. First of all, the status is very different, and the topic is not easy to find. Is it difficult...


Even if you think about it, there is a river **** hanging above Bi Fang's head, always watching. Dare to say it?


If you dare to say it, I dare to seal it "This is the first time I set foot on this beach in Rossili, I have heard about it before, but I have never found a chance, this is definitely the best day of my day, not staying in a boring office. , In fact, I like sports very much, that is the meaning of life, isn't it?"


Weiss was joking. In fact, this does have some real thoughts in his heart. When he was mayor, he used to ride his bike to work every day, thinking that the traffic jams that cycling could ease turned out to be the foreign secretary. Hoping to continue cycling, the police told Weiss that his identity was different now. As the foreign secretary, it was too dangerous to do so, and asked Weiss to only use official bikes. Later, Weiss' bicycle was stolen. , It is said that he even cried for it, because he was with him for years, and the guide was given by an Olympian. As the two walked, Bi Fang quickly re-entered the rhythm. friend? Bi Fangyi, he has never heard this kind of Weiss wink: "I was on Yiwu Ai more than ten years ago, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He couldn't have seen all the good guys of the era. Alumni, roommates, friends, and now I have found another publication friend. In 2009, I was selected for "Time". I remember that Hitt also published it...


, It’s so scary, but it’s good that they have common characteristics. Once people have common characteristics, they can better find their positions. With positioning, there is a complicated introduction to topics, and Reese quickly came to the bay from Time magazine. After all, the reason why Bi Fang was on board is because of it, "I've watched the whole documentary in pieces, it's really amazing, and it also made me pay more attention to animal protection issues." Weiss exclaimed that the cut of the documentary was very dramatic. In the sea pavilion, a little boy looked curiously in front of the shelves selling sea meat, and a little girl was watching over them when Richard, a puppet holding the image of the sea in the sea, was crying because of Xiao Hai's death. The fishermen are numbly reconciling and laughing at the sea red with seafood blood, and the injured sea struggling frantically. Xiaohai has been dragging his body full of blood to the camera, eager to be rescued, but in the end it sinks to the bottom of the sea. The high-level picture shooting, some angles even make people very eye-catching. Is this really secretly filmed?


Just like the soldier mentioned, Weiss was also very interested in the Gulf incident. The audience also raised their spirits. Finally, the broken version ends. "Our efforts are not to expose the massacre, but to record something that can change people's hearts."


"At the beginning of the documentary filming, it was not for everyone to over-burden the fishermen, but to understand the matter, think about it, and then change it. This is the first time Bi Fang has responded positively after the incident, and it was just a matter of finding a topic to open it up. The entry point of the exchange "I have paid attention to the follow-up reaction of Ben Taidi, but I am very disappointed." Wu Ai sighed. He has not been completely fishing at home these days, so he naturally paid attention to the follow-up sequence, and it happened in half a month. Many local fishermen's association officials still agreed to be interviewed, saying, "These are all slight distortions of the facts and we are indignant."

Taidi Chang Sanyi Gao still emphasized: "The hunting and killing of the sea did not violate any laws. It is necessary to slander each other's food culture on the basis of understanding local traditions and facts. Regarding the Taidi fishermen's killing of the sea, the government still insists that hunting and killing. The sea and fish are important cultural traditions of Ben. Because of the approval of the residents of Taidi, the theater did not dare to release the film, but there is good news. Or it will be released in November. An independent theater in central Tokyo has even refused to show the film's director Jarrett. The director of the previous life was also arrested by this party, but this time with Bi Fang's help, there are hundreds of troubles. The number of European tourists are watching. Although many people have left the bay in the past two weeks, more and more people have come over. An island country with a large population density and a lack of resources, and in history, natural and man-made disasters have continued, due to the extreme lack of sense of danger, the desire for resources formed in long-term life and a collective unconscious dependence on and possession of marine resources. I think this documentary shows that people's desires are unrestrictedly magnified under the trend of interests, while the principles of the animal kingdom, including human beings, are ignored. "When sea performances develop into an industry with an annual output value of billions, With people catching the sea wildly, people can even supply inedible sea meat to schools for the benefit, and ignore the weakness of children. "It's not just about the sea, on this earth, fishing and hunting are happening every day. The tragedy is that most people spend their lives for various interests every day, and they never get tired of it. They don't even consider whether their actions are in the natural way. While satisfying their growing desires, they ignore the relationship with nature, the environment, and the relationship between them. After returning to his own realm, Bi Fang opened the conversation again, and finally paused, "I think there is still a long way to go before human beings are completely separated from the natural environment and travel to the stars and the sea. , of course, it is still untouchable to us "...that's about it, the summary you want"


"That makes sense"


Weiss clapped his hands and was about to say something, but found that the beach had come to an end, he thought for a while, and said directly, "There's one more thing you might not know" What's the matter? "


Ben's deputy ocean minister was poisoned' "Uh?" Bi Fangyi, "When did it happen?"


"This morning"


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