Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 455: Poison wood! (2 in 1)

In the rainforest, Bi Fang was groping in the forest leaning on a stick, but the speed was not very fast.

"Many people think that there is no shortage of water in the rainforest, but this idea is actually wrong. Although the humidity here is high, the temperature is higher, and the scorching high temperature will increase the loss of water from the human body."

Bi Fang pointed to Leonardo at the side, and the audience could easily see that the thin beige shirt had been soaked through most of it.

Even Leonardo's lips were chapped, apparently a symptom of lack of moisture.

Fortunately, Leonardo carried the water source himself, otherwise he might have been in a hurry to find water to drink. At this moment, he was taken as an example, and he couldn't help but took out the kettle and took a sip.

"All methods of finding water sources remain the same. In general, they are terrain, creatures, and special nodes. These three general directions..."

"The terrain is very simple. If the water flows down, then we will also go to the ground. Yunnan is a mountainous plateau terrain with many steep slopes. Follow these slopes..."

Bi Fang took Leonardo onto a boulder, which was as high as the eyes could reach.

Although looking for water sources, you need to find low-lying places, but before that, you must also judge where the real low-lying areas are. Many times, the low-lying terrain you think may not be the real low-lying areas, especially in the mountains.

Therefore, it is necessary to judge the terrain trend in advance.

After Leonardo took a sip, he stuffed the water bottle back into his backpack. He didn't know when Bi Fang would be able to bring himself to find the water source, and he was a little reluctant to drink it.

The current experience is something that Leonardo has never encountered in his life for more than 40 years. He has made many movies, and there are many dangerous scenes in the movies, but the authenticity is far less profound than this short hour. .

You must know that there is a helicopter above him on standby at any time. If he encounters danger, he will arrive within ten minutes. Even so, Leonardo can still feel the lingering sense of crisis in his heart.

"If you are a person who is not used to wild adventures, when you enter this place, you will be very frightened, very frightened, and want to escape instantly."

Leonardo suddenly remembered what Bi Fang said before taking him out of the plane.

The environment of the rainforest, the green that catches the eye, the towering trees that almost cover the sky, insects are everywhere, and there are beasts from time to time. On the way, they have seen poisonous snakes several times in the distance.

The complex terrain, steep cliffs, rushing rivers, um, I haven't seen this before, and the changeable weather in the rainy season, everything presented in reality satisfies Leonardo's fantasy of the rainforest.

Even the illusion of danger.

Without being there, it is impossible to experience the feeling of being alone and completely isolated from human society, which is unimaginable no matter how you imagine it.

The lack of resources, the perilous situation faced all the time, and the prospect of being confused by the location are no less than knowing that you are dying slowly.

People who have been pampered in the city for a long time, suddenly come to such an environment, the brain nerves have to be tense, to the extent that they may break at any time.

If you want to escape, you have to be quick and easy, and you have a strong psychological quality. If you are a person who eats and waits for death all day, I am afraid that he will directly collapse on the ground and wait to die.

"What are you thinking?" Bi Fang stretched out a hand and shook it in front of Leonardo.

"No." Leonardo put away his thoughts, "I just feel that I have gained a lot, and the feeling that this danger will come at any time is very different."

Bi Fang asked curiously, "What is this harvest?"

"I'm an actor." A smile appeared on Leonardo's face. "Many people have never experienced the real jungle in their lives. How can they know the real feeling of death?"

Bi Fang also smiled: "How do you feel?"

Leonardo thought for a moment and said, "It's like walking in a valley with death blowing at me. Do ordinary people really have a chance to escape and ascend to the sky in such an environment? Even water here may be deadly."

If nothing else, just like the current Leonardo is thirsty, if he can't find the water source quickly, will he be unable to bear to take a sip of those dark puddles?

Even if it stinks.

But such water is full of rotting dead leaves, stinking insects, countless germs and worm eggs waiting to be parasitized. If you go down in one gulp, not to mention the seven orifices ascending to the sky, that's almost the same.

Not even distillation can guarantee safety.

"It's not that exaggerated. I really can't find a water source. The dew in the rain forest is still relatively easy to collect. You only need a large leaf that does not leak, or a plastic bag to collect it. It is relatively clean. "

Bi Fang thought about it, the lack of water is really troublesome. There are dangers and beasts in the rainforest, and few people dare to walk around.

It's just that the dew can only solve the urgent need. It's just hanging. It's not enough to collect enough water.

A place like the rainforest, although everyone has always thought it is very mysterious, but once lost in it, the intricate terrain and waterways, the dangerous environment, and the extreme temperature difference between day and night, there is only a small chance for the general public to escape. days or until rescue.

"But it's not completely impossible. It's hard to define human potential with science. In many cases, willpower is the key to survival." Bi Fang gave an example.

"In 2015, two 20-year-old Dutch girls disappeared in the jungles of Panama. It was early April, during the rainy season, and they entered the jungle wearing short-sleeved shorts. They were tourists, not survival experts. They didn't even plan to spend the night in the jungle, they didn't even have a tent."

[When I heard the night, I knew something was going to happen]

【Overnight without even a tent? I know things must not be easy]

Sure enough, Bi Fang's next words verified the audience's guess.

"Then there is no more. They strayed into the deserted path and lost directly in the rainforest of Nuoda."

[After all, I knew that this was a little story in the underworld]

"All they had in their backpacks were water bottles, cameras and mobile phones. With almost no assistance, at least one person survived for about 11 days."

What does it mean that at least one person survives eleven days?

Leonardo was stunned when he heard it, and felt bad.

Bi Fang continued: "When I saw the news, I checked some information, and also read the analysis of many netizens. I feel that in this incident, it is still the most likely to get lost."

Most likely?

This time, not only Leonardo, but also the audience felt bad.

If it is news, or 15 years, it should be an established fact. Can't we know the truth from the mouth of the person concerned?

Why are you so unsure?

"Since the two left the Continental Divide, they may have fallen off the cliff from the very beginning and had no chance to climb up, so they had to choose another way. The worst thing is that one of them also broke his leg and fractured his feet in many places. walk."

"When crossing the river, there are only three monkey bridges surrounded by simple ropes, and the ropes may break at any time. If you want to return, you can only cross the river, but it is almost impossible for people who can barely walk. , not to mention maintaining balance, you know, there are crocodiles in the rivers of the Panama jungle!"

"But in the end, the place where they were found was also far away. According to speculation, the girl with a fractured foot may have persisted for six days."

[Okay, I understand. 】

[A small negative energy story every day]

[Is this really suitable to be told as an inspirational story? laugh and cry.jpg. 】

"From the seventh day, there is only one other girl left with the desperation that she is only alive, guarding the body of her companion, the mobile phone with less and less power, being lost and overwhelmed, and all kinds of bad situations that can be imagined. ."

"In 11 days, the two people's mobile phones broadcast a total of 77 calls to the police, but none of them were connected."

At first, netizens were still able to joke, but now, they can no longer laugh at all.

Looking at the dark environment around Bi Fang, everyone asked themselves in their hearts, what should they do if they were trapped here?

There was silence in the first scene of Nuoda.

Cao Lifeng, Ge Liyang and others, look at me, I look at you, only deep despair is revealed in their eyes.

There is no one around to help you, and you may be the only human being for thousands of kilometers.

Your companion is lying on the ground quietly, the temperature outside is hot, but the body of your companion is getting colder inch by inch.

Microbes in the rainforest are extremely active, and within two days, the corpse...

When night falls, you still call for help over and over again. You can't count how many there are, maybe hundreds, but you don't get a response once, and you can only watch the battery disappear little by little.

In the darkness, the last light disappeared, and not far from the jungle, the strange sound of the thin strings sounded again, maybe a few days ago, a predator was eyeing you, and you can only enjoy the delicious food at this last moment.

[It's a pity, it's a pity that I didn't meet Fang Shen]

Some people remembered the Mohe time, and it was also someone who was in danger. If it wasn't for the lucky people who met Fang Shen, they might have been frozen to death in the blizzard, or even torn to pieces by the wolves.

The audience couldn't help but feel a pity when they thought of the despair that the two young girls in the flower season experienced because they got lost.

[Not every time someone is in distress, they can be lucky enough to meet the gods]

[Let's watch more Fangshen videos, maybe one day you will encounter danger]

【Fang God is awesome! 】

[I'm afraid that it will not be used as a teaching video in the future? 】

Leonardo was silent.

He subconsciously touched the mobile phone in his pocket, and finally lost his sense of security. He smiled bitterly: "I thought you would write some inspirational stories, but it turns out..."

"But the rain forest is like this." Bi Fang spread his hands, the probability of missing and being rescued in the rain forest is pitiful, "but this is indeed an inspirational story, don't give up, persevere, you will have the greatest hope in life."

Leonardo was a little helpless, but he still had to accept this reason: "Let's continue to talk about finding water sources, terrain, and then."

"Then there are creatures. Many animals live near the water, such as frogs and snakes. Finally, there are special nodes. One is the weather. It happens to rain. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about water sources in the next few days. While drifting, I pinned my hopes here."

"However, it takes a bit of luck to do this, and you can't blindly rely on the weather. I came to a conclusion based on the climate of the Atlantic Ocean and the frontal environment at that time. In that month and geographical location, there should be a rain within a week. I can't say luck is good."

"In addition to this, there are some special terrains, such as cracked rock crevices, which may also contain water sources."

Finding water sources for survival in the wild is a key.

An outdoor enthusiast who loves hiking. Always bring potable water with you on every trip.

Especially in the mountains for a long time. It is also unrealistic to carry more than 10 liters of water on the back. If you do not die of thirst, you will die of exhaustion. So it is very important to master some methods to find water sources.

"You only carry a part of the water, and the rest is replenished from the wild. Generally speaking, it is still easy to find mountain springs in the mountains..."

Bi Fang, who was explaining, suddenly stopped and stared straight at the big tree in front of him, his body motionless.


"do not move!"

Leonardo, who had just finished listening to the horror story, turned his head and just heard this sentence, goosebumps came out, stiffened in place, and his sweaty forehead began to cool.

what happened?

in danger?

The first time he saw Bi Fang shouting don't move, Leonardo inexplicably remembered the scene of confrontation with the beast. Is there a beast nearby? Or have you approached a poisonous snake that is good at camouflage, and is now within its attack range, making it impossible to move casually?

In an instant, a lot of thoughts flashed through Leonardo's mind, and even the snake venom factory mentioned earlier was in Yun Nan's mind. Dou Da's cold sweat kept falling from his forehead, but he didn't even dare to shake his Adam's apple.

As a result, the next moment, Bi Fang moved by himself, and carefully stroked the big tree beside him, exclaiming: "This is a tree that sees blood and seals its throat!"

Leonardo, who saw Bi Fang's reaction, also understood, but he still did not dare to act rashly and asked, "What's going on?"

"You take two steps back."

Leonardo did it truthfully, and then Bi Fang patted the tree trunk with joy in his eyes: "This is Poison Arrowwood! This thing is highly poisonous. If it is accidentally cut in the wild, it will be damaged within half an hour. May die."

"I was so close to it just now?" Leonardo was a little stunned as he watched Bi Fang keep slapping the tree trunk.

Can you die from a cut in less than half an hour?

Do the math, the helicopter will arrive within ten minutes, and it will fly to the hospital for at least half an hour...

What's the meaning?

Are you on the brink of death just now?

With a glance, Bi Fang knew what Leonardo was thinking, shook his head, and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, there are no branches in this piece, so I can't cut you."

The trunk is very smooth, the tree is more than 20 meters high, and the branches are on the ten-meter net.

"Then you just now?"

"Scare to scare you."

Leonardo: "..."

[This actor is not scared, die laughing]

[Poison dart wood, poison dart frog, you can tell by the name that it is not easy. 】

[A thousand degrees has arrived, the most poisonous tree in the world...]

【Netizens are always one step ahead of me! 】

"The milky white juice that seals the throat with blood is highly toxic. Once it touches the wounds of humans and animals, it can paralyze the heart of the poisoned person, close the blood vessels, coagulate the blood, and even suffocate to death. There is a saying in Banna folks, which is called 'seven up and eight down'. Nine fell to the ground'"

Bi Fang has already started to look for something around the trunk, and said while looking.

"According to legend, it was a dai hunter who first discovered the highly poisonous sap of curare in Banna, Yunnan province.

Once, the hunter was forced to climb a big tree by a huge bear while hunting, but the bear still did not let him go and pursued him.

At a critical juncture of life and death, the hunter broke off a branch and stabbed the bear that was climbing up the tree. As a result, a miracle happened suddenly, and the bear fell to the ground and died immediately.

Since then, hunters in Banna have learned to apply the sap of curare to arrowheads for hunting. "

"There is also this kind of book in America. It is said that when the ancient Indians encountered the enemy's invasion, women and children would smear the blood-stained sap on the arrows in the back and transport it to the front for men to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

As a result, the Indians have won many battles, killed the invading enemies, and succumbed to death. They stubbornly kept their homeland for generations.

However, whether it is preserved or not is a matter for the benevolent to see benevolence, and the wise to see wisdom. "

Bi Fang's tone was a little excited.

Leonardo, who was on the side, had also been with Bi Fang for four or five days. He could clearly feel it and said, "You seem very happy? Are you going to use it as a weapon?"

Poison can make Bi Fang so happy, it can only be used as a weapon, right?

Such a poisonous tree is also good for weapons.

"As a weapon? One aspect." Bi Fang shook his head, "Do you remember what we were looking for?"

"Water and red mud?"

"Yes, I thought I would find the water source and red mud at the same time, but I didn't expect to find the red mud first."

Bi Fang pulled the weeds and soil on the ground, and after digging a layer, the red soil caught everyone's eyes.

"Hey, there is!"


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