Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 452: Plants also have competition

Under the lush tree, the two of them hung back-to-back on the branches.

"Now I'm hanging on a tree about twenty meters high, and now we need to descend to the ground, we can use the rope on the parachute, but it goes against the survival principle I set this time."

"While parachutes and ropes will work well here, most people who get lost in the forest have nothing, so I'm going to be empty-handed, which makes the journey a lot more difficult. I have to think of other ways to go on."

Bi Fang looked up at the top of his head, carefully unfastened the straps, and then detached from it.

"When you are hanging on a tree with a parachute, don't shake it with big movements. Although the area of ​​the parachute is very large, it cannot be 100% guaranteed that you will not fall directly because of it, so when you do any movement , be careful."

Leonardo didn't move, watching Bi Fang leave behind him, he suddenly lightened, and even his position seemed to be a little higher.

"At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the branches on the side, don't let it scratch your eyes, and most importantly, always observe the surrounding environment."

Bi Fang, who was detached from the backpack, grabbed the branch beside him and approached the tree trunk carefully. He stepped on the branch with bare feet and firmly grasped the ground with his toes.

The wet environment of the rainforest made these branches covered with slippery moss, and after a while, Bi Fang's feet turned pure green.

The branches of the linden tree are very characteristic. When they grow to a certain height, they will expand in the horizontal direction.

It does not grow upward, like a layer of carpet that is spread out, and it is very convenient to walk when it is higher and another layer is laid.

"I said earlier that the ecological chain in the rainforest is very cruel. Many creatures have evolved their own unique means of survival or hunting. Mimicry is also one of them. Sometimes the branches you think may be a mimicry. venomous snake."

[Hey, stop talking, goosebumps all over my hands]

[In other words, I feel like I haven't seen the artifact for a long time, dog head.jpg]

【Come out, artifact! 】

[Tree stick+9, attack power 210+120, no additional effects, strength: D, agility: C]

[The last time I went to climb Mount Everest, I upgraded to use the super artifact trekking stick, and the tree stick has not appeared for a whole copy, so I lost the status of the artifact! 】

[Break the stalked Bodhi tree directly, there are faces! By the way, isn't this thing protecting plants? 】

[If it is to protect plants, it would not be miserable. Just now Lao Fang and Xiao Lizi came down and broke a lot of branches, right? dog head.jpg]

"How can protecting plants come across so easily?" Bi Fang smiled when he saw the barrage. The reason why protecting plants is protecting plants is because they are rare.

Such a large forest landed just in time to hit a protected plant. Is it good luck or bad?

Stepping on the thick branches, Bi Fang quickly came to the center of the trunk, looked down, the branches and leaves were obviously much less, and he could vaguely see the ground.

A small drone took the opportunity to pass through the gap and shoot from bottom to top. Above the ground, the dark forest environment made everyone tremble slightly.

Bi Fang is right, the rainforest is not as beautiful as everyone imagines, it is a deep place.

A person who is not used to adventure in the wild will only feel terror and fear when entering this place, and instantly want to escape.

More than two-thirds of the world's plants and animals are found in tropical rain forests, and the animals and plants living here are undoubtedly very cruel to them.

A frog that is at rest may be swallowed by a poisonous snake in the next second, and the poisonous snake may be chewed by a meerkat as a spicy stick in the next second.

Even plants, sunlight, rain and dew have to fight and **** desperately.

"The rainforest has a unique vegetative canopy structure, which consists of a number of vertical layers, including the forest canopy, canopy, understory foliage, dwarf trees and ground surface."

"Each floor will do its best to squeeze the living space, to absorb the little sunlight leaking from the fingers of the big tree, and the class is almost solidified, even the new tree seedlings basically cannot grow up to the height of their parents. Because there are no resources."

Trees in tropical rain forests are divided into upper, middle and lower layers in vertical space. The crown height of lower trees is usually below the middle crown. If the flowers and fruits bear on annual or biennial branches, it is easy to be replaced by upper and middle trees. Covered the light.

Therefore, they can only choose to bloom and bear fruit on the more open old branches or trunks, attracting the insects that interact in this space to pollinate.

Or wait for the largest tree in an area to die, rot and collapse, casting sunlight in, and then it is possible to become the new overlord.

"It's about 20 meters." Bi Fang lowered his head to confirm, then returned the same way, grabbed a branch above his head, and stretched out his hand toward Leonardo, "Unfasten the straps, then come over, be careful, there are many trees on the tree. slip."

Leonardo nodded. In the rainforest, he felt more sultry than before, and every breath seemed to pour water vapor into his lungs, which was sticky.

The clothes on him were stuck together.

He recalled Bi Fang's previous actions, carefully untied the backpack strap, and then, with Bi Fang's help, stepped on the branch, and as soon as he went up, the soles of his feet slipped and he almost fell.

Fortunately, Bi Fang was prepared and grabbed him directly.

"The tree trunks in the rainforest are very slippery and have a lot of moss on them. You must be careful when climbing trees, and you must not be in a hurry."

The two came to the trunk together, Bi Fang chose a not so thick trunk, hugged his hands and said: "The trunk of the linden tree is very special, some of which are like many small trunks twisted together, so we only need to choose one of them. The root just slides down and you don't have to worry about scratching your hand, it's really smooth."

Saying that, Bi Fang hugged the small tree trunk and put his feet on it. Under the influence of his own weight, he slipped down little by little, and he would rest on other branches in the middle. At a height of 20 meters, he would soon be able to relax. slide down.

With the drop in height, the sunlight quickly disappeared, and the entire forest became deeper and deeper.

The audience's mood became tense.

[The claustrophobia is really out here. 】

【There are 100 million shrimps】

When he was about to land, Bi Fang stopped again, broke a branch full of leaves, and swept the ground under his feet: "The rainforest is really dangerous, you can see under my feet. It is a dead leaf, but there may be poisonous centipedes hidden in it, it is not easy to be found in the rainforest, and it is easy to be accidentally injured by disturbing it.”

"There may also be poisonous spiders. There are many poisonous spiders in the Banna rainforest, but they usually come out at night and rarely come out during the day. If you wear shoes, naturally don't worry, but unfortunately, I am still barefoot. , you must be careful before landing."

After Bi Fang swept the ground aside to ensure that there were no hidden animals underneath, he officially landed, and at the same time greeted Leonardo, who was still on the tree, to come down together.

With the demonstration, Leonardo was more careful and landed successfully.

When he came to the ground, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh, you are too careful, it really made me nervous just now."

"No way, I'm not wearing anything, of course I can't be too careful." Bi Fang spread his hands, if he wore clothes and boots, he naturally didn't need to be so nervous, he would be fine if he jumped directly from a distance of two or three meters.

But he didn't. Although Bi Fang had the experience and ability given by the system, his body was still normal, and he had not exercised the adaptability to survive in the rainforest for a long time.

Significantly different from the original inhabitants.

"The top priority now is to weave a pair of shoes for my feet so that I can walk freely in the rainforest without being endangered by insects." Bi Fang squatted down and stroked the ground.

"There may be dangers hidden in the dead leaves, and these sharp needles may also pierce the soles of your feet. It is naturally fine in a short time, but over time, the soles of your feet will become very rough and densely packed. Small, invisible wounds that are vulnerable to microbes, or even parasites, such as sand fleas."

"They usually live in the soil and use the blood of their warm-blooded hosts as their food source. Many indigenous Africans without shoes have very thick soles, and there are many dense holes, like barnacles on whales. I don't want that. , it's really disgusting, don't search for UU reading"

Leonardo shrugged: "I think they will be more curious if you do this, but I have seen it with my own eyes, and it is really disgusting."

"I need to find a plant to protect my feet, and until then, we can simply wrap a leafy branch, like a wound."

Bi Fang didn't waste the branches he just swept, and directly wrapped the entire soles of his feet, and then the other one did the same, and then took Leonardo to explore the jungle.

On the ground, dead leaves and grass are intertwined everywhere, which is also a unique phenomenon of rainforest.

"There are too many microorganisms here, as many as a corpse, and it may be decomposed in just a week and not even the dregs are left. In fact, the rainforest is a hot and rainy climate, and the surface runoff and leaching are strong, which makes the The soil is very poor and lacks the accumulation and replenishment of nutrients.”

"The growth of towering trees is entirely due to the violent decomposition of organic matter and the circulation of nutrients, which is also destined to be very difficult to re-grow once the rainforest is destroyed."

"Dead leaves are grass, but two phenomena that should have appeared in autumn and spring can be intertwined."

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