Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 440: Altai argali

On the street, protesting crowds poured out of the streets.

Messages of slogans of various colors exploded into the brain, and riot police held up shields to prevent the angry crowd from rushing into the courthouse.

"The death penalty should be restored!"

"This man should be hanged!"

This is the slogan of animal protection. Their anger is like a vigorous volcano, constantly hitting the shield, and the guarding police are sweating profusely.

"If I am released on bail, then I will doubt the meaning of the law!"

"Everyone should be sentenced to life in prison!"

This is a little rational, and the unanimous will to demonstrate to the court, giving people incomparable psychological pressure.

"To protect animals is to protect human beings!"

"We can't tolerate a guy who destroys the future of mankind to stay in society, their only place to belong is prison!"

This is more objective. They hold signs, shout slogans, and spread propaganda around the streets to people who don't know them.

Everything ended with the fall of a small hammer.

"Life in prison!"

When the news came out, the calm sea of ​​people surged and set off a tsunami.


"That's it!"

"Death, should be executed!"

"Let him be skinned like a wild bird, only then will he know repentance!"

"Should just let him go to hell!"

In the court, Bi Fang got up from the auditorium. Although he is not French, given his actions and contributions, it is not too much to give him an auditor's qualification.

Bi Fang is also quite satisfied with the result. There is no death penalty in France, and life imprisonment is the maximum punishment.

When the guard pressed Regev through the aisle, he suddenly turned his head to look at Bi Fang in the auditorium and stopped.

The two guards wanted to push him forward, but they couldn't!

Even after staying in it for half a year, the muscles of this strong man are still strong. He stared at Bi Fang with an endless unwillingness in his eyes.

Bi Fang didn't look at him again, he knew the result, he put on his hat, turned around and walked outside.

"I have a brother!"

"Stop him! Quick!" the judge said dissatisfied, banging the gavel.

Bi Fang's footsteps paused, but did not stop.


In the taxi, Bi Fang stared out the window blankly.

What does regev mean?


or something else?

Who is his brother? Also a poacher?

He doesn't know everything, and even if he asks, Regev won't say much.

"What are you thinking?" Etienne asked.

"It's nothing." Bi Fang squeezed his brows and smiled suddenly, "I'm thinking about what to have for dinner."

Speaking of this, Etienne is interested. If nothing else, Huaxia's food is really a brand new version that he has never experienced before. Different from the overly particular French food, Chinese food is unique in taste!

"Hotpot, let's take you to taste the authentic hotpot." Bi Fang said casually.

The soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil. It doesn't matter who Regev's younger brother is. The main thing is to do it by himself. If the other party is also a poacher, he will most likely solve the problem in the wilderness.

The reality is not as exaggerated as in the novel. Poachers are mice in the shadows. If they run into the sun to take revenge, they will kill themselves.

After fooling Etienne, Bi Fang took out his mobile phone and asked Liu Qian to help contact the XSBN Reserve to discuss the live broadcast.

Ordinary people will definitely not be able to enter the depths of the rainforest. If they are discovered by forest rangers, they may chug on the spot.

There is definitely no problem in agreeing to the protected area. With Bi Fang’s background and actual influence, plus his consistent reputation, there is no doubt that the other party agrees, but the process still has to go.

How to get in has to be discussed.

Bi Fang put aside his meaningless thoughts and flipped through the recent news, flipping through the pages, his fingers paused.

"The king of Nepalese argali was killed by poachers!"

"According to the official report of the Nepal Society for the Protection of Nature and Animals on May 14, in the Himalayas... a total of seven argali were killed this time, all of them Altai argali, the largest sheep in the world, were found At that time, their horns were all cut off, and there was no fur, and they are also classified as second-class protected animals in our country... Judging from the traces at the location of the crime, the poachers killed them around May 9."

Below the news report, there is also a video of interviews with personnel in the reserve. In the video, a worker with dark cheeks introduced.

"Whether only seven argalis were killed is still uncertain, because we cannot tell whether poachers took live argali..."

"The argali is an endangered species and the idea of ​​killing this animal for a part of their beautiful body is even more abhorrent."

"The first need of life is to survive. Every species has the right to guarantee its own survival. For each of us, starting from ourselves, respecting life means respecting ourselves."

May 9th, Himalayas!

Two key words were quickly captured.

Bi Fang's pupils shrank slightly, these poachers were near him at the time!

Below the report, many people commented.

"Damn poachers!"

"From the perspective of adapting to the environment, the evolution of argalis is actually relatively successful. But the problem is that their goals are still too big, and at the same time they are treasures. Therefore, in the long-term hunting of humans, many argalis have Wild subspecies have all been reduced by more than half. There have even been regional extinctions in some areas."

"As for it? Isn't it just a sheep? It's crazy to protect animals."

"You haven't watched Fangshen's live broadcast? Do you understand? It's like a toilet. To protect animals is to protect human beings! Think about it if Artemisia annua went extinct for a hundred years, then where did artemisinin come from?"

"Live? Never watch it. Dogs don't watch this stuff."

"Why, have you watched the live broadcast and become an adult?"

"Every creature has potential The extinction of any kind of creature will affect the biological chain, leading to the extinction of more creatures, and the potential value will disappear quickly, and it will be too late when humans need it."

"May 9th, the Himalayas, isn't that the place where Fangshen live broadcasts? The world is still overlapping!"

"Damn it, if Fang Shen was here, it would be the turn of these poachers to be arrogant? I'll send you all of them!"

"Who is Fang Shen? Is he famous? Why is everyone talking about this?"

"Boldly guess, is the avalanche... a dog's head guard."

The trip of wild geese made Bi Fang advertised as an "anti-poacher" by the world. At this time, poachers actually appeared under his nose, and the audience were all talking about it.

Some people even regret that the two did not meet face to face, otherwise Bi Fang would definitely not let the other party succeed.

But these are not realistic.

Bi Fang put down his phone with some regret and quietly waited for the response from the XSBN Reserve.

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