Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 431: Change

The follow-up of the trip of wild goose and bird is not as simple as increasing Bi Fang's popularity, but the follow-up impact is extremely large.

Half a year later, there are still people talking about it, and the news that geese and birds are going back to the Arctic Circle has directly made the front page of Finnish newspapers.

Scholars in the field of zoology are even more interested in the pioneering method of artificial migration. Erwan's phone has been blown up and he has gained a great reputation in the academic world.

If it weren't for the live broadcast, it is estimated that Bi Fang would not have been spared, and had been called by all kinds of people, and even asked for details in person.

Even now, some people want to record an interview or interview with him, or even make a documentary for future generations to watch.

However, due to the schedule, Bi Fang refused all of them, and there was no need for a documentary. The whole process was recorded on the Internet. What other documentary?

This is only one aspect, the bigger impact is - animal protection organizations.

Animal protection often does not do personnel work. In Bi Fang's opinion, Europeans are too rich, and they have nothing to do if they have money.

However, on the issue of internal **** colluding with poachers, Animal Protection's views are still very clear. When the incident happened, especially in the days after being arrested and brought to justice, Animal Protection was blocked at the door of the court and even the Audit Bureau almost every day.

Etienne also joined in the fun and made a video and sent it to Bi Fang to watch.

The streets were full of people holding placards and protest banners. The flags were fluttering and it was so noisy that even the riot police had to watch to prevent a large-scale stampede.

Speaking of which, the verdict of the poachers and Johnny seems to be in these days?

Bi Fang suddenly remembered this, took out his mobile phone and searched for keywords, and found that it was indeed the case, and the court would be held on May 17th.

It seems that the social pressure caused by the animal protection protests on the authorities is indeed great. In addition to Bi Fang's live broadcast, the evidence of the whole case is conclusive and the charges are clear.

Although half a year is long, in fact, this is already a fairly short process. Even domestic cases take more than five months for normal cases. If it is complicated, it is normal to delay for a year or two, not to mention foreign cases. .

After calculating the time, Bi Fang can also go and watch after watching the wild birds.

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As soon as Bi Fang put down the phone to read the newspaper, the phone rang again, picked it up and saw another unfamiliar number.

He could almost guess what the caller was going to do. It was nothing more than business cooperation, various activities and advertisements.

Since the summit of Mount Everest, Bi Fang's fans have been overwhelmed. Nearly 10 million viewers have seen that running water is a terrifying force, and this force has not stopped and is still growing.

Coupled with the previous accumulation, Bi Fang is completely at the height of his popularity in China, and many first-line traffic stars are not as popular as him.

I just don't know when my mobile phone number was leaked, which can be called a phone bombing.

The advertiser that impressed Bi Fang the most was a mobile phone seller called 8848. He insisted on hiring him as an image agent, crying and crying, as if there would be no soul without his brand.

Bi Fang decided to change his mobile phone number when he returned to China this time. Since he has a special identity, it would not be a problem for the organization to get a more confidential mobile phone.

After turning the phone twice, Bi Fang hesitated for a while, but decided to pick it up.

When I answered, it was as expected.

This time, it was even more outrageous. It was a chocolate company. They thought that the scene of Bi Fang eating an energy bar on the top of the mountain was a natural fit for their promotion purpose.

Climbing is incredibly smooth.

Bi Fang: "..."

"Let my assistant talk to you."

After speaking, Fang hung up the phone, feeling a little tired.

He never wanted to accept any advertisements, and there was no need or interest, but if he refused the other party in person, it would stick like a plaster, so he simply asked his assistant Liu Qian to help him deal with the rejection.

The tool man arranged for him by the wolf tooth is very easy to use, from the itinerary to the rejection of various business activities.

It's time to give her a raise, Bi Fang thought with satisfaction.

"Dear passengers, welcome to take the ** airline flight, I am the flight attendant for this flight..."

When the broadcast sounded, Bi Fang put the newspaper back in its original place, clicked on the virtual panel, and the sky blue translucent screen quickly unfolded, listing all the information.

After returning home last night, Bi Fang couldn't wait to activate the body of platinum.

Then, there is no then.

At the moment of activation, Bi Fang felt hot all over his body, and the sleepiness hit his heart one after another. He didn't even have time to use the remaining reinforcement points, and he didn't come to the bedroom, so he fell on the sofa and fell asleep.

In the morning, Bi Fangcai was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone. When he woke up, he felt an uncomfortable feeling like a tumbling in his abdomen, and he was hungry.

No way, Bi Fang had to hurriedly pack his things, went out to buy seven or eight steamed buns, took a taxi to catch up with the plane, and finally had time to check the changed panel content after the plane took off smoothly.

As soon as the panel was unfolded, Bi Fang was keenly aware of the change.

[The only binding person: Bi Fang]

【Growing age: 25】

【Height: 186.1cm】

【Weight: 78.1KG】

【Force; 15】

【Body: 15】

【Min: 15】

【Fine: 15】

【Platinum Body】

【Condition: Good】

【Strengthening point: 1】

[Wild Points: 120 (convertible)]

Orange trunk: Wilderness Traveler lv1.

Purple branches: Special Scouts lv2, Bodybuilding lv1 (combined with yoga, Pilates, and freehand fitness).

Blue branches: Skydiving lv3, Tai Chi Dragon lv2, Archery lv1, Rock Climbing lv2, Biometrics lv3, Swimming lv1, First Aid lv1.

Green canopy: Hiking off-road lv5, running lv5.

Special Talent: Beast Intuition.

Booty Skills: Wolf King Smell, Fish King Stomach, Biosensing.

You have grown taller! I also gained weight!

Due to the existence of the panel, Bi Fang is very sensitive to his physical fitness. Before, his height was hovering between 183.5 and 184.5, but now he has broken through to 186!

Considering that it didn't take long for me to get up from the bed in the morning, the current range should be between 185 and 186, which is a little more than one centimeter long, but I don't need to worry about being discovered, a pair of shoes.

The weight has also changed significantly. After returning from Mount Everest, the weight has dropped. It has always been around 77, but now it has reached 78.

Considering that only seven or eight steamed buns were eaten an hour ago, but now I feel nothing, and I am even a little hungry, there should be an energy gap that needs to be filled.

Great change.

Bi Fang sat up straight and looked around. Since it was a long-haul flight, many people had already put on their blindfolds to rest.

He left his seat and went to the bathroom.

Bi Fang was stunned when he saw himself in the mirror, with fair and smooth skin under the light.

Is this yourself?

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