Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 422: Niu Tau Ma Noodles

Eight kilometers is a life and death line.

Pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, hypothermia, and falling are the four major killers above 8,000 meters above sea level.

In this thin air area, sometimes coughing can kill people, and even gasping for breath can cause liver-ripping pain. When the weather is bad, cold temperatures, high winds, and blizzards can kill even the strongest mountaineers.

But for Bi Fang, the more unbelievable and demanding the environment, the more vigorously his blood will flow when he enjoys the relaxation after stress later.

Maybe that's the rationale for all adventure sports: To clear your mind of mortal trivia, you consciously up the stakes of hard work and concentration.

It's a replica of life.

But there's a difference: in your daily life, mistakes can be corrected, compromises can make up for mistakes, but at this particular time, your actions will be life-or-death.

The audience followed Bi Fang's gaze silently at this first peak on earth, the real "high mountain", it is there, it seems to be within reach, but it is out of reach.

This line of life and death, even the current Bi Fang can't easily jump, standing blankly.

In the eyes of the audience, there really seems to be a cordon that no one can cross around this giant peak.

Rob, Puba, many climbers, all of them are trembling at this time, will they take that step? Will you take that step?

The effective oxygen content of the air in the C4 camp is only about 7.7%. It is difficult for normal people to concentrate and think here, and even their IQ is lowered.

Even if Bi Fang stops here, Puba can understand it very well.

At an altitude of 8000 meters, there will be changes for everyone. This change is manifested in the infinite expansion of emotions and in the excessive fear of the uncertainties of high altitude.

Sadness, hysteria, and irritability will come to my mind, but to resolve the inner fear through emotional venting is not helpful at all, it can only consume more oxygen and energy.

In the village, Tenzin's heart clenched, Attenborough's eyebrows trembled slightly, Wang Yongbo's beer belly trembled slightly, Yao Jun's left and right feet swayed back and forth.

From Base Camp to Camp Four,

Maybe you will encounter bad weather,

it stops you from going on,

Even waited for days.

agitated, reckless emotions,

will test your patience,

Or blurred vision, frostbite, and other symptoms.

Mount Everest is like a big testing ground,

Every detail of your body parts is subjected to extreme tests here,

A little bug will be magnified here,

It will let you see where your body's limits are,

After passing Camp No. 4, we entered an area above 8,000 meters.

The victims who keep appearing on the road will announce to you that this is,

Dead zone!

At this time, Bi Fang couldn't speak or speak. He just silently took out his mobile phone, looked at the little battery left, opened the map, and clicked on the location.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Perhaps because of the signal, the buffer circle keeps turning.

At this time, Bi Fang seemed to have discomfort in his body, and began to inhale and exhale, like a person who is about to drown but can't breathe!

With such a strange scene, the audience was instantly anxious, what if something happened to this? There is no one on the mountain, Bi Fang can only wait to die!

The high-level officials of Shark and Tiger Tooth widened their eyes at the same time, staring at the screen, silently greeting the gods of various sects in their hearts.

[Quickly withdraw, Lao Fang, quickly withdraw! 】

[Life is important, life is important! 】

[The mountain will always be there, come again next time, come again next time]

[It's useless, he can't see the barrage! 】

Just when everyone was anxious, the circle on the phone finally stopped spinning, showing the loading information.

A burst of laughter interrupted everyone's anxious mood, when everyone's brain went down on the spot.

Bi Fang pointed to the location on the phone and laughed: "Look, I'm back home!"

The mobile phone was held high, and the audience at this time could clearly see that the location of the mobile phone at this time turned out to be: Huaxia!

Not Nepal, but China.

This is the homeland!

The original time was changing, two hours and fifteen minutes earlier!

It has become exactly the same as the time on the mobile phone of countless Chinese audiences!

After taking a few more breaths, Bi Fang continued: "When we arrive at Camp No. 4, the location of the mobile phone will become Huaxia! The time will also be automatically set to the Huaxia time zone, remember not to delay things because of misremembering the time, I don't know if this counts for me. Smuggling, fortunately, there are no sentries here, so don’t worry about my brain being shuttled.”

After saying this, Bi Fang kept his mouth shut. Obviously, the ups and downs of the lungs just now were just to adjust the rhythm and say these words.

It's the old style.

Well, the characters fit.

[It's time to give you a brainstorm now, no, a bullet! 】

[Wori, you gasped just to say this? 】

[Mental illness is scared out of you! 】

The audience was so angry that they couldn't laugh or cry. The reason for the co-author was to gasp for energy to speak!

Since the altitude exceeds 7,600 meters, Bi Fang has not been talking. The audience is used to it, but they did not expect to say such a sentence suddenly, and they are speechless.

Dead zone?

Come to the death zone!

Without any hesitation, Bi Fang put away his phone and stepped towards the top!

So **** crazy!

Watching Bi Fang step forward without hesitation, the audience was completely excited, this is Fang Shen, this is Fang Shen!

In particular, the audience in the Huaxia region has bright eyes. Can it really make history?

The first Chinese person to reach the top without oxygen, the first Chinese person to reach the top with anaerobic solo!

Everything seems to be verified with this step.

However, the next moment, the excited audience seemed to be poured a pot of cold water.


There are corpses everywhere.

The peak is right in front of you, and death is within reach. Above 8,000 meters, not only the beautiful mountain peaks, but also the corpses of the victims are frequently seen, which are abrupt and eye-catching.

In the first person, the audience suddenly felt a kind of fear, and even felt weak, even if it was not themselves on the mountain, their legs were too weak to stand.

In this final distance, giving up may require more courage than moving forward.

However, Bi Fang's mentality was not affected in any way. The number of corpses that could be seen on the 8,000-meter-high mountaineering road was more than a hundred, not just over a hundred, but hundreds!

If you look at the vertical height, in these eight hundred meters, there is one corpse within five meters on average.

Such a high frequency, how not to be frightened.

It seems that what I want to go to is not the peak of the highest peak, nor is it the place of glory and courage, but is stepping on Huangquan Road, thinking of going to the underworld.

Will there be ox head and horse noodles in front?

This absurd idea flashed in the audience's mind, but when more and more corpses appeared, they all fell silent again.

The death zone is worthy of the name. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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