Bi Fang and Jarrett walked through the crowded crowd, and there were lights everywhere.

If one had to compare, it would be no exaggeration to compare Nepal to the Switzerland of Asia.

The ups and downs of the peak are written in the pure land on earth, blocking the disturbance of the world. People with different skin colors practice religiously, enjoy simple happiness, and pursue the perfection of life.

On the east and west sides of the Grand Canyon on the outskirts of Canada, there are even two ancient temples inhabited by hundreds of monkeys. The monkeys play and bask in the sun all day around the exquisite stone carvings, minarets, and Buddha statues in the temples.

If a film from the Middle Ages is to be made, the costumes and demeanor of each of the residents here can act as extras.

The audience was amazed by such a different style, but before they could appreciate it carefully, Jarrett took Bi Fang to the destination, a cafe in an alley.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows decorated with flower baskets, an old man smiled and waved.

While the old man said hello, the audience thousands of miles away were amazed, and many people didn't even know the old man who greeted him through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

What the hell, this person is the idol of Fang Shen?

Age spots and saggy skin? Anyone who says centenarians believe it?

[No, that old man is the idol of Fang Shen? 】

[The adventurer of the last century? 】

[Wait, looks a little familiar? 】

[Are the above group of people real or fake? It's **** David Attenborough! You don't even know this big guy? 】

[Have you not seen the animal world and man and nature...? This is your lord! 】

[Fuck, I have an impression after saying that, that old man is him! ? 】

Although he is a lot older, fortunately, many viewers still recognize this old man. There is no way, although he is not as good as some big stars, but everyone who has seen the animal world has a very strong impression of this old face.

"David Attenborough, the father of the world's natural documentaries, was awarded the title of Sir David by the Royal Family of Yangzhou for his contribution to the exploration of nature, so many people call him Sir Sir, Sir Sir is also my idol, and he almost personally inspected He has lived through all the known ecological environments in the world. Under his influence, hundreds of millions and even billions of viewers have learned to love nature. If there is any land in the world where his footprints have not been printed, I think it must be Everest. The summit and the Mariana Trench."

"Actually, the places I haven't been to are K2, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, etc... I think you can understand that people don't want to move very much when they get older, and peaks over 8,000 meters long It's so high that I feel tired looking at it." The old man stood up with a smile, went to the door to hold Bi Fang's hand, and brought him to the seat all the way.

Obviously, the lord heard Bi Fang's words and made a joke.

When the magnetic and familiar voice sounded again, it instantly evoked the long-term memories of countless people, as if the prairie reappeared in front of them, and the wildebeest in groups jumped over the mud river full of crocodiles. All of the time was stunned.

[Fuck, Lao Tzu's childhood! 】

【Animal World, yyds!】

[I feel like I haven't watched the animal world for a long time. By the way, why didn't the Lord take pictures? 】

[It's all just documentaries, isn't it the pulsating earth of the past few years? Sir Sir's documentary is a work of art, every frame can be used as wallpaper! too strong!】

[From black and white to 3D, the life span of Lord Sir is too long. If I remember correctly, he is really a centenarian, right? 】

"any drinks?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

Bi Fang was a little overwhelmed. He was calm and calm in any danger, but he was nervous when he faced an idol for the first time!

Although the two have different forms and methods, they both present nature and wilderness to everyone in essence. At this time, Bi Fang felt a sense of embarrassment when facing his seniors. For those who like documentaries, in the words of Star Chaser, he is a superstar at the level of the era mark in documentaries.

Jarret, who was beside him, was stunned. He didn't expect Bi Fang, who was omnipotent in his eyes, to have such a side, and the audience behind the screen even laughed.

Watching idols chasing idols is so interesting.

"Hahaha, are you nervous? I'm not a man-eating tiger. Could it be that I'm more scary than a black bear?" The Lord laughed.

Bi Fang scratched his head in embarrassment: "How is that possible, but Sir, you are really my idol. My dream is to measure every corner of the world with both feet, but you can say it has come true."

"Sir?" David Attenborough was taken aback.

"Your nickname." Bi Fang smiled, "We all call you that here. Because you are a real jazz, but I guess you may not value this thing very much."

It's not a compliment, but Bi Fang really thinks so. With the promotion of the old man in front of him, the most advanced photography technology can be applied to the documentary, which drives the positive operation of the entire documentary.

At the same time, Sir is also the only one who has won the BAFA Award in black and white, color, high-definition, 3D, 4K, which is equivalent to the Oscar of the ugly country.

It was the first time to broadcast a program that recorded the Reptile Museum of London Zoo to capture wild animals in Africa and Indonesia - "Zoo Quest", when it gained a large number of fans, quickly retired, chose to resign, and returned to university to study for a Ph.D. in social anthropology.

Just because naturalists returned from all over the world with specimens of animals and plants, now they are brought back with live exhibition animals.

In this process, apart from showing the greatness of human exploration, the attitude towards animals has not changed at all, and they are still regarded as playthings.

After graduation, he was rehired by the BBC, and when the BBC promoted Sir Alex to be the director, he chose to give his life another sudden stop. Decided to give up all that and go back to his old business to shoot his beloved wildlife documentary.

For this reason, he has traveled to almost every corner of the earth and has experienced hardships that ordinary people cannot imagine.

At that time, the transportation industry was not as developed as it is now, and many remote areas did not even have roads.

For the existing shooting tasks, he and his team carried a lot of things such as cameras, batteries, light sources and film boxes, which was no less difficult than the European explorers in the age of navigation.

On the other hand, as early as the late 1950s, Austrian filmmaker Hans Haas proposed the idea of ​​underwater photography and successfully developed a waterproof case for underwater photography.

It was David Attenborough who stunned the world by risking his life to present marine life on television for the first time.

Compared with the difficulties encountered in these shootings, what Attenborough wants to change is people's attitude towards nature and awakening people's reverence for animals.

If you don’t shoot people and tell the story through the lens of nature, is it feasible to let the animals and plants themselves be the protagonists?

From the age of 26 to the age of 91, from the red face and green temples to the gray hair, the Lord has proved that - yes!

Before Sir Alex, there were no nature documentaries. After him, let's talk about someone who can dedicate their whole life to this cause.

For Sir, the filming of documentaries is no longer just out of love. The driving force of his life is that we should pass on the world to the next generation and truly express our concerns about the fate of the natural world.

This is the real reason why Bi Fang admires and regards Sir Alex as his idol.

If you ignore the age and the shooting technique, the two are exactly the same!

Gu Although Attenborough is old, his mind is still very active. After thinking about it a little, he understands the reason, and he laughed: "As I get older, I often forget how old I am. A lot of things take a long time to understand.”

"I also hope to continue watching your documentaries. I have watched every step of the way carefully and yearn for it."

[So how old is Sir, is he a centenarian? 】

[Fuck, I just went to search for Mr. Sou, this life is too awesome, right? 】

【Real indifference to fame and fortune】

[So what is the lord doing here? Do you want to customize the shooting for Fang Shen? Or to shoot monkeys? 】

The frantically rolling barrage on the drone caught the Lord's attention and asked curiously, "Is that a barrage?"

After hearing about it, Bi Fang immediately took down the drone, and then pretended to adjust the tone. In fact, he changed the content of the bullet screen into English and handed it to Sir.

Attenborough took it over and looked at it, laughing loudly: "Age? To be honest, I really can't remember. I only remember that I joined the navy during World War II. The first historical record of human beings reaching the summit is In '54, I was almost thirty at the time, right?"

"Ninety-six." Bi Fang added.

[Fuck, ninety-six? My mother is older than my great-grandfather! 】

[Damn it, I'm going to be a centenarian. 】

Participated in World War II and witnessed the first recorded summit of Mount Everest. These two events alone gave the audience an unparalleled sense of the vicissitudes of the age, as if watching a living fossil.

His Excellency said with emotion: "I'm really old. I went to Africa to shoot a few years ago and met a black rhino, the guy's name is Elvis, an adult black rhino weighs a ton, has a grumpy temper, and likes to attack suddenly. It's even a little scary to shoot this up close because I'm too old to run."

Speaking of this, the lord also repeated conditioned reflex: "Every rhino is very precious, no one knows what the future of those little creatures will be, nor what will happen to the great land where it lives. When we finished work, some little guys were even reluctant to let us go, but I finally drove it away, so I couldn’t let it have a good impression on humans.”

Before waiting for the audience's reaction, the lord waved his hand: "Okay, let's not mention those, the older I get, the more I like memories, I almost forgot to say that it's not a big deal, I happened to be filming the changes in the snow line of Mount Everest in Kathmandu, by the way. Filming that group of monkeys. I just heard Jarret say you are here too, so I wanted to meet the younger generation, I watched your live broadcast, it was amazing, much more amazing than me."

How could Bi Fang dare to admit it at this time, he said with sincerity, "You are too much, I am far worse than Sir."

His Excellency interrupted Bi Fang's modesty: "I'm serious, my documentary reflects the beauty and tension of nature, your live broadcast is the beauty and tension between man and nature, it's really amazing to be able to do this, I even cry alone when I see you sending geese and birds."

[Hahaha, how does it feel to be praised by idols? Old Fang]

[Tell me about the acceptance speech. 】

Bi Fang scratched his head embarrassedly.

"There is another thing that Erwan may not have told you." Attenborough took a sip of coffee and suddenly mentioned, "I think you should know."

Hearing a familiar name from the Lord's mouth, Bi Fang didn't react at first, but he soon realized: "Is the migratory birds moving back?"

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has even been half a year since the last time the wild geese migrated.

April and May are also the time when geese and birds set off again.

"That's right!" Attenborough nodded, "Using a plane to lead migratory birds to migrate is the first artificial migration in the world, and there is no evidence that it is feasible."

[Wait, is it not feasible? Didn't Lao Fang succeed in his migration? Why is it not feasible anymore? 】

The audience didn't have time to think about why the Lord and Erwan knew each other. Just hearing that it was impossible was enough for them to fry the pot, why not?

At the beginning, it was a lot of hard work, and even his life was almost lost, and it was difficult to bring the white-fronted geese and the white-cheeked geese to the French wetlands. Isn't it a living example?

Bi Fang shook his head: "You think of migration too simply. Migration is essentially for foraging or reproduction, and animals periodically move from one region or climate zone to another. In layman's terms, it is The geese go south in winter and north in summer. Etienne and I brought the geese from the north to the south. It is April and the weather is starting to warm up, but there is no evidence that the geese will return from the south to the north to lay eggs again. , if it's a one-way ticket, the migration is effectively a failure."

"At the beginning, I always paid attention to this matter, and many biologists in the academic world were not optimistic, thinking that this was actually a failed experiment. The domestic wild goose has lost the instinct to migrate back and forth. You can succeed, it is just the wild goose machine. It has nothing to do with flying or migration, but..." Attenborough narrowed his eyes, "You don't seem nervous? Or rather, confident?"

Bi Fang smiled.

His confidence is natural.

It is the first time in this world that artificial migratory geese have been migrating, but not for Bi Fang!

This thing is doable!

No later than June, the geese will return to the Arctic Circle!

In the past life, many biologists thought it was impossible, but the fact was that they were madly slapped in the face. Of course, now Bi Fang can't explain the reason, but he is still confident.

"Trust my lord, they will fly back. You have not flown with them, so you cannot understand this feeling. I believe in them."

Attenborough was infected by Bi Fang's self-confidence, and most of his worries dissipated. Recalling the young man's consistent performance, perhaps he was serious.

That's really good!

After drinking a sip of coffee, Attenborough felt much better.

Bi Fang was curious: "How come you know Erwan?"

"Actually, the circle of sincere protection of animals is far smaller than you think. Although Erwan is a professor at the University of Paris, he has come to Cambridge to communicate. We met at that his I'm happy for him that the plan worked out."

Bi Fang suddenly realized, but he also understood.

In fact, with the improvement of personal identity and ability, many things that ordinary people do not encounter will become commonplace.

This is a bit like Einstein's space theory. The essence of gravity can be simply understood as a net. The mass of the object itself causes the net to sink. It will also fall down with the sinking of the net.

When Bi Fang discovered prehistoric creatures, his own fame attracted many things unconsciously, and Elwan was one of them. Looking at this world, there are only a handful of people who have the ability and the potential to help him. .

And the tallest and most eye-catching among them is Bi Fang.

Also according to the Six Degrees of Separation Theory: The distance between you and any stranger will not exceed five, that is to say, you can know any stranger through at most six people.

It's not surprising that Erwan can find himself.

Bi Fang knew from his previous life that there was a street writer named Carapace Ant. Although his grades were not good, after entering the seventh group, he could also meet such awesome writers as Tian Rui Shuo Fu, Ting Ri, and Heideng Xia Huo.

Thinking of this, Bi Fang suddenly had some understanding. No wonder the protagonists in many novels always encounter various troubles. Maybe this is the reason?

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