Cold and hard, the morning mist is permeated but like gunpowder smoke.


   This is the first feeling that Bi Fang woke up early in the morning. Even if the soft sponge cushion is left, it still looks like a hard bed after sleeping all night.


   The feeling of sleeping in the city and in the wilderness is very different. It is colder and more uncomfortable. Not only is it more restrictive, but also uncomfortable.


When    woke up, the trachea seemed to be filled with smoke and dust.




   Coughed twice, and Bi Fang opened his eyes and looked at the seat above his head. It took him a long time to realize that he was surviving in the wilderness in Yeimen for six days.


   Today is the second day.


  【Yo, Fang Dashen is up! 】


  【Run and tell! 】




   Bi Fang still wanted to say hello, but as soon as he spoke, the grunt of his stomach interrupted the rest of the words abruptly, and the scene was once very embarrassing.


  【It's twelve o'clock noon, I happen to be eating, it smells really good. Hahaha】


   [Chopped pepper bibimbap, served with imitation vegetables]


  【Don't talk about it, I will take this fish head first. 】


   Knocked on the barrage that the water friends showed off, Bi Fang scratched his head, laughed, and while taking away the foam pad blocking the window, he introduced.


   "I am currently in the war-torn city of Yeimen in Abasogang, which should be an abandoned industrial area, and I spent an uncomfortable night.


   Cold, wet, and hungry are not enough to describe my current state. If I have a hot breakfast in front of me now, that would definitely be my happiest thing in the past few days. "


   drilled out of the car, Bi Fang breathed in front of the morning sun, and exhaled mist. The cold stimulated every cell in his body, allowing him to quickly recover from his dormant state.


   Simple warm-up action to restore the state, Bi Fang plans to go to the trap yesterday, if he returns without success, it is by no means good news for him.


   grabbing the rope and entering the factory again, Bi Fang once again came to the trap, but his heart sank before he approached him. Looking over ten meters away, all the noose traps were empty!


  【It's over, the destiny is not in Fangshen! 】


   [I feel that Lao Fang was a bit miserable this time, and he ate some bugs without catching any prey all day.]


   [It seems that only Lao Fang’s first live broadcast with Ocean was so miserable, right? 】


   The water friends saw that Bi Fang’s trap fell through once again. It's not gloating, but they are also quite happy. It is also very interesting to see the strong.


  Bears can be beaten, wolves can be beaten, and a trap is set up, but they are often crippled.


"Although the traps are all empty, we shouldn't give up easily. Take a closer look. Maybe there will be accidents. Yesterday I still left the rat entrails. The noose trap has no results right now. It does not necessarily mean that there is no prey approaching. It may also be that the prey is not in the game, and it may not be possible to escape, but there must be traces after it has been there, and there may be hope."


   Disappointment returns to disappointment, and Bi Fang is not annoyed. Trap is a way of looking at luck, so you can't put too much hope on it.


   Approaching a few meters, Bi Fang, who was about to give up completely, suddenly shrugged the tip of his nose, then smiled.


   does not seem to be totally unproductive.


   There was a faint smell in the air, indicating that there had been creatures here.


   When I got closer, even the water friends found out that the leftover rat innards were gone last night!


  【I wiped it, there really is it? 】


[What the hell, so clever? 】




   Bi Fang squatted on the ground and pointed his finger at the diamond-shaped footprints that couldn't be more obvious on the dust. A few light yellow hairs could be found on the side, which were obviously left by other creatures.


   "I don't know if you still remember the training methods Mugalen taught last time to find prey, those statements are basically correct.


  The fox has three small paws, the cat is a plum blossom print, the bear has four claws to increase fat in the front, the deer is similar to a sheep, two points, and the rabbit is basically a plum blossom dot in the front with a long strip behind it, and the hind leg print. The place where the wild boar walks is like a bulldozer.


   Look, the footprints here are narrow diamond-shaped, because the footprints of foxes are more slender than dogs, generally 5 cm long and 4 cm wide.


   There is a gap between the footprints of the two front palms and the two hind palms, and the gap will be longer than a matchstick.


And early spring from March to April is the time when foxes moult, so you can often see hair between the footprints. Not only foxes, but most animals moult at this time. Dogs are from March to May, and cats are also in spring and autumn. season. "


   Bi Fang picked up the hair on the ground and showed it to the audience. It was a thick bunch of short hair.


   The most important thing is that Bi Fang smelled the smell that belongs to foxes.


   [Fuck, body odor is real? 】


   [With such a great taste, can you directly ask? 】


  【Awesome, is Fangshen's nose a dog nose? 】


   Bi Fang shook his head. As long as he is careful, the smell can actually taste, after all, it is really heavy.


   "The fox itself doesn't taste great, otherwise if it really has its own body odor, isn't it a natural mark in the eyes of many olfactory predators?"


   The water friends nodded uncontrollably, as if there was some truth in it.


"The fox is similar to the skunk. There is a glandular sac on each side of the fox's anus, which can release a peculiar smell, and its function is to avoid natural enemies. So when the fox is stimulated or frightened, it is likely to be It will give off an unbearable smell.


   Moreover, the smell of fox urine is relatively strong, which is difficult to remove. UU reading www.uukANAnshu. Com is not so much a bad smell, but it is actually closer to a bad smell.


   So I guess, this little fox ate the rat innards, not to mention it, but also excreted here. "


   With his nose loose, Bi Fang could easily find the fox’s excretion, because the ground was not full of dust, and there was no need to be too careful to tell where there was a trace of water.


   A pool of dry yellow irregular patches appeared on the ground of the factory. Bi Fang can guarantee that this thing was absolutely absent during the day yesterday.


   There are indeed very few foxes in cities, but in abandoned cities like Yeimen, you can occasionally see some wild animals.


Moreover, the construction of the city of Abasogang is very loose, not as dense as Huaxia, otherwise the fire the day before yesterday will not burn half of the street alone without people stopping. In this case, some wild animals will also Occasionally enter the city.


   "I have no bait in my hand. In this case, the fox is unlikely to appear again, so I can only go hunting to see if I can catch it directly. Just follow the footprints..."


   There is still a smell...


   pointed at Bi Fang's eyelids drooping in a series of footprints on the ground, and did not say the second half.


   The city is covered with concrete floors, and it is difficult to find prey by relying solely on footprints. Unfortunately, this fox should never do anything wrong. After eating the internal organs, he urinates, and his body is also stained with odor.


   Isn't this looking for death?

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