, yes)

Think about it.

Jiang Zhe’s pupils trembled.

The goosebumps on his body suddenly piled up!

A cold current rushed from the back to the brainstem crazily!

Jiang Zhe earlier, he was completely unaware that Jiang Xiaobai had discovered that the world was fake.

Perhaps Jiang Zhe at that time was too proud and complacent.

As a result, even the most critical results have not been observed?

In this way, Jiang Xiaobai’s situation is more like the scene that happened to the real Jiang Zhe that Jiang Zhe met in the Dimension Library.

The virtual Jiang Zhe (true body) in the video at that time could also observe the real Jiang Zhe (illusion) outside the screen.


Jiang Zhe shook his head in a daze: “That’s not the case! I saw the real Jiang Zhe at the beginning, only because it was the obstacle-breaking task given to me by the Dimension Library. It was all a virtual construction in my mind.”

“And why?”

“How did Jiang Xiaobai find out that the world is fake?”

Jiang Zhe propped his hands on the silver-white mechanical table, observing everything that happened in the video, trying to find the answer, but he was still puzzled.

in the video.

Jiang Xiaobai had already got up and turned to leave.

Just when the opponent hadn’t walked three steps away…

The picture suddenly darkens until it loses its color.

See this scene.

“The screen is black?”

Jiang Zhe was puzzled, and quickly operated the mouse to adjust the data of the world in the vat.

After nearly 10 minutes of operation, I still can’t completely get back the authority.

Just when he was at a loss.

The scenery around him suddenly changed!

I noticed that the surrounding light began to change.

He looked up suddenly. look around.

The pattern of the originally clean and different-dimensional space room suddenly became pure in color.

All the original silver metal equipment appeared in a corner!

The original arrangement of the facilities has also been quietly changed.

He looked around, very weird

In the space of another dimension, it seems that someone has tampered with it.

Seems neater and wider too!

“what happened?”

When Jiang Zhe was at a loss.

A voice full of vicissitudes and magnetism suddenly sounded from behind!


Jiang Zhe, who was extremely sensitive to the soul, immediately understood who was behind him.

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