: Moral Bitch

Accompanied by Elton’s voice fell.

Audiences all over the world were dumbfounded.

For a while, it was hard to refute!

If that meteorite 65 million years ago…

Without crashing on the earth, it did not cause the slow extinction of dinosaurs.

As the experts thought about this, they immediately shook their heads.

Because on Earth, have foundCrater’s.

It has already indicated the fact that the comet came 65 million years ago.

“What’s going on?”

“The original earthlings turned out to be dinosaurs?”

“What a trough! Although I’m sure we’re not natives of the earth, but Nima is too outrageous, can dinosaurs evolve into humans?”

“For the first time! My world view is forced again at this moment!”


Perhaps the audience find it difficult to accept.

Because modern science tells them—

Land dinosaurs, descendants of flying dinosaurs, correspond to modern free-range chickens, as well as birds.

Moreover, most of the hands of terrestrial dinosaurs are short and small, how could it be possible to evolve human attributes?

With the revelation of the aborigines.

Immediately let countless global experts come forward to answer.

Their answers are obviously different from what ordinary audiences perceive.

[Kyoto-Lao Bai]: “It’s possible! It’s possible to evolve into a dinosaur! Didn’t you see the first wave of humanoids? If they evolved into dinosaurs, the first wave Jiang Zhe killed would definitely be It’s a dinosaur!”

[Pretty-Harry]: “That’s right! The upper limbs of carnivorous dinosaurs were short and could not be grasped. If the comet 65 million years ago destroyed most of the carnivorous dinosaurs, but a few herbivorous dinosaurs survived by chance If it survives, it is possible to evolve into humans. It seems that something is wrong, if the herbivorous dragon survives, then they cannot adapt to the earth’s volcanoes and tsunami environment at that time, and the herbivorous system cannot survive!”

[Kyoto-Lao Zhou]: “There is no need for biologists to popularize science. I also know that there is not much difference in the length of limbs of herbivorous dinosaurs, but most of them have small brains, and most of them cannot evolve. And if the carnivorous dinosaurs survive, there is no need Green plants only need to kill herbivorous dinosaurs within a certain range. Marine dinosaurs, in the process of biological development, gradually evolved into other creatures, which may evolve. After the final screening, the most suitable dinosaurs have the highest IQ , it must be ‘Troodont’!”

Lao Zhou is not a biologist.

But it makes sense.

Because current earth science—

The most intelligent dinosaur recognized is Troodon.

The EQ index of the kangaroo is about 0.7, but the EQ index of the Troodon is as high as 5.3!

If they lived till now.

Even smarter than any reptile and some mammals today!

It is very likely to evolve into a dinosaur man!

More importantly, the humanoid creatures shown in the first wave.

The next conversation between Jiang Zhe and Elton revealed the fact that Troodontus was a dinosaur.

on screen.

Jiang Zhe asked again: “Dinosaurs! The first wave you released were the natives of the earth transformed by your lizard clan?”

Elton nodded and ordered: “Troodont! The only terrestrial creature that has survived so far. Not only them, we also have sea-type horrors. If you don’t want them to die, just leave here obediently and promise not to die. Return to the underground world again!”

But Jiang Zhe was not threatened.

He took a step forward, staring sharply, and asked, “What’s the motive?”

Elton smiled dismissively: “Motivation? You talk to me about motivation? If we hadn’t arrived on Earth a long time ago and took them in. Can they survive to this day?”

Immediately afterwards, Elton told the history in detail.

Elton so far.

He still clearly records in the history books of the Lizard Clan——

Troodon, and the remaining dinosaurs that had just evolved ashore.

Appearing in every hidden corner of the globe.

Because the number is too small, and there were all kinds of weird ancient apes back then.

Although Troodontus relied on its intelligence to use tools in advance.

But the number is too small, and countless people died without experiencing a sudden drop in temperature.

By the time the lizard race came to the earth, there were no dinosaurs left.

See each other as “poor”.

Elton’s ancestors summoned them into the underground world.

Of course, this is only the development of free labor.

Therefore, for millions of years, the dinosaurs have been living in the world of the lower level of purgatory.

Technology… is developing extremely slowly!

Almost only as backward as the Xia Kingdom tribe thousands of years ago.

“That’s it.”

Elton shook his head and smiled: “If it weren’t for us, do you think your wandering souls would still be able to see extinct creatures on Earth?”

“Mammoth, we saved.”

“The saber-toothed tiger, we saved it too.”

“Dinosaur man, we also saved.”

“We have saved all kinds of unnatural creatures that only exist in your surface history books, even in your imagination!”

Elton just wanted to laugh, and took a step forward to look down at Jiang Zhe: “In the end, you talked to me about your motives? You earthlings didn’t protect the surface creatures. For the sake of the economy, you kill, kill, and kill again. After the killing, the media will The website claims: ‘We want to protect the diversity of life on earth’, but what? They’ve earned enough!”

“This is the so-called diversification?”

“Diversification, how many natural creatures that should have survived have been extinct?”

“To protect the diversity of species, we should imprison wild creatures, act as a zoo to collect tickets for people to watch, and praise ‘such a cute animal, I really want to keep one’, is that right?”

“If I imprison you human beings in a human breeding garden, you should also thank me for protecting you?”

Elton talked on and on and couldn’t stop!

It seems that the more you talk, the more you can live safe and sound!

“Oh yes! Hundreds of years ago, the sun never set on your surface empire: Charles Robert Darwin, and wrote a book “Origin of Species” for this.”

“He said that biological evolution depends on the survival of the fittest?”

“Did you know? The survival of the fittest is a typical social Darwinian thought, and you can even refer to the racism of the surface Nazis in the last century for its specific practice.”. Everyone knows the Nazis were wrong, but why do you want to follow in the footsteps of the Nazis? ”

“You don’t know! For disadvantaged groups, survival of the fittest is the lack of human civilization?”

“Darwin was right, it was you human beings who were wrong!”

Speaking of which.

The anger in Elton’s heart grew stronger.

He vented his anger on the entire human race! ! !

Words are also gradually excited!

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was already surprised.

They were so reprimanded by Elton that they could not refute!

If it was anyone else on the scene, I’m afraid they would lose to Elton in this sudden ‘debate match’.

It can be seen that Elton’s IQ is…extremely high!

And the motive is extremely unknown!

On the surface, he is reprimanding human beings, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that – he just wants to survive!



Share a little routine. .

night. Chengshen was about to go downstairs to throw out the trash, but he met two cats at the top of the stairs. A white-gloved raccoon cat and another British short-haired cat were exchanging howling skills with each other. After nearly 5 minutes of exchanging lessons, Chengshen finally took the chicken with half a bag of chicken tenders in his hand after missing 3 elevators. Willow gave two cats. The cihuamao devoured it hungrily. Ke Yingduan didn’t even look at me straight in the eye, and just ignored the chicken tenders. Almost instantly, this fierce battle made me decide who to help—to help Lihua. Then I stood there for nearly 3 minutes, Yingshou didn’t dare to approach me, because I was protecting the raccoon cat from eating chicken tenders. . . When it was almost over, I took the fourth elevator to go downstairs and poured out the remaining chicken tenders. When I went back upstairs, Yingtan had disappeared. I guess it was the little brother who came down from upstairs just now to pick up Yingduan from the scene. Then I grabbed the civet cat by the back of its neck and brought it to the stairway, because there was a chicken fillet I had put on the stairway.

In the end… I took it home.

Not for a while.

There was a cat meowing at the door, and I didn’t quite understand what it was saying.

The moment I opened the door… Maomao was afraid that I wouldn’t understand… It actually, it turned its head, as if to say: “Give me the chicken tenders, don’t you know that this thing is very dry? You don’t even give me saliva? How did you become a human being? Scumbag!”

See this scene.

I was surprised for a moment.

Then…turned around and picked up the scissors…cut the mineral water bottle, filled it with water, and put it on the stairs.

Next, I went to Longkong to share this story.

And then…then…the cat just doesn’t go away. . .

I was in a stalemate with it for nearly 20 minutes, and I made up my mind to close the door again.

From today’s scene, I discovered a truth——

Exotic cats/domestic cats are very delicate!

A stray, cat who eats a lot of food, is extremely down-to-earth. What to feed and what to eat!

It turns out that there are unwritten rules in the cat world. . .

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