: Immortal Guides the Way, Choose One of the Classics

“But, the travel ticket, is it just invalidated?”

A viewer asked this question curiously.

I saw Jiang Zhe in the picture raising his hand: “Not void! After the next science popularization is over, I will conduct two rounds of lottery draws. All viewers have the opportunity to get travel tickets. At the same time, I will reward the viewers who answer the questions correctly. ticket”

Official live broadcast room.

Following Jiang Zhe’s promise.

It immediately aroused the shock of a large number of viewers.

“Fuck! We still have a chance if we don’t answer the questions?”

“Isn’t that cool? Travel to the moon for free, only you in the world dare to make this promise!”

“In the past, the foreign Musk boss ‘Dragon Spaceship’, others spent billions of dollars to get a ticket, and they were still watching the moon in the universe, and they didn’t land. I will go, or you!”

“Does it mean that there are two more questions?”

“Stop talking, brothers, get up!”


I heard that there are still two chances to draw a lottery.

The audience were all excited.

They all began to pick up their notebooks and prepare to fight at any time.

at the same time.

Stargate base.

Looking at the guarantee given by Jiang Zhe on the TV.

Even Wang Hui was moved. He looked at the other think tank members:

“Do you want to go to the moon?”

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became hot.

“Why don’t you want to?”

“Nonsense! Boss, I must have thought about it!”

“Huh? Don’t we have a flying saucer? Isn’t the engineer accelerating the improvement? It’s almost 200 times the speed of sound?”

A strange voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

It immediately caught Wang Hui’s attention, and he frowned, knowing it in his heart.

“I’m going to ask the leader for instructions.”

“Big deal, we will explore on the surface of the moon, just say scientific investigation. The leader must agree!”

Thinking of this, Wang Hui couldn’t help but smile.

“I think it’s okay!”

“It’s true, if the leader disagrees, I’ll be in a hurry with him.”

“If the leader disagrees, I’ll go to sleep with him and make him agree.”

“Sister, I really have you!”

When they heard that they were going to the moon, the rest of the members were even more excited.

In the Stargate base, there are currently 3 experimental flying saucers.

And they were all tested by Jiang Zhe and Jiang Ming before, without any safety issues.

It can carry about 30 people.

Indeed, this was Wang Hui’s impromptu idea.

Only Xia Guo has 3 flying saucers in the world.

On the one hand, it is to satisfy the curiosity of exploration, and on the other hand, it is in case Jiang Zhe’s scientific team goes to the moon and encounters some kind of dilemma.

Fortunately, they served as Jiang Zhe’s foreign aid during the scientific research on the surface of the moon.

in the video.

After Jiang Zhe finished talking about “Jam Cat”, he started the next science popularization non-stop.

“What follows is an almost unsolvablequestion. ”

“However, there is a solution to this problem, but it will be difficult to solve it for a while, so don’t worry everyone.”

The voice fell.

When the experts heard it was “no solution”.

More and more experts began to join the queue.

Prior to the jam cats, they did not play to.

In the second question, it is imperative to show your face.

Fame is not important, the main thing is to have a ticket to the moon!

Facing the camera, Jiang Zhe thought about it and decided to use the simulated space for demonstration.

Lift your right hand.

A fork in the road begins to appear in the 3D space.

A wise man with white hair stood in the middle of the intersection.

In front of him, there are only two roads at this moment, one left and one right.

At the same time, on the left and right sides, there are angels with silver wings standing.

At this point in the simulation, Jiang Zhe looked at the camera and explained:

“There was a wise man who decided to look for the legendary God. He traveled through mountains and rivers and went through untold hardships, and finally found the news of God.”

“At this time, the wise man arrived at a three-way intersection. He stood in the middle of the road. He faced two choices, left and right.”

“As you can see, there are angels standing on the left and right sides.”

“If he wants to find God, then he must choose one of the two paths. He only has one chance to pass God’s ‘choice test’ to determine whether he is eligible to see God.”

“Of course, he can ask the angel which way to go, and the angel’s words also determine his choice.”

At this point in the explanation, the corners of Jiang Zhe’s mouth couldn’t help but outline:

“Here comes the important point – these two angels, one always tells the truth, the other always tells the lie, and the angel who tells the lie at the same time will lie!”

“This wise man has only one chance!”

“How to take advantage of this opportunity and choose the right path?”

“This thought experiment is called: ‘Immortals guide the way’, or ‘Angels guide the way, anyone can guide the way, and the problem is also established!'”

Jiang Zhe couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.

In previous lives.

This problem has troubled most people in the world for a lot of time.

No one has been able to give the correct answer!

In the end, he also forgot who solved this paradox.

He vaguely remembered that there was no correct answer on the Internet in his previous life.

Some are just students in a special small circle who gave the convincing truth.

Following Jiang Zhe’s question.

At the scene, the reception room suddenly became extremely quiet, as if the air had been frozen.

Intuition tells them that there is no solution to this problem!

In the reception room.

A group of leaders persuaded them to quit on the spot, which is no longer within their reach.

Only a small number of special forces are still struggling.

Agent Sword: “I feel like I can try it!”

Pete: “Difficult, very difficult!”

Sergey: “I don’t even try, just wait for the answer!”

As for Lao Zhang, Lao Chang, and Lao Li, they covered their ears before they even heard the question clearly.

Old Zhang: “I give up!”

Lao Chang: “This is beyond my comprehension!”

Lao Li: “I graduated from middle school, and I can’t understand it at all!”

In the end, they set their sights on Jiang Ming.

Seeing someone staring at him, Jiang Ming couldn’t help but smile: “Don’t look at me, you only get one chance for this question, you have to choose one of the classics, and you have to choose 100% right. It’s really difficult!”

Official live broadcast room.

The audience immediately went off to try to explain.

“I probably understand. It means that we have to choose a 100% correct answer among the ‘true and false’, and see God. Premise: There is only one chance.”

“A chance to be 50% correct, how is it possible?”

“In statistics, at least you can get information to make statistics, and finally choose the one with the highest probability. But it has been limited here, only 50% probability.”

“Nimma! Is this the same as removing the red and blue lines in a bombing case? Although someone can choose the right answer, you must tell the correct answer process?”

“Liu Yue, hacker brothers, can you do it?”

[Liu Yue]: “I’m rushing to Kunming, I’ve already got the ticket… Sorry, this question is too difficult!”

[V-faced hacker]: “I really can’t do this question, I don’t think I can answer it.”

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