Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 93: Judgment, there are more and more judges these days, it's very deplorable

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When Sharlayan froze in place and fell into deep thought (communicating with the barrage), Alfa didn't bother him.

The Thorn Whisperer slowly walked out of the den with his big **** twisting, and turned into the shaved crow again, flapping his wings and flying high into the sky.

At this point, the barrage has basically come to a conclusion that Sharlayan's mother, Inas, should not be a pure-blooded dragon of any race, but most likely a hybrid of a green dragon and a red dragon.

[Is it really possible for this kind of thing to happen? It seems that there has never been a hybrid dragon in the game. 】

[Of course it is possible, the game only shows a part of the real world, it is impossible to cover everything. 】

[There is no reproductive isolation between different dragon races, and it is theoretically possible to give birth to mixed offspring. 】

[Moreover, the power of the red dragon and the green dragon is essentially the power of life, and the fusion of the two powers will not cause conflict. 】

[Here comes the question. Inas, who has inherited the power of the two dragon clans, is definitely not bad. Who was she injured by, and where has she gone now? 】

The question raised by the barrage woke Sharlayan out of his trance, but when he wanted to ask Alpha again, he found that the den was already empty.

"... people?"


A female Thorny Whisperer dressed wildly walked into Alfa's lair, and waved to Sharlayan carelessly.

This female Thorn Whisperer wore a horned hood on her head, covering most of her face, and only some tattered animal skins hung on her body, revealing a large area of ​​bronze-colored skin, with very muscular lines.

"You're... Chloe, right?"

The female Thorn Whisperer nodded generously and admitted: "Yes, I'm glad you remembered my name."

Olfa is old and weak.

In order to better guide and manage the growing number of Thorn Whisperers, he chose two senior apprentices, a man and a woman, to exercise management power instead of himself, and he himself became the spiritual leader of all Thorn Whisperers.

Chloe is the female manager of the two, who looks to be in her early 30s.

But in fact, this senior thornspeaker is close to 50 years old, and the strong vitality of the druid profession has slowed down her aging speed.

Sharlayan learned of Orfa's whereabouts from Chloe.

The female manager is very busy with her daily work, and she waved away freely after conveying the news.


Orfa going to Boralus should contact Daelin directly, and warn King Kul Tiras from the perspective of mysticism.

[That's right, the voodoo barrier is really troublesome. Not only can it isolate the internal and external connections, but it can also continuously absorb the vitality of the enemy, giving the Zandalari trolls an advantage in battle. 】

[Kul Tiras must find a way to break this enchantment, otherwise he may suffer losses in the subsequent battles. 】

【It's too far away, let's think about Sharlayan's next test first. 】

Alfa has long been used to living in seclusion in the wilderness, so he shouldn't stay in Boralus for too long.

Sharlayan simply sat down in his lair and discussed the detailed information of Zandalari with Danmaku.

The next test in a month's time is going to the hinterland of the Zandalari trolls, and it will definitely be a big disadvantage to rush to the end.

Since Orfa clearly indicated that the destination of Sharlayan's test was Zuldazar, the barrage temporarily skipped the two areas of Nazmir and Wharton, and focused on the situation of Zuldazar.

Zuldazar is the center of the Zandalari Empire, a sacred mountain inhabited by a large number of loa.

Of the many loa in Zuldazar, the Zandalari tribe chooses the most powerful loa.

This loa is called the kings loa by the Zandalari trolls, and is the most respected existence among all the loa.

The current generation... and even the Loa kings of countless previous generations are Devilsaur Rezan, and its strength is undoubtedly the strongest among all the Loa gods.

But according to the barrage, Rezan's brain doesn't seem to be very easy to use.

This is a common problem of the Devilsaur family, which is powerful but relatively low in intelligence.

Rezan is undoubtedly a qualified king loa. Since signing the contract with Dasa, the founding king of Zandalar, it has been dutifully guarding the Zandalari tribe and the god-kings of all ages. It has been 16,000 years ago. Thousands of years.

Rezan has a violent temper, and because he believes too much in his own strength, he is easily provoked by his enemies.

According to the barrage, the mighty Rezan died impulsively in the end. It was ambushed and killed by Zul, the prophet who betrayed Zandalari, and his body was transformed into a skeleton Devilsaur.

In addition to the kings of Loalezan, Zandalar also lived on the island of Velociraptor Gonk, Pterodactyl Paku, Direhorn Torkali, Plesiosaurus Gani, Thunder Lizard Akunda, Frog Karg There are a lot of Loa gods such as Watt, Sirik the bat, Hershes and Setaris the poisonous snake, Shadra the spider, Torga the turtle, Jibul the saber-toothed tiger, and many others.


Seeing a lot of names reported by the barrage, the corners of Sharlayan's mouth twitched.

"Although I am not afraid of fighting, I will not rashly rush towards an enemy that I cannot defeat."

"With so many loa, how do I move around Zuldazar without their sight?"

[This is not clear, Alfa should not arrange impossible tests. 】

[Maybe it’s just for you to wander around Zuldazar, not to go deep into the holy mountain where Loa lives. 】

【Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to mention it. 】

[Zuldazar also has a special humanoid loa, Bwonsamdi. 】

Just as Sharlayan and Danmaku speculated, Orfa didn't stay in Boralus for long, and returned to the Thorny Whisperer's den after more than an hour.

But the Thorn Whisperer went empty-handed, but when he came back, he carried a little girl carved in pink and jade on his back.

Sharlayan, who was getting more familiar with the power of nature, raised his head when he heard the movement.

When he saw the generous little girl, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Alfa, is this your child?"

Alfa, who had changed back into the form of a giant bear, said angrily: "How is it possible, she is the daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, Princess Jaina of Kul Tiras."【Ahhhhhh! Appeared! Loli Gianna! This perfectly proportioned calf, watch me lick her broken bones! 】

[Hey, 110, this is the person! 】

[Punishment, there are more and more judges these days, it's very frustrating. 】

[Cough~ Be serious, aren't you afraid of being killed by her? Jaina's mana is stronger than Rhonin' every sense. 】

Sharlayan remained calm on the surface, but was slightly taken aback in his heart.

‘Is she the lone star Jaina mentioned by the barrage? Can't tell at all...'

Jaina Proudmoore, Daelin and Catherine's only daughter, princess of Kul Tiras.

Judging from the appearance, Jaina should be less than 10 years old at this time. She has well-groomed bright blond hair, and her clear eyes are as blue as the sea. UU reading

Since leaving Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan hadn't seen a human whose beauty was comparable to that of an elven beauty, and today was finally a good experience.

Jaina looked at Sharlayan with curiosity in her eyes.

It seemed that this was not the first time she had seen the high elves, but she was a little surprised by Sharlayan's temperament which was different from other elves.

"Mr. High Elf, nice to meet you."

Jaina politely lifted the hem of her skirt and slightly bent her knees, giving a standard ladylike salute to Sharlayan.

"I am the princess of Kul Tiras, Jaina Proudmoore, and I am here to fulfill the Proudmoore family's promise to Lady Inas on behalf of the royal father."

Jaina carefully rummaged through the high-end space package at her waist.

The corners of Sharlayan's mouth twitched when he saw her **** pack.

'Magic rune pack... a big dog, worthy of being the princess of the wealthy sea kingdom of Kul Tiras. '

The space package that Julian gave to Sharlayan is made of enchanted cotton cloth. Compared horizontally among all levels of space packages, it is a relatively affordable and cost-effective product (high EQ). It is comparable in price and capacity to the magic rune package. A few orders of magnitude off.

"Ah~ I found it."

Jaina took out a small container shaped like a lamp from the package, held it in both hands and handed it to Sharlayan.

"This is a token entrusted to my grandfather by Ms. Inas, and the Proudmoore family will return it as it is."

Confused, Sharlayan bent down to take the so-called token from the padded Jaina.

"what is this?"

Alfa on the side smiled meaningfully: "Put away the soul lamp, put it away first, you will use it later."

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