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Chapter 881: "God Killing" Project

As the overlord clan that once reached the top, the Gurubashi will never give up their suzerainty. Even if they have to pay a huge price, Mandokir plans to give it a go.

Since the blood **** Haka has not yet recovered, Mandokir in this period has not yet been given the title of blood lord.

As the chief of the Gurubashi clan, Mandokir is brave and good at fighting, and he cooperates tacitly with the sorcerer Jindo.

It's a pity that today's Gurubashi clan cannot be saved by one or two heroes with outstanding combat effectiveness.

As early as when he was easily humiliated by the young Medivh, Ryan Wrynn, and Anduin Lothar, Gurubashi's external strength was already exposed.

It is precisely because of Gurubashi's humiliating experience of being teased by three little ghosts that the large powerful clans such as Xueding and Pikuan who have been dormant in developing forces have moved their minds.

The princes and generals Xiangning are kind, you can still be the suzerain even if you put Gurubashi in such a mess, why can't we?

Since then, Gurubashi's suzerain aura has ceased to shine brightly, and Stranglethorn Vale has officially entered the era of feudal lords.

After years of tragic internal fighting, the only large jungle troll clans that can survive to this day are the Pikuan and Bloodtop clans.

The other small and medium-sized clans were severely affected by the civil war. Ambitious clans either actively or passively got involved in the war and died. The clans that didn't want to participate in the disputes fled to the relatively peaceful cape of Stranglethorn Vale to live in seclusion and never intervene in the civil war.

At the beginning, these small and medium clans who fled their hometown thought that the war would gradually subside after a year or two. Unexpectedly, this fight lasted for more than ten years, and the duration spanned the first and second orc wars. not end yet.

Seeing that the homeland that the jungle trolls have relied on for tens of thousands of years has been beaten more and more dilapidated, the hermit clan who didn't want to get involved in the war is getting more and more tired of the three big clans that are still unconsciously fighting endlessly.

Although they intend to end the war, these small and medium-sized clans lack their own strength, and rushing to join them is tantamount to being a mantis.

The Darkspear clan happened to rise at this point in time, and won the unanimous approval of a large number of clan chiefs who did not want to see the war continue.

As for who is the last person to sit on the position of the suzerain clan, these clans who fled the war in the first place don't care... at least not for the time being.

Right now, they just want to see the war end as soon as possible, so that the beautiful Stranglethorn Rainforest can return to peace.

According to Sen'jin's long-term plan, the Darkspear clan will temporarily stand still and stick in the northern part of Stranglethorn Vale like a nail, continuing to exert pressure on the three major clans.

The animosity caused by years of fighting between Piku, Bloodscalp, and Gurubashi will never be eliminated. As long as they wait for the right time, they will fight again sooner or later.

At that time, Sen'jin will lead the restless Darkspear clan to find the right time to enter the battlefield, and strive to win the battle.

However, at this time, a visitor who claimed to be from Zandalar told Sen'jin a shocking secret.

Although it has not been fully confirmed, judging from the intelligence that the Darkspear should have sent back from Zul'Gurubne after this period of time, the information that the Zandalari told them may be more than 70% true.

Sen'jin once studied in Zandalar, the most civilized and developed troll country, and his vision is not comparable to those of the native compatriots who have been trapped in Stranglethorn Vale all year round.

Haka the Soul Taker is also a well-known evil **** in the holy mountain Zudasa. Once he is allowed to come to the material world again, this civil war that is already coming to an end will add more variables.

Recently, Sen'jin is worrying about whether to tell the Pitou and Bloodtop clan about the moth that Gurubashi created to secure power.


Sharlayan, who understood the whole situation, lowered his head and fell into deep thought. After a while, he raised his head again and said to Vol'jin: "I agree with Sen'jin, Hakkar cannot be allowed to return to Azeroth."

"Even if you can't stop Jin Du's crazy move in time, at least you have to seal him again before Haka regains his strength, or... kill him directly."

Loa are the wild spirits of Azeroth, and their form of existence is essentially no different from the demigods of the wild.

Using the barrage words as an analogy, the Loa and the Wilderness Demigod are nothing more than the difference between a temporary worker and a regular worker in the eyes of the Titan Guardian.

The trolls have a very pragmatic understanding of the loa. They worship the loa and ask for their protection, but most trolls don't blindly believe in the loa.

When necessary, some trolls will even sacrifice the loa they enshrine, and drink poison to quench their thirst in a short period of time to obtain the powerful power derived from the loa.

But the price of doing so is also very heavy. Once the sacrificial Loa is allowed to escape the shackles, crazy revenge will inevitably follow, and the clan's impression in the Loa community will also drop to the lowest point.

That's right, it's you, Amani.

In the culture of trolls, Loa is not invincible, as long as you are willing to pay a sufficient price, the "God" of Loa will kill you as well.

When Sharlayan mentioned that Hakkar was going to be sealed or even killed, Vol'jin's expression was not very surprised, because his father Sen'jin also planned to do so.

Sharlayan: "Due to geographical distance and other objective reasons, Quel'Thalas cannot send reinforcements to you. The task of preventing the rise of Hakkar can only be completed by yourself."

"All I can do is to inform Booty Bay in advance, and let the Blackwater Pirates guarantee sufficient logistics supplies for you, and..."

Sharlayan patted Vol'jin's arm heavily: "In the final battle, I will fight in my personal capacity and help you defeat Hakkar."

"When you advance to Zul'Gurub, remember to ask the Blackwater Pirates to send a message to Quel'Thalas. I will rush over as soon as I receive the contact."

As a foreigner, it was inconvenient for Sharlayan to directly intervene in the power struggle of the jungle trolls, which would instead add a lot of trouble to Sen'jin.

Once Hakkar the Soulflayer appears, he will become a crisis that all living beings of Azeroth need to face.

At that time, Sharlayan will participate in the battle as the defender of Azeroth, which can minimize the doubts that Sen'jin may face after the war.

In order to temporarily distance himself from the relationship, Sharlayan once again rejected Vol'jin's invitation.

After waving goodbye to Vol'jin free and easy, Sharlayan floated away with three confidantes, and walked along the road to Booty Bay without haste.

At the same time, Sunderland, who was flying at an astonishing speed, had already returned to the scorching canyon, throwing Baltos in front of the upper gate of the Blackrock Tower without anyone noticing.

After that, he plunged into the city of Darkforge, joined the followers who were waiting for him in the city, and prepared to migrate across the sea to Uldum.

Recently, under the strict requirements of the black dragon, the black stone orcs who are still very weak have to endure discomfort and increase their patrolling.

Not long after Baltos was put down, the Blackrock orcs who happened to be patrolling here discovered this strange elf.

The orc had never seen a night elf before, and for a moment he was not sure what this comatose guy was.

Fortunately, a dragonman team that went out to search happened to return and found the Blackstone orc patrol team discussing something together.

When the captain of the dragonman team stepped forward and tried to scold the group of slackers to continue working, he saw and recognized Baltos lying on the ground at a glance.

After a while of flying around, the unconscious Baltos was carried back to the Blackwing Nefarian, who had just escaped from the Blackwing Blood Ring not long ago, personally inspected it, and put Baltos Si told all the black dragons present.

Knowing that Baltos, who was mentally damaged, would wake up in about a month, the black dragons finally breathed a sigh of relief, but what followed was even stronger humiliation and anxiety.

There is no doubt about Bartos's strength, even if Nefarian took the shot himself, it would take a lot of effort to defeat him, let alone knock him out and take him away alive.

Since leaving Wyrmrest Temple with Deathwing, the rebel black dragons have been hunted down by four-color dragons all year round, and the number of groups has continued to decrease.

After suddenly learning that Baltos had been kidnapped, the initial anger subsided, and most of the black dragons who gradually calmed down pointed their suspicions at the four-color giant dragon, and never thought of mortals at all.

After all, in their opinion, only a dragon can defeat a dragon.

Nefarian, who knew everything, kept silent about this, and had no intention of telling these idiots what he knew.

'Mind control? This method... can vaguely see the shadow of Onyxia. '

Nefarian thoughtfully inspected Baltos, who was still unconscious after being transformed back into his original form.

‘How did that girl break through Bartos’ mental defense? With her shadow magic attainments, she shouldn't be able to reach this level. '

"And this is familiar with the disgusting breath of the ancient gods..."

Nefarian's eyes became deep: "No, probably not, the partner she chose is clearly hostile to the ancient gods, and it is impossible for her to get involved in the power of the ancient gods, so to speak... with the help of some kind of external force? '

Nefarian rubbed his chin with great interest: "Is it an item that can attract the power of the ancient gods, maybe... it can be used?" '

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