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Chapter 798: Is it a mistake to exchange 0 pieces on the spot?

Ever since he learned that Caixus was rushing to the Ritual Academy, Gamal had a strong sense of urgency.

For the sake of the war, the reason why the Secret Academy of Creation was able to rely on the fortress to hold on to the front line was due to the large number of liches brought by the sage.

During the city defense battle, the Lich's long-range firepower advantage can be brought into full play, and many large-scale joint sieges organized by the Soul Selection Academy all ended in failure.

Gamal didn't know why Kexus went straight to the secret courtyard, but he could guess with a little bit of brainstorming that Kexus must have thought of benefiting him even if he put aside the front line for an urgent visit. Ideas to advance the course of the war.

For the usurper faction, this is obviously not good news.

After Kexus left, the Bingzhu faction just happened to lack a main force.

No matter what Kexus planned to do, whether or not he could achieve the intended goal, Gamar did not intend to wait any longer.

Taking advantage of the lack of high-end combat power of the enemy, Gamar intends to take the opportunity to break out.

At this stage of the war, Gamar already knew in his heart that the usurper faction was over.

That old man Sindani is the best at adapting to the wind. Once he finds that the secret courtyard of creation has no use value, he will cross the river behind his back and demolish the bridge in minutes.

In fact, she did so. Baron Stone, who was sacredly cut by the Academy of Ceremonies, has not had a very good life in recent days.

Many of the Liches under Baron Stone looked at him with strange eyes, and began to be less productive on the battlefield. Obviously, they began to doubt the authenticity of the adultery announced by Duke Kexus. Can only hide and see no one.

If it continues like this, even if it is not crushed by the enemy, the usurper faction whose morale is declining will fall apart sooner or later.

In order not to be stabbed in the back by his untrustworthy allies, Gamal planned to take his confidant and subordinates to escape back to the secret courtyard of creation.

Among the five secret courtyards, the secret courtyard of creation, which specializes in war weapons, has the strongest defense. The towering city walls around the secret courtyard are by no means comparable to this small temporary fortress.

As long as he can hide back to his old lair, Gamar can gain more time with his solid city defense, and maybe use diplomatic channels to force the other party to make concessions on this basis.

Gamal's calculations are quite loud, and so far, his plan has been carried out fairly smoothly.

As Gamar had predicted in advance, Akalek was no match for him in a frontal battle, and even with the assistance of a brave and skilled Baron of the Chosen by his side, it would not change the overall situation.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two barons of the Secret Academy of Creation were killed in the previous fierce battle, Gamar was confident that with the assistance of his subordinates, Akalek, who was not capable of carrying the line, would leave something behind.

Stradama was injured by a traitor and was temporarily unable to come to the front in person.

After repelling Akalek, Gamar thought that no one could stop him on the current battlefield, and when he attacked, he opened his arms and gave up defense completely, only wanting to fight a **** path.

Five times the gravity had a great impact on Gamar, who was already huge. Although Gamar used strange force to break free in just 2 seconds, it was enough for Sharlayan and Onyxia to rush to the battlefield.

"Fat pig! Stop it!"


With Onyxia's coquettish shout, Gamar, who was rushing wildly, bumped into a dirt wall rising from the ground.

Although he shattered the dirt wall with his huge body mass and impact force, the unsuspecting Gamar also knocked himself dizzy, and his feet were a little confused.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, two sharp sword shadows slashed at Gamal's thick right thigh, one from the left and the other from the right.

Gamar, who was unable to react in time, was slashed by these two swords. Gamar, who was quite confident in his own defense, thought that mere nonsense fish could not break through his defense, but the development of the situation was somewhat different from what he imagined.


Although blocked by the defensive anger covered by Gamal's body, the two giant swords finally cut into his leg flesh.

Undead do not feel pain from physical injuries, but people in the Shadow Realm are all soul bodies, and the attack that directly injured the soul body made Gamar groan.

The two kinds of energies with diametrically opposite forces poured into Gamar's body along the wound and ran around. Gamar, who was experienced in combat, instinctively had a bad premonition.

He temporarily ignored the black-haired woman who was rushing forward from the front and posing in an attacking posture, and concentrated on expulsing the alien energy that had invaded his body.

Facts have proved that Gamal's choice is correct.

The two swords of Valagar have two opposing forces of light and shadow respectively. If they are allowed to meet in the body and cause an explosion, the consequences will be disastrous.

One hit hit, although he didn't do his best, but Sharlayan's goal of attracting attention has been achieved.

Injured by a miscellaneous fish that hadn't entered the demigod, Gamar was frightened and angry, and the chain saw in his left hand smashed down, trying to kill Sharlayan quickly.

Through the information provided by Akalek and Durotan, Sharlayan knew that Gamal was amazingly powerful, so he didn't plan to stand still and resist his attack.


The double swords crossed and blocked deliberately tilted to leave some arcs, leading the chain saw that Gamar slammed down to the ground.

Even without a head-on collision, Sharlayan could still feel the huge shock force from his arms gripping the weapon tightly.

"Hey! What kind of natural power is this?"


After the chain saw cut into the ground, a large amount of mud was splashed, temporarily blocking Gamal's view.

Sharlayan took this opportunity to retreat quickly, and Onyxia, who was only a step behind him who launched a charge to close the distance, perfectly connected up.

The humanoid dragon claws covered with solid rock attacked from top to bottom. Although Gamar tried his best to dodge, but because Sharlayan drew too much of his attention, the center of gravity of the lower body was also deflected. With this claw, he Couldn't escape.

But Gamar didn't take it seriously. With his anger defense and fat thickness, it would not be so easy to hurt him without the help of a divine weapon, unless the opponent was also a demigod of the same realm.

Unfortunately, Onyxia happens to be the demigod who can break Gamal's defense.


The sharp dragon claws left several deep scars on Gamar's chest, and the blue soul essence slowly leaked out through the wounds.


This little injury was nothing to the battle-tested Gamar, and it was even worse than the two swords that almost cut off Sharlayan's thighs before.

To Gamar's surprise, the Bingzhu faction was able to produce demigod-level thugs, which was completely different from what he had originally predicted.

In the fierce battle, Gamal couldn't find a chance to press the opponent's origin.

After a successful blow, Onyxia gained power and was relentless.

After confirming that Sharlayan retreated to a safe distance, the Black Dragon Princess took a deep breath.

"hold head high!


The almost zero-distance Shadow Flame dragon's breath blurted out, and Gamar, who was unprepared for this, squirted straight at him unexpectedly.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he subconsciously raised the weapons in both hands to block in front of his chest, otherwise, the dragon's breath that sticks to his face would have caused Gamar to lose most of his combat so, Gamar faced the dragon directly. Xi's arm and abdomen were also severely injured, and those who were relatively close could even smell a rotten burnt smell.

Gamar reacted in a timely manner, and finally he was not injured.

"Go away!"

Resisting the burning pain from his arms, Gamar gritted his teeth and threw out the weapons crossed in front of his chest, temporarily forcing Onyxia who was recovering.

Looking down at the injury on the thick unicorn's arm, Gamal smacked his lips in displeasure.

"Tsk! I admit that your raid tactics are well formulated, but... that's all!"


Contrary to the expectations of Sharlayan and others, Gamar suddenly withdrew from the battle circle, raised the great ax in his right hand, and cut off his left arm at shoulder length.

Just when the four of Sharlayan were surprised by Gamar's self-mutilation, the well-prepared logisticians of the Secret Academy of Creation quickly sent a new forearm.

Seeing Gamal repeating the old trick to install the two new arms, Sharlayan complained in a bewildered expression: "Damn it? Can you still play like this?"

After all, it's abomination. They are suture constructs, so it's nothing to change two arms. 】

But this is a bit difficult to do, unless it can directly hit the guy's vitals, it will be difficult to cause effective damage to him. 】

That's not necessarily true, it still takes time to replace parts. 】

This time he was inexperienced. If he could be injured again, Sharlayan's team would never give him another chance to change parts. 】

As the barrage said, when Gamar was still trying to add a pair of arms to himself, a black shadow crossed the space, stepping on the shadow and appearing beside the support staff, a pair of dull short knives flew at the same time.

"Killing Feast!"

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