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Chapter 794: The exposure of the shocking big melon

After successfully completing the task of beheading, the rebels who had lost their leader no longer wanted to fight. Under the pressure of the Withering Secret Academy, they were defeated like a mountain, and soon turned into a big defeat in embarrassment and escape.

After the crisis of the withering secret courtyard was resolved, the Marquis of Stradama, who was still ill in bed, readily handed over the withering rune that she kept personally to Sharlayan.

When the third rune was integrated into the blade of the soldier master, the voice of the soldier master sounded again.

"Insight into the intelligence of the enemy."

So far, the three secret courtyards affiliated to the Bingzhu faction have all handed over their runes.

Next, we have to find a way to get the runes of the Secret Academy of Creation and the Secret Academy of Rituals.

When the Withering Secret Academy, which had not yet lifted its combat readiness, was about to take advantage of the situation and rush to the front line, Kexus, who was supervising the battle on the main battlefield, received important evidence personally escorted by the head maid, Hathaway.

Kexus thought he was just a rough man, and for a while he couldn't tell whether the evidence was true or not, and whether it could be announced directly.

Undecided, Kexus sent someone to secretly send a letter to the Marquis of Akalek who was ambushing nearby, inviting him to come to the frontline barracks in person.

The Marquis of Akalek is a demigod of the thief profession. When he enters the stealth state and moves, even the soldier master can't easily find his whereabouts.

A quarter of an hour later, Kexus, who was sitting in the camp with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

A translucent phantom appeared in front of his eyes from scratch, and the two elite guards arranged by Kexus at the entrance of the tent were in vain, and they did not notice this person's infiltration at all.

Both the efficiency-oriented Akalek and Kexus, who came and went from job to job, didn't like unnecessary small talk. Akalek had a serious expression on his face, and asked straight to the point: "Where is the letter you mentioned?"

Kexus was also unambiguous, and took out a thick stack of letters from the space package without saying a word.

"Here, take a quick look and help me with my staff. Do you want to announce Baron Stone's collusion with outsiders?"

"Wait a minute, let me take a look."

Akalek was the most famous underground hero in his hometown world, and he has always been engaged in intelligence work.

Akalek's homeland was not destroyed by the Burning Legion, but by the forces of the void.

As mentioned in the Winter Queen's information, Akalek's hometown was parasitized by as many as 5 ancient gods, and the entire planet was corroded by the power of the void.

Under the rule of the kingdom of the ancient gods similar to the dark empire of Azeroth, mortals who are unwilling to obey the void can only hide in XZ and fight guerrilla warfare. The underground organization that Akalek belongs to is the most famous of many guerrilla groups.

Akalek can also be regarded as a rare genius in a thousand years in the entire material universe.

When Akalek rose strongly and reached its peak, his hometown had long been unable to recover, and was finally destroyed by the erosion of the void, and the efforts of several generations came to naught.

As a demigod hero, Akalek naturally received Kyrian's priority invitation.

Akalek, who was still complacent in his heart, did not hesitate to join Maldraxxus, who is full of martial arts. With his extraordinary ability, he quickly showed himself under the command of the military master, and was soon appointed as the head of the Academy of Sharp Eyes. The new Marquis.

With his complex identity background and experience, Akalek has an overall view that many thieves don't have.

After reading these letters, Akalek, the head of intelligence, basically confirmed their authenticity.

But headaches also followed... Should the ironclad evidence related to Emperor Denathrius be released?

Akalek's face was cloudy and uncertain, and it took a while before he raised his head and asked Hathaway who was standing silently by the side, "What did Sharlayan and Stradama say?"

Hathaway, who was still wearing a black veil, bowed her head slightly as a mark of respect: "The Marquis and Your Excellency Deep Shadow think that it can be announced, and the collusion with foreign enemies will greatly damage the morale of the usurper faction."

"That's not the problem..." Akalek rubbed the center of his brows with a headache: "If the disclosure of these secrets annoys Emperor Denathrius, without the protection of the military master, how will we deal with Revendres' revenge?"

"about this point…"

The corners of Hathaway's mouth twitched slightly under the veil: "Your Excellency Deep Shadow also made an explanation, he hoped that the Marquis of Akalek would find a way to use the intelligence network of the Academy of Sharp Eyes to communicate with Revenders' stonesmith and Reina Prince Sol secretly made contact."

Hathaway took out two more letters and handed them to Akalek: "This is a letter written by Lord Deep Shadow. Please also ask the Marquis of Sharp Eyes to deliver them to Stonesmith and Prince Reinasol respectively."

Kexus didn't understand Revendreth's situation, and he was confused by this passage.

Akalek, who has a lot of information about the Shadow Realm, showed a look of deep thought.

"Stonesmith? If I remember correctly, the Mother of Stones seems to have a bad relationship with Emperor Denathrius... I understand."

Akalek solemnly put the two letters in his arms: "I will arrange for my confidants to sneak into Revendreth as soon as possible, and hope that Sharlayan's plan will achieve results."

The big eyes behind Kexus's helmet blinked, looking a little confused.

"So? Are you sure you want to announce it?"

Akalek took a deep breath, and said decisively: "Announce!"

"Since Sharlayan has already planned in advance, let's follow the plan honestly."

"Even if Denathrius really disregarded his identity and went to the imperial conquest, I believe Sharlayan will have countermeasures."

"Don't forget, not long ago he did a big favor to Blazing Wilderness, the Queen of Winter will not sit back and watch Denathius the Great run amok."

"Queen of Winter?" Kexus scratched his head hesitantly: "The Eternal One...I don't seem to have heard of her fighting in person. Are you sure she can stop Denathrius?"

Akalek shook his head: "I'm not sure, but I don't think that Denathius will really tear his face apart regardless, as long as the Queen of Winter's statement can restrain him."

Kexus: "Tsk~ Then I don't care, just announce it! Anyway, let's take the blame together."

Since Marquis Stradama was still injured, Baron Tarkov took over the management of the alchemist army of the Withered Secret Academy.

After solving the threat of the rebels, Sarlayan changed into a griffin and set off again. Baron Tarkov, who is dealing with post-war affairs, will soon lead the army of the Withered Secret Academy to follow.

Returning to the origin of Maldraxxus after many days, the situation on the battlefield near the Theater of Sadness has changed a lot.

The last time I came here, the Secret Academy of Creation and the Secret Academy of Rituals were still able to withstand the attacks of the Secret Academy of Living Souls and the Withering Academy, and the two sides fought 50-50 on the battlefield.

After the arrival of the main force led by Kexus, the pressure on the usurper faction increased day by day.

Although Gamar, whose heart is higher than the sky, is unwilling to admit it, even with the support of a large number of heavy weapons, there is still a large gap in combat effectiveness between the secret academy of creation and the secret academy of soul selection.

If it wasn't for the Baron Stone of the Academy of Rituals who pushed all his troops to the front line to give full support, the strength comparison on the battlefield at this moment would not be but 28...or even 19.

Waiting and waiting, the Baron Sage has not been able to wait for the messenger who communicated with Revendres to return, and Revendreth has not moved at all.

As a last resort, he couldn't turn back and could only put all the chips in his hand on the Secret Academy of Creation.

He didn't even dare to say that he defeated the Secret Academy of Soul Selection, as long as he could persist until Denathius changed his mind.

However, the already stretched situation has ushered in worse news today.

The Marquis of Kexus of the Chosen Academy and the Marquis of Akalek of the Academy of Eyes jointly delivered a public speech, angrily denouncing the Academy of Rituals and the Academy of Creation for colluding with foreign enemies and trying to introduce Venthyr of Revendreth to intervene in Marjorie Texas' internal conflicts.

Once the news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar.

The souls who choose to join Maldraxxus are all people with strong martial virtues, and they all have their own pride and self-esteem.

Not to mention the internal struggles of Maldraxxus, at least it can be regarded as actual combat training, and the fights between brothers are always their own family affairs.

But if this civil war has outsiders involved, the situation is completely different.

Not only the Secret Academy of Soul Selection and the Secret Academy of Sharp Eyes were excited after learning about the incident, but even the Secret Academy of Creation and the Secret Academy of Rituals exploded. Face to face with Er and the sage.

Needless to say, he knew that these reckless people would not end well. The frightened and angry Gamar was in a fit of anger, and these hapless **** became his punching bag.

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