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Chapter 781: The Chosen One? Go to hell

There is no saying that day and night change in the Shadowlands, and the souls living here do not need sleep.

After all, the four of Sharlayan were living beings from the material world, and they still habitually slept for a few hours at "night" to recharge their batteries.

"Early morning" the next day, Sharlayan, who had finished his preparations, took the initiative to find Baron Wilfred and asked him to lead the way to the famous trial stone in the Academy of the Chosen of Souls.

The warrior level has broken through to level 55. Sharlayan has temporarily changed the proportion of experience distribution, accumulating all the experience gained to the Thorny Whisperer profession, and strives to break through the bottleneck of level 49 and reach level 50 as soon as possible.

Since the Trial Stele appeared in the magma area deep in the secret courtyard of the Soul Selection, few people dared to go through the magma to touch it.

According to the barrage, this stele hides a weapon cast by the military master himself. It looks like a sword in appearance, but it is actually the key to open the gate of the military master's seat.

But there is also a small problem here. The barrage is not sure whether this stele will only respond to specific people.

The man with feet manipulating the barrage has the title of Abyss Devourer, who can freely enter and exit the Abyss, so the fragment of will left in the sword by the soldier master is identified as the destined person to save the Shadow Realm, and he (she) takes the initiative to "appear" to him (her). guide.

Since the soldier lord left, this stone tablet has been standing in the secret courtyard of the chosen soul, Sharlayan can't believe that no one has ever touched it.

However, those who passed the trial did not trigger the message from the military master, and Sharlayan was not sure whether he would be recognized.

The road leading to the trial stele was filled with magma, and it would definitely not be possible to jump through it with a heroic leap. The trial itself prohibited the use of flying mounts, and Sharlayan was embarrassed to turn into a flying form and skip class in front of a large crowd.

"Phew, there's no other way."

Sharlayan winked at Onyxia indiscriminately. Princess Black Dragon blinked her left eye knowingly, and calmly placed an invisible earth shield on Sharlayan.

Magma is essentially a way of displaying the power of the earth.

No kidding, an earth dragon like Onyxia can take a bath in magma, which is no different from soaking in hot springs for them.

After putting on the earth shield, Sharlayan bit the bullet and jumped into the hot magma.

"Hey~ It's so hot, sticky."

The earth shield supported by Oni effectively shielded Sarlayan from the damage caused by the high temperature of the magma, but the heat rising from the lava still made the corners of Sarlayan's eyes shed tears.


Struggling through the viscous magma, Sharlayan, under the amazed gaze of a large number of gladiators, made steady progress towards the location of the Trial Stele little by little.

Wilfred twitched the corners of his mouth with some sour teeth: "This kid... has he always been so brave? Why do you have to use such a stupid way to get over?"

"Ah?" Valeera asked puzzled, "Baron Wilfred, how did you pass the trial?"

"It's very simple."

Wilfred spread his hands: "Bring a few planks, and launch Heroic Leap and Charge consecutively. You can jump to the opposite bank up to 3 times."


Stellagosa patted his forehead dumbfounded: "So you can be so tricky? I thought that the rules of the Secret Academy of Soul Selection must be resisted."

Wilfred shook his head and laughed: "How is it possible? The Academy of Soul Selection does advocate courage and will, but this does not mean that we have no brains. Wisdom is also one of the important factors that affect the outcome of the battle."

"Pfft~" Onyxia couldn't help laughing out, "Forget it, let him swim slowly, he won't get hurt anyway."

Sharlayan, who was busy moving forward in the magma, didn't know that his rigid understanding of the House of Soul Chosen led to his current situation.

But as Onyxia said, with the protection of the earth shield, Sharlayan would not be injured in the magma, at most it would take more time.

After finally climbing up to the small island where the trial stele was located, Sharlayan, whose body was covered in magma, squatted on the spot and rested for a while before recovering.

He vaguely heard the laughter coming from the starting point on the other side, and he wondered what kind of fun those people who were eating melons and watching the show had.

The stele of trials was already in sight, and Sharlayan pressed his right hand on the top of the stele after a short rest.

Sharlayan: "..."

[Pfft~ No response, embarrassing. 】

[It seems that Xiao Sa is not the chosen one recognized by the military master. 】

Sharlayan, who didn't believe in evil, almost wrapped up the stele, and the will left by the soldier master still didn't respond at all.


Sharlayan, furious and angry, suddenly drew his sword and slashed across, cutting the upper part of the stele open.

Although he was not in a good mood, Sharlayan was still very measured in his strikes. After feeling the touch of hitting something, he immediately stopped and continued to exert force.


Before Wilfred and the others on the other side could react, Sharlayan swiped a few swords and sliced ​​the stele to pieces, exposing an unfinished blade hidden inside.

【If the soldier master knew that Sharlayan used such a violent method to solve the puzzles left by him, he would probably be very speechless. 】

[No, black cats and white cats, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat. 】

【No matter what method Sharlayan used, he did find the clues left by the soldier lord. Even if he found out about it afterwards, the soldier lord would at most just laugh it off. 】

Under the amazed gaze of everyone in the Academy of Soul Selection, Sharlayan took the blade out of the stone tablet.

It's hard work when you come, but it's not so troublesome to go back.

Sharlayan turned into a storm crow, flew over the magma area with a single spread of its wings, and returned to the opposite bank to land.

Wilfred's expression was a bit tangled at this time. He was a little angry at Sharlayan's behavior of destroying the trial stele, but at the same time he was very curious about the sword blade he found from the stele.

"Sharlayan, this hiltless sword is..."

Sharlayan quietly observed the expression changes of dozens of people present, and quickly locked on a person with a sneaky expression.

"There are too many people talking here, it's not convenient to explain, let's find a quiet place to talk in detail."

After receiving the vision shared by Sharlayan through the soul link, Valeera quietly escaped into the shadows under the intentional cover of Little Star and Oni.

When Sharlayan and Wilfred were heading towards the secluded place, the sneaky man who was spotted by Sharlayan quietly left the crowd, quickened his pace and strode outside the secret courtyard of Soul Selection.

But before he took a few steps, two short knives protruding from the shadows suddenly rested on his neck.

The gladiator subconsciously wanted to retreat to meet the enemy, but the enemy that had appeared in front of him before suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Before he could draw out his weapon, he was hit **** the back of his head, and he fainted on the spot.


Valeera's action of knocking out the traitor was seen by the surrounding soul-chosen warriors, and one of them asked suspiciously: "This... honorable guest, why did you knock Fletcher out?"

Valila said calmly: "Because he is a spy sent by another secret academy, and he intends to sneak out to deliver news."


Long before the action Sharlayan had guessed that there would definitely be hidden seeds buried in the Secret Academy of Rituals and the Secret Academy of Creation in the Secret Academy of Soul Selection.

There is a sword blade hidden in the trial stele left by the soldier himself. With such a big secret, the spies will definitely tell their superiors the news as soon as possible.

It was precisely with this in mind that Sharlayan deliberately took out the things left by the military lord in public, in order to hang out the spies, so as to prevent them from disclosing more important information to the Secret Academy of Rituals and the Secret Academy of Creation later.

Wilfred had already learned about the origin of the sword from Sharlayan, but he still had doubts.

"The sword left by the soldier master? But it seems ordinary."

Sharlayan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course, because it's not a sword at all... Let's go, take me to the bonesmith Haimir first, and finish casting it."

Although Wilfred wasn't stupid, he wasn't considered a wise man either. Sharlayan's clearly planned actions seemed to him completely ignorant.

With Caixus' order, Wilfred didn't bother to ask everything in detail, so he just followed without thinking, anyway, he would definitely see the result later.

Sharlayan was taken aback when he met the bonesmith Hellmir.

It's not that Helmir's appearance is so terrifying, the skeleton Salayan has seen a lot, and he even personally practiced it when he was learning spiritism.

To Sharlayan's surprise, the bonesmith's voice sounded like a woman's.

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