Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 738: Cheat: cut off your wifi

, Live: Azeroth

According to the barrage, modern people like them will feel very uncomfortable once they leave the Internet. The importance of the so-called wifi to them is self-evident.

In fact, this theory can also be applied to Ner'zhul.

Because of Ner'zhul's fatal flaw of dropping the chain at a critical moment, all the orcs who thought they could open the interstellar portal to the new world fell into the trap.

Including Ner'zhul himself, the group of orcs who escaped from Draenor were all located in the Twisting Nether without exception, and delivered goods to the Burning Legion.

Kil'jaeden, who was waiting for work, smiled and pulled out his soul from Ner'zhul's body, and threw it into the portal leading to Azeroth together with the two artifacts presented by the Dreadlord.

Ner'zhul who fell into Azeroth lost his body, and his soul was frozen in the eternal ice with the Helm of Domination, and the rune magic sword Frostmourne was also inserted aside.

Under the enhancement of the Helm of Dominion, Ner'zhul's mental strength has been greatly improved, and now it can cover the entire Northrend continent.

According to the original historical data provided by the barrage, the Lich King in its heyday could even project spiritual power to the distant eastern kingdom, suppressing the self-awareness of all undead, including the Banshee Queen, making them only obey Scourge puppets that act on command.

The Helm of Domination fits Ner'zhul with only his soul left, but he failed to realize the conspiracy behind this artifact.

From the moment Ner'zhul wielded the Helm of Dominion, he established an inseparable bond with the Shadowlands.

To put it more generally, through the Helm of Domination, the warden can observe what is happening in Azeroth across the world, which will allow him to better perfect his invasion plan against Azeroth.

Due to the lack of intelligence, Ner'zhul knew nothing about the peeps from the Shadowlands.

Without his body, he couldn't move, so he could only squat on the Frozen Throne day after day, admiring the lonely scenery of the Icecrown Glacier for tens of thousands of years.

Using the spiritual power of the Helm of Dominion to strengthen his body and peep has become his only pleasure, and its importance is probably more important than the wifi mentioned in the barrage.

Long-term use of the Helm of Domination has further strengthened Ner'zhul's soul, and the range of his mental power control is still growing a little bit.

The faceless man captured by Sharlayan and Onyxia retained part of the relevant information about the cooperation between Ner'zhul and Yogg-Saron.

Among them, Ner'zhul intends to remotely control the Scourge into the underground.

Ner'zhul was the chieftain and shaman of the Shadowmoon clan during his lifetime, and also served as the warchief of the orc tribe.

He may not be as good at commanding battles as the previous two great chiefs, Blackhand and Orgrim, who specialized in this, but he is definitely not bad, at least much better than Grom Hellscream, who is only full of recklessness.

According to the barrage, Ner'zhul's method of controlling the undead is similar to what they call an rts game.

If you think about it, you know that no matter how strong Ner'zhul's soul power is, it is impossible to distract and micro-manipulate every undead, which will make him suffer from schizophrenia sooner or later.

The barrage speculates that Ner'zhul should use relatively simple means to manipulate multiple small groups at the same time, and those psychics who are mixed in the natural disaster army are his eyes and ears and agent operators.

However, unlike the real game, Ner'zhul cannot overlook the overall situation from the perspective of God, and the information he can receive depends on the intelligence that the Scourge can obtain.

The news of the alliance between Azronelub and Quel'Thalas has not yet been known to the Scourge, and now Ner'zhul is still remotely controlling the Scourge to wipe out Azronelub's will to resist.

After personally controlling Anubrekhan, Ner'zhul already understood the power of this bugman named Crypt Nerubian.

Seeing Anub'arak, who was stronger than Anub'brakhan, Ner'zhul was very envious. He wanted to turn the king of Azjonelub into his own puppet, so as to take down the entire underground world in one fell swoop. kingdom.

Ner'zhul thought that the interaction between him and Anub'arak was like a cat and a mouse. Poor Anub'arak could only struggle in vain in his carefully arranged trap, and sooner or later he would fall into his encirclement net.

However, Anub'arak, who is still fighting on the front line, has always had a high morale.

The Fadorei scouts arranged by Sandora had already informed him of the arrival of the high elf reinforcements.

Anub'arak was both civil and military, but the reinforcements who arrived did not show up to join Nerub's army for a long time, which made him smell something interesting.

Since Ner'zhul wanted to play a good game of cat and mouse, Anub'arak, who had a plan in his chest, was willing to accompany him.

He wanted to see who had the last laugh, who was the cat and who was the mouse.

In order not to startle the enemy, Anub'arak didn't change the tactics of the Nerubian army, and still put on a desperate attitude to attract Ner'zhul's attention.

At the same time, Sharlayan brought the high elf reinforcements who marched silently to the vicinity of the battlefield, using the local complex terrain to hide their whereabouts.

With the help of the professional counterpart, the Helm of Dominion, Ner'zhul's spiritual power is very strong, and Sharlayan himself is definitely not his opponent in this respect.

But... There is a saying that goes well, there is strength in numbers.

One-on-one, Sharlayan is indeed not Ner'zhul's opponent. Even if all the mages who followed the army are connected in series, it is very likely that they will not be able to compete with Ner'zhul for control of the Scourge. Fortunately, Sharlayan's purpose is not to seize control, but to cut off Ner'zhul's mental power from remotely controlling the Scourge within a certain period of time.

To put it simply, it is to block the signals near the battlefield and form a small mental power vacuum in a short time.

Sharlayan definitely couldn't do it alone, he needed the help of Selevor and all the high elf mages present.

There is a folk saying in another world that it is easy to destroy and difficult to build.

According to Sharlayan's plan, all he and the magisters need to do is to destroy.

Combined spellcasting has always been the traditional strength of the high elves.

In the troll war thousands of years ago, the mighty forest trolls and Zandalari allied forces were hit from the clouds to the bottom of the valley by a super-large-scale flame storm jointly released by humans and high elf mages. Since then, they have never been able to turn back .

Under the leadership of senior archmage Selevor, the magisters who stayed in the north were arranged in an orderly formation. All the mages closed their eyes and used the complicated magic circle under their feet to contribute their spiritual power.

Stellagosa is ready to take off at any time. Once she receives a signal from Sharlayan, she will immediately drive Valeera to the front line of the battlefield, allowing Anub'arak to start a full-scale counterattack.

Vereesa, who didn't know much about the magic field, asked a question curiously.

"Why not send it directly?"

"Good question." Sharlayan pointed to the magic circle under his feet: "Once our large-scale spell is activated, the fluctuation of mental power within the battlefield will be unprecedentedly disordered."

"Under this extreme environment, not to mention Stellagosa, even if the spellweaver Malygos came, he would not dare to cast spells at will. If he did anything wrong, he would backfire on himself."

No matter what kind of spell it is, its essence is to control all kinds of power through its own spiritual power.

It is said that the shadow priest can cast a silence spell that prohibits the chanting of spells in a small area.

Sharlayan had learned from Xal'atath through Onyxia that Natalie Serling had indeed developed this spell.

The principle of the silence technique is somewhat similar to the large-scale forbidden magic that Sharlayan is about to It is not just "silence" in the literal sense.

If only the mouth of the spell is sealed, the subject should be able to cast the instant spell without the spell, but the actual effect of the silence spell is not the case.

Once silenced, the subject cannot cast any spells for a few seconds.

The principle of this spell is actually very simple and crude, it is to use the corrosive properties of the power of the void to temporarily disrupt the mental power environment within a unit area.

After the third round of inspections by Serval, after ensuring that the magic circle was safe, Sharlayan strolled in with a dignified expression, and stood at the most important pinhole of the magic circle.

Taking a deep breath and adjusting his breathing rhythm, Sharlayan regained his composure and opened his eyes again.

"Let's get started... Stella and Valeera, you can go first."

Watching the little star flapping its wings and ascending to the sky, Sharlayan raised his right hand above his head as a signal, using spiritism to mobilize the spiritual power of his whole body.

The magisters headed by Serewall used the linkage effect of the magic circle to transfer all the spiritual power of all the mages present to Sharlayan.

"Come, Ner'zhul."

Sharlayan's eyes became as bright as light bulbs, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You like to use the spirit network to peep remotely? Then let me give you a huge surprise!"

"Break off the internet!"

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