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Chapter 707: Interstellar psychic ritual

Spiritualism is one of the three major magic systems on the death side.

Spiritualism, as the name suggests, is essentially about communicating and summoning spirits.

A new psychic can only channel some incomplete souls whose self-awareness has long since collapsed.

In order to make these remnants show a certain combat effectiveness, psychics usually inject them into the bodies of dead creatures to form low-level undead creatures such as skeletons and zombies.

The next level of undead is the ghoul, a four-legged hideous monster formed by psychics who directly awaken the soul of the corpse itself.

Going up from ghouls are high-level undead creatures with complete pre-life consciousness such as liches, banshees, and death knights.

According to the information provided by the barrage, most of the psychics of the Undead Scourge are "on-the-spot".

When they released spiritism, they used it directly in front of the corpse, without any medium for casting it, which was simple and brutal.

Sharlayan's purpose is not to create undead creatures.

Wanting to bring Medivh's soul back to Azeroth from far away in the Twisting Nether, he had to use the help of a medium.

Both Aegwynn's blood and the power of the Guardian have an inseparable connection with Medivh. Using this as a medium, Sharlayan began to build a psychic circle, and Jaina and Tinagosa temporarily acted as assistants.

Jaina has a wide range of knowledge and dabbles in necromancy.

However, considering the problem of chewing too much, Jaina, who is not even proficient in arcane art, did not study in depth on spiritism, and her understanding of it was only superficial.

The same goes for Tinagosa, who has been taught by Stellagosa for a long time. She knows the principles of spiritism, but she has never really set foot in it.

Sharlayan doesn't need these two assistants to know much about spiritism, they just need to arrange the materials needed for the ceremony according to their own requirements.

Sharlayan's spiritism was first learned from the old bear Alfa, but Alfa only taught an introductory knowledge, and the advanced knowledge after that was Sharlayan's great library in Quel'Thalas and Suramar. Self-taught in middle school.

Knowing that Sharlayan was interested in spiritism, Elisande also sent several transcripts of ancient books dug out from the Nazaras Academy last year, all of which were precious books that had long been lost to the outside world.

With such a superior learning environment, Sarlayan is not a muscular stick completely insulated from spells, so he can naturally learn a lot of advanced spiritual knowledge.

In order to avoid mutual influence, Sharlayan placed the location of the psychic ceremony outside Aegwynn's hut.

Around the hut, there is an enchantment to drive away creatures arranged by Aegwynn, so that no animals in the swamp will intrude here, and Sharlayan can concentrate on building the ritual field without distraction.

After the layout of the circular ceremony scene with a diameter of about ten meters was completed, Sharlayan's expression became more dignified, and he waved for Tina and Jaina to leave the scene.

Put Aegwynn's blood on the northernmost part of the ritual circle, and Sare's safety and concentration invoked the power of Aegwynn's guardian, making it suspended in the form of energy at the southernmost end of the circle, and placed on the east and west sides respectively Use nightshade flower powder and widow flower essential oil.

These two materials are very precious, and they are both special products from the Shadow Realm. Even with Sharlayan's financial resources, they cannot purchase large quantities, and they are usually not willing to use them lightly.

As far as this little material was bought from Suramar, Elisande only had a small amount of stock in his hands. It was said that Queen Azshara had stored it in Suramar in ancient times for emergencies.

"Shadow Realm..."

After setting up the scene for the ceremony, Sharlayan looked at the dark sky above the swamp and sighed softly.

"The collection of soul steel that Valeera needs to upgrade her weapons must be put on the agenda. I don't know where that old boy Bwonsamdi has gone. Take some time to go to the Shadow Realm."

Many people believe that the invitation to the Shadowlands can only be obtained in the form of a soul after death.

But in fact, this perception is not entirely accurate.

It is true that it is difficult for the living to sense the existence of the shadow realm, the kingdom of the dead.

Even Ner'zhul, the Lich King at his peak, could only vaguely know that such a special world existed through his connection with Frostmourne, and had never entered it himself.

Sharlayan had established a tenuous connection with the Shadowlands many years ago through the demiplane of Thloth, the Blight Realm.

With his already quite impressive spiritual attainment, if necessary, he can travel between the Shadow Realm and Azeroth through the Blight Realm.

But Sharlayan was so busy running around all over Azeroth that he never found time to meet his personal needs.

After pulling Medivh back from the Twisting Nether this time, Sharlayan needed to go into the Shadow Realm for a little search, even if it was to replenish the precious necromantic spell-casting materials.

However, in order to avoid attracting the attention of the Eternals in the Shadow Realm and causing unnecessary troubles, Sharlayan could only enter the village quietly, not shooting.

After adjusting the frequency of breathing and magic power, Sarlayan raised his spirits and officially activated the large-scale psychic circle.

"Take the blood as a guide, and the power of the guardian as a proof."

"Cross the vast sea of ​​stars, and pursue the free souls lost in the star world!"

"Answer my call, Astral Mage Medivh!"

As Sharlayan's incantation was chanted, the huge psychic circle began to flicker with a light gray gleam.

Under Sharlayan's control, Aegwynn's blood took effect first, and the somewhat coagulated blood automatically turned into a crimson energy flow, which drifted into the atmosphere through the ritual circle, and was transmitted to the distant star sea with unknown coordinates.

With such a huge commotion, Aegwynn and Merry, who had been having a heated discussion in the house, were also alarmed. They pushed open the door and came to the outside of the ceremony field to watch.

Under the mixed attention of the four people present, after half an hour, Sharlayan, whose forehead began to sweat, finally opened his eyes that were shining with divine light.

"found it!"


Sharlayan hooked his right index finger, and the activated guardian power turned into a bond, one end stayed in the ceremony field, and the other end mysteriously protruded into the void.

Before Sharlayan started casting the spell, he transformed the majestic power of life in his body into the power of death.

With the massive output of death power, Sharlayan's face turned pale.

In order to ensure a success and not let Aegwynn's sacrifice go to waste, Sharlayan further squeezed the power of life, injecting all the transformed power of death into the ritual circle.

On the other side, Medivh's soul was hiding from the patrol demons of the Burning Legion.

Over the years, under the madness of the Burning Legion, the once vibrant universe has become much deserted, and a large number of worlds have been destroyed and enslaved by the Burning Legion.

On the way back, Medivh had to bring up all his energy and walk carefully through the interstellar space controlled by the Burning Legion, not daring to relax for a moment.

As Medivh passed a world long ago occupied by the Burning Legion and its surface scarred by fel energy, he suddenly sensed a call from far away.


As a knowledgeable astral Medivh is no stranger to psychics, and he can feel that the coordinates of the psychic are in his hometown, Azeroth.

Medivh was very surprised by this. He didn't expect that there are still people in Azeroth who are willing to spend a lot of money to channel their souls. He thought that the people of Azeroth hated him as an incompetent guardian who lured wolves into the house. To the bone.

As the effect of the spiritism increased, Medivh was surprised to feel the breath of his mother and the familiar power of the guardian from the spell.

"Mother? When did she learn such advanced spiritism?"

In any case, this psychic was like a helping hand to Medivh, who was eager to return to Azeroth.

Just as he was about to release his resistance and obey the call, a pair of strangely shaped weapons suddenly flew over from the miserable green planet not far away.

This pair of weapons was obviously not designed to throw Medivh in his arms.

The death force fluctuations caused by the large-scale necromancy shook Medivh's disguise, and his whereabouts were immediately sensed by the nearby Legion demons.


Even if it's just a soul, without the blessing of the power of the guardian, Medivh is not a weak person without the power to restrain a chicken.

The flash technique that could not be used in time escaped the direct hit of this weapon. Before the enemy arrived on the battlefield in person, Medivh did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately responded to the call from someone far away in Azeroth.

When an eredar demon with dark red skin rushed to the scene to recover his weapon, the universe was already empty.

"Who dares to invade the territory of the Burning Legion?"

The female eredar demon smacked her lips in annoyance, and gave an order to the Legion starship who arrived a few steps behind.

"The enemy teleported and escaped, reverse calculation coordinates! I want to see who dares to be so presumptuous!"

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