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Chapter 560: stop! Hit me again

When the battlefield of Zul'Drak started again, Daelin set up the encirclement net of Utgarde Castle, and led the reorganized support force to the north quickly.

As Sharlayan expected, after entering the city, Ymiron led the Vrykul who followed him and launched a **** power-seizure operation without hesitation.

The fighting inside Utgarde Castle was in full swing, temporarily ignoring breaking through the siege of Kul Tiras.

The Kul Tiras reinforcements marched all the way, and under the guidance of the furbolg, they crossed the Grizzly Bear Hills at the fastest speed, passed the Dak'Saron Fortress, and formally entered the outer zone of Zul'Drak occupied by the coalition forces.

At the same time, Sharlayan, using the avatar of Ursoc, collided with the snow-white Rennok, rolling on the snow like wrestling.

To deal with such a giant beast with rough skin and thick flesh, the human form is obviously not very useful.

Since it was inconvenient to expose the dragon form, Sharlayan chose the largest incarnation of Ursoc.

Lennok, who was left behind by Valeera, Stellagosa, and the others, was also a bear, and the two black and white bears beat each other until the sky was dark.

The frost trolls who were unfortunately involved in the battle were all crushed into meatloaf. Under the dispatch of the troll commander, they hurried away from this hellish battlefield, leaving the battle space for the two giant bears.

Lennok simply relied on his innate ability as a loa animal **** to fight. He didn't know any fancy spells, and relied on his tough fur and sharp minions.

Sharlayan was less honest.

Before the battle, he put on the buff effect of the dragon's roar, and he could also use some small spells and druid transformation skills during the battle.

The giant bear's sharp claws landed on Rennok one after another, the split (bear) skill continued to take effect, and a ferocious bite (bear) would be added from time to time.

The bodies of the two giant bears who were fighting close to each other were soon stained red with blood. Ursoc's incarnation was a brown bear, and it would not be too obvious after being stained with blood.

The injury of Lennok, the great pyrene bear, was very eye-catching. There were bright red bloodstains all over its snow-white fur, and it looked like it was about to die from serious injuries.

But Sharlayan, who was fighting for his life with Lennok, knew very well that this guy was still alive and well, and he was still a long way from death.

"Death Vine!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Lennox man stood up to slap the bear's paw from top to bottom, Sharlayan transformed into the power of death, and the pitch-black vines tightly wrapped around Lennok's legs and began to slowly absorb his abundant energy. vitality.

Sharlayan didn't think these vines could restrain Rennok for long. A bear slapped sideways to avoid the empowerment, and the brown bear let out a strange low growl from its throat.

Ursoc's cumbersome body accelerated suddenly, and under the blessing of running and roaring, he quickly sprinted to the side of Lennok.

Before the great pyrene bear frantically struggled to break free from the restraints of the vines, Salayan, who had already sped up, put his head on his waist.

The death vines were broken as Lennok wished, but his defensive posture was broken, and the middle door was exposed.

Sharlayan didn't let go of this golden opportunity, and rushed to the side of the fallen Lennok before his maddened roar failed, bit his neck mercilessly, and shook him vigorously.


Lennok's deep howl of pain spread throughout the battlefield, his vitals were bitten, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape Sharlayan's control.

"Stop it, stop it! Hit me again and I'll die!"

Loa is a primitive animal spirit raised by nature, so it is nothing surprising that it can talk.

From Loa's point of view, helping the troll who enshrines him to fight is just a favor, not an obligation, and there is no need to lose his life because of it.

Lennok is a bit of a smart fool. He doesn't say a word in battle, and it seems that he intends to "dedicate his allegiance" to the troll.

However, after realizing that his life might be in danger, Lennok didn't dare to hold it any longer, and hurriedly begged for mercy from Sharlayan who was biting his neck.

Sharlayan still did not let go, and vague words leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Are you sure you want to admit defeat?"

"Sure, sure! As long as you let me go, I will withdraw from the battlefield immediately, and I will never break my promise!"

"Hmph! You'd better keep your word."

Sharlayan finally let go and backed away. Lennok's neck was bitten to a **** mess, and every movement would hurt him so much that he grinned.

"Hiss~ It's been a long time since I've met such an energetic mortal, my old bear is willing to bow down."

Lennok tried to move his neck, but it seemed that it was not smooth.

"What you say is what you say. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. It's the best of humanity to help to this extent. Get out!"

Big **** white bear... oh, now it looks red.

The blood-stained red bear Lennok limped out of the battlefield, and retreated to the snowfield area north of Zul'Drak without looking back.

The defeat of the giant bear Loa undoubtedly dealt a big blow to the morale of the Drakkari trolls.

But that's not all.

The enthusiastic Sharlayan hadn't fought enough yet, so he inspected the battlefield and found his next target.

Ques Luen, who was forcibly boarding the city wall, was shooting at Cirvanas' bow and arrow.


From the huge incarnation of Ursoc to the form of a silver wolf, Sharlayan mobilized the power of Goldrinn in his body to gather in the wolf's mouth, aiming at Quesloen and spraying a beam of condensed silver beam of light from a distance.


Most of Quesluen's attention was on Cirvanas. This difficult mortal had the ability to hurt him, and if he didn't pay attention, there would be an arrow hole in his body.

"Quis Luen! Be careful!"

The warning from the Wind Serpent Priest made Quesluen pause for a moment, and the next moment, all the scales on his body stood on end.


The silver beam of energy light pierced Quesluen's left fleshy wing without stopping, and continued to fly far away, until the heavy bombardment stopped on an altar of a temple that didn't know whose name it belonged to.


Ques Luen, who was in pain, lost his balance and fell from the sky screaming.

Cirvanas seized the opportunity and planned to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but Quesluen, who landed in a panic, suddenly begged for mercy.

"Stop fighting! I admit defeat!"

Sylvanas: "...huh?"

General Ranger was a little dumbfounded: "That's it? Did your Loa surrender so quickly?"

Quesluen stood up from the ground with difficulty, and looked at the shot through left wing with distress.

"Otherwise? We won't risk our lives for the troll, it's not worth it."


Cirvanas was speechless, and with a wry smile, he waved his hand to signal Ques Luen to evacuate.

Two Loas were defeated one after another, and the other Loas also started to retreat.

They don't want to make an unseemly exit like Lennok and Quesrun.


At this moment, the closed city gate in the center of the dilapidated city wall slowly opened. With the lesson learned from last time, the troll who attacked the city did not dare to probe casually, and carefully looked at the drawbridge that was gradually lowered.

Sure enough, there were several heavy artillery placed behind the city gate, and they fired under the order of a commander as soon as the gate was opened.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heavy solid bullets smashed into the siege troops of the Drakkari trolls, causing little damage, but the arrival of reinforcements completely defeated the ambitions of the Drakkari trolls to continue their offensive.

That's right, it's not the high elves with pointy ears who control the artillery, but a group of humans in combat sailor suits.

Daelin Proudmoore, King of Kul Tiras, raised his sword and shouted loudly: "High elves and furbolg brothers! It's our turn to fight back!"

"Push back this group of trolls who don't know what to do and attack!"

Mengzaji, the special envoy of Zandalat who was hiding behind the battlefield, shrank his neck, and could no longer see the bossy orders from before.

He looked around cautiously, and when Warlord Zolmaz ordered to retreat in a rage, he quietly left the camp and hid in the snowy forest.

No one noticed that Yatra, who had been following Valeera to contain Hakya, disappeared at some point.

The eye-catching silver wolf that defeated two loas in succession was nowhere to be seen, and only a series of increasingly blurred footprints could be seen on the scene, and it was unknown where they were leading.

The arrival of reinforcements from Kul Tiras greatly boosted the morale of the coalition forces, but on the other hand, the fighting spirit of the frost trolls plummeted.

Zormaz, who already had the intention of retreating, logically ordered the whole army to retreat, and the Loamen did not stop, and disappeared into the snowfield first.

"Ha ha…"

Meng Zhaji, who was fleeing in the woods, panted heavily, and when he got to the depths of the, the sound of shouting for killing could no longer be heard, only those bare tree trunks left empty.


Sitting down on the ground, Mengzaji complained with a sad face: "I didn't expect that Dakarai is so useless, how should I report the results to Zuer..."

"I don't need to worry about this, you should be ready to be tortured first."

"Who?! Uh..."

Before he had time to turn his head, Mengzaji was pinned down by a creature's paws with pads from behind, and was suddenly pressed against a big tree with brute force, and passed out on the spot.

A snow-white leopard appeared behind Mengzaji, and ordered to a certain place in the empty woods: "Yatra, I will leave this guy to you."

"I don't care what method you use, squeeze out everything he knows from me, and then... it's up to you to dispose of."

A vague figure appeared in the woods kneeling respectfully on one knee.

"As you order, my lord count."

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