Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 525: What did the pangolin say?

The Focusing Rainbow, the treasure of the blue dragon clan, was jokingly called the magic version of the nuclear bomb by the barrage.

When the titans bestowed the powers of the dragon guardians, they teleported an artifact to the spellweavers, which the blue dragon lord could use to control the arcane energy of all of Azeroth.

This artifact is the Focusing Iris.

If necessary, the Focusing Iris can absorb the power of the Weave from all of Azeroth, turning the artifact into an unstable magic bomb.

Once this bomb explodes, Azeroth will likely be torn apart from the inside by the berserk energy, turning into the ghost of Outland that the barrage said.

It was precisely because of the terrifying power of the Focusing Rainbow that Sharlayan subconsciously regarded this artifact as a destructive weapon.

But that's not the case at all.

The function of the Focusing Rainbow is to absorb and emit arcane energy. Titans created it to help the unskilled blue dragons manage the Azeroth magic net with the help of this artifact.

From the very beginning, the Focusing Rainbow was not used as a bomb, but was artificially endowed with this function by some later warmongers.

【It’s you, you idiot. 】

[Should have let his father shoot this guy into the wall. 】

[It's meaningless to say these things now, the brainless roar has grown up long ago, it's a pity that he didn't strangle that guy to death when he went to Nagrand last time. 】

[There will be opportunities in the future, this kind of person who likes to die will still be unable to resist jumping out one day. 】

Leaving aside the bullet screen's resentment towards a certain person named Brainless Roar, in simple terms, the ability of the Focusing Rainbow is to absorb and release magic power.

Doesn't that sound mundane? But what if its upper limit for absorption and release is infinite?

Of course, in practical applications, the Focusing Rainbow cannot absorb arcane energy infinitely.

In theory, at best, it drains the energy of the entire Azeroth, and then blows Azeroth into a pile of pieces.

The crazy Malygos in the original history really planned to do this, but fortunately he was stopped in the end.

Stellagosa's suggestion was not just a random word, but the information that Little Xingxing got when he sent a letter with his grandfather Senegos. It is said that it was Malygos himself who made the suggestion.

Sharlayan shuddered at the thought of being injected with arcane energy into his body by something that could be used as a bomb.

"Is Malygos trying to make me a human bomb?"

Stellagosa rolled her eyes angrily: "It's fine if you don't want to, you don't know good people."

Sharlayan hurriedly clasped his hands together to beg for mercy: "I didn't say I didn't want to, but I was a little... uneasy."


Still angry, Stellagosa turned her head angrily: "Anyway, we won't be able to return to the Nexus in a short time, and there is still plenty of time for you to think about it slowly."

Valeera patted Stellagosa's shoulder comfortingly, and stared at Onyxia meaningfully for a while: "Let's go first... Katerina, one last warning, don't guard yourself, otherwise... the consequences You know."

"Tsk~" Onyxia waved her hand impatiently: "I know, don't read it over and over again."

Under the gaze of King Phaoris, Valeera and Stellagosa left first with a mysterious hooded man, and followed Ramkahen's guide to the Obelisk of the Stars.

The control center for the Obelisk of the Stars is located underground in the Katatu Mausoleum.

With people from Ramkahen leading the way, theoretically there should be no danger.

But just in case, Sharlayan let Azadas follow him all the way as the last insurance.

The three obelisks were all built by the titans in ancient times, retaining a very obvious titan style.

Azadas doesn't know much about the new world today, but he is very familiar with this Titan facility left over from the old era.

With his guidance at the side, Sharlayan believes that Valeera and the others will soon be able to unlock the Obelisk of the Stars.

The Obelisk of the Moon is located at the source of the upper river in Uldum, and the control center is also located in the underground ruins of Xintaxit.

However, in order to unlock the Obelisk of the Moon, Sharlayan needs to go to the city of Osis first and obtain the personal permission of King Vadia.

Phaoris originally wanted to set off with Sharlayan and help him introduce "Old Stubborn" Vadia.

Sharlayan declined his offer, and whispered a suggestion in Phaoris' ear mysteriously.

Before Sharlayan and Onyxia left the city of Ramkahen, Phaoris looked very worried, which filled Onyxia's heart with doubts and curiosity.

"What the **** did you say to him? Why does Phoeris look so out of his mind?"

【What did the pangolin say? 】

【Grass! 】

Sharlayan shrugged with a smile: "You will know soon, let's get down to business first... come up."

The big white deer imitating the shape of Malorne ran at high speed in the desert, crossing the river and headed straight for the city of Osis.

Onyxia, who was sitting sideways on the deer, has been trying to find a topic, but Sharlayan seemed a little absent-minded, just perfunctory her question.


Onyxia was very smart, she could sense that Sharlayan seemed to be wary of something.

Playing a full set, as a natural actor, Onyxia still kept talking with a smile on her face, but her eyes scanned the surrounding sand dunes vigilantly.

When the two of them could already see the border buildings of Osis City, several heavily armed tol'vir suddenly appeared under the sand.


This group of tol'vir was different from Ramkahen, who was upright and exposed most of his body. Their whole body was tightly wrapped, and their physical features could not be seen.

The leading tol'vir roared ferociously at Sharlayan and Onyxia.

"Attack! Get rid of these two outsiders who don't know how to live or die!"

Feeling Onyxia's tense thigh muscles on his back, Sharlayan hastily comforted him in a low voice: "Calm down! You don't need to take action on this little fish, and... don't you think the choice of ambush location is very strange? "

Onyxia herself is a master of conspiracy. When Sharlayan said this, she immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Heh~ Is it a trick of framing and framing? It doesn't matter who is behind the scenes."

To deal with these elite-level owl ambush soldiers, Sharlayan didn't even bother to change back to human form. He lowered his head and showed his sharp antlers. After a few rounds of rapid sprints, only the afterimages could be seen, they were overwhelmed.


Standing on a small sand dune, Sharlayan raised his head and let out a loud deer cry.


A dozen or so silver-white thunderbolts fell without warning over the clear sky above the desert, and each thunderbolt accurately struck a tol'vir.

The battle took place so close to the city of Osis, and the Osis clan would naturally be aware of the movement. At this moment, nearly a hundred Orsis fighters galloped in a loose formation.

Sarlayan did not kill these unidentified sneak attackers, but used lightning to paralyze them all over the body, temporarily immobilizing them.


The leading General Osis shouted loudly: "Put down your weapons... eh?"

After seeing the situation clearly, the general stuck in his throat with an angry order.

Where are the weapons?

Everyone with weapons was laid down, only a big white deer that appeared in the desert for some unknown reason stood on top of the sand dunes.

A hairless foreign woman sat sideways on the back of the big white deer, looking at this side with a half-smile.

"who are you?"

General Osis looked at the strange foreigner vigilantly, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the twitching fellows lying on the ground.

Onyxia smiled and jumped off Sharlayan's back, pointing to those ambushers on the ground.

"I should ask you this, right? Are these guys with you?"

General Osis remained expressionless, and waved his hands to signal his subordinates to surround the man and deer, and squatted down to check the downed tol'vir.

A subordinate who seemed to be facing younger reminded in a low voice: "General Huni, these people's equipment is engraved with our Osis family emblem."

Orsis general Huni shrank his cat pupils slightly, and deliberately lowered his voice and asked, "Amenis, have you seen these people?"


The young officer said with a serious expression: "I have checked quietly, and these guys are all black-skinned, they are Nefersets pretending to be, and they are using the equipment we left behind on the battlefield."


Huni's expression became gloomy: "Pretending to be us Osis and attacking outsiders, what are they doing for it? What benefits can Neferset bring by blaming us?"

"and also…"

Hu Ni looked at Onyxia, who was still calm, with flickering eyes: 'What is the background of this woman? Is it worth Neferset's special ambush? '

"Are you done checking?"

Just when Huni was focusing on The big white deer that he thought was a means of transportation suddenly spoke out, and the young officer Amenis next to Huni His eyes widened in surprise.

Sharlayan took a few steps forward and walked to the main seat in front of Onyxia, and then Shi Shiran changed back to the elf prototype.

"Meet you for the first time, loyal Orsis warrior."

Sharlayan touched his chest with one hand and bowed slightly to introduce himself: "I am Sharlayan Deep Shadow from Quel'Thalas, and I am here to visit King Vadiya of Orsis on behalf of the Great Guardian Raiden."

The young officer Armenis looked stunned, he still hadn't figured out what was going on with this scene of turning people into living beings.

"Great Guardian Raiden?!"

The mature and prudent General Huni's pupils trembled: "You... this statement is true? Is there any evidence?"

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