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Chapter 1981: Sword girl? Goodbye!

Sarlayan was actually very surprised that Denathius came to him regardless of the overall situation.

Although the Winter Queen and Gristia were relatively inferior in strength among the gods, the two of them together could cause Denathrius a lot of trouble.

According to Sarlayan's plan before the war, the five Eternals should fight together to contain each other, and then he would take advantage of the chaos to lead the Shadow Realm coalition to cut off all the remaining Yusworn and Venthyr.

Sarlayan really didn't expect that Denathrius would abandon Zoval to fight one against three, and run over to find trouble for him himself.

Thinking from Denathrius's perspective, his lifelong plans were destroyed by an outsider like Sarlayan. Denathrius did have reason to hate him.

But having a reason is one thing, and whether... or whether one should put aside the overall situation and focus on personal grudges is another matter entirely.

Sarlayan guessed that Zoval should have some kind of trump card that could explode beyond normal combat power in a short period of time, temporarily holding back the three Eternals headed by the Soldier Master.

The fact is just as Sarlayan guessed, Zoval chose to kill a thousand enemies and lose ten thousand to himself.

A large part of the huge anima that Denathrius secretly poured into the Maw in the early years has been used to expand the Abyssworn army, and the remaining small part has been stored in the deepest part of the Dominion Sanctuary.

Originally, Zoval planned to use this stored heart energy to anchor Kesia, and find the mark of the Eternal hidden in this special kingdom of the dead.

However, the plan failed to keep up with the change. The soldier who was released by Sharlayan in advance had already retrieved his own mark. Zoval's plan failed. He simply gave this energy to his most elite Yusworn general. to enhance their performance on the battlefield.

When Denathrius activated the trap to separate the Shadow Realm coalition forces entering the Sanctuary of Domination, all the senior generals of the Deepsworn under Zoval were squatting in the same compartment not far from the battlefield of the Eternals. He reserved all his anima and transferred it to the warden who was fighting against three.

This strategy can greatly enhance Zoval's combat effectiveness in a short period of time, but the cost is also very high. None of the senior Yusworn generals who have had their hearts drained will be spared.

It was for this moment that Zoval did not send his heart into the maze to ambush the enemy like Denathius. After this battle, even if Zoval could win by chance, he would become the same as Denathius. A polished commander that no one can use.

To use what I said before in the barrage, I have worked hard for decades and finally returned to before liberation.

Zoval was self-aware. Even if he received the massive amount of anima transferred from his subordinates who sacrificed their own lives, he could only temporarily hold back the three soldiers. The decisive hand in this local battle fell on Denathrius.

According to common sense, with Denathius's strength as the backbone of the gods, it is not a problem to take down an enemy stuck at the peak of the demigod. The battle should be ended before Zoval's heart is sucked dry by everyone.

After that, combined with Zoval in the Super Saiyan state, there should be a high probability of winning the civil war among the Eternals with two against three.

Of course, this is only the most ideal situation for Zoval's comeback plan. In fact, there are many variables in this desperate plan, and even he himself is only about 30% sure.

For the already exhausted Abyss Coalition, it is worth a try to get a 30% chance of a comeback with one switch.

The big revenge was about to be avenged, and Denathrius was a little too excited.

Coupled with Sarlayana's venomous verbal attacks, it was difficult for Denathius to contain his violently fluctuating emotions at this time, and this uncool state would inevitably affect his health. Battle strategy.

To put it bluntly, this guy's offensive plan was predicted by Sarlayan. It's not that Sarlayan has the ability to predict the future, but his offensive intentions are too straightforward.

Although he encountered the special situation of Denathrius' personal beheading attack, Sarlayan did not lose his calm in the crisis... Anyway, this was not the first time he faced the gods directly.

After noticing Denathrius's abnormal mental state, Sarlayan formulated the most appropriate response method in a very short period of time - provoking Denathrius' emotions so that he could not think calmly and rationally. Battle strategy.

So far, Sarlayan's improvised plan has gone smoothly, but with the knowledge of Lemonia's existence in advance, this self-aware and eloquent sword girl poses a huge challenge to his plan. threats.

Just as Sarlayan expected, Lemonia was earnestly persuading Denathrius to stay calm and not to be carried away by the enemy's temptation.

Under Lemonia's comfort, Denathrius' restlessness eased, and his reason, which had been evaporated by the emotions above him, gradually returned.

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