Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1204: Little Thoughts of the Tauren

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Goblins have a weird social structure, they don't have a strong government with real decision-making power.

Those who hold the right to speak in the goblin clan are those consortium leaders who hold a large amount of capital. The so-called goblin president is just a puppet launched by the consortium behind the scenes.

Because of this, goblins from top to bottom have developed a habit of haggling over every penny and desperately accumulating wealth to climb up.

In order to gain status, they would not hesitate to betray their allies who had been working closely with them at the moment, and the intrigue within the group was beyond belief for outsiders.

The Steamwheedle Consortium is one of the goblin consortiums with the highest status and the strongest financial resources. Employees of the Steamwheedle Consortium are spread all over Azeroth.

In the words of the barrage, almost without exception, wherever neutral goblins exist, they are related to the Steamwheedle Consortium.

Quel'Thalas... or in other words, the Deep Shadow family headed by Sharlayan has cooperated with the Steamwheedle Consortium for many years. Due to their common interests, the two parties have always cooperated happily.

However, Sharlayan never believed that these profit-seeking green skins were trustworthy, and cooperation with them was nothing more than business affairs, with no personal feelings involved.

As the saying goes, form is better than people. When cooperating with the Deep Shadow family to make money, the Steamwheedle Consortium lowered its stance.

But when facing other relatively weak forces, they will strike hard without hesitation, using any means, just to grab as many benefits as possible.

In the eyes of goblins, as long as they are races that can communicate with language, there is no concept that they cannot cooperate absolutely.

When the old tribes invaded Azeroth, the goblins had taken a fancy to the large amount of gold coins that the orcs had plundered from the treasury of Stormwind City, and used their old ships that had long since been eliminated to make a fortune from the orcs who didn't know the value of the gold coins.

In the same way, since the Steamwheedle Consortium would rather cooperate with the brutal centaurs than invade Thousand Needles, they must have found something worth paying for in this barren stone forest area.


Hamuul scratched his head and said, "I heard from Sister Magatha that a black viscous liquid emerged from the ground in the east-central part of the Stone Forest. The location is between Freewind Post and the lair of the Garak centaur."

" that's the case."

Hearing this, Sharlayan and Valeera immediately understood the purpose of the goblin.

Oil, the black liquid gold most valued by the goblin consortiums.

In terms of physical ability alone, the weak goblins and dwarves can be said to be half a catty, and they can be called crouching dragons and phoenixes... derogatory.

However, these two races rely on clever brains to eat. The two major engineering schools that have not yet become the mainstream of Azeroth were founded by goblins and gnomes respectively.

In the words of the barrage, the so-called engineering is actually a scientific invention in their cognition. It does not rely on any supernatural factors and develops technological creations entirely through physical rules.

The fuel chosen by gnome engineering is coal, and the steam tank is their representative product.

The goblin chose oil, and almost all goblin vehicles needed to be powered by gasoline and diesel extracted from crude oil.

Not long after Sarlayan started his business, he followed the advice of the barrage, and took the open-air rich oil fields of the Un'Goro crater, and lived a life of wealth and freedom ever since.

Since the main power used in Quel'Thalas is the endless arcane magic power from the Sunwell, oil in Quel'Thalas is mainly used to manufacture various industrial supplies, and is not used in large quantities as fuel.

The industrial products mentioned here include asphalt monopolized by the Deep Shadow family, petroleum coke used to increase the smelting temperature, paraffin wax used to make various packaging materials and cosmetics, lubricating oil, and kerosene with a wide range of uses.

The industrial oil consumption in Quel'Thalas is not large, so most of the oil produced by the Un'Goro Oilfield is used for export.

As for the buyer... the goblins, of course.

When they first learned that the Un'Goro Oilfield was owned, the Steam Sand Consortium, which had just entered the Tanaris Desert, wanted to **** it by chance.

However, all their methods were resolved one by one by the employees of the Deep Shadow family. Seeing that the situation was too tough, the Steamwheedle Consortium had no choice but to purchase petroleum products from Quel'Thalas through formal channels.

There is abundant open-pit oil near the Kezan Islands, the goblin's hometown, but it is obviously not enough for such a conspicuous oil field to be supplied to the major consortiums of the entire Kezan Islands.

The goblins of various consortiums try to explore oil fields from all over Azeroth. The reason why the Steamwheedle Consortium can develop to its current scale is because they have enough oil fields in their hands.

To goblins, mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

Now that crude oil has been discovered underground in Thousand Needles, the goblins, who have a huge demand for oil, will certainly not let it go, and even cooperate with centaurs, a brutal race that turns their faces and denies people.


Sharlayan tapped his forehead with his fingers in some doubts: "I have a question."

"The South Seaport in Tanaris was jointly built and maintained by Quel'Thalas and the tauren. Logically speaking, the Steamwheedle Consortium should first discuss cooperation with the tauren who are closer. Why..."

"Ah this..."

When it came to this topic, both Hamuul and Kane looked a little embarrassed.

The two flirted with each other and rejected each other. In the end, Hamuul, who was more eloquent, stood up and explained.

"In fact, the goblins in Gadgetzan did send people to South Sea Port to discuss with us the plan to jointly develop the Thousand Needles Oilfield."

"But...Thousand Needles is the territory of the Grimtotem clan under the command of Sister Magatha, and Sarlayan, you also know the style of the Grimtotem clan, so...the two sides' talks broke down without any surprise."

Sharlayan wasn't too surprised by this, after all, the Grimtotem's xenophobic habits had long been known.

Sharlayan took the words dumbfoundingly and said, "Is there any room for maneuver? The Battle of Seamount has just ended, and the tauren who participated in the whole war also need to recuperate?"

Hamuul and Kane looked at each other, and Kane said with a bitter face: "We also persuaded Sister Magasa, but she couldn't listen at all when she got angry."

"Besides, the local Grimtotem brats in Thousand Needles are also screaming for this fight. They plan to take this opportunity to completely wipe the Garak centaur from the territory of Azeroth. A lesson for the greenskins."

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Sarlayan looked at Kane's seemingly simple and honest face, and smiled meaningfully: "Is it really just like that?"


Kane was an honest man who couldn't hide anything from his face. Facing Sharlayan's meaningful question, he turned his eyes away somewhat unnaturally.

"Hey~" Sarlayan, who knew well in his heart, sighed a long time: "Okay, after all, Thousand Needles is your inherent territory, and it's not good for me to comment on it as an outsider."

"However...everything should be done in moderation. If you beat the goblins too hard, even if you extract oil, who can you sell it to?"

The reason behind this conflict among the three clans is not as light as Kane and Hamuul said, and it is not just a decision made by the higher-ups after Magatha was provoked, but the result of the joint discussion of the three giants.

The reason is actually very simple.

The tauren have been operating and maintaining the South Sea Port for many years. They have witnessed how much benefit Quel'Thalas has obtained through the oil trade. Of course, it is impossible to say that they are not greedy.

The words that Hamuul briefly mentioned just now actually contain a lot of important information.

Oil suddenly found underground in Thousand Needles? Who found it? How did you find out?

Thousand Needles has always been the inherent territory of the Grimtotem clan, and the goblins of the Steamwheedle Consortium are only active in the Shimmering Plains, and have never entered the western stone forest area before.


Don't be funny, Sharlayan doesn't think that group of nomadic marauders have the brains and technology.

As the saying goes, if you have never eaten pork, you should have seen pigs run.

The Tauren have been rooted in the South Sea Port for many years. As long as they are willing, they can more or less ask the high elves they come and go for some crude oil exploration and mining skills.

So the answer is obvious. The underground oil in Thousand Needles was found and mined by the tauren from the very beginning, and the goblins only came to ask for cooperation after smelling it.

Perhaps the profit-seeking goblin's price was too outrageous, and the two sides failed to reach an agreement, which led to the subsequent tribal war.

After sorting out the cause and Salayan didn't plan to get involved, he didn't want to be used as a gunman.

Both the Steamwheedle Consortium and the Tauren are partners of Quel'Thalas. The conflict between these two parties has nothing to do with Quel'Thalas. Sharlayan will not foolishly jump in to sideline the situation.

After bidding farewell to Kane with an apologetic face and Hamuul with a face full of hatred, Salayan and Valeera continued to head south.

"Unexpected." Valeera said with some emotion: "I didn't expect that the seemingly simple and honest tauren would play such a small mind."

Sharlayan remarked casually: "Don't judge people by their appearance, although the tauren have a simple and honest personality, they are not stupid."

"Oil, a black liquid gold that can obviously bring a lot of benefits to the group, they have no reason not to be greedy."

"From our standpoint, it's really not good to rush into this matter. As long as there is a slight discrepancy in it, Quel'Thalas may be two-faced."

"Let the bullets fly for a while, and we will be invited to mediate after the two sides calm down."

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