Live Stream: Wild Upgrading

C946 In the heavens and in the earth, he was the supreme existence!

"Understood, Captain!"

The entire Vajra class destroyer began to operate like crazy.

In terms of anti-aircraft missiles, the Vajra MK-41 vertical launch system is identical to the Berkshire Flit 1 in the United States, regardless of the number of launchers and the way of configuration, but it is not equipped with a battle-ax cruise missile with ground attack capability.

Generally speaking, the King Kong class MK-41 VLS is equipped with 74 US standard 2 air defence missiles with exceptionally strong firepower!

Village Tian Zhen Si wanted to shoot out all 74 air defence missiles at once, causing the plane that Zhang Dongcheng was on to be shot down, so as to solve the problem that was on the heart of the empire!

Zhang Dongcheng sat on the plane, but his phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Dongcheng" Zhang Dongcheng picked up the call, but he heard Qing Min's panicked voice.

"Host, the captain of a Vajra class destroyer on the Dwarf's side is a fanatical disciple of Gong Bendahe. He wants to avenge his master, I think he wants to use a missile to shoot down the plane you are on! Be careful! "

Ah, these reckless little devils!



If a God of Death died under a missile, would he still be called a God of Death?

Zhang Dongcheng's eyes were filled with disdain!

On the Vajra Destroyer, the village's true master stared with red eyes like an enraged wild wolf, and finally, a signal was transmitted from the radar.

"Report, we found a Chinese plane!" The model of the plane and the target of hunting are sitting in the same model! "

"Reporting, below that Chinese plane, there's a Zhang Sha Shen flying there!"

Tian Zhen Si's body was covered in blood as he rushed to his head, giving the order with all his might!

"Prepare the entire ship! Fire the missiles and shoot that damned fellow down!" Tian Zhen Si suddenly roared.

High up in the sky, the Chinese airplane was flying alongside Zhang Dongcheng, and they were swimming tens of thousands of meters in the air.

Zhang Dongcheng had his hands behind his back, walking slowly, yet he couldn't even get off the plane that was moving at a speed of over a thousand kilometers per hour.

Under the layer of clouds, the enormous figure of the King Kong grade destroyer appeared. As for Zhang Dongcheng, he remained calm, but the aura around him suddenly exploded, causing a storm to appear in the sky.

As this apocalyptic aura spread out, the surrounding space began to swirl rapidly like a whirlpool within a sea. The entire sea suddenly surged with a tidal wave that was over ten meters high, causing the huge warship with over ten thousand tons to sway up and down.

Village Tian Zhen Si rushed to the bow of the ship, his face was instantly shrouded with a crazed killing intent. He shouted like a madman: "God of Death, Zhang Sha Shen! You killed my master, and severed the future of my empire. Even if I were to die, I will drag you along into hell with me! "

"Everyone calls you god, says you're number one in your entire Earth martial world! But today, my Tian Zhen Si, will drag you down from the altar and completely destroy your legend! "

"Crush my myth?" Zhang Dongcheng floated in the air and laughed lightly: "You little ant, you truly don't know your own limits. You don't know what kind of existence you are facing!"

As he spoke, Zhang Dongcheng waved one of his hands, and the atmosphere changed!


The whole sea seemed to change its expression as it crazily rose and fell. The sea surface raised up to a hundred meter high waves. The surging waves were like the waves that could destroy the heaven and earth as they churned and roared crazily!

In front of the terrified eyes of Village Tian Zhen, Zhang Dongcheng pointed to the sky and pointed to the ground. His face was as if a peerless Martial God had descended to the world as he said indifferently, "In the sky and on the ground, I am the most powerful!"

"Fire, fire!" Village Tian Zhen Si had already risked his life, stumbling his way into the main cannon's turret, while the 72 standard 2 air defence missiles aimed at Zhang Dongcheng and the Chinese aircraft in the sky, frantically firing!

Dozens of flames sprayed out like the messenger of death. Seventy-two missiles shot out from the magazine.

The Mach 3 standard 2 missile was 4.47 meters long, with a diameter of 340 mm, a wingspan of 1.07 meters, and a weight of 610 kg. The explosive power was enough to turn steel into molten metal in an instant!

Looking at the dense mass of flying standard 2 missiles in front of him, any one of them could cause the plane behind him to instantly explode, causing everyone to die. However, Zhang Dongcheng was incomparably calm, and only gently waved his hand!

"Big Cutting Technique!"

Big Cutting Technique, heaven-step nine star martial skill. Everything in the world, there was nothing that could not be cut!

In the air, lines of black jagged ripples suddenly appeared. This strange and terrifying ripple was as thin as a thread and incomparably powerful. It caused the space to be split into countless holes. It was extremely shocking!

As for the 72 missiles, they seemed to crash headfirst into a wall as they came to a halt, the entire missile body trembling crazily. Finally, as if they were entangled by an incomparably sharp net, they suddenly exploded!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Dozens of explosions rang out from ten thousand meters up in the sky. All of the martial artists on board the Chinese airplane widened their eyes as they watched the most beautiful and expensive night of fireworks.

A violent explosion covered a distance of several hundred feet. Huge flames and thick smoke rose and fell, splitting into countless pieces. The fragments of the projectiles shot out at 360 degrees and fell into the howling sea.

"Hehe, this guy is so stupid, he dares to provoke the God of Death!" Deng Weiwei said in disdain.

"That's right. You want to injure my Big Brother Zhang with a broken missile? You really overestimate yourself, you scum!" Jing Xiaoya also watched with a loud shout, her face full of worship as she looked at Zhang Dongcheng's figure in the air, which was as calm as water with both of his hands behind his back.

"Right now, if we don't take out the nuclear warheads, it won't be enough for Zhang Sha Shen to play around with!" All of the martial artists in the plane were sighing with emotion. They were sighing with emotion about the IQ of the Honda Master; he wasn't even as good as a dog!

On the ship, all the evil soldiers stared at the bright fireworks in the sky with their mouths wide open. Their faces were filled with disbelief and they were completely stupefied!

All the evil spirit soldiers felt their hearts tremble, that tide that was a hundred meters high did not seem to matter much anymore, Zhang Dongcheng's Great Cut Technique had completely turned everything in their hearts upside down, turning everything around power and the concept of a human upside down!

"Oh my God, oh my God! Is he even human? "

"This isn't a human anymore. This is a true God! We're shooting at a God!"

"I'm not playing, I'm not playing anymore!" "This is too scary, this is too scary!"

"Surrender, surrender! I don't want to fight anymore, I don't want to fight anymore!"

A few of the scum soldiers let out strange cries as their entire spirit collapsed. They did not care about the high winds and waves as they flopped into the sea.

They would rather face this berserk ocean that looked like it wanted to devour people than face the terrifying Zhang Dongcheng … …

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