Looking at the tower that has become a red name, Han Xi wanted to cry without tears.

Not only your own towers attack yourself.

Even the opposite sword girl can still attack her...

Han Xi had no choice but to give up guarding the tower with a sigh.

Run to the middle to help, PDD who is fighting with the opposite clockwork.

When he got there, PDD also killed the clockwork on the opposite side.

I saw "Jianji" coming from the back.

With a subconscious W top, the "Jianji" top flew under the defense tower...

Han Xi, who was only half-blooded, ran out desperately and shouted, "Prostitute teacher, stop beating, my own!"

PDD was stunned for a moment.

Nan Bo'er and Xiao Liu were also stunned.

The sailors were all stunned.

Then, I watched helplessly as Han Xi was killed by the defense tower...


PDD looked at the killing gold coin that popped out of his head, and grinned: "Damn, ox chop, brother, is this all right?"

Nan Bo'er: "Are you going to 1V9?"

Barrage: "True 1V9!"

"It's so real!"

"Others 1V9 are just joking, you are coming for real!"

"It's a wolf!"

"I think you should not leave the base..."

"Don't, give it to your teammates one by one! What a great opportunity!"

"If I were you, I would make my teammates happy first..."

Han Xi was dumbfounded and resurrected again.

Said: "It's alright, don't worry about it, Nan Bo'er, you still have no heads, right? Wait for me!"

In this way, he really ran off the road...

Nan Bo'er and his AD watched "Jian Ji" dancing in front of him.

I had to kill him "with tears" and took 300 yuan...

The other side is not happy.

"Dude, don't bring this, if there is a bug, just stay honest!"

"Come on the road and send me a wave! Come on, become like me and wave everywhere, but don't let me kill you?"

Seeing his opponents, Han Xi began to ridicule.

He also became fierce, and directly turned into a "public enemy of the whole people"!

As long as there is war, there is Han Xi.

He ignored it and rushed directly to both sides of the battle.

Suffering unbearable pain...

As for whether the head is his own or the opposite, he can't control it.

Anyway, wherever there is war, there is him, Han Xi!

The name of the boy who scattered wealth spread like wildfire...

By the end, the 9-person teamfight all revolved around him.

Han Xi didn't arrive?

Let's not fight!

Han Xi is here?

Grab it!

Han Xi is dead?

Let's start a happy team fight!


A 35-minute fight.

Han Xi died nearly forty times.

The water friends were overjoyed.

In the end, the other party was inferior in technology.

Still, Han Xi and the others pushed the defense tower out, and they played GG in laughter and laughter.

Han Xi, however, is like a real king.

Shi Shiran walked into the other party's spring and danced again.

And the laser tower of the enemy spring turned a blind eye to him...

When the base exploded, Han Xi was still the winner.

PDD and Nan Boer saw the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, because of 1V9 Han Xi, it became quite good.

Happy to move on to the next round.

Han Xi naturally doesn't care.

Still skillfully chose Foyego, the king of ruin!


"Change hero, this hero has too many bugs!"

"You don't need to change it! How easy is it to get bugs?"

"Yes, go on!"

PDD chose Jayce in this game.

Nan Bo'er is still assisting the robot, and Xiao Liu is still playing the blind monk.

The opposing lineup is pretty much the same, nothing special.

However, the one who played against Han Xi in a one-on-one battle turned into Aoun, the king of the hill.

A meaty guy who doesn't recognize his six relatives.

Offensiveness of course can not be compared with Jian Ji.

Moreover, the junglers on both sides are obviously not interested in the top lane.

It's been ten minutes, and they haven't come up.

Han Xi was able to "develop" steadily for a while.

Patching is also handy.

A new record of $10 in 23 minutes!

The equipment was pulled apart by Ornn though.

But it doesn't matter, he never thought about being able to kill the opponent...

The rest of the way was turbulent.

Two people on the road, you have a Q, and I have a Q. It’s so relaxing to go back and forth.

Han Xi glanced at it and saw that the current head-to-head ratio was 8 to 6.

PDD and Xiao Liu each took 4 heads.

The bottom lane Nanboer and his ADC encountered a hard stubble.

Killed 6 times by the opponent Draven's unique skill!

Han Xi absently replenished his soldiers.

While watching Luther Levin's coquettish position.

With a powerful attack, the ADC will be hacked to death again with two swords.

Then, Luan Bo'er, who was too late to run, was also sent home.

The head ratio is 8V8!

PDD couldn't help sighing: "Is this Draven on the opposite side of Wensent? It's quite a B!"

"Don't go and help Xiao Liu, he has grown up, and you can't take three knives."

Nan Bo'er also agreed: "I'm sorry, I raised too fat, wait for the team battle, the team battle will stare at him for seconds!"

Xiao Liu said "um": "I'll go and help Brother Han once."

Then, after communicating with Han Xi, Xiao Liu came to the grass on the road.

According to the plan, when Aoun was under the tower, Han Xi went up to fight with him.

Blind monk Xiao Liu went around and directly let him pull his foot into the tower.

Han Xi followed the plan and controlled Aoun with a sudden advance.

And he was hard against hard steel.

Although Aoun's attack is not high, he still has no problem hitting Han Xi.

After fighting for a while, although he lost a small amount of blood, a combination of skills completely crippled Han Xi.

I saw Xiao Liu coming around.

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