Live Beautification System

Chapter 46: achievement **** ear

  Chapter 46 Achievement of the God Ear

  A new week started again, and Ding Mu got up early in the morning and went out for morning exercises as usual. Now Ding Mu has solidified the perfect bonus, and the worry deep in his heart is completely gone. He walks like flying along the way and feels extremely happy.

   Arriving at the shore of Weiming Lake, Ding Mu continued to exercise as usual while running long-distance with breathing method. This time it was different from running forward with a dull head this time. Ding Mu specially brought a small earphone, while running, he listened to the music recommended by Xue Lingyun, and moved forward according to the rhythm of the music.

   After running eight kilometers easily, Ding Mu looked at his watch and found that he had only used it for half an hour, and he didn't feel tired at all. On the contrary, he felt refreshed, and felt that the exercise effect of the previous period was obvious. The perfect bonus of Dingmu will be based on its own physical fitness bonus. Once the own physical fitness increases, the bonus ratio of the bonus remains unchanged. If the various attributes of Dingmu are maximized, it means that the total value will double. If you continue to exercise like this, you will be able to challenge the marathon in a short time.

  Exercising is indeed a very painful thing. Many people can't persevere because they can't see the results in a short time and have no sense of accomplishment. If there is a sense of accomplishment, which is greater than the pain caused by exercising, it is easy to continue. That's what Ding Mu is.

   Having tasted the sweetness of the perfect addition, Ding Mu naturally thought of continuing to optimize. But after thinking about it, I can't find where else to beautify it. The key point is that Ding Mu didn't know what direction to beautify the arms and legs, so he had to let it go first. An idea popped up irresistibly. The facial features that have never been touched, can you try to beautify them?

  Ding Mu thought about it for a while, and the slightest movement of the facial features is particularly obvious. This can't be explained to other people, and it's more troublesome. Why don't you try to beautify your ears, this, usually no one pays attention to it. But in what direction should the ears be beautified? Or check the information.

  After class, Ding Mu went to the library, found several books on reading photos, pondered over the books for a long time, and found that his appearance was pretty good overall. But there is still a gap between the face and my own aesthetics.

  About the ear part, it is quite clear in the photo book that the ear should be big, white, hard, and well-defined. There are requirements for auricles, dampers, windshields and even heights. Ding Mu felt that this was a direction of beautification. According to the book, he summed up a few key points, with the ears close to the face, the sky wheel aligned with the eyebrows, the ground wheel aligned with the lips, the outline is correct, and the ears are thick and pendulous.

Now Ding Mu has been honed for so long, and he is already very proficient in using the real person beautification system. It only took one night to adjust his ears. Once he saved it, the golden light shone and he achieved a perfect achievement—"Fu Lu Shuang Quan" Perfect ears. Wealth luck bonus 200%, kidney qi bonus 200%. Perfect Achievement Reward: Turn on Perfect Coin to exchange hearing bonus. Sound capture bonus, debate position bonus, intonation bonus. Current listening level: catch sound 5, debate position 6, intonation 5. The full level of each item is 10, and every 1000 perfect coins will increase by 1.

  There is too much information here, Ding Mu calmed down and analyzed these hints. The ear itself has a perfect ear, and its bonus has nothing to do with the original function of the ear "listening". Instead, it has a bonus to the kidney qi, the organ corresponding to the ear in the five elements. If this is inferred, is it true that other parts corresponding to the five elements also It has something to do with the internal organs, so it can be speculated that this real person beautification system can beautify and adjust the appearance of the facial features to give bonuses to the internal organs. Of course, it could also be a coincidence.

   What's even more incredible is that this real person beautification system can also add luck? It is incomprehensible that the title of "Fu Lu Shuang Quan" obtained by this ear is actually connected with the illusory fortune of wealth.

   Putting aside the incomprehensible thing in advance, this time the perfect achievement was not rewarded with perfect coins, but the reward turned on a function to enhance hearing.

  Ding Mu pondered for a while, he still has 21,000 Perfect Coins, which is useless, and it only needs 14,000 Perfect Coins to fill up all of them.

   After filling up, the golden light flashed in the system again, and a perfect achievement was obtained, God Ear.

  Reminder: Special organs cannot be archived, and the special task "Voice of the Goddess" needs to be completed within a week. If the task is completed, the "God Ear" will be automatically solidified; if the task fails, you will be deaf for one year, and the achievement bonus of the perfect ear will disappear; if you do not accept the task, the God Ear will disappear after a week. Please choose whether to accept.

  Ding Mu couldn't help being stunned when he saw this prompt. This is the first time that the system has such a severe punishment for a task. The key point is that there is no task prompt at this time. However, Ding Mu never thought about not accepting it, because even if he failed, he would be deaf for a year. And as long as he gives up once, Ding Mu will lose the most important thing to settle down - self-confidence.

  After accepting the task, the real person beautification system immediately gave the task description: In the sky and on the earth, God’s ears can hear everything, only the voice of the heart is hard to understand. Only by understanding the voice of the goddess can one be spiritual and keep the vitality of God's ears. Please hear Xue Lingyun's voice within a week.

   After reading the mission description, Ding Mu curled his lips. This goddess is actually Xue Lingyun. It seems that it is indeed a bit difficult. She feels very cold and will not reveal her heart. But anyway, have to try.

  Ding Mu quit the real person beautification system, and his thinking consciousness returned to the library in the real world. All of a sudden, I found that the world was different. My ears were amazing, and I could control all the hissing of birds and insects. As long as Ding Mu concentrates, he can find the position of the mosquito within 100 meters according to the sound of the insect's wings vibrating, and then distinguish the male and female.

  Before, Ding Mukong had excellent eyesight, but he didn’t necessarily have the ability to observe. Youdao turned a blind eye, and he might not notice many clues. This is a matter of ideology. At the same time, having excellent hearing is like adding radar, which can scan the surrounding environment in all directions.

  At this time, the library rang the music to drive people home, and the saxophone played home. Ding Mu looked at his watch, and it was indeed the closing time of the library, and the librarian would drive away later, so he immediately packed his things and left the library.

   On the way from the library to the dormitory, Ding Mu followed a couple far away, and the two were talking about studying abroad. The girl said to the boy: "After you go abroad, we are in a different place. Do you think we can continue?" Are you in a foreign country, will you cheat?" The boy said: "When you are away, Yan Kong returns, and you will miss the wedding date."

  Ding Mu heard it clearly, and couldn't help but chuckle. He turned his attention to another pair of men and women.

   This pair seems to be a prospective couple. The girl coquettishly said to the boy: "If I want to promise you, what will you do to me?" The boy said: "I have a heart of ice in the jade pot." The girl smiled coquettishly: "Then will you still be tempted by other girls? "The boy said: "Bolan can't swear, my concubine's heart is ancient well water." The girl said: "Then I may go to the United States to study, will you wait for me?" It should be a good day and a good time." The girl said: "However, you..." The boy followed closely: "I lean on the railing alone, and there is no limit to the country. Sometimes it is easy to meet and sometimes it is difficult." The girl said: "No, you..." The boy said : "At the husband's office, Jiang Youyou, turned into a stone and never turned back." The girl said with tears in her eyes, "Okay, I'll listen to you..."

  Ding Mu returned to the dormitory, and told the dormitory buddies a few jokes he met, which made everyone happy.

  Ji Cheng said dumbfounded: "Why are all the boys in our school like this? They must be really talented. I feel that I am too uneducated."

  Jin Ming pursed his lips and said: "This group of people are too pretending to be 13, if you want me to be a woman, don't follow me."

  Ning Hua complained: "Your fourth son, you are telling jokes, isn't it true? How can you hear people talking privately? Your ears are so good."

   "Hey, art comes from life, let's take it as a joke." Ding Mu said haha, and greeted everyone: "The lights will be turned off in a while, let's go to bed quickly."

  After everyone fell asleep, Ding Mu couldn't fall asleep. He heard a whole new world in his ears, and he could hear it wherever he focused. However, there is still a limit. It is basically the acme of what a human being can achieve. It is far from reaching the level of listening to the wind and listening to the ears in myths and legends.

  Focus on the room, and can clearly and accurately distinguish the heartbeat and breathing sounds of the three people. Ji Cheng's heartbeat was relatively strong, and his breathing was even and long, obviously due to his good physical fitness. Ning Hua is a bit fat, so his breathing is relatively loud, and his heart is not weak. Jin Ming's heartbeat and breathing were short, and he might be having a more exciting dream. If you focus on the next room, you can't hear the heartbeat clearly, but you can still hear the breathing.

  Ding Mu abandoned distracting thoughts, concentrated his mind, and could hear the sound of the car engine in the distance, and outlined the car's travel from south to north in his mind. In a dormitory in the distance, there are sleepless people talking about romance, these voices are like whispers in Ding Mu's ears, every word can be heard clearly.

   Listening, Ding Mu suddenly heard someone mentioning himself. I don't know who that person is, it should be an admirer of Xue Lingyun, who has always expressed disdain and belittlement to Ding Mu, and said in a voice: "Ding Mu is stupid, he can do it just because he is tall, he can use magic tricks to coax little girls Are you happy? The big beauty of our clinical department, when will it be his turn to do the basic medicine. That major is a scumbag. After graduation, you can't even be a doctor, and you can only stay in school to be a doctor if you are the best. teacher."

Another voice also said sourly: "No, no, no, what level of school are we? Why would the teachers want to train their own doctors? They all have to be Dr. Sea Turtles who have studied in top foreign medical schools. If he is like this, he will go to a doctorate." A second-rate medical university in other places, teach a book or conduct research."

"Beautiful Xue's family is still a family of doctors, and she will definitely be able to stay in a big hospital in the capital to be a doctor in the future. At that time, that kid Ding Mu will go to other places to be a teacher, and beautiful girl Xue will definitely not go with him. At that time, she will go Whichever hospital, I will go to that hospital, at that time, that boy Ding Mu will have no chance." The first voice said.

"That will be seven or eight years later! Before that, the children of both of them were created! Do you want to be a father?" Another bitter voice came out, "Now the two of them can spend two hundred yuan. Bed sheets are rolled in the Qian Hotel. When you take over, you will have to buy a big house of 200 square meters, so it will cost 10 million. You are a Phoenix man, do you have one? Besides, even if there is no Ding Mu, Can it be your turn?"

The first voice fell silent, and the fourth voice popped up again: "Go to sleep. Don't talk about it, what are you talking about, what are you talking about? You are making up for people to go to other places to live a hard life. They are originally People from the capital, is it possible to leave? Do you know how much advantage the hukou in the capital takes when looking for a job? Besides, you know Ding Mu’s background. Anyway, I saw him get off a big BMW at the welcome party that day , I checked later, and the car cost at least 2 million."

  After that, the room was quiet, but Ding Mu heard the sound of breathing, which was obviously groaning. In the darkness, Ding Mu's face showed a look of dumbfounding. Because of Xue Lingyun, it seems that I am about to become the public enemy of the clinical department. The rumors on the forum that day, maybe it was done by you bastards, if you have the ability, let it go! Thinking of this, Ding Mu felt a burst of pride in his heart, and he said to you cowards who talk about people behind their backs, even if I didn't get the system, I would directly slap you. Now, you don't even deserve me to smoke!

  Thanks to the book friends who have always supported me, your support is the motivation for my writing! Book Friends Group: 257105898

  (end of this chapter)

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