In the deepest part of the forest at the Western part of the Scarlet Dragon empire, a woman was lying on the cold ground. With her face smeared with blood and dirt, one eye shut because of the excessive swelling around the area.

Liu Lanzhi woke up in a familiar scene. Her body was weak and she wondered why did she have to endure the pain again. She could feel her consciousness fading but she fought to stay awake.

Struggling to keep an eye open Liu Lanzhi can barely see of the man who was staring at her like she was kind of an animal about to reach her end. She knew who it was. She was held in place by a pair of cold eyes that send shivers down her spine.

What had she done suffer this misfortune?

Surely she knew. She knew what brought her here.

Ahh… why did she have to relive this lifetime again?

When this man killed her with his own hands, Liu Lanzhi had accepted her fate that she will never be happy. At least she was finally free from him and yet here she was experiencing the hell she was trying to escape.


Why did she return to five years on her past?

Why she must through all of it again?

"Why? Why can't you just let me go?" she choked, her blood staining her satin white clothes.

The man knelt beside of her and lifted her body from the ground. He held her in one arm like she was a delicate piece that could be shattered by his strong grasps. Her head leaned on his muscular chest allowing her to hear the loud and steady beat of his heart.

"You cannot leave me," he whispered into her hair.

Upon hearing his words, Liu Lanzhi fell into a deep sleep.


When she regained her consciousness, the darkness of the sky was about to be replaced by daylight.

This was wrong. It was her first thought when she woke up in his arms. This was never been about love. For her, it was longing and affection. For him, she was a prize possession. The longing that brought her and her people on their ends. To a man like him, she was nothing but another lover.

He was a prince of the Scarlet Dragon Empire, the crown prince to be precise. She was the third Princess of the Northern Lands that he'd infiltrated and conquered. To each other, they had been nothing but enemies before but fate made the worst pair of enemies when he claimed her.

After years of war, the relationship between them being enemies turned into an acquaintance and then the bond was sealed by a cursed when she fell in love with the immortal prince.

Five years ago, she doubted again and again if it was worth fighting for if it was right or wrong. Sure for his people, this was an abomination. She was a mortal unworthy of his time. For her people, it was a betrayal. They wouldn't accept this. They wouldn't accept her.

"Fear is unbecoming to a princess like you."

His arm around her waist tightened. She was trapped being held in his arms. Her body slightly shuddered on his words as she stared above her, refusing to meet his eyes.

Fear? Of course, she was afraid. Reliving the hell she'd been trying to escape wasn't the one she expected when she opened her eyes. That somehow after years of trying to run away always ended up being back on his arms.

"This princess fears nothing and regrets nothing."

"You are nothing but a liar third princess of the Northern Lands…" he said, shifting her naked body closer to his.

It seemed he knew her extremely well. In fact, he knew her like an open book. She cannot lie to him for he knew that she wasn't the same woman he'd took from that fallen kingdom.

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