Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 633: Cusp

Fingertips are king, formerly known as Wang Hao, a Chinese martial arts writer.

Before Gu Yong was born, his fingertips were king and he was also considered a martial arts master. Although he did not reach the top ranks, he still had his own status and had a lot of regular readers.

However, after Gu Yong was born and brought a new world of martial arts, those old-fashioned martial arts soon became less popular.

All martial arts writers in this world need to be reborn. Some have done it, some have not done it, and some people disdain to do it.

Fingertips are king is someone who disdains to rebirth. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with the previous martial arts, nor does Gu Yong's new martial arts have any good.

Of course, this is related to the fact that he has never read Gu Yong's works carefully. If he reads Gu Yong's works carefully, even if he is passive, he might be able to absorb something.

Unfortunately, he didn't bother to read it. He still wrote according to the previous path. As you can imagine, there are very few readers, far less than 10% of the previous one.

The King of Fingertips believes that all this is caused by Gu Yong. Without Gu Yong, he still enjoys his status, and his readers are still numerous.

He naturally had a grudge against Gu Yong.

Gu Yong opened a new book today, and he is also paying attention, but he is not to study Gu Yong's book, but to find an opportunity to attack Gu Yong.

This time, it really gave him a chance.

In a chat group, there are some martial arts authors who think like him.

"Haha! It has been determined that the little beggar named'Dog Bastard' is the protagonist of Gu Yong's new book."

"Well, finally waiting for the opportunity, this time definitely enough for him to drink a pot."

"However, the origin of the name of the little beggar'Dog bastard' is somewhat bitter, which makes readers seem not very resistant."

"Hey! It's okay. It depends on which angle you look at. In my opinion, this is actually better. Think about it. A mother often beats and scolds her child, and calls him a'dog bastard'. This is not Is it even more unacceptable?"

"Haha! That's right, that's it. Gu Yong is looking for death by himself this time, and everyone is acting."

"I said long ago that we will definitely have a chance, young people, how can we not swell?"


After the fingertips Weiwang learned the news in the group, the whole person's mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Papa Papa" tapped on the keyboard, and his primary goal was the tribe of Xia Fans.

Soon, an eloquent post came out. After thinking about the king at his fingertips, he decided to use a vest to explore the direction of the wind. If the effect is satisfactory, it will not be too late to sacrifice the deity.


On the Xia Fan Tribe Forum, a non-"Xia Ke Xing" column, a post appeared quietly.

"Gu Yong has completely expanded, and the name of the protagonist in the new book is actually called'Dog Bastard'. Objectively speaking, Gu Yong is indeed very talented, "Yue Nv Sword" is very amazing. But after "Yue Nv Sword", Gu Yong has begun to expand. The extreme abuse of "Lian Cheng Jue" is proof. He was thinking that I have abused the protagonist in this way. You are not watching it with gusto. This makes him very proud, thinking that no matter how he writes, readers will watch it obediently. Therefore, he named the protagonist of the new book'Dog Bastard'. He believes that even so, readers will definitely be eager for his works, which can give him a strange sense of coolness."

After this post, several similar posts appeared one after another.

"Gu Yong used the name of the protagonist of the new book to play tricks on the readers, called'Dog Bastard'? You are still watching it with gusto. He is belittling the dignity of our readers."

"Gu Yong regards himself as the king of martial arts, thinking that he is in the world of martial arts, and readers must read his books obediently."


The first to notice these posts are those martial arts fans who did not go to the "Xia Ke Xing" column in the first time, or those who did not plan to go there at all.

There are Gu Yong fans, there are neutral martial arts fans, and there are martial arts fans who have always opposed Gu Yong.

The reaction of different martial arts fans is also different.

Guyong fans.

"I rub! It's called a'dog bastard', Gu Yong really doesn't take the usual path."

"Uh,'Dog bastard'? Really? I have to go to the column and take a look."

"Hold the fuck! Gu Yong is so awesome, you dare to use this name. However, it's really hard to accept!"

"The name is indeed open to question, but Gu Yong is swelling greatly, it is purely fart, how can a person such a low-key Gu Yong swell up."

"That is, I don't know how many media newspapers want to interview Gu Yong greatly. If Gu Yong is greatly swollen, he would have accepted the interview."


Neutral martial arts fans.

"No, Gu Yong really dare to take it, but I don't know how the quality of the book is?"

"The quality is certainly not bad, but the name'Dog bastard' has some influence on my desire to read a book."

"Yes, I was also looking forward to Gu Yong's new book, but now my desire to see'Dog bastard' as the protagonist has suddenly decreased a lot."

"I don’t know if Gu Yong swells or not, but this time the name is really ill-considered. The protagonist wants readers to bring in, and now he brings himself into a'dog bastard', this... Gu Yong, this It was a real mistake once."

"I haven't seen the content of the book and it's not good to comment. I will talk about it later when I go to the column."


Martial arts fans who have always opposed Gu Yong.

"Haha! Seriously agree. In the last time "Liancheng Jue", I said that Gu Yong was a little swollen, but he was so speechless at the time. Now, I see what those people have to say."

"'Dog bastard', tut! I really admire him, he is the only one who dares to challenge readers to accept the bottom line like this."

"The challenge of the abuser last time gave him a taste of the sweetness. This time he has to be promoted to a lower level. It is estimated that this will give him a different sense of coolness."

"Haha! The opportunity has arisen, everyone is taking action, and we must call on more people to resist Gu Yong."

"That's right, you can't let Gu Yong stand up and scorn the dignity of our readers at will."

"We want more people to know Gu Yong's sinister intentions. The Xia Fan Tribe Forum is far from enough. We are needed in places such as Weibo and Qiandutieba."


As a result, more and more people on the Internet have learned about the protagonist of Gu Yong's new book called "Dog Bastard", as well as Gu Yong's self-inflation and the dignity of readers.

There are martial arts fans, and there are non-martial arts fans who don't read martial arts novels but know Gu Yong, and there are also authors in other fields.

Originally, authors in other fields had nothing to do with Gu Yong. No matter what topic Gu Yong had, it had nothing to do with them, and they would not participate in the topic.

However, in the previous contests of myths and legends, Gu Yong's prominence has secretly offended many envy and hate authors, such as Xue Mubai, Hu Yipin and others.

This time, they were a little excited when they saw Gu Yong seemed to be having trouble with his upper body, so naturally they didn't mind the insinuations.

Xue Mubai’s Weibo: “I heard that some authors have achieved some results today, and they have begun to inflate themselves and provoke readers. As the same authors, I am very sorry about this. If there are no readers, where are our authors?”

Hu Yipin's Weibo: "Every reader is a valuable asset to the author, and we should take care of it carefully."

There are many other authors in other fields who have also published similar Weibo.

More and more people know, and the influence is getting bigger and bigger. Coupled with the help of many caring people, Gu Yong is slowly pushed to the forefront.


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