Link the Orc

Chapter 220

220 Hansang vs Garkakar Human is, 'I will kill you. You'll kill your females, kill your kids, kill your brothers, kill every orc! '
"Crush .. It'll be fun. "

It is infinitely weak.

When I said this, I knew that I would rather like it, but I could not help but wince it with intense anger.

I am a stupid and useless man. Even though I learned to watch the great Master for decades, I was so easily excited.

but……. But even if the same day repeats itself dozens of times, I would like to say the same thing to. I was sincere. I'll make it that way. In this world, we will make the Orcans disappear forever.

Otherwise my anger, no. There will be no way to resolve despair.

– You just want to fight the enemy? Then you can reset the day again. "DIE!" Then I will fight another author on "Today".
– Cuckoo. Stupid man. The warrior's ax is the way to the enemy.

I did not say anything. Even though he was eager to fight Aveneno, he did not commit suicide. It is a day to start again anyway.

– All the races except the Orcs have fallen! Now you know there's no one to fight you! Now you can not fight anyone until you die!

I was hesitant to talk about this for a while. It would have been more scary than any curse or threat to Gracakar. But nevertheless, – the ax of the warrior does not turn to his brother.

I refused. I felt frustrated and said, 'Not your brother!I shouted, but I could not change what Gurrakar decided to do.

The first thing I realized was that I could not persuade Gracakar to regret. Why did you say that? Could not have been persuaded by other words.

The next process was reaffirmation of the despair, loneliness, and sadness that Avengeo felt when he died. It was huge. Too much emotion swept away everything I had. Everything was swept away by the waves of emotion, and I had nothing to do.

And as soon as the end came, my anger burned with despair, loneliness and sadness.

Now 'today' is over. After a while I will never be able to meet Avenego again or talk about it again.
Going one step, you can see Abenego again if Gracakman dies.
Since the same day repeats anyway, there is no damage to Gracakar. So it is not difficult to ask a little.
I asked for everything. I even abandoned my self-esteem. Nevertheless, the Lakkar ignored.
Now I can not meet Avenego again. I can not talk to Abenego again.
This is all because of Greg Carr who did not ask for a small favor.

'wait. We will surely meet. We will destroy Orcs and purify this world and give it to Avenego as a gift. I swear to Vital with my life. "
"Crush .. I will wait with joy. "

The exchanges between Gracakar and my thinly-preserved feelings ended "today" and "tomorrow" came to an end forever.

*** Opening the balcony door, the cool air of the dawn cooled the body which had been heated due to intense emotion. I literally threw myself out of the balcony. I was wearing only one underwear, but went into the forest without worrying.

After a while, Bensen appeared and gave him a coat down to his knees. I did not need it at all, but Hajin refused. Bensen walked across the court silently, and after a while he walked together.

Other than that, I could feel the presence of dozens of temple warriors moving away from each other. I'm sorry. I suddenly walked out of silence and moved very busy.

Then I know that the sea area is Aveeno, Adrio, Benjacan and Iola. The hypothetical space in which the sea area was tested to become a temple was a refuge where Avenego was a leader.

As a terminal soldier, Abenegro, Adrio, I remembered a lot about Eola, but I knew a lot about Benjaran and told him a lot.
'The greatest warrior.'I said.

"The sea area. Adrio, Benjacan, can you tell me about this? "

One of the thousands of regrets that ravaged my heart now is that I did not hear the story of Adrio, Benjacan, and Iola. It was a fake life that the waters experience, even if you do not know much … I want to know a little more about them.

"High Priest Adrio was called the best genius in the history of non-Telly. Not to mention the greatest of those who received the same number of blessings … "

Abenegot also had so much praise of Adrio. Most of his abilities are made by Adrio.

He was not himself, but when he survived and accepted the blessings and aura of Vitel, he would have already said that the world would have been Vittel. Of course I do not think so. If it was not Avenego, nobody would have survived 1,000 years.

"Benjacan, the president of the temple, had a few words, but his heart was warmer than anyone else. After the battle, you cried tears silently as you watched dead men and soldiers. You may have thought that nobody would have known you were wearing a helmet, but we knew. "

Avengeo had described Benjaran as a harder shield than anything in the world. If he was in front, he did not have to worry about any enemy attack. Maybe it is similar to what I feel for Adil.

"The priest was the beloved of all the believers. It was covered by Adrio but he had a great genius. You've been blessed five times in your mid-twenties. And he loved the bishop Abenego. It seemed to me that nobody knew it, but it was a lot of tee. "

The sea area smiled and told the story of this ola. Abenegro was similar. When I talked about this uplift, I told him in a ton of anticipation that I would be smiling even without looking at his face. And I listened and smiled.

I think this is the one that played the biggest part in keeping Abeneggo for 1,000 years. If it was a thousand years full of spleen, I would not have been able to keep even Avene.

"Aveeno is … What was Avenego? "
"I do not know much about the bishop. I have never had a conversation and I have never heard of him. I did not share much about him in the sense of respect for Him. But from a distance I could see that he was a great person. "

I agree. I began to take Aenego as a respecting teacher when I could not share a word with him. Just watching his actions overflowed with learning, and he could not help falling in love with the profound and wide character.

"Once Benjacan said this. Even if all of the world is left, I will keep Avenego only by the side of Vitell. "

In fact, it was. It lasts a thousand years, enduring the same hell.

"If Adrio symbolizes the law of Vittoria, Benjaran symbolizes the power of Vittorian school, and if Ola is symbolic of Vittelism, Abenego symbolizes Vittorism itself."

The sea area said properly. right? That is my teacher. A great man who sustained the Holy Beatrice over a thousand years. That's my respectable teacher, Abe Negoro.

I stopped the pace. I arrived at the place I wanted.

In the past, the temporary base, now called Vittel, is located in the mountains. There are big and small peaks around, but now I am on top of the highest mountain.

"The Crusaders are stepping back behind me."

Najim said. There is a temple near the summit that will protect me. From now on, considering what I will do, it is dangerous to be there.

I ascended the aura that confirmed that the Crusaders quickly retreated and there was no one in front of me.


I was amazed at the aura of the sea, the sea. Surprisingly, they prove that they are superior. It means that even if you have only received three blessings except the sea area, you have a keen sensation to feel the movement of energy. When I was blessed three times, I never did.

I took that energy a little bit and moved it to where I wanted to.

"You should never come forward."

Now that I can not buy today, I warned him not to make mistakes, and then he looked forward one more time. There is no sense to be detected. There is no one who can deceive my senses, even if I fool my senses, I will survive even if I do anything.


Supporting Support

I leaned forward with both hands and threw lightning at power. Abe, you taught me. Lightning flew in the direction that I wanted to follow along with the energy I poured in advance.

Lightning stuck to the wall of the summit which was almost as steep as a cliff.

There is a pagga.

There is no physical force in lightning. But it had destructive power. The lightning spatter burst out like a blast, and as I thought, the cliff began to shatter.

I threw lightning at the electric power and it was exhausted quickly. The consumed energy continued to fill the denominational contribution points. It was not the ability to have the physical power in the beginning, and the energy consumption was big. But there is no point at all.

"Anyone who can take a video, please do something."

Bensen gave orders to the Crusades. I wonder if I want to use this for something. It's not bad either.

30 minutes It was only thirty minutes later that the blackened cliffs looked like what I wanted. There was no gift for art, so it did not come out as much as I thought.

"Abenego …"

I found out who the sea area is. It seems that I have not made it completely so far as the sea area has noticed.

I cut the cliff which is about 20m high and carved the figure of Abenego which I saw last. I wanted to make something to celebrate him. I wanted to inform his followers.

The elders had to know that there was a great man who devoted everything for non-telly in other worlds. I had to know the real, not the fake like me.

This was not the end. I went up to another mountain nearby and took the same action.

"This is Ola."
"I do not know who this is."
"This one too …"

Aveneno in the highest mountain, and Adrio, Benjacan, Iola, Goburn, and Ken Gerian in the mountains nearby. Goburn and Ken Garyan are not Vittorian but they have suffered hundreds of years with Avenego. I thought that they should know about them.

"Would you please tell me who they are?"

Bensen approached, asking everyone to piece and rest.

"Yeah. I'll let you know. "

Of course I have to let you know. That's why I sculpted it. It does not just tell you to Bensen, – it uses the skill 'vital voice'.
Speak to members of the denomination.
Please tell me what to deliver.

"I would like you to listen to my story today." – I communicated to members of the denomination.
The denomination contribution points 6,087,457,287 have been deducted.

I will tell everyone.

"You all know that there is a different world. It is a world where the heterogeneous groups have invaded us. "

220 Hanseong vs Garkakar end

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