Link the Orc

Chapter 214

214 Beattelko vs Orc The best thing about being a patriarch is that you can feel the position of your brother who is fighting the world. When a brother dies during battle, the feeling disappears, so you can see that there is a stronghold where the greatest number of brothers are gathered and their brethren die quickly. It is a really good advantage.

And the second best thing is, "Kwow!"
"It is the Great Patriarch!"
"Karl is the Red Brother!"
"Our great chieftain with red skin!"
"Our Great Patriarch has come!"

Everyone knows me and welcomes me. Thanks to them, I have a strong will, even if my brothers do not resist.

Nowadays, fighting is taking place everywhere. Lizardmen, Dwarves, Elves, and Tarts that are hard to see in Katish. I fought every day with every race. Thanks to it, we are participating in 5 ~ 15 battles every day.

I am dissatisfied that I do not have the strength to make me nervous, but it is quite enjoyable to take part in the battles of the brothers every day and lead the fight to victory.

*** Iol did not have the same powerful force as Adriana Benjacan. Although Suho became a stronger and stronger person for a long period of time, the force was only limited to the dubious army of dozens of people.

Nonetheless, Iol contributed as much as Adriano Benjacan in Avenego's 1,000-year struggle. Through the reconnaissance that exploits the racial character of the Banshee, not the stronger Suho.

Abenego returned to the land of humans and raised 10 million bodies, while Iol remained on the ground while trying to resurrect Adrio and Benjacan. I saw the fierceness of the Confederate Confederacy and Orc fighting, which I thought was one side of it, from a far distance, and then watched the racial coalition and Orc wars that took place all over the place.

'Tribe Union and Orc are enemies'. It was high rank information she would never get if she went back with Aveneno.

It was also good information for Abenego, of course. But besides that, I could get information that confused her.

– The orcs themselves have become stronger. What happened while I was sleeping?

After watching the tribal coalition and the war of the Orcs, Iol had no choice but to conclude that the races themselves were strong.

It was a difficult conclusion. The orcs that she had lived in, and have not been in existence for over a thousand years, have not developed. However, according to her weekly observations, the orcs from the most distant warriors to the patriarchs and grandchildren were stronger than before.

Before her fall asleep 150 years ago, Orcs had similar strengths to Lizardmen, Katish, and Dwarves. So, when a similar number of troops hit small battles, it was not possible to know who would win, and when large battles occurred, other races that knew strategy were more advantageous than orcs who knew only simple fighting.

But the battle she watched recently was different. Orc was overwhelmed. If a similar number is overwhelmingly won by orc, and if the number does not differ at least, orc won. Orc won both small and large battles.

Orc was not the way to fight. I just ran ignorantly like before. Each individual was stronger and so he won.

– I'll be back. I do not know what to do anymore.

She spoke to Avenego. Of course, there was no answer. Abenego can see what she sees and hear what she says, but she can not feel anything of Avenego.

She quickly returned to Avenego.

– In my glance, it seems to be an opportunity to make the world a Vitell's.

The enemy was divided into two tribes and was fighting violently. It was a real war on everything, not the battle of the previous food rituals. This Ola appeared to be a perfect opportunity for it to do light and hard work for 1,000 years.

"Good opportunity is right. But there are some strange things. "

However, Avenego hesitated.

"Thanks to you, I could see many things. And I saw something very strange. "- If Orc is strong …
"It was strange, but there was something more strange. Dwarves, Elves, Lizardmen, Katish, Troll, Parfum. Did they not get too easily? "- Is it because we have already consumed a lot of power in our fight with us and Orc has become stronger?
"Only that much? You should not look shallow. Come up. They are those who have frustrated us for a thousand years. At least we should have twice as much power as we have seen before. "

Aveneno was expecting exactly the forces of the tribe. But I did not even know that the power had passed over to another world and all of them died there.

"The forces of all the races remain almost alike. Otherwise, one species would have already been destroyed. Like our non-telly which was too strong. "

A non-telly that was stronger in other races and disappeared as a sign of all of them. The ethnic union is not a united one because it is so nice. If they are stronger or weaker than they are, they are united to take away little damage.

"Dwarves, Elves, Lizardmen, Katish, Troll, Parfum. There are six tribes. Imagine that the power of the humans we destroyed was six times. Will they collapse as easily as now? "- It's … It's strange.

They know exactly what kind of power the humans had because they had completely broken down. It was strong. It was so unconditional that it would have been the former Avenego and Suho.

Six such powerful forces are united. I think the power of them was too weak in the last fight.

"I'm hiding something. But I do not know what it is. "

I also thought that the Tribe Union and Orc would try to attract themselves by pretending to fight, but the damage was too great for the tribe coalition or orcs. I think it would have been much better to devote all of the power in the last battle, as the Confederacy, with the exception of the Orcs, is doing something.

"Torin, the serpent is writing something again, but I do not know."

Abenego thought that Torin was doing something. I have fought Torin many times in the past. It is a torin that never does anything meaningless. I have no choice but to think that I am still preparing something.

"I can not cheat this time. So wait. At least Orc is a species that never knows how to decorate. If you fight and one of them is destroyed. Then I will not be late. "

Eventually, Avene decided to believe in Orc. The orcs he knows are now fighting with the tribal sincerely.

So whether Torin had a number or just tilted. At the end of the war, there will be either a tribe coalition or an oak.

Two months have passed.

"I can not wait any longer."

Torrin said watching the leaders of each race. The initiative of the ethnic union was again given to Torin. It was not taken from Rocknor, but Rocknor took care of it. Rocknor was trying to take the lead because he thought there was room for the ethnic federation. But the real crisis came, and Torin's ability was recognized by Rock Nor, so he handed over the initiative again.

Torrin, who again led the tribal coalition, demonstrated his ability, which rival Rock Nords had to admit.

The system of the confused command system was arranged, and the battle with Orc which occurred in Junggu heating from the four sides was made united among the people regardless of race, and the damage was reduced. In the midst of hardship, he dispatched scout troops to watch the lands of humanity headed by Avenego, and to try to stop the war with the Orcs.

And the conversation with the party yeonha ga orc failed. The words of the ethnic federation that put together the forces and join the non-telecom were not understandable to the Orc.

Why do you have to combine enemies and forces in front of you to hit other enemies in the distance? Just fight your enemies in front of you and fight away enemies.

Of course, Torin also expected that much. In his life, there was never once more through oak and horses. So he tried to talk to Orc while moving to persuade the only person who could dry the orcs.

Just karock. Naturally, we could not speak to Karok directly, so all the races prayed to their gods. Just as before, a thousand years ago, let Karlock order Orcs to join forces and join forces.

But I did not hear an answer from any god even if I waited and waited. I would have waited a little longer for believing in their gods, but now I could not. The gods have not responded to them since about a year ago.

I do not know, I walked in hope, but there was no answer either. It seemed obvious that the gods abandoned them or something happened. So it was time for them to solve their own problems rather than relying on God.

Torin had expected this situation and had already taken measures.

"We have to hit Gracakar."

Within a couple of months, there was no one who knew the name of Gracakar, not only in the Orcans, but also in the ethnic Union. That's what Gracakar was doing. He roamed the battlefield without rest, and where he appeared, victory over Orc, defeat for the tribe.

Torin thought that the shape of the orcs moving like one now is due to the birth of an unprecedented great hero in the history of Gracakar.

'Heroic progression disappears when the hero dies.'

It was the idea of ​​Torin and the truth that I had realized for a long time. If you kill Gracak Carman. If you kill it, the Orcs will return as before. Then you do not have to worry about all the orcs just like you do now.

Torin attracted the warriors for him. The invasion of other worlds, the battle with Avenego, and the battle with the Orcs sacrificed most of the warriors, so they could not collect a large number, but only a few million young warriors were mobilized.

This was really the end force of the tribe. If you lose in this battle, the Ethnic Union is really the end.

'Fiona. Please give us a miracle before we implement the last resort. '

Torrin prayed again to Finn before giving her final instructions. Now was the time when God's miracle was needed. But again there was no answer, "Prepare all warriors. I call the Gracakar. "

One million warriors led by Torin attacked nearby Orc villages. Even though one million have been attacked, the warriors of the village have not escaped even one. Torin did not stop and went to the village after knowing in advance.

When I burned three of the villages like this, – Kwoor, it was, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,

Gurakkar appeared in front of Torin and one million warriors. The Larkar ran to a million warriors alone, and after a while he showed one or two Orcs in the direction he appeared.

So the last battle of the racial coalition and orcs began.

And there was a gaze that watched from a distance.

– We started.

This was up. And through this Ola's eyes, "Yes. You started. "

Abeneo was also watching.

214 Non-Teled to vs Oak End

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