Link the Orc

Chapter 210

210 Vittorio vs Orc 'The president of the temple and the temple of the temple he led did not always stand back with a bigger and stronger enemy than themselves.'

It is one of the main points when Kimhae talked about his story.

The hideout of the non-Teletextians led by Avenego was in the middle of the habitat of the orcs. Ironically, it was the safest place in the world. The Orcs would go to the other tribes to share information and find a way to go to non-telecom.

Thus, most of the temple divisions led by Benjacan were mostly orcs, and fought with Lizardmen, who were sometimes brought to the habitat of orcs.

Orcs and Lizardmen, two or three heads larger and stronger than humans, and knives do not enter well. No matter how blessed the temple divisions were, there was no fear of dealing with such monsters.

Nevertheless, they have never stepped back. When the shield collapsed, it blocked it with a sword. When it missed the sword, it swung its limbs. When the limbs broke, they asked. The only way an enemy could pass through them was to kill their lives.

What they do best is to prevent stronger enemy attacks. Only the skeleton was dead, but they did not change their life skills, they had more advanced skills.

The problem is that there was no stronger like Gracakar.


Gracakar 's ax Once three skeleton bastions flew into the sky. At the front, the shield of the skull, which prevented Gracakar 's ax, was torn and his arm bones were about to be cut off. Gracakar ran to finish them.


Two of the skeleton's holy warriors have been carrying out the assassination with a shield. The skeleton temple crusade that I had encountered against the anti – However, Gracakar was also pushed slightly to the side, and his steps were delayed, and other skeletons intervened between the fallen skulls and Gracakar.

– He ah ah ah!

Benjaran attacked the left side of Gracakar with a good mood. The other skulls' attacks could not be penetrated by Gracakar 's skin and they could be neglected to throw their shields, but Benjaran' s attack could not be ignored. It was equipped with enough power to wear a fatal injury if hit properly.

Gracakarri swung the mirok and struck Benjaran 's sword. Benjacan sprang back to a remarkable power difference.

It looked as though it was looking at the billiard. The difference in power between the two sides is clear: every time Brickarc wields the Mirok, Benjacan and the Skeleton Crusaders bounce back and forth. However, Yuka was also avoiding fatalities, and the injured skeleton was rapidly restored by Adrio and gave time to fully recover and recover his injured colleagues.

The lacquer instinctively knew that Adrio was the source of the power to move the skull. So, of course, he tried to attack Adrio, but Adrio itself was quick, and the way to Adrio was protected by Benjaran and the skeletons.

Repeat the situation when you have to hit hard and get back up again. Gracakar's instinct presented another solution.

Tong. The skull and chin that hit the body again with the shield in front. The locker did not wield the Mirok. Then grab the head of the skull with both hands, Kajijik.

The helmet had a strong impact on the wrapping head. The helmet was wiggled and the skull in it crumpled. The lacquer was not able to do it and hit the skull with his hand holding the skull as hard as possible.


All the bones in his hand were broken. More than 70% of the skeleton that had become powdered was no longer able to move.

"Cuckoo .."

Greg Kark laughed pleasantly, confirming that the new attack method had an effect. I found a way to deal with those who were bothering me like a fly.

Tong. Turtledo.

While one skeleton was broken, the swords and shields of other skeletons beat the body, but ignored it. It was a weak attack that did not lead to injuries although the body was shaky and had some impact. What he was careful of was Benjaran 's attack.

Gracakar began to fight with both hands while leaving the Mirok. The skull lifted the shield to stop the fist coming toward herself, but the chin. The locker caught without shielding. And I just made a freshly crushed skull like a crushed skull. So close. It would have been delicious to eat even if the bone was solid and only the flesh was attached.

Gracakar jumped up and down. And when the skulls of the Six Walls were defeated, – Turn it off, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

I heard a scream of a tearing man. The lark car stopped moving for a while, feeling like a force in the whole body. The skulls attacked him like that.

Bang! Worse! Lara Rock!

Until now, Gracakar was staggering in a strong shock. I looked down and saw that the sword of the skeleton had been cleaved and blood was flowing out, and the flesh of the place where the shield hit had burst.

'Is the skull strong? No.

The rocker shook his head. The skull was not strong.

'I am weak.'

He was weak. A memorizing memory. The ability of human beings in other worlds came to mind. The ability had lowered the enemy's ability with the scream of the woman. Men's voices are different, but they seem to have similar effects.

'And powerful.'

The ability to drop is great. At least the overall stats seem to have fallen by 20-30%. Everything from power to skin tenderness.

'It's not the scope, but the ability to concentrate on the individual.'

A scope curse can never exert such a powerful force as human beings in other worlds. In order to exert such a powerful power in the range, God will have to descend directly. Perhaps it was a capability that could be used by one or a small group of people who were focused on themselves.

And the idea was right.

Adrio's long-time research and ability to create the ability to take a long time, but the effect was a certain ability to curse.

After creating this ability, Adrio became an object of fear for other races.

"This is the wavelength of Adrio."

Rocknor, who was guarding Adrio's ability, could immediately feel the energy of Adrio. It was quite a distance, but it was so powerful that I could feel it because it was a rock nr.


Rocknor immediately made a green curtain and ran like a staircase and climbed up to the sky. And I looked at the center of the wavelength I felt. Soon, Adrio, Benjacan and the skeleton holy warriors were able to find a scene of fighting Gracakar.

He went down immediately and informed other leaders of the situation.

"Orc, Adrio and Benjacan are fighting."
"Kigalak. Finally, Karlo ordered Orcs to join the war. "
"What is the size of the orc? Do you think you can deal with Adrio and Benjacan? "

Efrat and Torin said in succession. Torin, of course, thought that a large-scale Orc troops would be fighting, and asked, "One."

The answer I heard from Rock Nor was surprising.

"The Rocks? One oak is playing adrio and benjaran at the same time? It's ridiculous. "

Efrat also had a negative answer.

Dwarf, Elf, Lizardman, Katish, Parfum, Troll, and so on, the leaders of each camp did not participate in the fierce battle for the last few months. It was just to deal with Avene and Adrio.

The most powerful adrio of Abenoego's Suho. A thousand years ago, he was called the best genius in the history of non-telethonism, and after he awoke by Avenego, he devoted nearly 900 years to training. It was a long time ago that Adrio, who made his own Necromancer ability as well as Vitelian ability, and new ability, surpassed the position of Benjacan, the strongest Crusader.

Even the leaders of each race were not confident that they could beat Adrio at 1: 1. At least two, at least three had to be together to win reliably.

There is no such thing as an adrio, not an adrio, but an orc, who alone is dealing with Benjacan, who has almost the power of an apostle. Per yeonha was easy to believe, too.

"If you do not believe, come and see."

Rock NOR pointed to the sky without being angry at the reaction of others who did not believe his words. There was a green film that was made there. Leaders climbed over you, too.

"How such an orc …"
"I did not believe it either."

Rocknor replied, looking at the leaders who came down in astonishment. Even though he saw it himself, it was incredible scenes, so he was not angry at the reaction of others who distrusted him.

"Then I heard from the spirits. Deep south, there is the strongest orc in the world. The name… Was it Durritz? He said he could not win even if another oak 10 hit. He might have come up. "

Higante's younger brother Higanti, who took on the role of Trolls in exchange for Higgante. He was a wise orc who lived a long time as well as Higashane, and he was one of the few who could communicate with the spirit.

The problem is that the intelligence of the spirits is so low that the information they give is not accurate.

"I thought it would be one of many wrong stories, but it really was."

Of course, it was the wrong story. 100,000 was an exaggerated saying, and Dukitz was misrepresented as DuRitz. However, because it was possible to combine with the present situation, everyone believed the story.

"There was such an orc. It's really ridiculous. "
"Anyway, such a strong man came to help us. It's a perfect opportunity. "

Wow Oh Oh Oh!
Its aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Koo Oh Oh!

It was a slower time than Gracakar, but it started to appear steadily and quickly. They were presenting their presence through intense cries at the same time as they appeared.

"Orc coming to help the dwarf. Long live and see. "

Dwarf is one of the most affected races by Orcs. So Torin also liked the hate of orc and hated the appearance of orc.

For those who did not know that the real reinforcements were hit or blocked by orcs, as soon as they appeared, the orcs that had started to fight for the outer corpses seemed like a reinforcements of the tribe.

The orcs began to appear once in a row and appeared constantly exceeding 1 million suddenly.

"Orc life is alive, gods will come to a good day."

At the end of Lak Nor, I faintly smiled and agreed with other leaders. Orc was always a chunk of trouble.

"It has been a long time since a true ethnic union has been created. Adrio and Benjacan are also dealing with Orc, so we will not have to croak anymore. "
Come on, Gabe! It's the beginning of the big break! "

Leaders of each race began fighting back to their troops.

210 non-telecom vs oak ends

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