Link the Orc

Chapter 200

200 Mecca recapture each.

I put a maze in the head of the Lizardman who can not move by 'paralyzing lightning'. Girokar 's Miroku split his head in two, and my Miroku was more suited to his stomach than it was.

"It's tremendous. Great. "

O sul ㅐ year old ㅐ ㅑ ㅜㅎ My chest ran up to the tip of my chin. I wonder how much I have fought all my strength by moving my body like this. Ah. Anything? Gracakarro takes all the power out of me every time, but I do not think I have ever fought like that.

The Yi family was stronger than I thought. Especially a dwarf that looked a little shallow.

It was really scary.

After killing Dwarf and Katish quickly, he tried to catch the Lizardman, Elf Fair, with Kayla, and the dwarf suddenly wore a red flame on his body and was able to make a breakthrough. I went to kill quickly and almost died soon.

Although it is not likely to be pushed to fight at 1: 1, Lizardman and the elf have always been annoyed and forced to shackle Keila's body as a shield. And I changed the subject and tried to catch Katish first … Katish was also incredible.

Even if it weakened by 'scream of the vigor', it is all a pair of shouts, but I seemed to be too shallow. They are not easy to see. The Dwarf and Lizardman, who chased me while I was not able to deal with Katish, and I was knocked out, was at great risk to the attack of the elves. I was so dying that I really did not want to die.

I use lightning in all directions and use the "exploiting hand" as the maximum output. I would have been a body and lay on the floor by now, if I did not get upset.

Fortunately, when I really wanted to die, Ohannel showed up and put a knife in the elf's heart. The elves, who have limited their movement, have been able to afford it, and they have fought against Dwarf and Katish, ignoring the Lizardmen, and after they have just won, they have put a maze in the head of the Lizardmen.

pain. As he entered the slaughterhouse, he was wounded and shed blood, as if he had been hit. Gracakar has a lot of enemies like this, but this is the first time I've been hurt so much in my body. During the fight, I recovered with the "exploiting hand". It would have been dangerous if there was no "exploiting hand".

I have a lot of first experience today.

I would like to lay down and lay down and throw a miroku even now, but I can not do it because the battle is not over yet. Fortunately, the wound is slowly healing. I do not have much in comparison with Gracakar, but I also have a good regenerative power.

The Suho people turned their eyes toward fighting.

When I saw it last time, the Suho fought each other apart from each other, but now they were fighting against each other except for Hiram. O'Hanel, who fought with three different ethnic groups, told me how he came to support me, and he left it to all the other Suho people. Now we are joining again and fighting.

That's … Another world. I was a fool when I thought I would be Suho or Gracakar. It is still not enough.

– I thought it might be strong, but … That's great. Spirit master.

I was impressed by the line Kayla saw beside me. Or is it? Is Suho fighting well enough to impress? Now Bin Zetz was in some huge soul. The giant soul that had put the Binary Yeats in his body was fighting fiercely, but the inside of the Binary Yeats was as calm as if he were watching a few hundred meters away.

There were two more souls to be dealt with by BJ Yeats, the first monster and the soul without the neck. Although the melee was going on, the bin Jeez was alone holding three heterosexual groups.

– One of the battles against Bijutsu is the apostle. One apostle and two bishops. There are tens of thousands of souls in the city. Even though they are weakened by the support of the Apostles … It is a believer that can not be seen if it is the original empty yatsu. It has become stronger after coming to this world. That too.

I had heard it before. The world of spirits has come to an overflowing world, and the BJ really will be strong. It seems to have confirmed the substance now.

What. I am good when my Suho is stronger.

– I have to try.

Is this a rival effect? Awesome, It 's good that Kayla gets stronger.

O'Hanell is fighting next to Adil, without revealing his body anymore. Although the surprise is a special feature, the close combat is also enormous. I'm not at all pushed by Adil …I do not mean. I have never seen Adil fighting sincerely … It is so enormous.

It is a feeling of seeing Gracakar with a well-organized combat technique, with a gigantic double-handed sword and a tower shield in both hands and wielding freely. It is strong, fast and accurate. If I fight with Adil … Ou. Scary

There is no need to worry about that. Though it is still tight, I have already fainted the deaths of some of the other ethnic groups. On the other hand, Suho people seem to be more powerful than the first. It seems to have brought a fairly good win.

I turned my gaze to the other side. Suho who is not in the melee, Hilaa was fighting with Werbyson, which seems to be the head.

"Hila is Milly." – Your opponent is strong. It is an apostle who reached a mature state.

I've seen her fighting with her for a while, and I've never seen it before. It's always been an overwhelming victory.

Each time Hila swung her sword, dozens of sand blades rose and attacked Wear Bison, but – Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh!

Wear bison was crying once and he could not go near and was scattered. And once every time I tear the ground, I fly so fast that I can not follow it with my eyes.

The attack that pushes the shoulder and assault is especially scary. The sand stood up and blocked the front of the Bewson, but lightly pierced a sand wall of tens of meters of water and attacked the Hirua behind it.

"what do you think. Will Hila be able to deal with it? "- I do not know. Hila came here for the first time and I do not know how strong she is and how strong she is.


It's a problem. If anyone can tell you that you are going to be in a bad situation and you're interrupted, you might be able to agree with Hilaar.

I can not tell.

"Helping Ohannell and Adil." – Yes, sir.

There are a lot of enemies in there, and there is a reason to interfere.

The battlefield, which was not favorable, came to us when Kayla joined me. Sado class, even in the midst of disagreement, but the difference in power was not reversed.

There were about 3,000 or so ran out of the fact that the different ethnic groups in the city could no longer see their heads being pushed.

It is slower than I expected. I thought that if I saw the heads of the chiefs in the beginning, they would pop out, but after half of it came out. Thanks to the battle will be much easier.

The strongest men of the dynasty were left to the Suho and ran alone for thousands of ethnic groups. In fact, it is not my specialty to fight a stronger man with similar skills. I have the ability to have several things that are ineffective against the strong.

On the other hand, it does not show the highest efficiency against a large number of weaker than me. Against many abbreviations, Gurukhar and the other Suho are confident to fight ungratefully. No. Maybe I could fight better. It's good to have a lot of abilities to deal with.

For example, 'Lightning to paralyze' I do not know, 'Curse of Vinegar' after cursing, and then burst out lightning in both hands. The lightning that stretched out surrounded dozens of heterogeneous groups, and was able to escape unlike the strong ones who were able to avoid them.

Soon dozens of attacks were poured toward me. I have fallen all around the different species around me, but there are quite a number of ranged attacks. He fled and dodged attacks and escaped among the ethnic groups. The melee attacks were followed by melee attacks but my lightning struck first before their attack hit my body.

The Yi have fallen to the lightning. There were only a few people who were seen by some patriarchs. They also stood for a while, but as a stronger than the head of the army, unable to move the body was paralyzed and fell.

And the labyrinth surrounded by the "exploiting hand". Each time he wielded, more vitality was absorbed than Vitality which he wrote to wield. My 'exploiting hand' is at least 10 times better than Gracakar. It was supplemented to the exhausted Vitality by using 'paralyzing lightning' and spewed out the Vitality-consuming lightning, which is paralyzed.

yeokshi I've been thinking about it since fighting in Brazil, but my ability is optimized to deal with the weak. I was dealing with thousands of troops at that time, but I survived without a little crisis. Actually, even if Suho and Seth fight together, it was not easy to win.

To the weak. It feels like something shitty, but my ability to do something like this.

More troops came out of the city due to the clogging of the forces that came to help them. Bay Five thousand five? It is not exactly correct, but it seems to be over. Okay. It takes a lot of time because of the large number, but it can win.

I am strong to the weak. … Think of this inside and never say out of your mouth. I've got a complete image of the images I've been building.

If you fight alone, however, dangerous situations may arise. There are quite a lot of people who attack at a distance. And the attack is pretty sharp because it's mostly elite. But souls and bodies that will help me are coming out of the city after the heterogeneity. If you fight with them, the risk will converge to zero.

“Umm . . .

It seemed to me that I was flying near the moment, and the Yi people from the city suddenly began to fall. And then the sound coming from far away.

Tata Tata Tata Tata Tante – It sounds like Echo because the street is far away, but it is definitely a gunshot.

When I saw the sound, I saw the picture of the temple.

I feel good though … The irritation was bigger. I told you not to come. It is a perfect timing for the state that the battle has already advanced and the strongmen who can go to the temple are dead or unable to move. It is annoying that I have not heard my word though.

In the open-ended snipers, they are falling into helplessness, but even if the temples had come early one to two hours earlier, a stronger than the delegation of the delegation might have entered the temple or a chieftain of the temple might have attacked the temple. If it did, the damage of the crusader would be great.

I have to punish you later.

However, the temple is also stronger than the weaker ones because it resembles the slave. It's almost unbreakable for a gun-to-enemy to be a temple. If you meet an opponent who has no gun, it is a helpless man. Because of this, the Yi family who ran toward me fell down to half of them before the inside of my house was full.

I was shot by one of the two ethnic groups besieged by me. I thought I would fight all night, but the battle will end sooner than I thought.

Then, in two hours, the Suho people led the temple guards into the city in order to annihilate all of the Yi people who came out and to deal with the remaining Yi. There will be no great danger because the souls and dead bodies have already taken over the city.

And then we put Adil in the fight between Hirua and Weir Bison, which had been going on till then. I was very frightened of the war bison that I fought myself. It's a little dealing with an enemy who punches a dying attack.

Adil or Hilan did not like the fact that they both had to fight together, but Hajin did express it spit out my mouth.

Wear Bison has a long time against Hila and Adil, but no matter how strong they can win against Suho.

Eventually, Wear Bison collapsed.

Hoo …

I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. The struggle with the Yi Jongjang can not be relieved before it is over. I do not know how to get strong in the middle. Before Gracakar was killed, he gained power and won several times, so he knows better.

Especially if you get the ability like "Cry of the Angry", you will not be stronger than the Weir Bison, but you can not be more worried because the other groups in the city will become stronger.

Now that we have finished the Weber Bison, we can be relieved now that all of our strongest dies have died.

*** – Successful recapture of Mecca by Vito Kyo alone!

The video of the anniversary of the recapture of Mecca was uploaded to the Internet, and this surprise spread all over the world instantly.

200 meca recapture ends

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