Link the Orc

Chapter 195

195 Leaders vs leaders are hot.

It is a port city of national Sudan, located in the west coast of Africa.

Because it is the nearest port city in Mecca, there were numerous information workers, soldiers, mercenaries and even mobs. I do not think Saudi Arabia's payoffs are so salty. Because the guys who have a lot of strength are all conditions that can be expected.

"Please think again."

Kimhae said strongly. Next to him was a non-telecom executive, Bensen, Kim Jin-seo, and Dennis, who were standing there, and there were thousands of holy men standing behind them. Behind them, there were all the agents, soldiers, mercenaries, mobsters, and reporters covering our country.

Yuna and the wreck are not here. Yuna did not come out because she was not good enough, but Yuna cried and cried all day not to go, because I did not want to bend, I went into the hotel room and went out until now.

"It's already decided. You too. I decided when I got together before I came here. Why do you do it again. Well hangin
"And all of us are constantly opposed to it from now until now."

I did. These people did not stop their opposition for a moment after I decided to go to Saudi Arabia alone. I do not disregard the opinions of others, but … This time I have no intention of bending.

"As you know, I have already issued an order as a prefect. You should never come along. "
"I can not understand. There are 6,000 temple planners who can devote their lives for the sake of me. Why do you go alone? "
"So I'm going. Just as the Crusaders can devote their lives for me, I should be able to lay down their lives for them. "

It is true.

They decided to advance to Saudi Arabia and held a meeting on what to do every day. Thanks to Bensen 's hard – earned information, he had already figured out how much of the power there was before releasing the video in Saudi Arabia.

The situation in Saudi Arabia was the worst from the start.

The first three have been invaded by two different groups, each with a power of 2,000, 4,000 and 3,000. The number of ethnic groups that invaded a place of 30,000 was the maximum. Of course, Saudi Arabia did not prevent it, and three cities were immediately occupied by the Yi.

However, as the stronger of the Middle East, it stopped the advancement into other cities as much as possible, but it continued to invade the Yi family, and when the number increased, it was pushed to the country survival crisis.

Currently, the number of ethnic groups in Saudi Arabia is estimated to be between 70,000 and 100,000. There are tens of thousands of different ethnic groups that appear to be apostolic, and there are quite a few other chieftains. It is the place where the most powerful heterogeneous group gather in the world.

At first I had no idea to go alone.

'The damage to the temple will be great … I suppose I must. It's for the development of Vitoria. "I thought. I did not think I was going to go alone and risk it. Though I consider the temple to be a family, it is my life that is more important than the life of the family.

'When I die, the connection with Vitel is cut off, and the effect of the sovereignty of the monarch disappears, and the survival of the non-telly itself becomes dangerous.'There was also the idea. It was not an excuse for self-reliance. It's true. I must stay alive for the survival and development of Vitoria school.

However, to reduce the damage to the temple as much as possible, I repeated my meetings at the meeting and worried until my head was broken.

But by the time I heard a word, they all felt helpless.

– No matter how you think, I can not avoid the damage of the temple.
– If so, just go ahead. For the saint and the non – telly families, our crusaders can devote their lives at any time.

The word of a high priest who participated in the meeting. It was not a spell or a will. It was just a spoken word spontaneously, just like a normal conversation. So I came to my chest.

I was thinking that for sure.

A big shock came as a bullet in the heart.

'I?', 'Can I sacrifice for them?', 'Why did not I think they sacrificed Yeonha, and thought I would sacrifice?' The thoughts of arrogance went over my head.

It is not wrong to think that I live and live a Vittorian school. Rationally, that is true. If the temple is all but dead, then the non-telly will survive.

If you think rationally, it is right to lead the crusade and assist in a safe place. okay . . . That is certainly true. But sometimes I can live emotionally.

I thought so, I spat a word of reflex.

– I will go to Saudi Arabia with me and Suho.

I think it's a stupid idea filled with emotion, no matter how you think … There is a corner to believe.

Actually, I am immortal. is not it. GracKar? If I'm doing suicide right now, please dry it up. I'm going to go with the Crusaders now. …. If I do not have an answer, I do not seem to be repeating death.

Believe. GracKar. I do not think it 's too easy for you to see me fighting alone. We've been pretty good together for a while. right?

"Finally, please stock one more time!"
"We can not stay here because we only have a sister!"
"Please reconsider our participation!"

Please reconsider!

Thousands of Crusaders shouted in one voice. I looked at their faces. If you take them, you will be safe. I will not be in danger. but……. Hundreds and thousands will die. I and the Suho can not keep them all, no matter how hard they try. That's why the power of the Yi family in Mecca is so strong.

So I have to go alone. As I cry every time, if our Vittorian school is really a family, you know that your family is going to die, but you should not send it to your limbs?

"Do not worry. Even if I do not want to work like that, I'll be very busy after I get back to Mecca. "

Saudi Arabia is not the only Mecca occupied by two different groups. In addition to Mecca, many cities are occupied by the Yi people. It was not strong enough to be Mecca, so I was going to recapture Mecca and leave the rest to the Crusaders.

Hmm … Now I have to say the last word and start ……… ……… ……….

I'll really ask you one last time. Jeni I'm not dying, are you? I just want to see you die, so you do not have to watch it, do you?

Unstable. I will start resetting in the middle of the irreversible enemy. A day that repeats forever without being aware. I really do not want to do that.

Answer. This rotten bastard! Coward! A warrior full of disgrace! Come on, you bastard! Miroku … I can not take a miroku bath. Anyway, if you do not tell me now, you are a really stupid coward. …. ….. …….

Agreed. If you do not say this even though I did, I would not really die.

"Finally, I will tell you. Do not wait for the Crusaders to come. I'll be in touch soon. Let's go. Ohanel. "

Ohannel hugged me and flew to heaven.

*** The collection of award-winning Port Sudan by VITEL has been filmed from the beginning by the reporters and the public, and has been broadcasted simultaneously to the world through internet broadcasting. It was a sudden broadcast without a warning, but as the kyosei hansang appeared, the believers gathered in an instant and watched.

Soon, they could see why the temple and the holy warriors were gathered in Port Sudan, and they were informed that they were going to return to Holocaust.

The national broadcasting news was breaking news of the Hansang 's mecca, and broadcast the scene of a live broadcast of Han – Sang. Soon the news was announced all over the world.

– No, your sister is going to rescue the non-telly rejecting Islam at risk. It is so altruistic. You could think a bit selfish.
– I'm coming to the broadcast now. You're going to go back to the mecca?
– What is this? Saudi Arabia Is there dangerous or not? Why are you going?
– Is not that dangerous?
– I heard that Saudi Arabia is the most dangerous place in the world right now. The king is already dead and many princes are dead, so a subordinate prince with no succession will be the chief.

Those who heard the news that Hansang was going to recapture the Holocaust were the first to worry about the one thing, and the worry was expressed by the anger about the temple warriors.

-Hey. Fucking bastards! I told you not to come, so let me go alone!
– Why are you here? You do not have to fight! Then why do you have to fight alone?
– I have a scratch on my body, but one day I go to the temple with guns.
– Gimhae You, the president of the temple, is going to fight, but you are just watching from behind!

The chat window, the Internet bulletin board, and the comment of the real time broadcasting were rushed instantly by the bathing of the crusaders.

Port Sudan I am going there now. I do not do my job because they do not have to go to the country.
– I'm going too.
mee too
– No matter how your lady ordered you to say it, you must protect your lady. There is someone in the world as important as your sister.
– I was on vacation right now and broke the plane ticket. I should go even if it is late. If you are successful, I will congratulate you and if you are hurt, you will kill all the bastards.

As chatting and comments become more and more intense, – hey. Take a look. What's wrong with the Crusaders?

Someone found strange in the picture of the temple in the broadcast. Some of the Crusaders put their hands on their left chest and began to look like grabbing something.

– Is not that what you're tearing up the bridegroom satan?
– Sounds right. The temple division is running around.
– What are you doing? Are you really pulling the crest? That's what the Crusaders think of as their life.

Winged shield. It is a sentence of the temple division that means the shield of freedom Suho. When I became a temple chief, I cherished my life as a life-saver for being directly given to the priest, Hyo-sang.

Crusaders do not receive any new sentences even if they are crushed, punctured, or destroyed while fighting and training. Hansang is the one and only sentence in the middle of the world. The believers were well aware of it, so they questioned the actions of the Crusaders.

The act of tearing off the sentence gradually spread, and all the crusaders ripped off the sentence.

It was because of a saying that a high priest had taken off the sentence and returned it to Gimhae.

"I will return to the general shrine in the temple. Your master told you not to come to the temple. If you become a general believer, you will not be able to go. "

The Crusaders who hesitated for a moment hesitated and began to rip out the sentence. Everyone extended a sentence to Kimhae station.

"Please take it. There are a lot of things to do to follow your master. "

The temple was given by Han Sang, so he could not get rid of the sentence but waited only for Gimhae to accept it.

Gimhae station was silently watched its appearance. And a moment later he raised his hand and raised his hand on the crest of the temple in the left heart. And he ripped it off.

*** Jedi.

A port city on the west side of Mecca. As far as the city is near Mecca, the party Yeonha was occupied by the Yi family.

I came to recapture the place, and Kayla stepped as a vanguard.

– Using all your strength … It's been a long time.

Kayla, who does not reveal her emotions, said in a happy voice. It is Keilah who had to suppress the most power of the Suho because his ability was to deal with the body.

I know you have a problem with it. In the meantime, let's spit out all that has been suppressed.

Kayla climbed to the top of the harbor and raised her staff.

I once asked Keila if I could make something like the giant monster I saw in Gracakar's world. Then Kayla said, "It is a very rude and lowly way. I am a stupid idiot, using the body in such a way. "He said.

That means I'm confident that Keila is at a much higher level than the 'non-dying' technology. I have not been able to confirm it because of various restrictions in the meantime, but I can finally confirm it today.

She slammed the cane, which she had raised high, to the floor. And, uh, ah ah ah!

The waves of power spread all over the world, digging into Jedah.

195 Leader vs leader ends

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