Link the Orc

Chapter 190

190 The pace of wartime war was more than I imagined. Five months have passed since I accepted Tzarek and Tzadick. When I fought Tzarek and Tzadik, I was planning to fight against the Great Lord at least once a month. But it did not seem like the idea.

Five months have passed, but there was only one fight with the Great. There were many reasons. Refurbishing the land of the newly received brother, joining the small village around us into our village, and so on. The biggest reason, however, is too wide.

It was eight days away on the Gatak Cavak, the village of Trogiric, nearest to Maghreb, Marhall.

Next to him was Makk, the son of the great ruler Marek. Other sovereign brothers are said to take more than that. So I can not go easily. I will starve to death without thinking of such a street.

I did not know that I would say this … I decided to do my next preparations thoroughly. Now I'm preparing for the launch.

Most of the work of the village and the land was done by Northur, but it was difficult, and he said, "I sold 30% of the grain harvested every year in the village of Garhorn to another village. But since this year we will be sending cabbage meat from the marbles, the extra grain will increase. It will be about 50%. Now we distribute it to other villages such as Marhall and Gurutrak. Especially I have to send a lot to Rakus. Although Marek is working hard, it is inevitable that there is not enough food in the environment. "

I can not live as long as those who are blessed, and I can hardly do it because of Norruthard, who is trying to teach me that I should run the village.

Although it was better at first, I still have a headache every time I hear these stories.

"Kuhu .."
"Let 's do it today. There is no need to overdo it. You can cook it slowly. "
“… Copy that. Good work. Northour. You are so great. "
"Not great. I can only do this. "

It is true. Norwegian is really great. Carlock has a strong blessing that is close to the Great King 's Strength but has not received a single blessing, and has a much greater sense of wisdom than its strength. If the brilliance can be shared, Norseurud will be in a position far beyond the Great Patriarch.

One day, 'Brother must know about the operation of the village.'When I came, I would do it. Even when I was in the north. And I was a bit hairy, but I soon learned it perfectly. But this time … It is too complicated and it hurts too much.

In the north, there was only one thing I had to worry about.

If you find yourself fighting 'war', everything has been solved. Food, materials and so on. But I could not do it here. If you try to be enemy, you can not eat because you are brothers and sisters. No. Even if you can eat it, the problem will not disappear.

There are too many brothers.

There are too many brothers and sisters. Learning how to control the hill so much my head hurts. It's just a natural breakdown to make a new village. "I asked Norwegian. That's the natural flow. I thought that would solve everything. But it was not.

– If the brothers conquered and scattered all the villages, they would be resolved. It will be 20 years or 15 years in the day when all the villages are split and scattered.
– Well then it is not so.
– And in those 15 years, millions of brothers and sisters will die. I will starve. There are too many brothers and sisters in this land to live on hunting alone.
– Is not it that each scattered village needs to do farming or something?
– That's the problem. A small number of people can not farm. Do you think Orc can live without war?
– It's impossible.
– Split villages will fight each other. So you only have to farm to the extent that you can keep. Farmland is shrinking. If there is a war there will be ruins of the farmland near the village, and even if it is fine, the crops will have to stop during the war and the yield will decrease. There are other problems. If the village is small, the division between the warrior and the farmer becomes blurred. Everyone should be involved in war, farming. In other words, you can not concentrate on farming. Of course, the yield will also decrease. And it also lacks the labor force to farm the resources such as iron directly and to farm.
-awhile. Does not it just mean the yield is decreasing?

I know the Norwegian mind that wants to give me as much detail as possible … It was too complicated to hear it all. Northerwald is what he says and he is right.

right? Brothers for dozens of reasons. Brothers and sisters will starve to death as their yields decrease.

There are dozens of reasons. I still think that it was the best judgment that broke the word of Norwegian at that time.

– If their number decreases, their yield will decrease again and they will starve again. In 15 years, millions of brothers and sisters will disappear and balance.
That's… It should not be.

Millions of brothers and sisters starve to death. do not do that. As important as the war, the patriarch must do is to feed his brothers and sisters. It can not be neglected.

The most important thing is the specialization of work. There must be a farming brother and a brother who takes resources as it is now. Repeatedly doing the same thing will make you better. And warriors should keep them from doing their work.

Right. I did not fully understand the words of Norwegian at the time, but I recognized it to some extent that it seemed right. By the way, I had a problem in learning how to operate a village for months. It's also a big problem.

"But Northour. There is something strange "" What? brother."
"Do not you want to fight brothers who do farming, brothers who take resources?"

The fight is the instinct of the Orc, and Karlock is the best value to pursue. I can not do it, can brothers be satisfied with their lives?

"Cicc. Good question. brother. Brother is great. It's smart as well as wise. "

Norwegian laughed pleasantly. I'm so proud of you to say something like that. I am not as good as Norwich, but it is wise.

"It is our job to solve it. Think of craftsmen. "
"A craftsman feels contented when his weapon is used on a strong warrior, even if he is not in battle. We must create an environment where we can think so. When we harvested many grains, when we picked good iron. They have to make them feel honorable. "
"Is not it honorable already? You said the village could not be kept without them. If it is necessary to maintain the village, its brethren are already honorable. "
"It's a good idea. But we must make all brothers think like brothers. The brothers here have made their honorable brothers slaves and defiled them. "
"The brothers were wrong. If you want to be honorable yourself, you should honor the honor of the other brother. "
"I must acknowledge the honor of another person for my honor … That's good. "

Masud, who was listening from the side, intervened.

"It is not a good word. Of course. "
"It has not been here for at least 500 years."

500 It's been a long time.

"Your father's words were true."
"Father's words?"
"'If I had a ring master, my land would have been twice as big.'I used to say. It's really great to see it. If there was a ring master under me, twice, or three times would have occupied a large land. "

Ring master? What is a ring master? Masood began to explain again that I had read my expression.

"I do not know Slebling."

Slavebring is a metal ring filled with slaves, not warriors, to redeem them.

"When it comes to slavery, those who have a fairly strong power are beginning to appear. I called them Ring Masters. You know that, Urd. Is not the ring master sharing memories? "

Strong in slavery …

"I do not share my memory, but I will give it away. Brother Garkakar. As we have said before, we give strength to the weak who have not received the blessings of Karok. "

Norwegian explained to me later. I remember hearing that. He said that those who have not received the blessings of Carock will inherit the strength that they have accumulated, and that the posterity will be a stronghold without blessing.

"The shaman had originally lived here. At that time, most of the weak who have not received the blessings of Karlock were slaves, so naturally, a shaman among the slaves appeared and the warriors called us Ring Masters. Do not forget our hometown. "
"I was told it was a meaning of respect. At least my dad called me with the meaning of respect that I was a stronger person who exceeded the limits of my birth. "
"There might have been such brothers, but most of them liked what they called slaves rather than ring masters. Of course not what I experienced. It's what my squad went through. "
"There must have been such people. Anyway, my father told me about the ring master, 'The power is manageable, but the head is the best in the world.'. Even if I did not raise an insane rebellion, I would have been in a high place by now. "
Revolt It was not a rebellion but a struggle to live and a self-defense to defend. Do not be silly as you have not been through that time. "
"Even though I have not been through that time, it is what my father said. My father does not lie to me. "

The two glanced at each other and slowly raised the momentum. The duel is okay …

"It's stupid for both of you to go on your own, and fight emotionally, without even going through it yourself."

Judgment must be experienced and taken down directly.

"If you want to fight both, fight me. I do not want to see brothers getting hurt for no reason. "

It does not matter if you die or die during a duel. If for any reason, even if it was just a bloody fight, if you wanted to fight for yourself. But it is not fighting because I want to fight, it is not what I suffered from myself, but the struggle to give legitimacy and meaning to others is really stupid.

"My brother will understand me if I know the matter. My head clearly remembers the day. The nine shamans who lived here stood up and fought for the honor of their brethren, who were called slaves. After all, five people survived and fled to the North, but then our actions … "
"Our? Think well Brother. It is not 'our'. Brother is brother. Do not mistake the memories of your former brotherhood. "
“…..” I thought Norwegian was wise, and sometimes I was acting stupid.

"It is not a brother's memory. I just received the memory of another brother. It is the experience of the brother, the memory of his brother's personal thoughts. "
"But exclude emotions and look at my memory, it's obvious who did it wrong …"
"Think again. brother. The brother is not a god. I can not see the whole world. "
“….” I do not think it was convincing by the look of Norwegian. I suppose I must. I have done enough if I did this. I can not help it if I say I will fight later. I have to let it fight.

*** A few days later, there was no fight between Norwegian and Masood. It is a good thing. You do not have to fight like that.

And I knew a shocking fact.

– Why do you call Norwegian as Urdu? Masoud

I curiously asked. I heard that – the ring master named his name before the ring master. So the name of the former ring master is North, and the name of Urd is Urd.

I was told. Norwegian, and Urwald. Why did not you tell me. It was a shock. I will call it Urd in the future.

*** We headed northward to the news that the brethren who lived in the north had entered this land. Still, the brothers here call the northern brethren a barbarian orc. 'Orc has been invaded!'Rani That's why I have to be Orc. I was going to take one.

Carro's message to pick the true chief patriarch is not necessarily communicated to the great chiefs here. Perhaps the brothers who came this time were one of the great chiefs who had heard it. So I expected. I can fight the great chiefs.

So I ran for six days in Marh and arrived at the place where there were brothers from the north. I also pulled a lot of cabbages for hungry Tenny food. And I was able to meet an unexpected brother at the place where I arrived.

"A long time. GracKar. I thought I was going to meet because I heard rumors that I went south before, but I did not know that I would meet them as soon as I arrived. "

The Orch, the first patriarch and great wall I met in my orcish life. He was there.

190 End of War

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