Link the Orc

Chapter 177

177 massive invasion "is the conductor of the first attack … It's a tooth. "
"It is .. I'm lucky. I thought that one world would be too narrow for the eight species to live. I can get a new world. If you give a new world to yourself, you will love Mau. "

Katish, who is weaker than Orc but has considerable aggressiveness. It was the race that sent the most warriors to the scouting team, and since the first one contains the most of the cathexes, Chia Ya took command of course.

"Then Tu Lare. Open the door. "
"I know."

Tutale closed his eyes and concentrated his mind.

"Kuchk. It's soooo cool. "

Turlare suddenly blew a handful of blood and collapsed and began to shiver. Rocknor, who was waiting in front of him, hastily used his healing powers. Thanks to Rocknor's powerful healing powers, the body of Tuarele, who had been on the verge of death, began to calm down.

After a while, the Turrulet, who was upset, sat up and sat in a quivering voice.

"The door … I said it was open. "
"Good work. Tuare. Your ability to communicate words to all races is great when you see them. "

Turare has the ability to speak to all of his people. The number of the Parfem tribe is about 3 million. To deliver the word to all of them, the Parfum leader Tu Lare is so big as to have to take his life, but it is often used in times like this because of the tremendous benefit of direct command directing throughout the continent .

"My turn."

Chiaya got up and walked out with her own gait. Other chiefs of the tribe, except Tura, followed him.

There were 20,000 elite warriors gathered outside their building. They were waiting to enter with two of the original texts to be opened here.

It is aaaaaaaaufuararariririririrororororo.
"It started."

More than 1,000 Parfums raced up the wooden sticks in the sky and began choral singing.

"Parfum is an inferior race, but when you look at it is always a minister."

Rocknor admired it purely.

At the end of the wooden stick, which is a constant movement, like the parfum's rhythm, a lot of bright colors, including yellow, blue, green, red and blue.

The light struck the circle like a whirlwind. The whirlwind of light has become bigger and stronger, and the wave of fire!

A passage like a huge cone lay was made. More than 1,000 Parfums fell at once and gasped.

The wooden sticks in their hands were completely gone. It was not a wooden stick but a magic stick with high rank resources. It was disappeared with all its strength by creating a passage.

"Move quickly! The aisle is not kept long! "

Thorin 's cry, 20,000 troops did not hesitate, threw themselves into the unknown passage. And a similar scene spread throughout the continent. The time to get out of the passageway was 20 minutes.

Sure! Come on. I will subvert the non-telecom of the world with the first team only without coming to the next meeting. "

Chiaya left a confident speech and finally threw her body to the other side of the aisle.

*** "I will pray together."

In my words, tens of thousands of believers gathered in the square closed their eyes and gathered their hands together. I asked the sea area, but the appearance is a little different, but it is the same as collecting hands when praying. In fact, there is no other way to change it, though.

Bother to do something. Prayer is whatever your posture, my heart only touches you.

It was a simple prayer and again a horse.

"Finally I want to say this. Your life is yours. It is not nobody. Do what you want to believe in yourself. When it is difficult, do not hesitate to come to the non-telly. We will help with power. "

After that, I came down from the podium. Cheers and applause followed. I seem to have got used to my speech every day.

"Thanks for your efforts. Mister."
Really? Thank you."

Where we are now is Brazil Rio de Janeiro. I told Yuna about my overseas trip and liked it. I started in Europe and traveled from North America to South America. I went from one country to another in two to three days in a month, but there are still a lot of places to go.

It started with a light heart and it is surprisingly difficult. But you can not stop in the middle. How disappointing is the nation 's followers. You do not think they discriminate.

And this trip actually helps, or maybe this was helpful, it appeared or are we a race was between the month of trafficking in persons, kidnapping, slave auctions were organized, including shattered dozens of followers were increasing at a rapid pace but had gone to help.

———– Non-Teleconference: Hansang Shindo: 211,437 people Contribution points: 2,142,091,238 ———– 2.1 billion people. In a month, it increased by 300 million. Now the number is the largest religion in the world. Originally it was known that Christianity is about 23-24 billion people, but we have heard that it is not 2 billion in recent survey.

That's why we're sharpening a knife to you … What. What are you going to do? Do not you think you can only try to assassinate me?

In fact, there were three attempts to assassinate me. Two times I got shot and I got blocked, and once I was shot.

As always, the sniper stopped Adil. Still, I am glad that the target is still confined to me. According to Bensen's investigation, this assassination was not the sole ruler of Islam. Christianity was also included.

Of course you can understand. It's a strange thing if I do not hate the shinto hundreds of millions of people. And because Christianity is so many, there are a few strange human beings. Some of them will be quite intense enough to actually use their hands, so trying to assassinate me is obvious.

But if the assassination attempt is directed against someone other than me, it will be anger. Yuna is suffering from being a priest especially at a young age. If you're a kid like my daughter and you try to assassinate her … do not do that. I'm really big.

"Let's go to eat now."

I stayed in a country for only 2 or 3 days, and I had to travel to various places in a busy way, but I had enough time for meals. Mt. Kumgang is also a post-ceremony. No matter how urgent you are, you should rest.

– Look east and west.

As Yuna came down from the stand, suddenly she heard the voice of Hila. What is going on?

I saw the east and west skies as the words of Hilaah said.

– I feel the energy of pam.
"Pam?" – one of the greatest.

There is only God who can be called a great man. No way.

"Is there a tribe that believes in pamids in the world that invaded us now?" – Parfum believes in pam.

The voice of Ohannell was heard. Damn it! Really.

"Gimhae Station! It is an invasion of a heterogeneous group. Prepare for battle! "
FourBensen warns the Brazilian authorities. "
Yes, sir, I

Why? There are tens of thousands of believers coming to see me here. I want to run away, but I do not know what will happen if tens of thousands of people fall into panic.

He came back to the podium and stood in front of the microphone. What do you want to be?

"I would like to ask the believers who have come here as a preacher. Please do not move on the spot until you say I am. Please believe me, no matter what happens from now on. "

It is a prestigious church. Well, I'll try to listen to you.

"Ohannel. Please raise me to the sky. "- Yes. Ohannel hugged me and flew. I went to where the elders gathered. The believers did not know what the situation was and admired and liked.

Are you glad of unhappiness? The point where the air currents are strange is a little far from where the elders gather.

Those guys out there … Everything kills over there. I will.

I asked Ohannel to stand between the air and the believers. Even though I was asking, some believers tried to come to me, but they were blocked by the temple officials who were responsible for the hall expenses. No matter how much the strength of the shinto is, it is inevitable for the temple. They will not cross the wall of the temple.

"Adil, Keila, Vinh Yeats, Hilaah. Come out of it all. "- I get an order.
– According to the apostle's will.
"Give me your name." – Kick. I can see blood.

Hilaa … I'm sorry. I do not know He'll do well. Ohannel also showed off the transparent state.

-You are Suho!
-Oh oh. They are angels!
– I see the angels myself!

As for the Suho, the official name was Suho, but most of the followers called the angel. Usually O'Hannell, Adil, and Kayla appear only in appearance, and it looks like a misconception that the appearance is so excellent.

If you look at the picture of Bin Yeats and Hilaa today, will not you say "angel"?

"BJ Yeats, please keep Kayla's believers."
"Yes, sir." – I will follow your apostle's will.

These two are suitable for a wide range of protection.

"Please do not write offensive power. Of course, because the life of a shrine is our highest priority, we can use all means in an emergency. "

This is a word for both, but in fact it is a word for Kayla. Unlike her appearance, she uses the body and evil spirits. Unlike Binary Yeats, which deals with pure souls, its appearance is terrible.

"Is there an enemy out there?"

The sea area that arrived by the side looked at the air stream that had begun to be shaped like a skirt now.

Sy! I will take care of them, and the holy warriors keep their faith. "
"I will help."
"I know my heart, but now the safety of my shin is my top priority. Do what I say. "
“… Clear right.

The sea area is rebellious these days. I have to say it twice.

I thought I had too many people when I went to the temple with 330 or 30, but I do not know how fortunate it is to bring the 30 trillion. You can safely keep them, Kayla, and Vinny Yeatsu.

I walked toward the air current. Let's fight our best. I do not want to be crossed behind my back. Though the holy warriors guard it, there may be a person who is hurt.

Knitting. Supporting.

I flew purple electricity from my fingertips. As Gracakar, fighting is every day, but how much is it that I fight directly? Still, thanks to Gracakar, I do not feel nervous. You should have done a lot of fighting.


The air stream had a complete spiral, where the Cathy Warrior ran out. And then the pelagic warriors. There were familiar dwarves, elves, and lizards, and some of the first giants I saw.

Let's go.

With Adil, O'Hanel, and Hilaah.

Me Is it strong? "

It 's not just a little, but it' s really strong. Nearly 3,000 xenophobic bodies piled in front of me prove it.

Not only did the mere warriors of the same kind come in, but many of them seem to have been blessed, and there was also a guy who seemed to be a great king … I have slaughtered myself. It's easy too. I wore a few injuries, but I was bitten or stabbed, and I even asked him in a flash.

"Are you looking at GracKar?"

I wanted to boast somehow.

177 Massive invasion end

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