Link the Orc

Chapter 175

175 Dimension War I know this is somewhere in London, but I do not know exactly where it is. I was just in the spot where Bensen held me.

"As you all know, we did not go to non-telly. Just quietly, everything that Vittel wants is an emphasis on freedom, the first value for a free world, and respect for all believers, all human lives. "

There is a non-telly broadcasting team in front of you. The screens they take will be broadcast live on the Internet all over the world. I am speaking in Korean so I can not understand what you are saying unless you are a non – teledist, but the subtitles will run immediately.

It is easy to make subtitles for non-teletype people who can listen to foreign languages ​​like native speakers.

He also contacted media in the UK and abroad to hold a press conference. Three hours ago. So I did not expect much from how much I came, but more people came. I am a celebrity or a celebrity. When I saw that there were almost 200 reporters and cameraman who ran in that urgent time.

"But I had no choice but to do this. Our freedom is because the freedom of the earth has been threatened by the beings of other worlds. "

The existence of the elves, dwarves, and carties has already been known to the world. And eventually it will be known to the world that we are connected.

If such facts are revealed by others, it may lead to bad public opinion. There will be those who think they are hiding something because they have something going on.

So, it will be revealed anyway.

"Not long ago, Mr. Vitel gave me a trust. Be prepared for invasion in other worlds. "

This is what I prepared for the press conference.

– Vitell gave you a trust. It was told that there would be a heterogeneous group to kill all the human beings on earth and take up the earth. So we were preparing.
– This is not the first time for the invasion of the Yi family. It had appeared in Syria a while ago, and it fought with IS. At that time, we were involved.
– I heard from the airline that I saw a heterosexual group in London, and I left immediately, arrived yesterday, and pursued and battled for a day, destroying all of them.

90% truth and 10% false. It is coming to get rid of non-telly, but I changed it to come to occupy the earth. If you immediately announce that you are coming to attack the non-telly, you will have a surprise to criticize the non-telly.

I calmly told the preparations and received questions from reporters.

"The Yi family, which had been invaded this time, were too strong to suppress the army. Vittelians overpowered those people. So, did you mean that non-telecom has already had a considerable force group from the past? "

Of course I knew that question would come out.

"Freedom is not given at all. You can only enjoy the freedom of being respected if you have power. As you know, our denomination is a powerful physical ability. It was my strength to use it to save people who are oppressed by the power of the world. "
"It is the police and the army to do that. Are you thinking of becoming an independent power outside the country? "
No. Non-telly does not have any power. The believers do not belong to the non-telecom, but they are just added to their lives by a god named Vitel. We do not force our believers to belong. Those who are behind me are the temple of our denomination. You volunteered to keep your freedom. "

I came not only here but also with the temple. Behind me, twenty high priests were dressed and dressed.

"There is no compulsion. If you want to quit the temple even now, you can do it anytime. It's their freedom. "

But there is no such thing. They are 'true' believers.

"Do you know that slavery still exists in the world? Do you know how kidnapped and trafficked are going on? Originally, a month or two later, they were going to go out and fight against the oppressors of others. "

In fact, I was not interested in Free Suho when I first made the temple shield, "Vittel's Shield." At that time, the power of Vitel was weak, and I was thinking about how I could survive every day.

What was most scary at the time was a different religion. Religion forces people to do irrational things. So I thought that a brute force attack on our religion could be done well enough and made a 'shield of Vitel' to prevent or prevent it.

The thought of eradicating slavery, kidnapping, trafficking, etc. Was only recently after seeing a slave auction in Turkey. When I think about it, it seems that Vittel has got a lot of room.

"But because of this kind of invasion of the different species, we come to the world earlier than planned."
"I watched the police commando and the army fighting. The gun did not work well for the other ethnic group in the video. How on earth are you dealing with heterosexuals? "

How did we deal with the heterogeneity? Actually, I was surprised.

*** [One day before the press conference] As soon as we arrived at the airport, we saw 40 priests and 220 holy warriors from all over Europe.

Greetings. Sister. I am Kim In-hwa, a senior priest who is in charge of the British chapter. "
"Is it only three months? It's good to see you again.

It is strange that I can not remember the face of a priest who is not 100. Of course I remember Kim Inhwa. Obviously, you have the skills of 'transfer of vitality' and 'energy reduction'? "Transfer of vitality" is a common skill of high priests. I was blessed three times in order to improve the efficiency of the "vitality transfer" which can be called the treatment skill.

'Strength reduction' is the ability to make your opponent exhausted. It seems to be similar to the "exploiting hand" but it is slightly different. The "exploiting hand" absorbs the opponent's vitality and makes it exhausted, but quickly depletes the "vitality" vitality. It is the difference between taking and writing.

"Remember me. It is an honour."
"What. There is no glory for a man to remember a man. "

Priests were also priests, but the spectacular view of the 220 temples standing there was impressive. The impression of wearing a suit seems to be the boss of the organization because the hard men are waiting for me because of the heat.

"Would you like to go to branch? I have prepared all the items you ordered in my branch. "
"Ah. Thank you for your time. "
"I'm just getting a few maps. It was not so difficult for the believers to help. "

What I asked Kim In – hwa was a map of all the sewers and subways in the city of London.

Because the world is getting better and now I can use the Internet on airplanes, I can see how both the Yi and the British fight are going. Even the heterosexual group went into the sewer and hid it. The most important thing was finding where they were.

I found a countermeasure and asked him to prepare a map as a preparation for the countermeasure. There is an old place that is not used right now, but it is impossible to save everything, but I asked to save everything as much as I can.

I arrived at the branch and it was easy to see because the map was arranged as it was.

So let's get started.

"The empty yates. I would like to ask what you said before. "
Clear right. Apostles. "

Two measures were taken to find the position of the Yi family, the first of which was Bin Yeats. Binjeets can deal with souls, and there are no places where souls can not go, and unless they have special powers, they can not see them. They will be good scout.

Bing Yeats began to speak with the surrounding souls. I see that I also have a skill to see the soul, why do not you see the souls that Bing Yeats sees. It is not a bad thing to not see. What do you do when you look at your soul. Rather, your vision will become cluttered and you will see a lot of strange things. It's better to not see them unless they have the ability to deal with souls like Betsy.

"There are many souls in this world. Thanks to it, I am able to demonstrate my strength. "

I have a lot of population. There will be as many deaths as there are souls, of course.

As the number of souls has increased, the power of Bin Yeats has also become stronger. Maybe Bin Yeats is the strongest of the Suho. He was a stronger soul than any other Suho in a world with few souls. How strong in our world where souls are so many.

And 30 minutes later, "I found it."

Bin Yeats has been informed of the good news. Thank God. I do not have to use the second method. The second way is to call Hila. Her detection ability is the best among Suho. It will not be difficult to find a heterogeneous group.

However, once he comes out, he will cause various problems and I do not want to call him.

"Hmm… I think. "

I went to Binary Yeats with Google Earth to show me the real London and tell me where it is. Bine Yeats does not know how to see our map, so it is quick to show it like this.

"It's about 10m below the basement." 10m … Bensen and the intelligence officers who listened to Betsyetsu began to look at the map.

"I think. There is a subway passage closed 30 years ago. It is only 10 meters deep. "

One of the agents found it.

The subway a … Awesome, A subway aisle would be wide. It would be nice for several people to fight at once.

"The width of the aisle is 4m. There is a small side street, and after a long time, it is possible that the wall or ceiling collapsed and a new passage was created. "4m. I think it's hard to fight all of the Crusaders at once … Let's just fight a high priest. There are 20 high-ranking officers. I do not think there is enough.

"It is the scene. It 's hard to fight together because the aisle is too narrow. Only 20 high – ranking officers will participate in the fight. I can do it. Sea area? "
"Please leave."

Gimhae answered confidently. When I came this time, the sea area was also brought. If there is a fight, I will leave it to the sea. Soon, the invasion of the Yi family will become more serious and I will be able to fight alone. So before the enemy is weak, it is a good idea to have the temples fight and experience.

"Bensen. Please set up your position so that you can organize a network of 200 temples. "
Yes, sir, I

*** The plan was decided.

All the temple clerks come out to form a zenith so that the Yi family can not escape, and the sea area and 20 high temple battles fight. And I look around and cure those who risk their lives or who are injured.

It was originally planned. But it was a totally useless plan.

The sea area and the high temples were divided into two and hit the heterogeneous groups on both sides of the subway passage. The number of remaining heterogeneous groups was about 60. I thought I was going to stay under 50 but it was more than I expected.

So I was a little worried. I feel like sending it to the child who grows up nicely.

However, I learned that the swimmer's ability to raise a child was the national representative.

Too Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo.
Tatta Tang! bang! bang!
Bang! Bang! Bang!

The weapons of the high priestesses varied. Assault rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns, and pistols. There were those who fired a sniper rifle in both hands, and some even had a sword like the sea area.

There was no identical appearance and they all fought in different forms, but they had two things in common.

It is strong and cool.

I knew that when I was fighting IS last time I saw that the Crusaders were fighting, so I knew it was pretty strong … I thought it was stronger than human. But it was not. The temple was just strong. Whether your opponent is human or heterogeneous.

The 60 ethnic groups rebelled, using their own abilities. The green light bullion is a shield, an arrow, and a subway, and the dwarves and the kathish have been carrying out heavy armor based on their powerful physical abilities.

But they did not become a partner of the sea area and the high temple. Even though it may be a sea area, the high priestesses did not panic at all, even though it was a battle with the first enemy they experienced.

It was overwhelming.

20 and 60 were fighting, but 20 were unilaterally spreading slaughter. Each of the high-ranking Crusaders is strong, but their stronger reason is that they have no hesitation in attacking an enemy.

Even if the enemy has been fighting by his colleague, he did not hesitate to put a bullet in when he had a chance to kill the enemy.

Efficient fighting.

I have not been able to think of such an effective fight since I see Garkakar fighting all the time. On the planet, efficient fighting is more natural than honorable fighting.

And it is cool.

Imagine a sniper rifle in your hand with the best shot. That is the appearance of one of our high temples. Those who have an assault rifle, who have a pistol, or even a sea area. Everything was cool.

I can not fight like that … If you fight next to it, it will look very chilly. I decided. I will not fight in front of the temple.

"What the hell is this?"

The elven alive who lived all over the body with a green light shouted as if to shed blood. okay . . . I do not understand. I saw the gun for the first time and I understand how.

The elves, who struggled to survive alone, were eventually divided by the sword of the sea, and the battle was over. We will do our best to destroy the enemy. It was a perfect battle.

*** [Press conference again] "I can not tell you the detailed process. But I think it will be too long to tell. I'll just say it simple. "

I do not have to say it long. In fact, there is no way to explain the different ways of fighting against the temple.

"The temple is strong with the power of God."

It is really strong.

175 Dimension War End

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