Link the Orc

Chapter 167

167 Boundary of disappearance – I wanted you to look at it from the front …
"Sorry. I saw it on TV and it was really good. Can we make one of our ballets? Yuna, you're the protagonist. "- Yes. What kind of ballet is a ballet? How many are better than me, I make a ballet. I say that people use power to fill my sake.
"Yuna is better than such people." – Do not even say that in front of others. Mister. My sister, my brothers, will be sad.

We are also good for you.

I think you are the best when you see me. You lower yourself to care for others. I was very good.

But why are they sisters, brothers and sisters? I do not think I have much in common with them.

-Mister. when you'll come?
"It'll take three or four more days."

I think I will arrive tomorrow or tomorrow by the end of today, but I have to speak to the deadline in advance and get a day or two ahead of my opponent.

Ew, Is not it after the festival is over?
No, it's not. The closing ceremony of the festival is unconditional and we should see together. I'll come before that. "- Come soon. My sister is pissing in the tub.
"Are you a blind man? Then I have to go unconditionally. I'll finish it as soon as possible. "- Yes.

Although the food is generally delicious, it is really the best. I want to eat every day if I have ingredients, but it is hard to find the most important kimchi.

The first thing a blind man has after he has some power is to save his colleagues who have worked together in the past. After the blind man saved, all of them came into my office. seventeen men. Of course, I do not only take care of myself, but overall I manage the schedule of the executives.

Kimchi is sent by one of the children who work there. I did the steamed steamed kimchi and it was delicious. Finally, until the kimchi had run out, I had only eaten it for the last few days.

You must have sent me a new kimchi. I would not eat it all. I'll curse you if you eat everything … Ah. Bensen is coming.

I heard the footsteps of Bensen walking in the hallway and coming to my room. Walking is like fingerprints. Every man has his own way of walking. The Bensen is characterized by a slightly strident sound with a large stride and a short left foot. Of course, this rumbling sound can not be heard by ordinary people.

Bensen struck a visit.

"Come on in."

Bensen was carrying a small shoulder bag. Normally, there are data from laptop and USB.

Our apologies. Eventually we could not locate the place. "
“Right. I can not help it. "

Today is the day of IS slave auction. And we did not find a place where the ethnic group was trapped.

The search inside the city was made by Ohannel and the search outside the city was undertaken by Bensen.

I used O'Hannell to go all around the city. I ran all the way back to find out if there was a secret space, and it was only this morning that I finished the search.

Instead, I learned a lot about the ugly facts. Bartman was a city that could be called a slave house. Approximately 100 victims of slavery were searched incidentally in search of a heterogeneous group. The number of women who seemed to be trapped by others and prostitute was 300. So much in this little city …

I wanted to save it, but I did not even think that it would be canceled. I have recorded all of them, and I have ordered the addition of the Crusaders to send them to the Bart. As soon as this is over, all slavery and auction houses that have been found thanks to Ohannell will be destroyed.

"If you have not been found so far, I do not think I will be able to bring a heterogeneous group to Bart."
"Do you even do an auction without seeing the real thing?"

If it is the same as me, unconditionally, the thing should be in front of the eyes, and it seems to deal. How do I trust IS guys. They are terrorists. You can not lie?

"I do not. The auction here is the principle that you must unconditionally make an auction after checking. Before you start the auction, I will give you a physical check, no matter what method you use. "

It really hides. IS This is why you are standing in the American or European offensive. If the move was detected, then it would have been taken root.

"If you can not find a different kind of auctions, please let me know if anything happens. It does not matter how much money you spend. "
Yes, sir, I

The time now is 12:30.

"I eat rice."

There was one hour and 30 minutes until 2 o'clock for the catalog. Let 's wait until then.


1:57. The catalog finally arrived. Bensen clicked on the image of the email he received from an intelligence source disguised as an auctioneer.

A real catalog, yes?

I thought I was just cataloging the words and sending them pictures or e – mails. By the way, a really small booklet has arrived.

The source of information was taken from the cover page by e-mail. There were not many pages. 20 pages. It contained the images of seven different ethnic groups.

"Katie Sheset, elf net."

There was no dwarf. Did you kill them all? Or do not you think that I have an arm because I do not have a good appearance.

The catalogs and elves in the catalog were all female. The chain was tied up in limbs, tied up in the mouth, and the whole body was tied up on the bed to keep the body from moving. However, I made all important parts visible.

Freaks. I'm going to sell things that are nothing but weapons. The nature of the world, of course, is pretty, but the appearance is pretty, but when I go to see them only in appearance, I will die in an instant.

I can not control my people, so tied up so thoroughly what to do with the person who worked.

"I do not have a feature to know a place. I know that IS is a unique underground bunker, but that's where you can see where in Syria and Iraq … "

There was no way to know the place where everything was taken in the room.

"Ah. There is also a way to check the product. "

As Bensen put it, there was a report saying that if you open an account with a $ 1 million cash deposit at the end of the auction, you will take one person to the place where the merchandise is located.

They do not know how scary they are. It is the first type of heterogeneous, so it seems to be sold at a high price.

So I'll do it and do it. If they advertise, they will not advertise because they do not know they are caught in the intelligence service of each country. It's like trying to disappear and disappear.

"Is the money enough?"

If it does not exist, the answer is that I was able to give it a little help.

"The auction house at IS is a cash transaction principle, and I have prepared $ 10 million for unconditional bidding by looking at those who participated this time. But if the number is seven … I may miss a few. "

Ten million dollars. There's a lot of money, Bensen.

But I'm thinking about the possibility that it will be taken away by $ 10 million. I think the value of Yi is very high. It would be expensive to meet other people for the first time in human race. It does not matter if it is taken away. If you know where you are, you can go and bring it.

"Maybe it's dangerous. You said there were two auction participants? Please open two accounts and send four of them together. "

Four enemies will not be safe unless enemies of a large size are waiting for them.

Yes, sir, I
"And you do not even know this." – I will withdraw the offer.

"Take this too."

He took out $ 10 million and handed it over to Bensen.

As soon as the Crusaders find out where the Hijackers are, I will go and take them away, but I can not solve them as I thought. So you better prepare for the auction. Even if others buy a different kind of family, I can go and bring them back, but it's neat that I win.

*** 4 o'clock. Our staff went to open an account.

"Two? There is a lot of money. "
"Our employer is sparing us."

English is good. The IS crew. I looked at Ohannel and watched it in a somewhat distant state with transparency.

There were some who opened accounts before us, and there were quite a few who opened accounts after us.

Why hate the Western world Why are most of the auctioneers white and why are you good at English? IS and North Korea seem to be very similar. It maintains the system by force, and the money likes the dollar the most in the United States or Europe, and the thing uses the European luxury goods.

I opened two accounts, so I thought I might be suspicious, but there were some who opened accounts. It seems to me that I was not suspicious.

There were a lot of people who opened accounts with a million dollars more than they thought. What do you believe? That's IS. Think he can get a million dollars back?

I do not think so. Perhaps if you can really identify a heterogeneous group, those who think it's okay to lose a million dollars. There are a lot of rich people in the world who make fun of a million dollars.

Most of those who came to open an account seemed to be rich employees. It is Yeonha Party. I have a lot of money, and I will be in a dangerous position myself. I will buy them and send them.

Most of those who came out to check out the merchandise were carrying a total of one or two tablets in their bodies as well as having a well-trained body. 80% of them were funny.

I can not see the non-telly Shinto being seen on the surface but I can do it. No, it would be correct to say that you can.

———– – Vitell's Eye: You can see the power of the god that is in the object.
———– Just before the break with Vitel, Vitel touched my eyes and said.

– I hope this helps you.

And that's the skill I got. Ability to recognize enemies. If only the Hijong are attacked, it will be unnecessary, but there are humans who are the followers of Molan, and those who believe in other gods of the earth can come out.

It is a great help to those who serve other enemies to know who they believe in unconditional present circumstances. If you see signs of other gods, you can kill them or grab them unconditionally.

Of course, they can host us without believing in God, but they are not a big threat. They are not going to kill us.

There are many people who believe in non-telecom, among those who have a hard work. I feel that my body's ability greatly improves.

Those who embrace Vitale shine purple in their soul.

The more light the blessing gets, the bigger and thicker it becomes. The holy warriors there are burning purple as if they were human torches. In particular, the high priest who has been blessed three times is very active.

Yuna and the sea shines more sharply. I am the children who are blessed four times, except me.

How strong is the light. It is a pity that I can not see my light. My light will be much bigger and more beautiful. Well, it keeps getting a little problem. There will always be purple light in sight.

As I watched people, time went very quickly.

A total of 22 people went to check the product.

There were four people on our side, three on account, three on top, and two on account.

The calculation shows that the number of people participating in the aquaculture auction except for the two of us is 13.

I have to ask Bensen to confirm the identity of the 13 people. Since I buy slaves as usual, is not it supposed to be the Boss of a slave auction?

If you decide to take slaves out of the world, it would be more effective to punish those who are rich enough to get rid of them.

"I'll leave."

At exactly five o'clock, I was ready to leave without waiting for anyone else.

Before the departure, we had a physical examination and confiscated all the firearms and communication devices. Some of them complained, but most of them returned their weapons. It seems to me that I thought I would.

It was shared by five old SUVs that had become thicker. The IS and the crew sat in the driver 's seat and the companion seat, so all 22 people had to sit in the five rear seats. There were four men, and a few, five, of the men who were sturdy enough to sit in three. Of course, it was inconvenient, but IS said that if you do not want to ride, do not come.

Everyone was forced to ride as much as possible because of the money. The salvation of the salary …

All four Crusaders were taken to another car. Others have dropped each of those involved. It looks like you are prepared for an attack you do not know.

At 5:30, the car started at once. You must arrive by 8 o'clock, which is where you can arrive in 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Uh… Is not it south?

I thought of course going to the south or east of Syria or Iraq. However, the place where the cars headed went deeper into Turkey to the northwest.

Have you ever moved a heterogeneous group to Turkey? I could not think of this. Of course I was in Batman, Syria, and Iraq, and I was just behind you.

And one and a half hours later, we arrived at the village where the abandoned place was in the middle of a desert plain. There was a ruined stone building where people could not live anywhere. This seems to be one of the secrets of IS.

The IS crew went into the largest building with the people who came to confirm the merchandise.

What… Kenichi Momoyama
"Ah. Fuck. ZOINKS!

Inside it was a bloody xenophobic body that was blown, cut and stabbed.

167 End of boundary disappearing

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