Link the Orc

Chapter 151

151 The first thing I saw when the son of the god woke up was the white ceiling. Hyeon-il, who looked around for a while, could see that she was lying in the bed of the hospital.

"uh. Present day ah! Are you awake? You see me? I'm just fine. Do you recognize? "

Sitting next to the bed, Jeong – yeon, anxiously looking down on the present day, asked with anxious voice.


Hyeonil tried to say something while looking at Jungyeon.

Xxxxx Heavy … "
"uh. Huh. Wait a minute."

Jung-yeon took the water-filled mug and sprinkled it with a spoon and poured it into the mouth of the present day little by little. It was not much, but when the water came in, the mouth was moistened.

"Here …"
"uh. It's a hospital. Remember what happened? The bomb went off in the subway. "

Of course I remember. The most recent memory remembering Hyeonil is the moment when the door bounces off the explosion. Unconsciously, the moment I broke a broken door with a broken arm, I had no memory from that moment. When I remembered that moment, my body shook and shook. There was no pain, but fear was a full moment.

"Huh. I remember."
"Do not you have any pain?"
Hum… My chest is a little stiff. I'm not sick … Hmm…

The present day felt strange when reaching out to the stiff part of the chest.

'The arm … Are you okay? "

It was instant but felt vivid. The arm was clearly broken. But now I can not see. I was not twisted nor felt any pain. When the present day is in a state of confusion that does not fit in with his memory, "… You son of a bitch! Why do not you do it! I know how worried I was when I got in touch with the hospital! What an avenger can you be ?! Why not! Why

She was angry and angry.

Hyeon – il, who was trying to say why, did not get any words when he saw tears in his eyes. It was the first time I saw her shedding tears. She turned her head and said horses.

"The doctor told me to wake you up immediately. I'm waiting for a moment. I will come soon. "
“Oh, Uh ..Y..yes.

Jung – yeon went out of the wardroom to say he was going to pick up the doctor. I did not want to show myself that I was crying.

In the gap, the present day looked at his condition. The condition was strange. The wound was not seen. I did not see any hurt even though I sprouted every corner of my body. I do not know where else, but I remember it as vivid as my arm is broken.

'I feel like I've been sleeping for an hour or two, but is it actually a vegetative state for half a year?'

If that is the case, your situation is now explained. If the wound was healed in a state of lying in a vegetative state …

okay . . . If that is the case, I can understand that Jung Yeon is crying. Fuck my life. '

My chest hurts. It seems to be right. There is no reason not to have such a wound. I was more convinced that I could recall the tears of Jung – Yeon. I was so sad that I felt my sister tears. Otherwise, there is no ringing. The horror movie is also a woman who looks like a fool.

Half a year in my life, no. It may be more than a year if I get better this way … '

I was so sad because I thought life was gone anyway.

I was too healthy to say that I was lying in bed in a vegetable state for more than half a year, or more than a year, but now I have no reason to worry about it.

'Fuck .. Why do not you go out and ruin your life. '

It would have been cut at the company that barely entered. I have been working as a new employee for two years, but I have only just settled …


When he was worried about his future to be depressed for half a year or one year after the present day disappeared, Jung Yeon entered the ward with a doctor and a nurse.

The doctor said, "How are you feeling?"And asked a few ritual questions.

"I feel perfect. It is also the power of God. "


"When you are discharged, let 's go to the temporary hall. I have to go and thank you and thank you. "

'Your lord? Thank you? "

I did not understand the doctor 's words. Why are you suddenly taking out non – telly stories here?

"Whenever you want to, you can leave the hospital."
"Ah. Yes. Thank you."
"Thank you. I thank you. You are a Korean hero. "


All the subsequent conversations were simply incomprehensible.

The doctor said, 'Even if your body is better with your strength, you will be mentally tired.I left the room with my nurse. Hyeon-il went to his head. Why do you call yourself a hero?

"But why is it a single room? Do insurance companies cover single rooms? "

After asking him why he called himself a hero, he immediately asked him. Just like the old one, it was also the first thing that reminded me of the confused spirit. It is the common point of poor poverty.

No I'm not. I have not met an insurance company yet? "
"Ugh. So, please change the room quickly. As an eight-room. "

The present day was terrified. His insurance provides a fixed amount of hospitalization. I do not give any more that I was admitted to a good ward. As much as you have to pay for yourself, you will have to pay extra for yourself because of the splendor of the room.

I'm fine. Calm down."
"It's okay. If you look like you have a sickness like this, you can sleep a day and take a third of my salary. "
"I have not had a day yet. It's been five hours? Do not worry about it."
"Five hours?"

At the end of Jeong Yeon, the present day stopped at a moment.

Five hours.

"You've been out of your mind for five hours."
"It's only been five hours?"
"Lee. Only five hours? "

Jung-yeon hit the chest of Hyun-il.

"Do you know how much I feel for those five hours? But you say "only five hours"?

'Ugh. pain.' Jung once more hit his chest with his fist. I felt a heavy blow. I'm sick and say, "Yeah. That's why we are. "I thought that.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I apologized and grabbed my surname. It was the best number to stop violence. I felt the body temperature of Jung Yeon who came into my arms.


In that short moment when the iron gate came, I thought of arrogant things. I also thought about my mother and I thought about the car that still has installments. However, the first thing that I thought of as a priority was anything. I thought I might not meet again. However, I was relieved to have such a healthy body.

"But what the hell happened? I do not know one. "

I asked Jeong-yeon that it was stable.

"Do not you remember anything? Do not you remember that your sister came? "
"Your lord? Non-Telecom Sister? "
"You do not really know anything. Then when you became a temple, you did not hear the voice of VITEL? "
"Are you a crusader? What the hell is that supposed to mean? "
"I do not really know. The last time the boss told me that he heard VITEL 's voice when he became a crusader on the air. what a waste. Those who listened to Vitel's voice boasted that it was the best experience in their life. That's a good opportunity. "

Jung – yeon took the remote control and turned on the TV. I lowered the channel up and down a few times and fixed it on the channel where the news is coming out.

"Look Carefully. I've been working it over and over since then. It'll be quicker to check this out than to listen to me. "

'Why is the news …'

I wonder why I wonder why I watched the news. The subtitles of the news are 'Breaking News: The Heroic Reconsideration of the Shindorim Terror.'Respectively.

– Breaking news. Kim Hyeon-il, the hero of the Shindorim Terrorist Terror and the third son of God, has regained consciousness.
"Sheesh. Who has already sold it to the station. If you knew this, I'd call the station first before letting the doctor know. I think I might have touched some money. "

'The third son of God?'

I still can not understand what the situation is.

*** – It is good news that the whole country is being shocked by the tragedy of Shindorim. Our station has received information that her hero Kim Hyun-il, who lost her consciousness in an explosion fighting her body to prevent a terrorist, had just regained her consciousness. Kim Hyun-il is treated by a non-telethon …

"Mister! He is awake! "

I looked at the news and yelled yelling. Yes, I know. It's you. You're looking at the news.

Really? Good. "
"Would you like to call me now and come to the hall?"

Yuna is very excited. In ten months, Vitel responded. It was a miracle that many times Vitell had been involved in this place, but in the last 10 months, nothing like that happened.

I was worried. I can not see you again. So I do not mean to meet you directly, but it is nice to meet Kim Hyun-il, who can be called the trace of Vitell.

How would I feel if I knew I made it. It will sad. Maybe I'm disappointed. I have absolutely to be my own secret. Ah. Except for Vitel. Vitell will know everything.

"I'll be tired now. Let me rest for a few days. Let's invite him back. "
Ew, I want to see who he is. I'm sure he's a nice brother with a sense of justice. "… It is unfair. I am hurt now. It's you. I'm 30 and I have 20, but I'm only 2 years older than him. But why is he an older brother and an uncle?

Anyway now we are returning to the temporary hall. Comfortable The house is also the best.

Half a day has passed, but I do not seem to be in 30 minutes. I ran around here so busy. I have sent emergency patients all over the place.

Of course it is a good thing. It is not possible to cure it because there is not enough room to concentrate in one place.

I was running around, but Yuna also fixed all the patients on the scene and then went to the hospital to treat the patients. I was a little busy, but succeeded in saving all but the instantly dead person.

Since the priesthood has arrived, I have left a small patient to them. They also have the power to treat as many patients as possible.

I and Yuna should rest now. Vitality is ok but I am mentally exhausted. I can take a lot of blessings, but it looks like Yuna is getting pretty hard. If I stay there, I will be with you.

I arrived 30 minutes ago. I'm eating while watching TV together.

It 's only a story, but it' s all about the Sindorim bombing on TV. And I am the one with the biggest share in the story.

So much about me. Last year, it seemed more than when Vittel first got on the air.

Of course I'm such a great person. Tell the world to see if anyone can save dozens of patients just before their death. "My uncle will come out for a while. I have a sister with a friend. "
"Where are you going?"
"Great! I love you! Hehe." …. Appearance is big, but child is still baby. You like shit like that.

"Did you enjoy your meal?"

Bensen, who waits in front of the door after he leaves the house, greets. Why do not you come inside if you come.

"You are here."
"Sorry. I was delayed." I am investigating who is behind the … "
"Did you find out?"
"It's not exactly Hajin, but it seems like one of the chapters of al-Qaeda, the deputy chief of the party."

Seine de la Partyhun. Of course. How do I know al – Qaeda.

"Jude de Alparty is known as one of the most radical groups in Al Qaeda's chapters. It is unconfirmed information, but even though Alkaida has disconnected from IS, it is still connected to IS. "
"How reliable is it?"
"It's 70%. We still need additional investigation for a few days. "
"Sure you are."

If 70% is enough, I can not be sure but I can not be sure.

"I'm going to make it 100% from now."

It will take a while, but you can say that you went to the bathroom and walked to the Bensen and took a walk. I do not think why he took him.

Bensen and the back of the hostel went into the forest road, which was made of the people's walkways. After about five minutes, I walked out of the trail and entered the forest. And I stopped in front of an empty spot. There was a small hut built there.

Bensen went into the cabin with me, and before he got in, Bensen pulled the floorboard off the bottom of the cabin and raised the floor. A stairway descended into the basement.

It is a space where information workers stay in the temporary hall. It is free from outside eavesdropping and surveillance. This is where the agents exchange information, and when I have sensitive information, I come and report to this place.

It is also where the interrogation room is located.

They were greeted by agents and headed to the interrogation room.

Well? Apostles. "

She greeted me and greeted me.

"Is that him?"

I looked at the two men sitting firmly in the interrogation room chair and asked.

"Yeah. He was the one who tried to shoot the apostle. "

Bensen explained.

"Who else?"

I also caught a man who was trying to cause a third bombing. I asked about him.

"He is in the next room."
"Sure you are." Let's start with this guy. Kayla. Please release. "

At the same time Kayla replied, the man who was stiff like a mannequin started to move. As soon as he was able to move his body, he punched all his strength toward his next neck.


Bensen was amazed, but the man's punching had lasted six times in the meantime, and the moment the seventh punch struck his neck. Cuckoo. "
"It is poison! Damn it! I thought I had found it, but I thought I had hidden it deep in my neck. "

The man held his neck and was in pain.

Trying to die. It is unfair.

I was using the "vitality transfer" approach.


The man quickly emerged from suffering and showed his wonder of his condition.

"You can not die as long as I am. Even if the heart is broken or the spine is broken, it is no use even if you eat it. I will save you unconditionally. "

I can never die. Unless you die instantly, I'll make it alive. The man's face was a bit small, but I could see it being scared. I understand you. If anything can be saved, the torture can be painful.

Don’t be. Nobody here is willing to do you harm. Good meals and bedding will also be provided and there will be no torture. If you only make one promise with me. "

okay . . . You just have to make an appointment.

151 The Son of God

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