Link the Orc

Chapter 141

141 The miracle of the year, but after the noisy evening, the morning came when the whole thing woke up, and a lunch came to me that wanted to pass away and eat it. Now, in about 10 hours, the fourth miracle will be done.

– Police work has been paralyzed by the largest number of criminals since the nation's founding. A week ago, a non-telecom gov- ernor telepathically said, 'A person who has sinned receives the price of sin.'That 's why I said. So far, more than 200,000 people have surrendered nationwide. … That's not to say it's going to be like this. I will have to be careful in the future.

– The government is reported to be reviewing the amnesty for crimes below a certain level as a countermeasure. Some of these embroiderers are known to be misdemeanors and some say they are not teletraffic.

I do not know anything about it. I guess it 's hard for them to handle everything.

– The next news. It is said that a miracle of the Vittoria school will be held around 11 pm, while the non – The number of people who are praying for outdoor groups is about 500,000 nationwide, and it is expected that when the evening of miracles nears, it will reach 1 million people.

This is also one of the side effects caused by the increase in the number of low rank numbers. Originally, there were only about 20 small worship chapels in Seoul, so people who wanted to do group prayers had to use it, but this time the shinto was so big that they could not take care of everything.

It is a good phenomenon. How do you get stronger when you combine the original strengths together. If we pray together, we will deepen the bonds among the shin. I will be deeply religious about Vittel.

doing well. Come out more and pray together. Of course not to crash. It is good to pray together. Image is one of the things I care most about. Non-telecom should not have a flaw.

– I got one contribution point of the denomination.
Contributed by: Won Young Contributions: Prayer – I got a contribution point of the denomination.
Provider: Sunwoo contribution part: Prayer – I got one contribution point of denomination contribution.
Contributors: Contribution to the national contribution: There is only one point in prayer, but I am personally experiencing the magnitude of the proverb, 'Taik-moa Taesan.'

———– Non-Teleconference: Hansang Shindo: 11,940,117 members Contribution Points: 676,482,990 ———– There are still 10 hours remaining and all the necessary points have already been collected. I gathered 1 point and it is over 600 million points.

The shrine has already increased by 1.94 million. Because of the issue that miracles are going to be done, talking about non-telly throughout the day in the news has been a tremendous pace of growth. I wonder if all of the Koreans really become non-telly.

Anyway, a huge number of prayers were heard at the moment, but I remembered all of them all. What I can do is one of Vitesse's great miracles.

– I hope you live long and healthy as the priest.

Hey! Mister. Yuna is now 15 years old. Only 14 years old. But already the full moon is not a good thing. When I heard the voice, I feel like I was old.

– Please help the priest get a good grade in this contest.
– I saw an article that you were almost kidnapped this time. Please chastise those who do such bad things, and do not let Yuna priest do it again.
– Our little priest. I will keep you from whatever happens. Give me strength to defend the priest.

There is a lot of prayer for Yuna. Did I get on the air. But I got on the air … It is also four days ahead of Yuna.

Then I saw the first day I got on the air, and I ate a lot of prayers. There was a great deal of parody for ridicule and ridicule of non-telly. Among the children who were early in the day, I had a lot of ridicule and ridicule about Vitel and me in my first prayer.

And I apologized. I can feel the strength of my body immediately after praying. After experiencing it, it would be scary to hear that VITEL can be a real god. Maybe if you get a punishment.

There were some prayers, not bathing, but it was not for me. Most of the time I have put myself in content for oneself. Most of the prayers mentioned by Yuna are for Yuna.

Why? Why? Why do not I want to protect you ?! I do not want to be protected, but I am a bit distracted.

Of course I am tough. I guess you do not need to protect it …Is a cone. Black. sad. Is it ugly? No, it's not. I'm not ugly! The average is! okay . . . Yuna is a young girl. I want to protect just because I'm a cute little girl.

– Yuna is pretty. Please make your girlfriend like you. It would be better if you let Yuna know you.

Who the fuck is this? I guess I'm 20 years old by the voice. I dare you my daughter Yuna, not my daughter Yuna! Let's take a closer look.

I concentrated a little, and brief information about the person who prayed came into my head.

Male, 22 years old, good health generally. This rotten dare is aiming at our Yuna who is 22 years old and 15 years old! where are you. It's where you live. Ohh. You're in the city. I will remember and tell him to come back to Bensen later.

–Vittel's Ear (Step 3): You can listen to your thoughts. You can hear the prayers of the Shinto. You can find brief information and location of the person who is currently praying, such as the sex, age, and so on. Currently 3 levels.
———– This time, 'VITEL's ear' has been added to the ability to know brief information of the prayer person in the third stage. I thought it was useless ability, but it was the ability to use it.

But if you gave it to me a little earlier, I would have picked up the other kids who were that bad. Too bad. Later on, if I had a child, I would go and ask him why he blasphemed.

Early in the morning, Kim Jin – seo brought his brother. The condition looked pretty bad. It was so healthy that I walked a little while after entering the non – telly bridge last time, but I could not get up in the wheelchair if it got worse in the meantime.

I gave her a blessing. Naturally, the miracle did not happen. Still, I got up from the wheelchair as I got better. Ijin was overpowering, but it seemed to be a normal person.

Thank you Kim Jin – seo for that. 'Vitality transfer' as well as infused life, but did not seem to have much effect. It was a bit of vitality, but it was vitality to disappear soon. The "transfer of vitality" is also excellent for repairing trauma, but it is useless for disease.

– I wish my mother's cancer to be better this miracle.
– Vittel. Please save my husband, who is a vegetative state, with this miracle.
– I do not want to die. Vitell. Why should I be leukemia? Please Please heal the illness today by miracle.
– My friend has diabetes …

There are many such things in prayer. Stories telling you to fix the bottle … There are thousands of really unfortunate stories. Whenever I hear them, I have never once or twice wished for it to be good for healing power.

But it is a matter of honesty and healing power. I am one. How many people can I cure a day? It will take quite a bit of time to heal unlike prayer and ending a meeting. 100 people to see? It is also the story when I concentrate on the treatment all day. Of course you will not be able to do it, and if you do other things and treat yourself, it will be hard for 10 people a day.

It is not so much about that.

I do not know if there are about 100 people with similar abilities. awhile. Well. I just tried it. This could be possible …

Now the number of people I can bless is 1,000. Some of them will not get anyone to get a "exploiting hand" or "eyeball".

And if you continue to grow in faith, you will increase the number of people who can bless you, and those who have awakened your ability to heal … Maybe I could make a brotherhood to fix the incurable disease.

In the future, when you receive the blessing, you will have to ask and record what you have received. I did not ask Kim Jin Seo and his brother what he was capable of.

And I should also pray to Vitell. So that those who receive the blessings will be able to gain a variety of abilities that will help them in life, not for combat, when they gain power. Combat ability is not really needed.

I have five Suho.

I have already called three, but I can call them two at any time.

I'll call the other two later. In a state of calm and psychological stability. Oohannel was so scared that he was so dirty and weird. I do not feel like it, but it's hard. It's really hard if you add two more strange guys.

"Let's go now."
"Did you get enough rest?"
"Honestly, I'd like to rest, but there are so many people who came to see me, and I can not just rest."

I am busy. It is also quite busy. We meet the believers who come to us and pray and pray. A week ago, I had the hope of ending my suffering for a few days but now I have no hope. The rate of increase was much faster than meeting.

But I am happy. I had an hour for lunch. Kim Jin-seo and others are busy working and have lunch and are eating. The elderly are less troubled everywhere they go.

It was time for me to meet people and it was evening.

I used to meet my believers even late in the evening, but not today. I have something to do today.

After an hour, Vitell's miracle will be done. Get ready.

Today, the most talked about meeting a shinto is 'What miracle is going to happen today?'Respectively. Just "God knows."I replied.

In fact, the miracle notice system is a little overkill. Oh my God. When a miracle will happen. 'Where is the miracle happening? It is a miracle that happens when you do not expect anything at all.

Yuna's house, now I came back to the house I used to spend together. Outside the believers did not go around, but went back to their shelter and prayed for miracles.

Last minute Spurt Yes. The prayers of the believers were heard at great speed. Almost all believers seem to pray at the same time.

50 minutes 40 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes 5minutes 1minutes 30 Seconds

———– Non-teleconference: Hansang Shindo: 14,385,441 people Contribution points: 1,091,834,687 ———– Points are enough.

– Skill 'Miracle – Children of Luck' is used.
The denomination contribution points 719,272,050 have been deducted – my children. I will help you do what you want.

A miracle began.

*** [Three days after Gracakar and Benjakan got together] I feel his strength! "

The 'dead man' shouted with tremendous power as if it were a flood.

He was recovering to the right half of his body, the 'dead man', his body slowly recovering, his veins swiftly visible, muscular, and newborn.

His left arm recovered in 10 seconds, his right leg in 30 seconds, and his left leg in 50 seconds.

He raised his body from the place where he was sitting, where the whole body was restored.

141 years of miraculous end

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