Link the Orc

Chapter 139

139 What is the miracle glem in Korea? What?

– He acknowledges his mistakes and wants to come to the priest and the priest himself and apologize as he says.

I said that. If you have committed a crime, ask the victim to visit him personally and be punished. It is likely that Gleim became a "true" believer, and that he is doing what I say.

It would be helpful if he could help us. Glen is a great person. It is one of the people who have a great influence on the United States of America, not just about the number of weapons companies. Influence on the United States of America is like saying that influence is spreading to all countries of the world.

If you think about how helpful Judson, the 30th ranked company in Korea, was, Glem would be a huge help for non – telecom.

But should we forgive him? He dared to kidnap Yuna. Kimhae Station, a temple guard, and Iga Han, a Shintoist, almost died. If I did not get there on time I would have died unconditionally.

Should I forgive those who have sinned? Just because you are a "true" believer?

Of course, if you live a lifetime of reflection, you can not forgive. But someday I might get out of it like I did. Then it will return to original character.

I was off, and Garkakar was off. The two of us are a special case, but no one else can do that.

awhile. What if it was not a "true" believer in the first place?

If Glenn is still trying to keep up the spirit and meet Yuna and do something … Dangerous. There are so many things that can threaten me in this world, even though I have the ability and physical ability beyond human limits.


-DH group. Non-telly is a proper religion. Help all of the group to help them. – Remnant group. He will produce three times as much silver as the god's son, the non-tellyheth.

Two days after the miracle was over, there were only ten companies that declared support for non-telecom. One of them announced that I would make my sculpture made of silver unnecessarily. Why not make my statue.

This is not the only thing. There are already more than ten believers who assaulted those who laughed at Vitel. This part is most fortunate to have been a fanatic, but I'm glad I did not kill the scoffers.

Anyway, I was talking about non-telly in all media in Korea. Good things, bad things, just information and so on. I was so confused because I had too much of it.

I do not know In this case, let's stop thinking about Gracakar. Let's meet once. Let's see what you are doing and decide what to do.

Before you meet, you'd better make some arrangements.

"Ohannel. Suho We are going to call two more. I wonder if I should call the Suho who will stay in my arms and legs. "- The arms stay strong and those who have strong abilities stay strong. What kind of Suho do you need?

The arm is Gracakar, the bridge is Norruth. Does it feel like this? O'Hannell has the same ability to mix the two. I'd rather have two more Banshees like O'Hannell, but if it's already set …

Both are necessary. I do not know what a special ability is, but I think that anyone with a strong special ability at the O'Hanell level can use it usefully.

"Hmm.. It would be better to call them arms and legs, one by one. "- Then you should call Suho who will stay in your right arm and your right leg. In terms of abilities, everything on the right or left is excellent, but those who stay on the right side in appearance are okay.

That's it. What the hell is that? Right arm and right leg … I'll do what Ohannell recommended.

Then I'll call … Ah. Before calling, "Ohannel. Please take me to the gap of dimension. "- Yes. When summoned by Suho, he destroys the surrounding area as if it were a small storm. I can not summon it at home and break up furniture and windows.

Moved to the gap of the dimension. The gap in the dimension near the temporary hall is a little hot, but ordinary people are welcome enough to come in and work. I can summon it safely here.

Let's start with the right arm first. Of course, the consumption point is 1 million.

– Search completed.
Suho accepted the offer.
Suho calls him.

What happens if Suho refuses him? Will 1 million points just disappear? Or do you look for another Suho again?

Again, the purple light began to stir like a whirlwind. That made my room mess. Once again, the scene of my monitor crashes.

Good for you!

The whirlwind light united and caused an explosion. [chuckle] S**t. It'll be a little off. I could not think of clothes. The clothes were torn again. It's expensive. Goddamn it.

– Death King Adil has come to the call of the Apostles.

A knight in black armor appeared. He was kneeling at me with a huge sword in front of him. Well. Death King. Something similar to Death Knight … The name and the O'Hannell take on what it looks like. I'm wearing a helmet and I'm more nervous because I can not see my face.

– I felt it when you called me, but you called Death King. It's amazing. You're calling out the strongest people in each Suho line.
– It looks like … Queen Is it the banshee queen?
right? Death King. – You're a great person. Calling you and me.
– You're a great person. It is a person who is informing non-telly in a new world.
– Vittoria … So you and I were chosen as Suho.

Something praises me, but my nerves were solely focused on the desks of Death King Adil. What if there's a skeleton in there?

"Death King. Can you take off your helmet? "- Yes, sir.

Adil did not hesitate to take off his helmet immediately. Ah. It's dazzling. It seems to be blinded to the good looks of Adil.

"Now you can use … No. Please write

Suddenly I was scared. Later, I might take off my armor and carry on with me in plain clothes. It is scary to stand next to Adil. This is not a squid but a cockroach.

– Good luck. They have more than half the bones left.

yeokshi It was my Death Knight line as I expected. I would not have been a cockroach if I had a skeleton.

– If I get caught up in the body, I can tear off all my flesh …
"Afraid not." Good Now is the right time. "

It is radical. I want to get fat. It would be better to be a cockroach than to carry a skeleton next to it.

Then let's call Suho who is on the right leg. I want an ugly man to come out. I just can not be a cockroach. If I'm more uglier than I am, I would look like a squid.

Good for you!

Again, the purple light bursts, – responds to Master Necromancer Keilah's call.
-Five. Master Necromancer.

If Ohranel is surprised, it is Senaga. But what happened … Why is it so beautiful. Unlike the red gorgeous O'Hannel dress decorated with jewels, Kayla wears a plain black dress, but her beauty is never far from O'Hanell.

If O'Hannell is a Scandinavian blonde, Kayla is an Eastern European beauty.

– You're young. Master Necromancer at that age.
– I'd be younger than you, but I was over 300.
I have never seen a Master Necromancer that is less than -1,000 years old, only 300 years old. "Magnificent."

She looks like a Eastern European beauty in her late teens. She's over 300? Great … No high tide .. It is not. Is it about high-ranking grandmother of high tide of high tide? How old is O'Hannell, who is young when he sees such Keila?

No more. Do you have to be pretty and handsome to be a Suho? Why everyone is a good man. This means I have to be a cockroach. I wanted to be a squid. … This is the ideal. I always take Gimhae station with me … is not He can not do it because he has to keep Yuna. Later, I will pick one person who is more uglier than me and take him to attendants. I can not die alone.

"Two minutes. I look forward to it in the future. "- I will do my best. Apostle.
– My strength is yours during the contract period.

The contract period is … Did you have it? You're just going to work half a year, right?

"How long is the contract?" – Until the day when the soul of the Apostles is gone.

Is not the dying and the soul disappearing? Hmm … You can think of a lifetime contract alike. It's fine. Term. One million points can eat those strong people for life. It's a long-lasting chapter.

"I'll go back now. Ohannel. "- Yes. *** The day has passed.

– You are now at the entrance to the temporary hall.
Yes sir

Glen 's plane arrived and Bensen brought Gleim to the interim hall.

"Ohannel. Please go check. "- Yes. Already Bensen might have finished his search, but I did not know it, so I sent O'Hanell to confirm it once more. O'Hannell can be found in the body because it can pass through the human body.

– It is clean.
"is that so?"

So, really, Glem is also a "true" god.

"Come in two." – Yes, sir.
-Yeah. Adil and Kayla came in with my right arm and right leg, respectively. The two big guys came into the limbs, but there is nothing really that I can feel. How do I stay on my limbs. Miraculous.

After a while, Bensen brought Gleim home. Is that guy Glem? An elderly man who is 77 years old looks older. Did you have a lot of trouble in your youth?


Glem fell to his knees. The knee and the wooden floor hit, and it was loud. Oh. I'm going out on my knees.

"I ask for sin!"

I stretch out my arms and bow to me. … I do not know where I've learned, but people are not doing it lately. I've learned how to apologize. I guess I did not do it a hundred years ago.

"I already gave Bensen a list of all my possessions. I will cut off my life as soon as all of the property has become a non-telly. "

Are you coming to die?

"But there is a last chapter before I die."

I do not think you want to live.

"There are too many sins I have made in my life. I'll write down as much as I can before I die. Please use my property to help them. "

That's… It's a good idea.

"I do not know what sin you have lived. But I can not wait to see how many sins I have committed. "
"It was really a demon. I will die for it and go to hell to pay it back. "

I do not mean to go to heaven. That way … I think I can save it for a while.

"To die and receive the price of sin in hell. That's really irresponsible. There are still a lot of people who are going to pay for your sins. "
"Do not die. Live until you forgive your sins. Continue to ask forgiveness and reward them. "

Let's save it. Now, the non – telly will go beyond the Korea to the world. I do not know what the problem will be like then. It would be helpful if you saved Gleim.

Glem returned immediately. I'm going to spend time together with what is beautiful. Just send it to the US to help people under the name of VITEL, and only when you need it.

That afternoon. There were enough people in the national police stations to work because of people who confess their sins.

And five days later in the evening.

———– Non-Teleconference: Hansang Shinto: 10,000,000 Corresponding Points: 335,634,986 ———– The non-telly Shinto has reached 10 million people.

139 successive miracle ends

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