Link the Orc

Chapter 137

137 SUPERSTAR 2 – Karock is extremely pleased with the battle for a long time.
Karlock chose you as a candidate for presidency.
The blessing of Karok was done.
The level of skill 'Karok's field of vision' has risen to the second level.

A red fog surrounded me. It is always fun to be blessed. It is felt that the fog slowly permeates the body and the strength becomes stronger.

"Awesome. GracKar. It was more intense than any battle I've ever seen. "
"I respect you. brother. No brother can fight like a brother. "
"Good job. brother."

As the red fog disappeared, I had a word from me in the order of Caucasus, Mickrock, and Norwegian. I heard their words more vivid than usual. It was not only their voices but their emotions toward me.

Trust, joy.

In the soul, the two emotions are blooming and stretching toward me. They are also brothers. I am purely pleased with my victory.

I could not see my feelings before. It's because of the ability you just got to see their feelings like this, right?

———– – Karok's vision (stage 2): You can see the soul. You can see the feelings of the members of the group. Currently, Step 2.
———– 'The sight of Carlock. You can see the soul. The feeling of the herd members …Jung, right. I do not have to read this back. '

Most of the content I already knew, I read it all the time. Let's do the rest later in Norwegian.

"What is the blessing of the other brethren?"
"The other brothers have already completed the blessing. The brother was the last. "

I did not see a brother surrounded by red fog, but I was the last.

"I too was able to enjoy the blessing of Karlock."
mee too

Caucasus and Mihlock talked proudly. Awesome, It is a good thing that brothers staying near me get stronger. Norwegian gave me an eye for nothing.

"I'm still not in shape."

I'm sorry. Norwegian has reached the end of the power that the patriarchal brothers can have. If we receive one more blessing, I think we will be able to have a great army. It is a pity.

"Let's go back."

I have a great battle and I will have a rest for a while.

*** [Gurukhar and Benjakan are about to make a final decision] On the day I went to the camera, Korea laughed at us.

– Pseudo religious beliefs believe that you can become healthy.
– I've been to non-telecom coverage. 'Oh my god …' – a pseudo religion that mocks Korea.
– The Police Department. We will reveal strong will to investigate police officers who participated in illegal acts of Vitel.
– Parliament member Cha Jun-suk, 'Police officers and firefighters in the pseudo-religious should be punished severely.'

Various communities have produced a lot of synthetic photographs related to non – telly. But it did not take a day for the atmosphere to change.

Uh… This is good.

One post came up. Of course, the comment is' Yes. ',' Vittorian Bridge is finally alba puffer ',' I can not catch the fish. ' Really.'And others. But among them, 'This is real. I've tried it, and it's really strong and healthy. "There was one positive comment, – Hey. It is non-telly real. Believe me and try it once.
cbal How can this happen to the world?
– I feel like being a psychic. It just got a little stronger and it just bent 100 won.
– You guys quickly erase posts that are non-telly. God, it seems to be real. I just erased everything.
What the heck, Vitell. Can you give me the money back? Of course, I thought that it would not be enough, but I made a donation and it disappeared. I kept it for chicken.

Increasingly positive posts have been added.

It was a natural result. Non-telly is true. I have never lied. I just said it would be real.

The atmosphere of the press changed the next day.

– 'real' pseudo-religion, non-telly.
– I prayed as the non-tellyheist said, 'Hut …' – The testimony that the Vittorian school is real is pouring here and there.

Knights began to pour in from dawn. It did not take a day. From the evening of the interview, the mood began to change, and at the dawn of the day, most of the opinions were true.

And lunch, the number of Shinto reached 1 million. In a single day, close to 600,000 people prayed to Vitell.

– The number of non-Telitans has reached 1 million.

As soon as I reached one million, Vittel gave me a reward. I was embarrassed. I did all the interviews I did on the air, but I was rewarded for it.

– VITEL is delighted.
The blessing of Vitel has been achieved.
Skills 'paralyzing lightning' I got.
I got the command 'Baptism of the Holy Spirit'.
The skill 'Suho Freedom' step of the rise has become the second stage.
Disposable Skills 'Miracle – Blessing to all who believe in me' will be activated by this time tomorrow.

The 'paralyzing lightning' was similar to the lightning used by Yuna. But Yuna was able to breathe light from his body, while I could breathe it from his body. Instead, my lightning flew quite far. When I checked it, the maximum range was about 80m.

If it was in the world of Gracakar, it could have been used for ranged checks, but in our world it becomes a near-miss attack. I have a gun.

———– – Lightning to paralyze: It emits lightning to paralyze the opponent.
———– 'The Order of the Holy Dioceses – Baptism' was the ability to cancel the ripples. Of course, it was not the ability to do it just as the ability to receive 1 million shin. The baptized believer wrote that it would be easier to acquire additional denominational contribution points. Perhaps future believers were also able to gain a contribution point.

———– – Bishop's command – Baptism: The excommunicated Shinto can be accepted again in the denomination. Use a denomination contribution point of 100 per person. The "object" of baptism can more effectively acquire the church's contribution points.
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– You can call two more people at the O'Hare Neel Suho …

———– – Suho Freedom (Level 2): ​​A skill that can only be used by the Apostles of Vitel. Attempts to draw Suho who protects the caster by consuming between 1 and 1,000,000 points of contribution. Suho depends on the denominational contribution points he consumes. Suho sleeps in the usual caster's body and reveals when the caster wants to.
Suho who is staying now: 1/3 ———– Finally 'Miracle – blessing to all who believe in me' … This was the ability of believers to use the denomination's contribution points. I was not able to write directly like myself. The points that the believers were given seemed to play the same role as the potential of the elders.

———– – Miracles – Blessings to all who believe in me: Senior denominational skills. All Shinto members will be able to use the Teaching Points. The denominational contribution points help the elders to develop their abilities. 50 denominational contribution points are consumed per shin.
As long as the denomination exists, the effect continues and affects new believers. 50 additional denominational contribution points per new shrine are consumed.
———– "It's like the world I've seen in my dreams."

Kim Hae – hee, who heard the miracle, said.

"In my dreams, the general soldiers who were not blessed were able to use some of their abilities. Thanks to it, I was able to learn the fighting skills that disappear from the visions of a non-telly special. "
"It was not the ability that Vitel had given you only by the sea, but the ability of all Vitalists to use?"

I thought it was only possible for Gimhae to hide his body. But did all the Vittels have that ability and were destroyed?

"Ah. Of course, I can not do all that. I am able to use the more advanced combat skills thanks to the ability I received from Vitell. Thanks to you, you can fool everyone around you. However, normal soldiers can only deceive one target that they have targeted. It did not work for others around me. "

Right. It was excellent in 1: 1, but it was limited ability in large-scale combat.

"Teach me that later."
"It is an honour. I will do my best to teach you. "

I knew that it was Kim Hae – soo 's ability, but I would like to get acquainted with the ability of any Vitell.

It was not just good things that the shinto became one million people. There was one big problem. It was just a shortage of church contribution points to use miracles.

Because of the "miracle – the world before the Tower of Babel," 50 points were spent each time a new believer comes in. The miraculous – the world before the Tower of Babel – was applied to the believers who came in yesterday today, and the amount of contribution points remaining in the church is now almost at the bottom.

Beyond 'miracles – blessings to all who believe in me', perhaps new followers from tomorrow may not benefit from 'miracles – the world before Tower of Babel'.

"I can't allow that." A miracle is valid for one day. If you can not use this miracle by this time tomorrow … I do not get the opportunity that Vitell gave me. There is no qualification as a saint.

I hastily used the voice of Vitel.

– Shinto has reached 1 million people. But we lack the qualities and we can not receive miracles.
– From now on I will begin to pray all night long until tomorrow. All believers repeat what they want and tell VITEL.

After using the voice of Vitel twice, I lost my point enough to not use the voice of Vitel either.

I hope this works. If there is not enough point to use miracle tomorrow. I can not tell. I have to say to give a donation. and also

– I got one contribution point of the denomination.
Provider: Deferred Contribution Part: Prayer – I got a contribution point 1 point.
Provider: Participation contribution part: Prayer – I have earned one point of contribution to the denomination.
Provided by: Plateau Contributed parts: Prayer – I got one point of contribution to the denomination.
Contributed by: Zaid Contributed Prayer: Prayer – I have earned one point of contribution to the denomination.
Contributors: Participants of the class: The prayers of prayer followers continued unceasingly.

'Let me see the SAT.'
'I hope I get a job.'
'Let Korea be the right country.'
'May my son grow up healthy.'
'I want to live without scarcity.'

Endless prayer. I also listened to the voices of the believers and knelt and prayed to Vitel.

'Pray that believers will achieve what they want.'
'Pray that the world where the believers hope will come.'
'I pray that believers will live in a world where they can live comfortably and without scarcity.'
'Pray that all will live honestly and care for one another.'

And 16 hours later, ———– Non-Teletype: Hansang Shindo: 1,849,548 members Contribution Points: 94,683,124 ———– The faithful prayed enthusiastically. The newly arrived believers rarely prayed, but there were believers who repeatedly prayed hundreds or thousands of times. Thanks to them, the shinto doubled, but all of them contributed miracles, and other denominational contribution points gathered.

Still, I did not use miracles and waited as long as possible until the miracle was in effect. As many believers as possible wanted to hear Vitel's voice. I wanted to feel his greatness. And when it's 24 hours …

———– Non-Teleconference: Hansang Shindo: 2,421,984 members Contribution points: 162,562,931 ———– – He gives a miracle. Meet all of Him with a godly heart.

I used skill.

– Skill 'Miracle – Use blessings to all who believe in me'.
The denomination contribution point 121,099,200 has been deducted.

– Children …

His voice was heard. With his greatness, the ultimate ecstasy has come.

– My children's efforts will not be ignored. Try to achieve what you want.

His third miracle came down to the world.

137 superstar 2 ends

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