Link the Orc

Chapter 130

130 Crusader vs Oaks & Rice Bowl Fight "I saw the enemy reach for two days."

Northour has seen enemies coming from dreams to villages. Lizardman comes in.

"If we arrive two days later, we leave the village. Should we leave 1,000 warriors too? "

Four days have passed since Norwegian saw a giant monster in a dream. If it was my original character, it would have started with the brothers on the day when Norwegian warned of a giant monster. But I also became a great patriarch and I had a sense of responsibility.

If we just leave, there will be only females, children and craftsmen in the village. If the Lizardmen attacked at that time, the damage would be enormous. So I said that I was in the distance of 8 days, so I expected to leave on the 6th day.

"It would not be too bad to start after fighting Lizardman."

If you leave immediately after the battle, your brothers will be tired, but if you are a warrior, you have to endure that much.

No. It is not Lizardmen. It's a giant monster. "
"A giant monster? The arrival of the giant monster is four days later? "
"It looks like I'm wrong."
"Right. So I'll have to leave right now. "

Two days away. When we leave now, we will meet for just one day. I do not have enough seals. The 5th day is when the starters must be able to boil up their brothers' wishes.

I suppose I must. I chose it for the safety of the village.

"Then let's go."
Copy that.

If you decide to go, you have to go right away. I can not turn back time.

I came out of the tent. and also

"It's cool."

I shouted full of the whole thing.

Bake it!
Wow Oh Oh Oh!
Its aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Koo Oh Oh!
Ah ah ah ah!

The cries of the brothers were heard.

"Cuckoo .."

I slowly walked north. By the time the village was fully open, most of Brooke's brothers were following me.

*** Ben Zakan's pace, which did not stop even when fighting the enemy, was stopped for a moment and the moment of leaving the castle of 'the dead'.

"How .. Bony and here! Come on .. Good. "

Benjacan looked at the rugged ridges of the forest.

"Years … many Flowing .. It's been a while. Its Any .. The trail … It remains. I do not … "

Benjacan has already come to the fore. Though the memory has almost disappeared with the abandonment of human beings, only the delicacy remains.

"1,000 years .. HTML

The ridge that Benjacan is looking at. Now there are no traces and natural forests, but in the past there were shelters where thousands live. If you dig a mountain now, there will be some traces left in it.

"Keep it … How are you doing? Keep it … I did not … those.."

I could not keep what I had to do and gave up for being a human being for revenge. But even then, 1,000 years later, I could not get revenge.

Dashi Come on .. opportunity

Benjacan picked up his faint eyes toward the ridge and turned his gaze to the south. And I started to move back the pace I stopped.

"this time.. must.."

thud. thud. Benjacan stepped in again.

*** That's a giant monster. Big. I still have half a day to meet but I can see the upper body correctly. Everything that happens is different. Nevertheless, I did not have a name to call each of them, and I knew as soon as I saw the real reason why I call it a giant monster.

"That was a monster. It is not a naturally born species. "

If it is a creature, there is no balance to be had. A round boy, a square boy, a rugged man, a gangster, a short guy. The appearance is all different, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, legs, hair, genitalia. All of them are running around freely, without a fixed number, with a small number, a lot of dependence, and no.

right? It's a monster made from the power of the 'dead guy.' I heard that the body of the race was defeated in battle. "

The first time I heard the words of Norwegian, I felt a creep. After death, they become part of the monster and attack their brothers.

The farthest cry still sounds so far. As an honorable orc warrior, you can not be shouting.

"Could you tell me?"

I screamed. The brothers began to yell together. It feels more like a stronger cry of big monsters.

I shouted and became more and more exalted. I want to battle a little bit soon.

*** [About a month before Gurrakar leaves the village for a fight with Benjaran] There is a kidnapping incident and five days have passed. I was really busy. The believers were constantly gathering day and night. I met them all because they were all coming to see me and I could not turn them over. Is it about 50,000 people who are five days old?

1: 1 The troops were hard, gathered 5 to 10 people, met at one time and prayed at once. I do not want to pray to you, but I want you to pray.

I met about 1,000 people this morning. In the morning, there are still few people. There are lots of people in the afternoon and evening. At that time, I really only meet a shin so that I have to eat with my shin. But you can only meet about 100,000 more in the future.

It's the first time I've met all of them. After that I have to set a schedule and have a little time.

I finished my morning schedule in the chapel and returned to Yuna 's house. It is quite wide at home and is used with Yuna.

We talked to Gimhae station for lunch time. He had many questions.

I asked him about how he became a temple, what he did when he was surrounded by purple lights for 10 days, and I could easily hear him.

"Repeatedly remembering … It would be hard. "
"Yeah. It was really hard. People who ate, talked, and trained together died every day. At first, I repeatedly dying to save them. but……. I was too incompetent to save them. "

Repeat of death. I have also experienced. But I did not have any memory, so it was not that hard, but Kimhae repeatedly died while preserving all his memories. How does it feel to remember the moment when you die?

"Did you learn the skills you learned at that time?"
"Yeah. I learned a lot of the Crusaders who belonged to the "Vital Shield", but mostly Riten taught the soldiers. I told you I had a gift, but in fact I did not have a gift. I was going to death by repeating several times as many as others. "

Interesting story. It is non – telly in other world.

"Is Riten Crusade the strongest crusade?"
No. He was good at teaching others, but his skill as a crusade was not that high. The strongest one is Benjacan, who was the temple commander. "
"Benjacan .."
"He had already received seven blessings when I arrived at the hideout, and I had received two more blessings while I was staying at the hideout."

You have been blessed nine times. There are more than I have combined the blessings I received with Gracakar. And I and the lovers share a partial blessing. However, it is hard to judge myself how strong Garakrak is now. How strong are those who have received nine blessings entirely. It is not even imaginable.

I "live in the real world."Kimhae said, 'It was just a dream. I did not know while I was living there. "I replied. The answer was, "Then things that happened in the world could be fake."

Kimhae said, "It was a dream to test myself, but it was a fake world based on what actually happened."With confidence.

"Before I woke up from my dream, I met the" consciousness "left by the lord of the world. It is a consciousness that has the memory of the life that was left to be met by those who passed the entrance examination of the temple before the death of the vicar of the Vitorian school which was destroyed in the world. So it was like a soul. "

The ceremonies of the fallen non-telethon …

"All of the things I have been through him have happened, and non-tellyism has been shown to have been overthrown by other evil gods, such as the gods of gods like Molan, Fiennes, Erlen, Batik, and Karlock."

surprised. They are really familiar names. Is not it the gods of the world that Gracakar lives in?

"I told them to drive away all of their gods. Perhaps the next Crusade seems to have appeared in his world. I did not know that another person in the world would become a holy warrior like me. "

I was confused. So the original non-telly is a god in the world of Gracakar, which means that it was destroyed by the attacks of humans, orcs, lizardmen, dwarves, and elves? In other words, Vitell and other gods are enemies?

So how did Vittel come to me when I was connected to Garakar, Karok's shrine? Is it just that Karlo watched that Vitell was picking me up? Or was the country unaware of existence? No. Can you do that? God?

The more I think about it, the more confused. There is nothing to know, but doubts have increased.

"Mister! I'm ready to eat! Come soon with the Crusader! "
Really? Copy that.

Yuna called me and Gimhae station. Fortunately, Yuna did not lose his liveliness even though he had experienced such a thing. He is a very strong child.

I went to the restaurant on the first floor and there were already Yuna, Kim Jin Seo and Bensen. Kim Jin – seo is living in an interim hall nowadays and almost always eat together, but Bensen has been a long time.

Ḏāl My sister. "
eoseo oseyo? Bensen. "

Two days. I'm here to report that you have picked up a little clue about Gleim. Do you have additional information about Glem? I sat down at the table and asked.

"Are you here because of Glem?"
No. Glem still seems to take more time. Our apologies.
Good I have not seen her face for decades, but it's hard to find in a few days. You can find it slowly. Let's eat. "

Everyone was waiting for me to talk to Ben Sheng, and I took the spoon. When I asked to eat a spoon, people started eating. It's awkward to be the most laughing guy at a table with two older people …

Can not help it. I do not pretend to be laughing, but my believers are laughing at me. The more I refuse to reject it, the more I feel uncomfortable. So it can not be. If you want to be comfortable with each other, you have to accept them as you treat them.

"May I have a word?"

Bensen, too busy, would not have come to see my face. It seems to have something to say.

"There are those who have been protesting outside the hall since two days ago."

Two days before I knew how I knew, I came to a place where I was in what kind of church union, and I was walking with the banner to go back and protest. Of course, those who saw it were angry, and everybody tried to push them out.

I blocked it. If you do it wrong, both sides can become violent. Confrontation with other religions is not what I want. No, even if they are hostile to us, we should not be hostile.

At least now. Now, no matter what religion it is, we are lagging behind in scale. If we create a problem in such a situation, we are more likely to suffer damage. So I dried up. After that, I tried to make a problem because of the newly arrived believers, so I wrote 'VITEL' s voice '.

"I've looked into them."

Every investigation. It's just that Christian believers came to protest because they knew about us. People may actually come to rescue people who think they are in a strange pseudo-religion, and radicals in any religion may have come.

I just need to wait till I get out of it.

"I'm afraid there's a bit of anxiety about this," he said.
"Are you concerned?"

Is there something wrong?

"They are not from the right church."
"if so?"
"It is the people who came out of the pure Buddhist religion."

130 Crusader vs Oaks & Rice Bowl Fight End

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