
: To commemorate the members of the Daomeng League, hello hello, goodbye.

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Xiong Xiong is the core member of my fan group Daomeng. My old reader is a little sister I like very much. Everyone likes to call her a red panda.

It's a pretty young girl.

It is Qi Xiaoyu, the heroine in the Heavenly Blade.

It is the younger sister and the younger sister in the Daomeng League.

It is difficult to accept that such a sunny and optimistic girl will say goodbye to this world forever.

At 3:26 pm on August 18.

Rong Xiong left us forever.

Hearing this news only today, my chest was particularly panic. Especially sad.

I just wanted to be sad in this silence.

But in the end, he decided to write an article for her, commemorating and farewell.

Because people have heard that people will die three times.

The first time was when the heart stopped beating, biologically, the person declared death.

The second time was when he was buried, his relatives and friends attended the funeral, miss his life, and then he died in the society, the world no longer has his place.

The third time, the last one to remember him, was no longer in this world. At that time, he was really dead. Forever disappeared in this world.

If this is really the case, then I hope to be able to use words to keep her forever.

I remember it was 2013, when I wrote Ao Jian Tian Qiong, the administrator You You suddenly said to me, Brother Dao, there is a very beautiful girl who likes your book.

I laughed, so good?

At that time, Xiong Xiong, in my mind, was a shy and sensitive girl, because at first, many things about Xiong Xiong were described to me in a faint voice.

Including things that are ill.

At that time, Xiong Xiong, not long after getting sick, returned from abroad and experienced a series of major blows such as breaking up. It was the most vulnerable time.

Youyou told me that Xiong Xiong told her that when she was ill, she was reading my book to spend the day and got great spiritual comfort.

I listened and was a little overwhelmed.

Someone likes my book. Of course it is a good thing. It is a very happy thing for me.

But why is it a terminally ill girl?

Why can't it be simply that a pretty girl likes my book?

After a long time, under the encouragement of Youyou, I added my QQ and told me personally: The most difficult period was to watch the proud sword and the sky, and my books and words gave her unlimited power.

I was in a complicated mood.

Because my book can bring such a positive effect to people, I should be happy.

But knowing what disease she had, I was not happy at all.

People who are ill are always sensitive. I didn't ask too much about the disease, just comfort her and be strong, everything will be fine.

I have experienced my father's illness and passed away, and I clearly watched the worrisome taste of a person who died from life to death.

Farewell to life!

It ’s good to live away, because I know I ’m still there, and I can see it after all. Farewell is the saddest, because I will never see you again.

Even if you don't think about it, you will never forget it.

So I am particularly reluctant to face this kind of thing.


The most feared thing is that suddenly, there is no news of her.

Daomeng probably formed at that time.

At that time, the core members of the Daomeng League carefully guarded her, and never dared to talk about her condition.

Instead, it was herself. At that time, she was very active and optimistic. It's not very easy to avoid your own illness.

I can sing to you, tell jokes with you, and rush to rip up with each other because someone attacks me.

I will also come to me carefully to chat, every time I am afraid to disturb me.

Suddenly couldn't write.

In fact, I would like to write a memory about the bear with a smile, because I know that she will wish me to face this matter with a smile.

But I can't laugh.

There are too many memories about her, piled up in her heart and can't say it.

Speaking of which, the Daomen's people have more exchanges with the raging.

In the past few years, I have been treated as my brother, and I have not communicated with her so much.

But I know that in my heart, the author who writes to her is different from the one who is called by her to be her brother.

Whenever she wanted to give up because of her physical pain, Yuyou always came to tell me the first time, let me comfort.

And every time she responded to me, it was full of cheerful text, telling me that it was good and still insisting.

Still very optimistic.

I remember it should be one or five years before writing the killing of the blade.

The bear ran carefully and asked me if there could be a dragon set in her new book.

I smiled and made her happy, saying that the heroine is okay?

The flaming expression sent by Xiong Xiong at that time turned the original joke into reality.

Yes, from that moment on, as long as there are people reading this book, someone will always remember her.

Wrote this ... feeling down.

I couldn't help but flip through the recent WeChat chat records with which I wasn't much in the past two years, and another sour feeling came from my heart.

On February 19, 2016, my lunar birthday, she sent her birthday wishes.

On May 13, 2016, she said: Brother, don't forget to wish me a happy birthday hahaha!

There are five expressions of fangs below.

If you look at the chat history alone, it is difficult to believe that this is a terminally ill patient.

I said how could I forget it, and then at the back of the book, I wish her a birthday.

She must be very happy to see it.

In July and sixteen, I made several crying expressions and asked me if I deleted her.

I said why.

Asked how she was, she told me that it was stable and it was almost ready.

On February 10, 2017, I asked when I would open a new book and said that I would continue to read my new book.

At the end of June 2017, Youyou told me that his father was hospitalized.

I asked her on WeChat, she was still very optimistic and said it was okay.

On October 4th, 2017, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, she came to wish me a happy holiday, and then told me that she was going to have surgery.

Tell me that her dad put two brackets and it's getting better.

Ask me if the operation is unsuccessful, will I remember the bear.

I did n’t answer her question directly, I just told her that it would be successful, you are the heroine of the celestial blade!

I was still thinking at that time, maybe one day it will be put on the screen, you will be very happy when you see it?

I chatted a lot with Xiong Xiong that day, which is considered to be a relatively large number of chats in these years.

She told me that even if many operations are successful, many will die from postoperative rejection.

I said, "We are not those."

On January 1st this year, on New Year's Day, I sent a blessing and asked her if I had surgery.

She replied to me: There is no elder brother. Happy new year! Congratulations to my brother for winning the prize.

Well, there is another caution.

Seeing this passage, I almost forgot what award I won.

Recall that it should be an Academy Award.

In the chat history, I told her to work hard.

Xiong Xiong said: I will work harder brother, do your best to obey the destiny. I ’m not sorry if I tried my best, right?

At that time, I could only tell her pale comfort: it would be good!

Tell her that the current medical treatment is much more developed than before.

February 15 of this year should be New Year's Eve 30.

The last message Winnie sent me.

"Happy New Year to my brother and a lot of blessings."

From one or three years to eighteen years.

From the QQ era to the WeChat era.

I have been a web writer since I was a young man, and I am gradually moving towards it.

In the past six years, everyone's changes have been quite big.

Many members of the Daomeng League, from high school to college to graduation and now to work, get married and have children.

If you are not ill, you should have graduated from abroad long ago and returned from school. Perhaps you have already entered the marriage hall and have your own family. It should be very happy.

So if there is, I would rather, Xiong Xiong has never read my book, never know the Internet, there is an ordinary writer called Xiaodao sharp.

Last month, Youyou suddenly came to me and told me that I couldn't get in touch!

I tried to send a WeChat in the past.

The message displayed was rejected.

Like you, I panicked.

We are all afraid that that might come true.

Then he waited in this panic and sent some text messages.

Until today, the raging mobile phone has responded.

It is her family.

Tell us the news and accurate time of our dying death.

And thanks for our care for the raging.

For a time, the mood became extremely heavy, sad, sorry, and sighed.

This commemorative article is scattered and messy.

It's even a bit unintelligible.

We always joke about what happens to QQ and WeChat if they die in the future?

Will anyone find you?

Will anyone remember you?

Will anyone talk about you and care about you?

When this thing became a reality, when there was no more girl named Xiong Xiong sending a message greeting, it turned out to be so sad.

There are too many regrets, for example, there is no chance to visit her in the hospital, because she is always refusing, saying to get better and goodbye, because she is sick now looks bad; The words of wishing her a speedy recovery.

For example, if you can never fulfill your promise, visit your promise.

Xiong Xiong asked me whether he would remember Xiong if the operation failed.

There was no positive answer to you at the time, and I will answer you today, although you can no longer see and hear.

But I still tell you very seriously: yes! Me and all the brothers and sisters of Daomeng will always remember a girl named Xiong Xiong.

You are a good girl, a kind, optimistic and cheerful good girl.

May there be no sickness in heaven.

May the next life meet each other.

Listen to you again: Brother.

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