Limit Breaker

Chapter 12

When I came out of the building, it was a mess outside.

The walls that these abilities built together collapsed, the tents and the laundry were on fire, and people didn't know what to do, and nobody thought about fixing the situation.

Griffin is stunned to look up at the identity of the great shadow that lifted the sky, although he would have shouted, "If I had been normal, I would have been sober."

“H-how... ”

He's not dazzled by jihad.

Precisely because of the existence of the Cali Imperial spacecraft floating with the jihad.

Although the number is only three small things, if we can use half the force we have seen in the universe on the face of the earth, it would be quite possible to destroy a group of survivors like this.

There is no answer to any action taken.

That's why Griffin was stunned and gave no orders.

Rather, the first to wake up was Beth.

She saw the bombardment of the jihad evading the center, as the tents were set ablaze with only the aftermath of the barrier that could prevent the zombies from attacking.

‘I'm not going to kill you in a heartbeat. ’

If they were going to kill them in the first place, they would have to be covered in black charcoal already.

As she expected, unmanned weapons protruding out of the jihad, like wasps, blocked their retreat, making them anxious because they couldn't go outside or be in the same room as a limb.

After the unattended siege, several unattended weapons moved to the vacant lot, making room for threats to people, and executives of the Three Tai Pole showed up through the teleport system in the space they had built.


With Isaiah and Aki leading the way, the young slaves followed and teleported one after the other, and everyone showed up to the duel of the Southern Palace god and Asura, and finally, the leader of the three Tai Poles, Shiu, in front of Isaiah and Aki.

Everyone couldn't look away with a frowny look on their faces.

Because he looks so terrified?

Now that you're at the head of the Sha Tai drama, you think you're all gonna die?

No, it's not.

“Woohoo! Woohoo! Oops!”

They looked like that because they found a woman with red skin embedded in her penis, chained to her body.

She wore a dog necklace bound in chains with the empress to keep her torso from falling forward, and while lifting her legs upward, she was shackled to the shoulders of the chiefs with a pronounced vaginal aperture and an erectile wart's cock, and the frown was inserting a penis into her anus.

Moreover, the empress who was gazed at by the bowl gag said something while gazing at the earthlings looking at her, but he stepped forward ignoring her voice.

“Urgh! Urgh! ”

Every time Jinwoo walked, she was shaking up and down, stabbing her anus, and the vulgar appearance of the empress shaking her erectile penis to the left and to the right was even more revealing.

“Oh, what a few happy faces. You all know who I am, so I'll skip the introduction. ”

He glanced at Griffin and explained why he came here as if he had come to a comfortable place with little to live for survivors.

“Now, why did I come here? Leading an army this big? ”

“ ……. ”

Of course you can't know that.

“Yes? Why is everyone so stiff? I said hello in an American style, but you're not responding well. ”

What an American-style greeting you've been blowing up since you started shooting.

This scream came up from everyone's throat and barely swallowed.

I have to worry about getting my head cut off after I say that here.

“Well, Americans don't say hello. ”

Jinwoo grumbled with a slightly uncomfortable look, and Beth, who was furious with the shooting, said the criminals who had killed so many people were American-style, opened her mouth to him.

“Kill me or I'll kill you, you son of a bitch! Don't play with people's minds like this! ”

As the United States collapsed, the Pentagon survived its collapse, but as long as there was a trilateral catastrophe, she cursed as she thought it was impossible to resurrect the United States by her own power to make her way to Qiu in front of her eyes.

“I'd have poured out a cannon a long time ago to kill. If a jihadi fires a single shot, the naval forces, including aircraft carriers, can simply be eliminated. If you pour that firepower down here, you'll be ashes without even realizing you're under attack. ”

At the sight of Jinwoo spouting an enormous amount of nonsense, the survivors were once again alert to the torture of jihad aimed at them, and to the unarmed weapons that created a siege net and pointed a gun at them.

“But that's no fun to kill. So I've decided to give you a chance to survive. ”

A chance to survive.

Many people felt a glimmer of hope as they said this from his mouth.

It's more realistic to capture that fragile hope than to die like this anyway.

However, Griffin and Beth never thought so.

When you know what a group is, and what a human being Jin is, the leader of that group, you will realize that it is hopeless, not hopeless.

“There's a man I've taken captive, and if he and everyone in this room fight and win, you win. Of course, of course, the prisoner is powerful. If it were normal, you wouldn't be able to win if you all rushed in. ”

However, Jinwoo explained all his plans, and told him from the beginning that his prisoners were very strong.

“But then, it becomes a one-sided battle, and it's no fun. That's why they gave me a weakness that anyone could see. If you attack that weakness and kill it or render it incapacitated, I will accept your victory. I won't help you rebuild, but at least I'll make sure you don't get attacked by zombies and that we don't attack you. ”

Speechless -

People began to brawl at the words of the herd that they were possessors of very powerful abilities, but created visible weaknesses.

With a little hope.

Without concealing the power of those they had to fight, they told us that they could not win if everyone ran in, and revealed their weaknesses to anyone who could see.

If the prisoner didn't tell me the power of the prisoner or if he wrapped it up to look weak, he would not believe it, but by telling me the strength of the prisoner honestly, the atmosphere became clear that he could survive well.

“I think I should be cruel but fair enough to bet. So I'll give you 30 minutes from now. In the meantime, I'll give you all the weapons you can use, and some time to regroup. I don't have a weapon! It's too sudden! I can't stand the complaining of being unfair. Let's start now. ”

Jin Woo, who said so, moves backwards with his executives, and the unmanned weapons start to build a small stadium so that people can't run away, putting the giant stakes they brought in beforehand.

“D-move quickly! ”

“Weapons! Weapons! ”

Survivors shout for weapons to fight, and those who would have prevented them from carrying them, if they didn't have them, rob the warehouse and start distributing weapons.

There was no place for Griffin to enter in the image of those who used evil to survive.

Nevertheless, Griffin was unable to say anything because he was showing such frenzied heat as to rebuke those who gave him weapons.

“I'll do what I can. ”

Beth said that to Griffin, and for the first time, she showed the non-combatants who had guns or weapons how to use them, and the children had already put them inside the building.

It's because it's not very helpful for young children to fight, and above all, it can instill a commitment to protect them.

In half an hour, people made every effort to survive, while unmanned weapons kept piles in the stadium.

Moreover, there were unmanned weapons on patrol around to track down those who ran away while breaking or dodging the stakes. Even if they ran away, they would become a lump of meat in an instant.

“Damn… damn…! ”

Griffin glances at those who are armed to survive, and those who leisurely observe them, alternately targeting the heroine tied to his body.

Griffin bites his teeth tightly as he relentlessly attacks the Pentagon's base, lures the zombies away and causes numerous casualties, and eventually has to watch the prophet Grace get bitten and killed by the zombies.

Wherever the Pentagon is, you can't find hundreds or thousands of survivors without defenses from the three Tai Poles that used to attack?

Absolutely not.

Then why are they here now?

‘It's fun to slaughter... with so many numbers...' ’


Griffin realizes that he has perfected the role of attracting survivors as intended by the Tritiac Games, then looks to Ferrissa, a blonde woman who was watching people with furious young eyes and then an explosion of survival instincts.

Ferrissa also glanced at Griffin, smiling lightly, turning her gaze at him.

With the face of the winner that he won again.

“You think you've beaten me! You must think you've outdone me again! Don't be ridiculous!”

Griffin doesn't listen to anyone, but he starts shouting to Ferrissa in isolation.

“You're just lucky to have your bitch! You beat me for luck like a cheetah! If I were you, I could destroy Earth dozens more times! You didn't win with your skills, you won with the power of a group called the Three Tai Theatre! ”

He said that Ferrissa's head was not good, but that she was clinging to the power of Qiu, the same as the existence of Qit, and that she had consumed victory.

However, she looked at the shape of his mouth and knew what he was talking about, but did not erase his laughter.

Then, with an exaggerated mouth, he tells Griffin what he is saying.

- If you were that good, you would have done it a long time ago. -

“Khhh!! ”

Griffin crazily tries to vent his rage against the scorned Perisha, but Jinwoo opens his mouth first.

“Come on, it's been 30 minutes! ”

It was only half an hour ago.

Survivors carry various weapons without covering up female males, and these talents are always ready to use their abilities.

‘I don't know what's coming, but I'll try to slow it down with mind control. Use that short gap to get these Talents focused. ’

Beth informed the talented and combat leaders of her plan, and she immediately stepped into a mindset control position no matter what.

“Then here we go! 5! 4! 3! ”

He started counting from 5, and everyone rushed at any moment.

“Two! Coming!!"


At the same time as the word appears, someone shows up at the vacant lot the survivors are staring at.

“Th-that…? ”

Beth tries to use mind control first to find out who it is, but when she sees a white wing the size of a human body, she's unconsciously distracted.

“Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah...! ”


“W-what...! What is that? ”

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!! ”

She stoops to her knees, unable to believe the reality in front of her eyes, and others look desperate.

“Ahh... Ahh...! ”

Slightly forward crooked torso.

Green eyes with bloodstained stripes.

White wings that have always been pure.

A giant male protruding from a round pink circle with a finger on the tip of the earpiece.

A green bobcat woman who is busy huffing and puffing as she breathes rough breath despite the saliva flowing down the line.

“Evel! Why? What a rush!”

Beth bursts into despair at the disfigured appearance of her best friend.

Abel Kiera, also known as Arc Angel, has many prestiges and prestiges.

She, who was an American hero, appeared as a fallen angel who would exterminate the survivors.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Pentagon no longer exists on the next page

It's a little longer than I expected, but it's the Pentagon's end. Shouldn't we have something?

After defeating the final boss, I'm just disgusted with the ending novels.

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