Limit Breaker

Chapter 12

A void surrounded by a thin metal wall.

It used to be a torture chamber, but now all the torture tools are gone, two desks and a long triangular horse with tons of weird tentacles, and a huge plant so unbalanced that it was in one corner.

Plants are like buds of flowers that were drawn before flowering.

There were other strange things, but this was the most unusual thing the Empress could see.

“Khhh...! ”

Besides, she couldn't afford to look around in the first place.

It is because the mysterious medicine put by Jin Woo keeps his crotch thin and his erection persists.

Suddenly, the empress who was dragged here by the machines had a big iron ball on her legs, so she couldn't escape even though her arms were intact.

Knuckle- Knuckle-

I tried to remove the dog necklace from my neck nervously, but the more I tried, the redder my skin would get around my neck.

“Hi! You've been waiting a long time, right? ”

At that time, Jinwoo came into the torture chamber with an ambassador who was like a close friend, and the Empress looked at him and looked at him in her right hand.

Hands that are easy to grab.

A chain at the end of the handle.

and the shape of a chain that is pulled tightly.

The empress who confirmed that she was bringing something was curious about what it was, and the curiosity increased even more as Evel with white wings appeared.

Why put Syranus in the same place with himself?

“Hah… haaah…. ”

However, there was something wrong with Ebel, a Siranu.

She had an erection just like her own, and the Empress, who originally knew that Siranu was positive, was more curious about her face than Evel's erection penis.

He looks like he's on drugs.

However, there was a conflict that inwardly yearned for something but refused it.


Jinwoo loosened Evel's collar, clapping her hands and turning the two of them towards him.

“Now, I don't like the idea of dragging quads in, so let's get right to the point. From now on, you two start a sequence fight. The sport……. ”

“Ha, that's funny. Why would I do something like that? ”

Jinwoo tried to explain the sport, but the Empress laughed at him publicly, cutting off his words.

The emperor of the universe did not admit that he had to fight the order of the Syranus.

“Because you are my prisoners. By the way, even if it's a sequence fight, it's your own sequence fight, because the top sequence is already set. In short, this sequence fight is about whether you are the youngest or the youngest. ”

“Since you have defeated me, I will admit that my rank is lower than yours. And you expect me to treat the other poor earthlings as my superiors? ”

Jinwoo has taken his defeat, and I admit he's even lower than that, but what do you expect me to do with a handful of weaklings that can kill him?

It was never possible for her to have a strong temperament, strong values.

“You don't have a choice anyway. It's my specialty to keep assisting you until you say yes. Anyway, let's talk sports. You guys went through a three-way two-time contest.... ”

“I will never admit that! ”

“First, the winning side is classified as upward in sequence. The first category is……. ”


“It lasts a long time from the attack of specially adapted Insectivore Plants, and the first to declare surrender or lose consciousness is defeated. ”

The woman protests against Jinwoo, but her shouts do not reach the end.

“The second event is the tentacle triangle horse sprint. The quickest way to the end of the triangle horse with a tentacle wins. The third is the fight over who shoots farther. I'll explain this to you later for fun. If the winner decides... Hehehe. I'll explain after this for later fun. ”

Jinwoo, who explained the three disciplines, last smiled.

“By the way, I sincerely pray that you will create a fun spectacle since your battle has been made available to any executive of the Tritiac Circle. I'm betting on who wins. ”

“Khh…!! ”

The Empress unleashed her fury on Jinwoo, who dared to entertain herself, but now that this ability is gone, sharpening her teeth was all she could do.

Jinwoo picks up the sprinklers placed in the torture chamber beforehand and pours out all the water at once, taking them upside down on the potted plant where the giant plant resides.

“So let the first match begin! ”

Jinwoo, who said so, went out in a hurry, and subsequently the restraints of the Empress and Evel were released automatically.

Except, of course, the limiters that suppress this ability.

Blah, blah, blah.

Insectivore plants that had been genetically mutated by the rapeseed began to open up as soon as the roots were absorbed, and the leaves of pink and purple opened brightly, and the six tentacles that were in them flew towards the Empress and Evel.



Two women instinctively dodged back quickly, judging that being struck by that tentacle was dangerous, and at the same time, a voice of Jin Woo was heard from a speaker somewhere.

- I can't unlock your abilities, but I can defend you against tentacles with tools everywhere. I'm a fair-play incarnate who cares about fair fight. Don't tell me later how to stop it with my bare hands. It's not fair. -

When I looked around, I could see swords, throat, axes, spears, baseball bats, crickets, hammers, and all sorts of weapons that could protect me from tentacles.

The Empress and Evel quickly caught the closest weapon, and each got an axe and a cricket.

- By the way, if you attack an opponent with that weapon, you will be given a severe ‘penalty’. When interfering with an opponent, use your whole body, not your weapons. -

Since these weapons can cause death or similar injuries if you hit the right person together, I explained the rules in advance to prevent you from attacking the opponent with weapons.



The Empress may or may not have heard the warning, but she chopped off the flying tentacles with an axe.

A punching attack that empowers you despite the loss of this ability.


As one tentacle strikes, the other tentacles fly toward the Empress, and she ducks behind and throws an axe and grabs the knife from the ground. It is because the gap becomes too large when you swing the axe once.

“Ojimaah!! ”

Thud, thud!

Evel thrashes her tentacles with cricket, and her tentacles shrivel as if they were dead.

"Heheheheh. This is how it's supposed to be in the beginning when it's so energetic. ’

Queen and Evel, who are stronger and more rebellious than they think.

However, as time went by, she smiled at the thought that the more physical they were consumed, the more fun they were able to see.

About three minutes later, Jinwoo's desired ‘crack’ occurred.


The empress cut off about a third of the tentacles aiming for her face with a knife, and there she could not avoid the fluids that looked like rust coming out of her face, especially the eyes.

Fortunately, it's not just sticky, it's not poisonous, so it's a mouthwash that ends when you wipe it, but the problem became instantly invisible.



One tentacle aiming for the gap opened the pink bud on the end and swallowed the bride's penis as the translucent pink membrane unfolded.

Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu...

“Hehehehe ~!? ”

At that moment, the Empress spit out a silly groan in a joy she had never felt before.

‘Th-this is... ugh...! ’

Like a high-class prostitute born for Pelazio, she swung her knife to get rid of her tentacles without even knowing it….


“Queek, queek!! ”

However, before her knives could swing, semen came out of her penis first, and the pleasure from that moment prevented her from regaining consciousness.

It's because I've been indulged in pleasures before to soothe my usefulness, but I've never felt such pleasures before.

"Hehehehe, of course. What kind of madman would do this to the emperor of the universe? It was supposed to end with the Emperor enjoying himself in the first place. ’

That's right. The Empress only gets pleasure when she wants, and otherwise she doesn't give the other person control.

I can't help but feel that pleasure is futile.

“H-here...! ”

The empress used a knife to cut the tentacle trunk, except the buds, in shame that she had begun begging for this kind of plant.

After the tentacle disappeared, the translucent bud sagged helplessly, and the empress pulled the bud out of her vagina and breathed out a harsh breath.

“Huff… huff…. ”

It's because it was just assessed that it consumed health.

‘W-what was that sensation...? It's... completely different from the fun I used to know...? ’

She knew that the sensation she had just felt was pleasant, but could not help but be baffled that the difference between the pleasures she had previously felt and the pleasures she now felt was the level of heaven and earth.

The pleasure that the Empress knew was a very fleeting feeling and a few decades of emptiness, but the pleasure she felt here was so intense that her penis was still tingling.

After all, the plants that absorbed the mistress's ejaculated semen recovered all the tentacles that had been cut so far, and began to move more nimble and nimble than ever before.

Insectivore plants that eat insects were originally used as nutrients for water and semen by Zinc.

Insectivore, insect plants sleep with the anus, but only aim for the vagina.

Wouldn't the virgin of the Empress be broken in vain?

Instinct to follow these conditions on a genetic basis is usually impossible with knowledge and abilities, but it was very simple for classmates who raised all knowledge to Grade 12 when they regained their gaming ability.

“Queahhhh!! ”

After all, the movement of an insect plant that became faster and stronger as she lost the nutrients of semen immediately created another crack.

The tentacle that Evel hit with the cricket bat ignores the damage and bites her cock like a queen.

Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu...

“Hehehehehe ~ ~ ~!! ”

He sucks his dick like a vacuum pella and caresses the whole bud. Ebel sticks out her tongue and screams like an animal.

“Y-you fell... What...! ”

She strikes with a cricket bat and tries to pull it out with both hands, but the tentacles holding her cock tightly don't think about falling off.

Suck it--

“Tsk, tsk!! ”

A tentacle then burrowed in from behind, aiming for Evel's anus precisely, and reevaluated again by the pleasures she felt in her anus.

Horned - Horned -

The tentacles that entered the anus extended Evel's anus while smoking the buds, and as they made some space, another tentacle popped up inside the bud and began to stir Evel's intestines.

To eat her poop.

By the way, the world in the game originally had no defecation and urination was the law, but it also became a defecation as it became a reality.

Of course, Jinwoo's slaves kept their intestines clean several times a day, but even though they were not slaves yet, Evel, who had not received an enema cleaning, cried out for a cheerful groan in the tentacle's attack that stirs her intestines.

“Meowowowowowow!!! I'll... stir... Ass... Ass... again! ”

She reappeared at the peak of her tentacle's attack with her anus, and as Evel's semen and fecal debris were absorbed, the insect plants began to grow stronger.

“Phew… ugh…! ”

At that time, a longsword hanging from the wall appeared in Evel's eyes, grabbing the sword and cutting off the tentacle that was biting her penis, and subsequently cutting down the tentacle that attacked the anus.

The dismembered tentacles regenerated through the nutrients taken from Evel, and Evel swung her sword with one hand to threaten her and pulled out the peaks and tentacles that entered her anus while biting her penis with the other.


“Hehe! Hehe... Hehe... ”

By forcibly pulling out the tentacle that was expanding its anus, the hole in Evel's buttocks became a hole for one finger to enter.

‘My butthole... It won't... close... again... At this rate... Shit will spill... ’

Evel felt the wind coming in her anus, blushing in shame and swinging her sword to prevent her tentacles from attacking her again.

Evel's eyes immediately became enraged as she saw the Empress slicing her tentacles with a swing of a knife next to her.

Despite what happened, the woman still killed her hometown and her parents.

‘Oh? If it's good enough...' ’

Jinwoo, who saw it, manipulated the switch that he was preparing to see even more fun, temporarily slowing down the rate at which insect plants attacked Evel.

The relaxed Evel slashes a tentacle and rushes toward the Empress.

“Huh!? ”

The Empress found her late, but before that, Evel managed to shove her back against her shoulder.



The empress who fell in the direction of the Insectivore Plant missed the knife by the impact, and when she was completely defenseless, tentacles flew intensively towards her.


The empress quickly got up and stopped the tentacles from flying towards her, but she couldn't stop all of the insect plant attacks, which resulted in two more tentacles through Evel's semen.

Tsukurean -!

“Hehe……! ”

Finally, once again, one tentacle bites the penis of the Empress.

However, Insectivore Plants, which absorbed more nutrients through Evel's semen and fecal debris, continued to unlock new abilities.


“Huff!? ”

The penis was swallowed by a very soft, long tentacle inserted into the beak.

“Oh-oh-oh-oh…!! ”

When a very soft tentacle entered the mouthpiece and began to stir inside the urethra, the empress could not bear for two seconds.

It's not thick enough to block the urethra, and because she sucked out her semen while inhaling, the empress shook her tongue and shook her whole body with Ahegaran's expression.

“H-how dare you… plant themes…! ”

The empress found a small hand axe hanging on her right wall, and reached out her arm and torso to grab it, but could not hold it for two to three centimeters.

Moreover, by sucking the empress's semen, the insect plants became more powerful again opened up another ability.


“Hee-hoo-hoo-hoo!!! ”

Tentacles formed throughout the bud, which was just a thin film, and began to rotate the bud and stimulate the entire penis of the empress.

Moreover, the tentacles digging deep into the urethra rotate together, and the empress bows her head back as if she were lying down without a hand axe.

Through excessive pleasure and excitement, the upper body unexpectedly bends back.

“Stop... Gmaaaan...! ”

Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!

The Empress pulls her tentacle biting her penis with both hands, spilling its saliva with all the dignity and luxury she could not resist.

Evel would have cut off her tentacles with a hand axe adapted to pleasure, but the empress who had no resistance to pleasure succumbed to the pleasure she felt in her penis.


“Hehehehe!! ”

Two tentacles subsequently dug into the lady's anus.

Horned - Horned -

“ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!! ”

The two tentacles began to gnash the woman's anus, writhing like a snake's intercourse as they expanded her anus. Because of the tentacles digging into her intestines and pooping, the empress held out her tongue and rattled her mouth like a crucian, without screaming or groaning.


Insectivore plants that wanted to do this were wrapped around a tentacle with the empress' arms together, and the empress was pulled up and fixed, and her anus was thick and her penis was filled with sperm once per second.

“Heave! Heave! ”

Whenever she took the nutrients from the female body, the tentacles of the insect plants became even more aggressive, but Evel held her sword in both hands against a wall in a corner and stably cut off the tentacles.

Bang, bang!

However, the more nourished, the more cunning the Insectivore Plant grabbed Evel's ankle and collapsed her position, voiding her resistance with tentacles wrapped around each hand.

Tsukurean -!

“Phew...! ”

And as she opened the tentacle tip and bit her penis, pushing the tentacle into her urethra and rotating the entire tentacle, Evel shook her body to resist at all costs, giving way to the pleasures she felt there.

Jinwoo and her slaves knew the taste of pleasure because of her assistant, but were able to resist to some extent.

Insectivore plants focused on the cock itself because of Evel's resistance, and the females, who were resistant to pleasure, were attacked simultaneously with their anus and cock and pulled out a large amount of semen.

Die... die... die... ’

The Empress's eyes slowly begin to roll over, but the sound of 'surrender’ does not come out of her mouth.

Eventually, the empress was knocked unconscious with her eyes turned upside down because she could not overcome the excessive pleasure, and the insect plants nevertheless continued to extract semen from her penis.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I originally wanted to divide into two parts to create a color of involvement, but I just put it on one side.

If you want to divide it into two parts, you have to add unnecessary content to get the usual quantity. So, I put the two pieces together, except for the unnecessary parts.

For your reference, these triathlons (?), but I still have a lot of assistants left, so I don't worry if this is the end of the assistant.

Um... it's a little hard to think about finishing ten chapters...

No, but at the same time, at this level...

I'll drive. I'll just use it until I get sick. Heh heh.

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